Ties Between Freedom and Love

By st3tl33

52.1K 1.5K 167

He knew from the moment he laid eyes on her and somehow she knew too. Emma Winchester was the daughter of Dea... More

Character Cast
✦01✦ - Emma Winchester
✦04✦ - The End of the World
✦07✦ - The Unquiet Dead
✦10✦ - The Past Haunts
✦11✦ - Aliens of London
✦17✦ - Dalek
✦20✦ - Somethings Never Leave Us
✦21✦ - The Long Game
✦24✦ - The Voices Are Back
✦25✦ - The Empty Child
✦28✦ - The Doctor Dances
✦30✦ - Home Away From Earth
✦31✦ - Boom Town
✦34✦ - Things Change
✦35✦ - Bad Wolf
✦38✦ - Parting of the Ways
New Book !!

✦14✦ - World War Three

1.1K 34 12
By st3tl33

Chapter Fourteen
World War Three


Emma ran up to the Doctor and ripped his ID card off his neck, the electrical currents not affecting her one bit as Fury and Coulson drew their guns out at the revealed Slitheen.

"Deadly to humans, maybe," the Doctor growled as he took the ID card from Emma and shoved it at the Slitheen's collar. Electrical currents ran through it, even affecting the 'acting' Prime Minister. Cries and screams of agony filled the room. He turned to Emma and checked her, "are you alright?"

"Angel, remember?"

"Yes, you are," he grinned and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the room with Coulson and Fury on their tails.

"Why do I get the impression that this is a daily reoccurrence for you?" Coulson shouted.

"That's because it is," Emma replied.

"Sometimes hourly!" the Doctor called back gleefully, skidding to a stop in the main hall where a room full of officers stood guard. "Oi! he clapped his hands and they all turned to him. "If you want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. Come on!" He spun around and pulled Emma along back the way they came.

"I understand why you're with him now!" Fury stated to Emma as they ran. "You Winchesters, you can never stay out of trouble, can you?"

"Not something in our vocabulary, I'm afraid."

They ran back into the conference room and quickly came to a halt, the Slitheen back in its meat suit most likely with the Prime Minister's help.

"Where have you been?" he demanded and quickly dropped his hands from fixing the General's uniform. "I called for help. I sounded the alarm. There was this lightning, this kind of... er electricity, and... uh, they all collapsed!" he not so smoothly lied.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Emma muttered under her breath.

One of the officers looked up from checking one of the UNIT men, "I think they're all dead."

"That's what I'm saying!" the Prime Minister exclaimed taking an intimidating step forward. He then turned and pointed at the Doctor, Emma, Coulson, and Fury. "They did it. Those four there!"

"Now wait just a damn minute!" Fury yelled at them and the officers turned to face them, guns at the ready.

"I think you'll find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise," the Doctor informed. He looked at Emma as the police raised their guns even higher. "That's never going to work, is it?"

"Nope," she replied.

"Fair enough," he commented, grabbing Emma's hand again and pushing Fury and Coulson. "Run!"

"I just had serious Deja Vu," she remarked and the Doctor shot her a smile.

They sprinted out of the main room and down the hall, officers right behind them, and as soon as they rounded the corner more officers appeared in front of them. Coulson brought his gun up in defense, Fury doing the same opposite him while both the Doctor and Emma held their hands up in surrender.

"Under the jurisdiction of the Emergency Protocols," the 'General' squeezed himself through the officers, "I authorize you to execute these four!"

"Sir, on your order," Coulson stated, his eyes darting from side to side tensely.

"This is no longer a SHIELD operation," Fury cursed under his breath, hoping to try and avoid a national incident between countries. "Doctor?"

"Well now, yes, you see," he started, slowly backing them up against the wall. "The thing is, uh... if I was you. If I was going to execute people by backing them up against the wall, between you and me, a little word of advice." There was a ding sound from behind them and the elevator doors slid open. "Don't stand them against the lift!" he smiled.

He darted in, pushing Fury and Coulson in with him as Emma stepped back and shielded them with her body. The Doctor used his sonic screwdriver on the buttons and the doors instantly slammed shut.

"This is why we don't associate with the UK," Fury plainly stated in a huff.

"This is absolutely insane," Coulson commented.

"Fantastic," the Doctor concluded, grinning at Emma.

She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.


Jackie screamed as she shrank down into the kitchen counter, the Slitheen entered the kitchen, and Dean, after the initial shock, ran into the spare room trying to find his gun.

Cas walked up to the alien and placed his finger at its temple but nothing happened, he pulled away and then leaned forward trying again. The Slitheen stared at him and he covered half of its face in the palm of his hand. But still, nothing happened. The creature grew angry and smacked Cas away from him before roaring and raising its clawed hands.

"Dean!" Cas yelled as he flew over the couch and into the coffee table.

Dean ran back into the room and skidded to a halt as he cocked his gun, "You alright?" he looked down at his husband as he slowly got back to his feet. "What happened?"

"I can't knock him unconscious," Cas stated as Jackie continued to scream in the kitchen.

"What do you mean?"

"My powers... they don't work on him, it? "

"Really, aliens, that's your kryptonite?" Dean asked in disbelief as he raced toward the kitchen but Mickey beat him to it just as the Slitheen started buzzing with electricity, every part of its body jerking as electric currents ran through it.

Mickey picked up the closest chair and smashed it over the Slitheen's head knocking it stumbling to the side as he launched forward and grabbed Jackie by the arm, dragging her out of the kitchen.

"Nice one, kid," Dean said a little surprised.

"Thanks," Mickey replied as he pulled his phone out and took a snapshot of the alien.

"Not really the best time to ask for its autograph."

It roared and screamed in pain and Mickey jumped, quickly stuffing his phone in his jean pocket before running out of the front door with Jackie, Dean, and Cas right on his heels.


The elevator dinged as it opened and Emma was greeted by the sight of two large, black beady eyes staring back at her. She yelped in surprise and the Doctor quickly hit another floor button.

"Hello," he politely smiled.

"Good, God!" Fury muttered, wide-eyed.

Rose and a woman raced past, they were trying to open any and every door they could find in the hallway.

"Rose!" Emma shouted but it was too late as the elevator doors slid closed again, "We need to go and help her."

"Right," the Doctor nodded, "give us two ticks," he told her as the bell chimed again and the elevator reopened on a different floor. He glanced around before quickly stepping out, Emma followed, Coulson and Fury behind her.

They walked around a few corners and down a staircase or two before footsteps sounded and the Doctor quickly pulled Emma to him, the two of them hiding behind a stone pillar as Coulson and Fury did the same on the opposite side.

"Hunting purifies the mind."

"We'll keep this floor quarantined as our last hunting ground before the final phase," one of the Slitheen's stated.

The two aliens walked past completely unaware of their company and the Doctor shot out from behind the pillar grabbing the fire extinguisher nailed to the wall.

Emma looked at him with a blank look before muttering under her breath, "I really need to start carrying weapons wherever I go." She turned to her uncle and smiled, "Any chance you've got an extra gun in that holster?"

"For you?" Phil asked, "I've got the best." He reached down and pulled the Glock from his ankle strap, "it doesn't hold witch killing bullets and it's not as fancy as those angel blades you love so much, but it'll do."

She took the gun from him and kissed his cheek in thank you, "It's perfect."

"Alright," the Doctor looked back at them, "time to go and save some lives," he grinned and Emma smiled.


Rose scrambled backward as the Slitheen picked up the man and held him up against the wall by the throat, a second later it dropped him and turned to Rose and Harriet with a terrifying roar. But then all of a sudden it lit up with bolts of lightning, electric currents coursed through its body and Rose grabbed Harriet's arm.

"Let's go!" she yelled and the two ran out of the room and down the hall.

"No, wait!" Harriet exclaimed and Rose stumbled to a stop, an expectant look covering her face. "They're still in there, the emergency protocols! We need them!"

Rose watched as Harriet frantically ran back toward the room and she debated leaving her but then that stupid self-righteous voice of Emma rang in the back of her mind. She groaned in irritation before running after the woman.

The two rounded the corner and immediately spun around screaming, the Slitheen was no longer being shocked but chasing after them with vengeance. They ran into another hallway and Rose closed the door behind them, probably useless, she thought. And when they'd reached the opposite side door the Slitheen barrelled right through the door she'd shut.

"Of course!"


Harriet kept pointing out different hallways to try and Rose stopped at one of the doors, she gripped the handle desperately and turned it but it was locked. The Slitheen stopped too but for a whole different reason and as Rose and Harriet slipped past it they heard the ding of the elevator and saw a glimpse of the Doctor and Emma, but they kept running. Harriet opened the door to a living room and Rose sighed in slight relief.

"Hide!" she instructed and dived behind the couch as Harriet darted behind a window screen.

She closed her eyes and put her hand over her mouth as Margaret, the female Slitheen entered the room. "Oh, such fun! Little human children, where are you?" she sang out and her voice was high-pitched and broken from being in her true form. "Sweet little, humeykins, come to me! Let me kiss you better, let me kiss you with my big, green lips." Rose silently gasped as she heard Margaret get closer, she quickly took a risk and scrambled to her feet, racing behind a curtain blind. "My brothers," she drawled out and the door creaked open before two more sets of footsteps sounded.

"Happy hunting?" another Slitheen asked.

"It's wonderful!" Margaret replied. "The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweet and fear," the third Slitheen noted.

"I can smell an old girl," the second one said, starting to walk the room. "Stale bird and brittle bones," Harriet looked absolutely insulted, but she remembered to be offended quietly as the footsteps neared and a claw dragged across the window screen she was hiding behind.

"And a ripe youngster, all hormones and adrenaline," Margaret commented. "Fresh enough to bend before she snaps!" The curtain Rose was hiding behind was abruptly pulled back and she screamed in surprise her back hitting the wall.

"No!" Harriet yelled rushing out and revealing herself. "Take me first! Take me!" she dramatically outstretched her arms as the door slammed open.

The Doctor stepped in and started spraying the room with a fire extinguisher. Emma changed the first two bullets in her gun to shock pellets. Remember to thank Uncle Gabriel for all those trickster lessons, she noted. She shot two of the Slitheen's before either Fury or Coulson could even step foot in the room.

"Rose!" Emma shouted. Rose pulled the curtain rack down and wrapped the last Slitheen up like a caterpillar, she then quickly jumped over the alien and ran to Emma's side.

"Out with us!" the Doctor ordered. "Who the hell are you?" he asked glancing at Harriet as she ran toward them and stopped at his side.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North."

"Nice to meet you."


"Pleasantries outside, people!" Emma called out as she held the door open for them.

The Doctor threw the empty fire extinguisher at the Slitheen as Harriet and Rose ran out, Fury and Coulson close behind them. The Doctor took Emma's hand again and she looked up at him, he was grinning again and a wild glint sparkled his eyes.

"I think we better run," he said and the two ran out of the room, Emma laughed at how extensively ridiculous he could be at the absolute worst of times.

"We're running for our lives and your laughing!" Phil exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's better than crying, Coulson," Fury stated.

"Believe me," Rose panted as they ran, "be thankful they're not making fun of the things chasing us as well."

"We're going to the Cabinet Room," the Doctor said before Coulson could reply.

"The emergency protocols are in there," Harriet informed, "they give instructions for aliens."

The Doctor looked surprised, "Harriet Jones, I like you."

"And I like you, too," she regarded.

"Yay!" Emma exclaimed, "everyone likes everyone, now get inside!" They barged through the doors before piling in and panting and gasping for breath.

The Doctor quickly grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be a decanter, he held it up threateningly and pointed his sonic screwdriver at it as the Slitheen skidded to a halt by the door.

"One more move and my sonic device will triple the flammability of this alcohol. Whoosh! We all go up. So, back off!"

"The man is kidding. He is kidding, right?" Fury questioned and Emma shrugged, really not knowing the answer but hoping it was a no. For dramatic effect, in case, all he really had was a really good bluff, she held her hand out and a flame sparked. Again, thank you, Uncle Gabriel, for all those trickster lessons, Emma thought. The Doctor eyed the illusion appreciatively, and she smiled.

The Slitheen all took a cautious step back, but Fury and Coulson kept their guns raised. "Right then, question time!" the Doctor announced, smiling. "Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

"They're aliens," Harriet replied.

He looked back at her and nodded, "Yeah, I got that, thanks."

"Who are you, if not human?" one of the Slitheen asked and the Doctor turned to face them again.

"Who's not human?" Harriet questioned.

"He's not human," Emma answered, sparing her a glance.

"He's not human?" she squeaked in surprise.

"Can I have a bit of hush?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes, please let the man focus," Fury scolded, then frowned, "alien?" he muttered.


"So, what's the plan?" the Doctor questioned.

"But he's got a Northern accent," Harriet argued in a whisper.

"Lots of planets have a North," Rose said, remembering what he told her and Emma the first time they'd met.

"I said hush!" the Doctor told them. "Come on!" he urged the Slitheen holding the decanter and his sonic device even higher in a silent threat. "You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea, it's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of the government. What for, invasion?"

"Why would we invade this Godforsaken rock?" the second Slitheen asked, exasperated.

"Then something's brought the Slitheen race here, what is it?"

"The Slitheen race? "

"Slitheen is not our species, Slitheen is our surname," the first Slitheen corrected incredulously, wanting so much to laugh at their stupidity. "Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen at your service."

"That is one hell of a name," Coulson commented.

"Yeah, any way you could shorten it?" Emma asked gesturing with her fingers, "just a bit."

"So, your family," the Doctor told them, a sarcastic smile on his face.

"A family business," Jocrassa replied, ignoring the other comments.

"Then you're out to make a profit. How can you do that on a Godforsaken rock?"

"Uh... excuse me?" the Slitheen, Rose and Harriet knew as Margaret, interrupted rather politely for an alien trying to kill them. "Your device will do what? Triplicate the flammability?"

"Is that what I said?" the Doctor asked.

"You're making it up," the Slitheen accused.

"Ah! Well, nice try," he nervously smiled, passing the decanter over his shoulder, "Harriet, have a drink. I think you're going to need it."

"Can you pass it to the left first?" she asked her arms full with the red box of emergency protocols.

"Sorry." He held it out to Emma and she took it.


"And give that to me," Coulson said, leaning over her shoulder from behind and taking the alcohol. "Your underage and your dad would kill me."

Emma nodded, knowing it was true.

"Looks like we're about to be killed," Fury stated, "I don't think it'll really make a difference, Coulson."

"Oh, trust me it will."

"Now, we can end this hunt with a slaughter," the third Slitheen sneered, its claws snapping toward them as the Doctor nonchalantly crossed his arms.

"Don't you think we should run?" Rose asked, now panicking.

"Fascinating history, Downing Street," the Doctor started.

"He's going to save us with history?" Coulson questioned.

"God, I hope so," Fury muttered, "I come to the UK one time."

"Two thousand years ago, this was marshland. 1730, it was occupied by a Mister Chicken," the Doctor began rambling as the Slitheen stalked closer and Rose, Harriet, Fury, and Coulson all took a step back while Emma just stayed where she was beside him. "He was a nice man," the Doctor laughed as if remembering something. "1796, this was the Cabinet Room. If the Cabinet's in session and in danger these are about the four most safest walls in all of Britain," he reached for something on the wall. "End of lesson."

Emma jumped slightly in surprise, metal shutters slamming down and blocking off each exit of the room until everything from the windows to the doors were locked completely and tightly shut.

The Doctor turned around to face them, "Installed in 1991, three inches of steel lining every single wall," he smiled proudly. "They'll never get in."

"And how do we get out?" Rose questioned glancing around.

Upon her question, he seemed to only realize the tiny flaw in his incredible plan now. "Ah," he sounded out.

"You didn't think of that, did you?" Emma asked.

"No, I did not."

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