
By astoldbylani

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A promise. It seems like the simplest thing in the world to keep. But so often, they're broken, empty and ho... More



65K 2.5K 4.1K
By astoldbylani

baby🥺💕: im sorry mama. ima be there as soon as i can

Sadé read Kasiah's text and she whined loudly as her father ran his hand over her hair. "He's still working. I want him to come now," she sniffed.

"It's okay babygirl," he said. "He'd be here if he could, but I'm here for you," he rubbed her back as she laid her head in his lap.

Kash was on her period, it was only the second day of six horrendous days, and she was in an immense amount of pain. She'd always had terrible periods ever since she was about 12. The cramps were unbearable, normal medication didn't work and the birth control she was on didn't do her much good. She had migraines, for the first few days she was very nauseous and she didn't get much sleep—but was very fatigued.

She despised the week it came.

Right now, she was nauseous and had a terrible headache—along with the cramps and her ibuprofen wasn't kicking in. She was laying with her dad, and Anaya but mostly her father, but she wanted her boyfriend. Siah had to work overtime this week, all the boys at the shop did and he was still there at the moment.

Her dad was just a little jealous. She was a big daddy's girl growing up, and most times still was. Usually when her period came around he knew, and they'd always be like this. Donovan spent time with her trying to make her feel better, but now she wanted her boyfriend and he had yet again come to the realization that his baby was grown up now.

They'd always had a close relationship, ever since she was born. When she used to be at his house for the week, they'd have the best time and Donovan was so excited when she decided to live with him during high school and through college.

She was grown now—she'd be twenty two in two months or so, and he couldn't believe his baby was so big. Khyren too, on his twenty second he was a mess realizing his kids didn't particularly need him anymore. But he'd always be there regardless of that, and he made sure they knew.

"I know," she sniffed. "I love you, daddy,"

"I love you too, babygirl," he grinned. "You want some snacks? You need me to put new water in this?" he wondered, talking about her hot water bottle.

"No," she sniffled. "I just wanna stay here,"

"Okay, you can stay," he nodded and Anaya gave a sad pout, joining her husband in rubbing Kash's back.

"Let us know if you need anything, pooh bear," Anaya said. She'd known Kash for years now and loved her very much. She'd seen this monthly for a long time so she knew how much pain Kash must have been in and it made her sad to see.

"Thank you, Naya," she mumbled.

Her father had the television on a low volume, as to not aggravate her migrane, and the lights off for the same reason. There was water on for tea and he was ready to get her food, in case she was hungry, even though she probably wouldn't eat since she couldn't keep much down.

He was honestly hoping Siah came soon, Donovan knew that was one thing that might put a smile on her face.

Hours later, Siah was knocking on Sade's father's door, after coming straight from washing up. He felt bad that he didn't get off in a timely fashion especially today.

"Oh hey honey," Anaya smiled, opening the door. "How are you?"

"Hi Mrs. Bryant," he replied. "Hey Mr. Bryant," he said greeting Sadé's dad, looking around the room for her.

"Wassup, boy?" he nodded. "She in her room, she not feeling good at all," he explained. "I don't know if she still up, but she wasn't when I went up there to check on her,"

He nodded along, hoping she fell asleep. By the way she was describing her pain the last thing she needed was to be up.

"I brought her some food, she eating?" he wondered, and Donovan shook his head no. "Aw man. Well Ima go up there and see her," he said, and made his way up the steps.

"He really loves her," Anaya cooed and Donovan fake gagged, even though he was happy. She deserved that, someone who loved him as much as Kasiah did was good for Sadé—because when she loved someone she gave her all. Donovan could see Siah was doing the same

Once Siah traveled the house to her room door, he turned the knob slowly and eased the door open, greeted by pitch blackness. Only the light from the hallway spilled through and he quickly shut the door to keep it dark since she probably still had a migraine.

"Baby..." he spoke quietly and cautiously. "You sleeping mama?"

It was silent for a second before she spoke. "No,"

He could hear the discomfort in her voice and it made him upset that she was still hurting all these hours later.

He took his shoes off, and his shirt, he already had shorts on that he just changed into so he slid into her bed easily, and she didn't move an inch. "Come here baby lemme see you," he said and she just scooted toward him.

"I missed you all day," she said softly.

"I missed you too, Peanut. I'm sorry I couldn't be here. You not feeling any better?" he wondered and she simply shook her head.

"The ibuprofen finally kicked in for the cramps but I still have this migraine and my stomach hurts but I can't throw up," she sighed. "I just wanna go to sleep, I'm so tired," she sniffed and he could tell she was frustrated by everything.

"I know, I'm sorry baby," he sighed. He didn't know what to do, last month he was gone during this week and in November they weren't together so this was really his first time dealing with her period and he had no clue how to proceed. He was close in January but she did not want company and he respected it.

She continued her occasional sniffs and wiping her face, as his eyes were adjusted to the darkness the subtle light of the moon was the only thing illuminating her. He wanted to make it better but he couldn't, so he thought this was the next best thing.

"You wanna lay here?" he asked, opening his arms. "I know it's not gon help much but—"

"Yes please," she mumbled, scooting over more until she could lean her head on his chest.

"You can lay on me, Sadé, you barely touching me," he said. When they weren't sleeping she liked to lay directly on top of him and have her leg hiked up but now she was just resting her head.

"I can't," she said and he was confused. "I'm bleeding Siah, I don't wanna—"

"But you want to right?" he asked, not really caring about that part. Of course of it happened it happened and he'd do what he had to do but as of now, if she wanted to be on him like usual then that's what he wanted too. She nodded in response to his question. "Then come on, I'on care about allat other shit," he said.

Hesitantly, she climbed up on top of him, hand he hooked his hand under her thigh, hiking her leg up like she liked it, and used his free hand to rub circles on her back. They laid there in complete silence, Siah didn't even pick his phone up, he just kept on rubbing her back in hopes that it would give her even a little bit of relief or maybe even help lull her to sleep.

"Thank you for coming, Siah" Sadé spoke into the darkness. "I appreciate it,"

"Of course. You know I'm here when you need me," he replied. "Even if you don't, I'm always gon be here,"

"I know. I love you," she said, moving one of her arms up to toy with his ear. He leaned his head up to kiss her face, and he could feel her smile against his skin.

"I love you too, baby,"

Siah slept over that night, he didn't want to leave Sadé by herself. Eventually, she was able to get to sleep and he was right behind her. Luckily, the work week was over and he didn't have to get up early to go to the shop—but he was up anyway, because he had to pee.

He cracked his eyes open halfway around 8:45 in the morning, seeing Sadé on the other side of him, facing the wall. Since she was usually holding on to him in the morning he could never go use bathroom but he saw his chance, so he hopped up to go.

When he returned, he pulled the covers back to get back in bed and his eyes widened when he saw blood on the sheets, and he pulled them back more to check Sadé's shorts—which didn't look any better.

"Shit," he mumbled. " wake up," he said, tapping her shoulder. "Come on P, wake up," he shook her slightly and she groaned, starting to stir.

"Huh?" she mumbled, starting to turn. "What happened?"

"We gotta get these in the machine, come on," he said, gesturing to the sheets, waking her all the way up as her eyes widened in realization.

"I-I'll do it, don't worry about it Siah, I'll get it, sorry," she scrambled up to start stripping the bed and he grabbed her hands to pause her frantic movements.

"It's okay, baby, I got it. Gon head and get in the shower, take care of yourself. I can wash some sheets," he said. "It's fine," he said, seeing the hesitation in her face. She nodded slowly, and grabbed her towel and her robe, scurrying off to the bathroom across the hall.

He easily stripped the bed and put a shirt on just in case her dad was downstairs before gathering what he was taking and heading down to the basement where the laundry room was. He'd been to this house so many times he could navigate without anyone telling him where anything was.

He got the machine started and hopped back upstairs, seeing Sadé's dad that time. "Morning, Mr. Bryant," he greeted, out of instinct. He could feel his father's hand coming across the back of his head if he didn't.

"Oh, morning Siah. Everything aight? It's kinda early," he checked his phone.

"Uh yeah, I just had to do something for Kash right quick. I'm finna go get her a smoothie, y'all want something?" he offered. After Donovan told him no—but yes for Naya, Siah went upstairs to get his keys and shoes, also making sure the mattress was clean, which it was, thankfully.

He quickly made his way outside to the car, and made his way to Tropical Smoothie Café. He knew she probably wouldn't want food so this was the next best thing. Knowing Kash, she'd be in the shower for a little while so he had time to get there and back.

Siah felt bad, because he knew she was going to feel worse. He wasn't worried about it, but he knew Kash and she would probably be very upset about it, on top of the pain and the discomfort she already must be feeling. All he could honestly do was reassure her everything was okay.

Once back, he gave Anaya her smoothie and went back upstairs. The shower was off but Kash wasn't in her room, so he took the opportunity to look in the back of her closet for some clean sheets, because she had mentioned it before when making her bed.

Thanks to his mother and forcing him to make his bed on his own from when he was about 5, he was very fast when putting on new sheets and turning beds down. So, he did that for her, and just as he finished, Sadé walked back into the room with her fuzzy robe and her slippers, rubbing her face.

"Oh—you made my bed?" she asked, with a slight pout on her face. "Thank you, you really didn't have to," she sniffed.

"You good, mama. I wanted to. Here, I got you a smoothie, drink some, lay down, I'm finna shower aight? I'a give you a kiss when I come back my breath a lil funky," he chuckled, and thankfully she cracked a smile.

After he was throughly clean, using her soap because it smelled good, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, following up by rinsing his mouth out. For some reason, when he didn't use mouthwash he felt very unfinished.

Coming back into her room, he found Sadé buried under her covers, sipping her smoothie and on her phone. She still looked very upset, so after he got dressed he figured he'd talk to her, because he knew she wasn't gonna talk to him.

"You okay, P?" he sat at her feet. She glanced up and nodded at him, going back to her phone. "Sadé," he said simply and she sighed.

"I-it's just embarrassing, and I'm sorry, that usually doesn't happen. But of course when you sleep over it happens and you had to be the one to see it. I'm already a mess because of this shit and then that, it's just frustrating," she ranted. "Like what if it got on you? Or you didn't wake up in time and it fucked everything up I just—"

"Baby, breathe," he said, since she had the tendency to go until she couldn't. "I promise, I'm not upset. There's no reason to apologize, P," he continued. "Don't cry, it's fine. It didn't get on me—even if it did so what? I can shower, I can wash my clothes like we washed the sheets," he explained calmly.

He was starting to notice that besides their obvious feelings for one another, a big reason as to why they worked so well was that they balanced each other out. To her dramatic, he was calm in almost all situations.


"But nothing. It's okay," he said. "Shit happens, and it was taken care of, it's okay," he repeated before she had the chance to say sorry again.

"Okay," she finally nodded.

"Can I have a kiss please, I brushed my teeth and allat," he joked to lighten her mood and she nodded leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Thank you. Now, how you feel?"

"I'm kinda queasy, my head hurts," she explained. "But way better than yesterday,"

"Glad to hear that," he sighed in relief. "You was scaring me yesterday man, you ain't eat, couldn't sleep, I thought you was gon pass out. Then your dad probably would have whooped my ass," he chuckled and Sadé laughed.

"He wouldn't have. He knows how I get—I've passed out before, it's weird," she said and his eyes widened. "Yeah this period shit is no joke, but I'm halfway through now, hopefully the next three days are just mildly horrible," she huffed.

Before Siah could reply, Kash's phone rang from beside her. She quickly picked it up, not even looking down at her phone.

"Hell—Hi Prince! How are you?" she smiled. "Mhm your dumb self forgot for four days straight? I thought you missed the damn appointment, Jabari," she fussed.

He chuckled at just how much she bossed everyone around and truly spoke to everyone as if they were her children.

"Okay! Yes tell me now," she cheesed. "A boy?! Oh my goodness Prince! I'm gonna scream. I think Ima cry," she exaggerated. "I'm so excited," she pouted. "Yeah—I helped last time she know I got her. Okay...I love you too! Bye,"

"So you getting a nephew, huh?" he asked and she nodded quickly before wincing and holding her head. "I know you excited to spend all yo' money on them kids," he chuckled.

"Of course, it's what I do," she shrugged nonchalantly and he just shook his head and went to lay back down for the day.

Later on that night, Siah had to stop by his house, he promised Kash he'd come back though. He needed more clothes to change into and he wanted to talk to his dad.

"Wassup old man?" Siah plopped on the edge of his father's bed as he was watching some documentary.

"Wassup?" Tatum answered, biting into his forkful of spaghetti. "You want some? Take some for Sadé," he said, holding the plate up.

"Aight I will," he chuckled. "I wanted to talk to you about something, though," he said, grabbing his dad's attention away from the tv and on to him.

"Okay, what's on your mind, son?" he asked.

"I been thinking recently, and I talked to my friends and allat. You know, prayed on it like you taught me," he prefaced. "And I think it's bout time I move out," he nodded.

He'd been thinking about it ever since he helped Khy move. The arrangement he had going with his dad was cool, but a large part of him wanted to taste freedom. He knew he made the money, he could afford to live on his own and he had been saving responsibly for some years now.

It's not like he wanted away from his dad—that was the last thing on his mind. But he did want something to call his own, besides his car. He hoped his dad understood. As a kid, he vowed to never leave him because when his mother died, he didn't want his dad to be alone. Obviously, as he got older this mindset changed but he still wanted to be there for his dad. He wasn't leaving him, just moving.

"Oh really? Well...I'll help you look for some places, I'on want you to live in no shack," he chuckled.

"Dang, you not gon miss me?" he chuckled and Tatum laughed.

"Of course, boy. But you know, I felt this coming sooner or later, you not my lil man no more, you growing up. You can't stay wit' me forever," he shrugged. "I mean, you could but I'd respectfully slide you an eviction notice," he chuckled.

"Wow!" Siah laughed. "So me and my wife and kids can't stay wit' you?"

"Hell no, absolutely not," he laughed. "Maybe for the weekend, but that's all you finna get from me. But where you tryna look? Closer to your girlfriend?" he smirked and Siah just shook his head.

"Closer to work dad," he said. "I mean if I just so happen to live five minutes from my girl, you know that works too, you know, gotta get my time in," he joked.

He and his dad talked a little more and they agreed to go look at some places that coming Friday after work. After that, he packed himself a bag for the night and probably the next, and took the spaghetti for Sadé, and himself and made his way back to her.

"Aw baby," he cooed when he walked back in her room and saw her balled up in her blanket. "What's the matter, stank?"

"Stop making fun of me," she smiled slightly. "What's that?"

"Pops made me bring you a plate of spaghetti," he said and her eyes lit up. "I guess you not nauseous no more huh? Lil greedy ass,"

"I am, but I want the spaghetti. Lemme go throw up or something," she joked.

"Dae—ew bruh. Please," he chuckled and she laughed, just reaching for her mug of tea.

A few days later—Sadé was off her period and feeling heavenly. She was currently visiting her brother, and they were watching Rush Hour.

"So yeah, he told me he wants me to come apartment hunting with him and his dad," she cheesed. "Him love me,"

"You not special, I'm coming too," he teased and she laughed. "But nah, he does. He really does, I'm glad y'all happy," he said.

"Thank you Bubs," she grinned. "How are you, though? Everything okay?" she wondered.

"Everything cool, man. I hate doing dishes now, and Ima fade Ava next time she eat some shit and don't wash her damn plate, but you know. It's cool," he chuckled, making her laugh.

"Not you getting mad when you did that to me every time it was my turn to do dishes. You see how the tables turn?" she pointed, and they laughed some more.

"Have you spoken to your mama, Khyren?" she asked after their laughter died down.

"No," he said simply. "Not since her birthday," he shrugged.

"Khy," she groaned.

"Khy my ass," he scoffed.

Khyren and his mother didn't really have a huge problem necessarily. When he was 10, she moved away from Georgia with her new husband, all the way to New York. They kept in contact for a good while, but after Khy's 16th birthday, their communication sort of faltered. She stopped reaching out first—and Donovan was very irritated by it, because he was still the child no matter how old he got.

Kash hated to see her brother upset. He always got calls on his birthday, on his 18th he got a visit, but their communication was extremely short nowadays, and Khy was very tired of it. He didn't feel like forcing it anymore—he loved his mom and he knew his mom loved him and that was honestly enough for him.

"Khy, you don't wanna talk to her?" she wondered. As someone who grew up with both of her parents closely, she couldn't imagine how he felt not having his mom around.

"Sadé, it's not like I purposely ignore my mother's existence. I'm her child and if she wanted to speak to me, she would like her other kid. We both have this problem with her, so I'm not gon stress myself out over the shit. If she wanna talk my number been the same since she and dad cut my phone on," he shrugged.

Sadé nodded in understanding, not wanting to push the issue. The only reason she was even asking was because his birthday was around the corner and she knew he'd be hurt if he didn't hear from her.

"Well, we can share my mommy," she smiled widely and he couldn't help but do the same. When he was young, she'd say the same exact thing. Sometimes, in an effort to make Khy feel included—since thanks to Sadé's running mouth as a little girl, Bianca knew what Khy was going through, she asked Donovan if Khyren could go on trips with them. To six flags, to the water park, to the pool or the zoo. He really appreciated it growing up and especially now.

"I appreciate that, Fat fat," he chuckled and they turned back to their movie.

Friday came quickly, and Sadé had just gotten out of the shower and was in the middle of putting lotion on when her phone rang. She fully expected it to be her boyfriend rushing her but she saw an unknown number and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Hello?" she answered cautiously.

"Good afternoon, may I speak with Sadé Bryant?" the woman asked on the other end.

"This is she, may I ask who's calling?" she replied, setting her cocoa butter down and crossing her legs, waiting on an answer.

"Of course, this is Maya Davis—we spoke on the phone after your interview with Angela Williams, for the position at ACG Development," she said, and Kash's back straightened almost immediately and her palms began to sweat.

She thought that interview went well—but she thought that about the last few too.

"Right! Hi, how are you?" she asked, trying her best to keep her voice steady.

"I'm great Ms. Bryant. I just called to inform you that Ms. Williams and our other supervisor Ms. Franklin would like to offer you the position," she said cheerfully, and Sadé's heart nearly stopped.

"I—wow, thank you so much," she said in slight disbelief. "I really appreciate the call, thank you for letting me know,"

"Of course, Ms. Bryant. We're glad to have you on board," Maya said. "Will you be available on Monday—say around noon to come by the office and sign some paperwork?"

"Yes! Yes of course!" she instantly replied. "I'll be there,"

"Perfect! Remember, 8th floor, and when you get to the front desk just ask for Maya," she said. "I'll see you Monday, and welcome again,"

"Thank you! I-I'll see you then," she replied and the phone call ended. For a second, Sadé sat still in complete disbelief.

Then she screamed.

"Dae?!" Anaya yelled from down the hall. "You okay?!"

"Yes!" she replied, now dancing around her room, sliding all over the carpet in pure excitement. "I got a job!"

"Oh—girl you scared me! Congratulations Pooh bear!"

"Thank you!" she squealed. She then remembered what she was originally doing and realized she'd be late if she didn't hurry up so she quickly finished moisturizing, and luckily she picked her clothes out before the shower, so she threw those on and brushed her hair down—grabbing her purse from her vanity and rushing to the car.

She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face the entire way to Kasiah's house, she already was having a good day, being freshly off her period and feeling much better, and this was the icing on the cake. She could barely wait till Monday now.

While driving, Sadé remembered what Kasiah said, how when she finally got an offer and got a job all the time she spent crying and sad about not having one wouldn't even matter anymore, and he was right, the happiness and sense of accomplishment she felt at this moment was much more memorable than the sadness.

"I'm here!" she called when she finally parked in front of Siah's house, seeing his dad and Khy talking outside. "Good afternoon, everyone!"

They all greeted her back as she made her way towards them with a big smile on her face, which wasn't unusual, but they could all see she was really excited about something.

"You look very excited to go tour empty apartments, baby," Siah chuckled. "What happened?"

"Well...I mean I was gonna wait till after we finished, but since you asked, I got a job!" she exclaimed, making both Khy and Siah's faces turn up into a smile.

"You for real? Congratulations baby!" he said and she nodded excitedly, raising her arms as he came to her with open ones squeezing her tight. "That's what the fuck I'm talkin' bout, see I told you it was coming," he said to her.

"I know, I'm so happy," she spoke, still in his embrace, as he hadn't let her go yet.

"You cried yet?" he chuckled and she laughed, literally feeling herself tearing up now. "There you go, lil crybaby,"

"Leave me alone!" she swatted at his arm and he let her go, so she could hug her brother, and they did the handshake they'd been doing since they were little kids.

"I'm proud of you man! Congratulations, Kash,"

"Thank you Bubs," she pouted.

"Congratulations, sweetheart," Tatun smiled and Kash couldn't help but give him a hug too.

"Thank you!" she cheesed and he laughed with a nod.

After all the congratulations, they all loaded up in Siah's car, Kash and Khy sat in the back while Siah and his dad sat up front.

The first place they looked at was a little closer to his job, but not that far from his current house. Siah found this one on his own and they all saw, as they toured it, why he needed his father's assistance.

"Kasiah it would take you two seconds to walk in and out of this room—can you even fit your bed in here?" Tatum raised his eyebrow as they exited the 'master' bedroom, which all of them could barely fit in.

", the stove is like...rusted out," Sadé said as they re-entered the living area.

"My nigga," Khy chuckled. "What were you doing looking at this?" he asked as he exited the bathroom.

"The rent was cheap," he explained. "I see why, ew. The pictures aint look like this I swear," he chuckled and everyone laughed as they left the building and went to one that Tatum found. It was literally ten minutes from his job—and ten minutes from Kash's house. But he didn't tell his son he did that on purpose.

On their way up to the apartment they'd be touring, they were already impressed by the outside and the way it was built. It looked pretty modern and the lobby was beautiful. Tatum was telling them about the rent on their way down the carpeted hallway, and while it wasn't as cheap as the place Siah found alone it was very reasonable.

"Wow," all three friends said as they walked in. Upon entry and a few feet, the kitchen was to their left. The cabinets were dark and the countertops were granite, complimented by stainless steel appliances.

Walking further in, there was a bathroom off of the living room, which was only a half. The living room itself was a decent size, and there were patio doors on the far left wall, leading to a small landing, big enough for maybe two chairs or so.

"This is so nice," Kash commented as they went into the bedroom. Siah was opting for a one bedroom because he typically didn't have guests—except Kash.

The bedroom was pretty spacious and had two big windows for a lot of natural lighting. The master bathroom was right off the side of it, and it was bigger than they all expected.

"It got two sinks!" Khy pointed out.

"It's called a double vanity, Bubs," Kash giggled, glancing in the spacious shower. There was a rectangular tub and glass doors on it, the hardware was all stainless steel and it looked very sleek.

"You like it?" she heard Siah ask, coming up behind her and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"It's so nice so far," she nodded. "Look at all this space! It's not too much but for a one bedroom it's pretty big," looked around the bathroom again. "You like it?"

"As long as I can fit you in the shower wit' me—"

"Kasiah! The apartment!" she hushed him, as his father and Khy were right inside the closet which was a walk-in off of the bathroom.

"Oh, hell yeah," he nodded. "It's real nice. I could see me in here," he said.

"That's good. I could too," she said honestly and he kissed the side of her head, walking the into the closet with everyone else.

"Why we acting like this is house hunters?" Kasiah looked up at everyone while they sat at a restaurant eating a late lunch.

"It is!" Khyren and Sadé said at the same time and Tatum laughed at them.

"Dramatic asses," he mumbled. "I'll probably decide by the end of next week, sound good to y'all?" he asked sarcastically, and after briefly looking at each other, they nodded.

The four of them went to see three more places, making four total—nobody counted the one Siah found by himself. He definitely liked the first one the best, all the rest of them he found himself comparing the places to the first place but he didn't want to be hasty.

"Which one you feeling the most?" Tatum asked, as if he knew what Siah was thinking. His father was a tad too intuitive for his liking.

"First one, most definitely. But I'on know what if I wake up one day and change my mind?" he shrugged.

"But what if you don't? You waiting a full week and somebody could come snatch that apartment up in a day. You heard what the receptionist said—that's one of two of the only units they have left of that floor plan. If you like it that much you should act on it Siah," Tatum advised.

He could always trust his dad to help him dispel doubts he had in his head simply by telling him the truth of breaking something down for him. He tended to look at the larger picture all the time and sometimes that made him miss the little things—like someone else possibly getting the apartment he loved because he wanted to dawdle.

"You right lemme fill this lil application out," he said and Tatum smirked. He was proud of his son, this was a big step and he was doing everything right, and on his time.

"I hope you get it, Papa," Kash grinned and he did the same, leaning over the table to kiss her twice—till Khyren fake gagged. "Khy shut the—oop. Shut up, please," she quickly altered what was about to be foul language because of Siah's dad.

"Sorry, y'all make me sick, I can't help it," he shrugged and Siah just shook his head, going back to what he was doing.

He hoped he got it too. Getting his own place to stay would be like the first big step into adulthood, real adulthood, and he was excited. Very nervous, but excited.

hi friends!

i hope y'all enjoyed this here chapterrrrr :) let's discuss!

siah being the cutest bf in the beginning and helping kash out 🥺?

(also i added that bc this happens to so many people. unless you hurt someone, stop apologizing for your period ☝🏾 it's not your fault and you probably suffering sis.)

siah wants to move outttttt how y'all feel about it? how'd yall like the apartment hunting scene and tatum's advice afterwards?

how did yall feel about that small part about khyren and his mother's relationship? you think the way he handles it is right?

lastly but CERTAINLY not least, ms. sadé got her a job offer 🥺 aren't we proud?! the answer is yes. she finally got what she wanted!

leave me your favorite lines or your favorite parts hereeee!

next time we'll be celebrating valentine's day with these two :) hope y'all are excitedddddd!

till next time ❤️

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