By -minelske

81.9K 2.7K 6K

❝ You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at y... More

heart of glass!
soundtrack for our love!
twenty one!
twenty two!
twenty three!
twenty four!
twenty five!


3.6K 121 225
By -minelske

don't be sad, the sun is shining. just be happy!

It's been known that we live in a culture, in an environment, in a community, where the emphasis is placed on the appearance of a particular ideal body size or shape. And now, in modern society, the form of the human body has changed through practices like bodybuilding, soulcycle, implants, and cosmetic surgery. You can alter your body and those who pass you on the street might not know that you spent thousands of dollars on your face or body (but remember, this is not a judgment on Adalaine's part, no, do whatever the fuck you want!) It just needs to be clear, that this, life━━or whatever you want to call it, is a wicked game.

It's a wicked game for all... for those who made changes to feel more beautiful or acceptable walk with purpose on the street, and those who pass them don't know they've gotten a nose job or their waist slimmed. No, they think it's natural, and the only reason why they don't look that way, is their fault, that they haven't done enough. But it's not! However, it's fucking easy for Adalaine━━and dozens, thousands, millions of others ━━ to pick out their insecurities and compare them to a picture-perfect model that has none! This is society and it's incredibly fucked up and unfair, and you can explain these words ten thousand times, but it's a difficult thing to get through a broken mind.

So really, it should be no surprise that the beauty industry and the fashion industry thrive off capitalism and tearing people apart. Now, thinking about it, that might be one of the reasons why Amelie Airoldi loves it so much, for she is one of the lucky ones at the top. And her daughter, poor Adalaine, is at the bottom, suffering from the burdens of not being good enough and enough insecurities to feed the entire world. 

Adalaine remembers during mental health awareness week at school seeing a quote from the notable Louise Hay, who wrote, "You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens." And that's exactly what she tried to do! Get this, there were definite improvements, her mind wasn't clouded, and her fingers weren't always around her waist. It was a moment of freedom and life! But then Amelie Airoldi came home from New York Fashion Week and everything she built up for herself in those seven days, fell down with a loud shatter. It might not have physically wounded her, but the glue that was keeping her heart together, was about to be unhinged.

If Adalaine ever wanted to be okay in her own being, she needed things to change. The issue was that she would not tell her mother that she needed to stop criticizing her body because it was damaging her well-being. Because god, she'd probably get slapped across the face if she did. So she'd just wait until she was off the island and thousands of miles away from her mother, she's not sure what she'll do, but Adalaine is sure that being away from Mrs. Airoldi is the first step.

So, like any other teenager, without an idea of what to wear, she destroys her perfectly tidy room in search of an outfit. Sure, the kegger wouldn't start for another two hours or so, but the thought of picking clothes that weren't good enough overwhelmed her━━Adalaine did not want to stand out, she just wanted to be there to see Kiara and say hello to the pogues. The kooks would be wearing baby blues and pinks, tourons would be wearing expensive dinner attire with sunburnt faces, and the pogues would wear whatever the fuck they wanted. So what in the world should Adalaine wear? Hell if she knows. For she was still Amelie Airoldi's daughter, uncertainty and indecisive when it came to clothes was in her blood.

The youngest Airoldi was still feeling the stench of Rafe Cameron's cologne on her clothes, plus, she was certain there was grease in her hair from fries. So, Adalaine strips out of her clothes and heads into her en-suite bathroom.

She turns the temperature up and sets into the shower, feeling grateful that her family has running water as the cut is still completely out of power. Adalaine washes her body and hair thoroughly before stepping out, not wanting to overuse the water source━━nobody was there to time her shower (obviously) but there was guilt ridding her body. The pogues and those on the cut had nothing and Adalaine has been handed everything! The least she could do was take a short shower.

The soft scent of vanilla lingers on her body from her sugar scrub as she secures a towel around herself before brushing her damp hair. Adalaine finds herself back in her bedroom and looks at the clothes thrown across the bed and floor. A pair of jean shorts catch her eye, along with a red square-neck tank top. Both items have become quite the staple in her life, as the jeans shorts fit perfectly and covered just enough and red, being her favorite color but also, a clothing piece that had gotten numerous compliments over the last few months. They were clothes that mothers and fathers (and judgmental bitches) might say are revealing, but to Adalaine they were her safety clothes, like another layer of skin. And shame on those who judge what women (or whoever) wear!

Once dressed, she figures that if she's going to drink tonight (which is very likely) food is necessary. Fortunately for her, no footsteps linger in the household, giving her a sense of security as she walks down the grand staircase. The sounds of her sneakers echo through the empty house until she reaches the kitchen. Never knowing when her parents may return (and the dread if Amelie catches her snacking) the young Airoldi grabs an apple before rushing back up the stairs.

And it's just in time too! As the front door slams shut just as Adalaine reaches the top stair. But she doesn't care who it is, her door is closed within a second of her entering and she can sit and be in peace. Of course, once she begins to eat, she realizes how fucking hungry she is (ignoring the sounds of her stomach and hiding them at work had been perfected). The kitchen is practically calling her name, asking her to go back down and eat more... but then again, she doesn't know who came home and maybe the apple would be enough.

Luckily (or unlucky, it could go either way, depending on who you ask of course) a knock comes at her door, which startles and slightly panics Adalaine. "Yo A! Lemme in," Beau calls from the other side, causing her shoulders to relax slightly but not all the way. Yes, Beau was significantly better than Amelie in many ways, but he was just as mean and toxic in others.

"It's unlocked," she calls back softly, throwing the half-eaten apple in the trash. The youngest Airoldi straightens herself up and leans against her window just as the door clicks. Beau waltzes in and Adalaine rolls her eyes as she studies his appearance. Disheveled hair and his eyes rimmed red around the edges, it's clear he's coming down from a high. If she could take another step away from him she would without a doubt, but with nowhere to go, she crosses her arms and lifts her head. "What do you want Beau?"

"What do you mean 'what do I want'?" he taunts, a small chuckle escaping him. "Can't a brother just say hi to his younger sister?"

"Yeah but you've never done anything like that," she emphasizes. "So, what do you want?"

"Well... I need some money,"

Adalaine scoffs, the memory of last night's embarrassment fresh in her mind. "What the hell are you talking about. You seemed pretty proud of the five hundred at dinner, what happened to that? Tourons realized you duped them?"

"No," he snaps, shutting the door and entering her room fully. "You shut your mouth about that, okay?"

"So why do you need my money?"

"I bought a boat," Laughter fills the air by Adalaine, but it's promptly cut off when Beau takes another step forward and his nose flares. "This isn't funny, okay? Topper just got a Malibu 24-MXZ," he begins, "and it's sick, y'know? So I got into my savings account and I bought one for myself,"

Adalaine shakes her head, not believing his words. "Are you stupid? That's for college! For your future!"

"I wanted a boat so fucking hell I bought it! Okay, Adalaine?" he snarls. "But now I got nothin left and Barry's expecting—"

"Barry?" Adalaine shouts shocked. "That guy is bad news..."

"I know okay. But it's fine," he runs a hand down his face, "it will be once you lend me some money,"

"No," Adalaine says, the softness in her voice contradicting the firmness in her tone."You made this mistake, learn from it,"

"Don't fuck with me! Okay? Not right now," Beau spits harshly and starts looking around the room, with a wild and unsteady look in his eyes. "I know you got a stash,"

Adalaine quickly rushes over, putting her body in front of her closet door, and shoves his body with all her force. He only stumbles back slightly. "I said no, okay? I earned my money, go out and get a real job, stop selling coke to those fucking tourons!"

A scowl curled her brothers lips back, a dark shadow descending over his expression as his eyes filled with warning."A—"

But Adalaine maintains her power. "No," she says, pushing on her brother once more with all her might, forcing Beau out of the room. "I'm sorry, but I can't help you with this. Not when you were so reckless and stupid with your money," Adalaine lectures. With one more angry look from Beau, she closes the door and locks it.

She backs away from the door with a shaky exhaled breath that quickly hitched when the thick wood jolted from the frame with force, accompanied by Beau's angry muttering as he withdrew his fist. A shiver runs up her entire body, and not the kind that was elicited by good memories and breathless laughter, but the kind wherein guilt rode the wave of anxiety that washed over her body as she heard her brother pace in the hallways.

But Adalaine knew she had to stay strong, for herself and maybe in the hopes that Beau would realize how big the hole of his mistakes was getting so that maybe, just maybe, she could get back the brother she so desperately missed.

To rid of the horrific noise and gloom of her brother,  she unlatches her window and climbs onto her patio. Reminding herself of the days where she, Kiara, and Sarah would sneak out, she grabs the tree branch, and Adalaine effortlessly climbs down. She jumps with calculated movements, landing on the ground effortlessly and quickly brushing off her hands on her legs as she heads towards the beach, where the beam of light calls out to her.

Adalaine was no stranger to the desperation of affection and sometimes, on lonely nights like these, the sky was feeling the same. The silence of the storm still looming over Kildare caused for a quiet night, little affection for the beauty of the sun on this delicate summer night. So as she walks, she does so with a purpose and with a smile that illuminants the world. For a brief moment, it was just her, the sun, the moon, and the stars!

Because, for the time of day, when the sun dipped below the horizon, was Adalaine's absolute favorite! And yeah, obviously, the island's heat overwhelmed any chance of a bold breeze that Adalaine was desperate for, however, she didn't mind. The pink and purple skies distracted herself from the sweat forming at the base of her neck. Before she knew it, she could feel the vibration of the kegger dancing in her chest.

If there was one thing she could thank her mom for, it was the perfect eyesight. So in the far distance, she watches dozens of drunk teenagers dance and entangles themselves in one another. The sight made a mixture of feelings stir in the pit of her stomach. Adalaine has always envied those who could be so carefree, the teenagers right before her eyes! Dancing without a care in the world with drunken giggles and squeals of excitement heavy in the air. It was a burden that, though she had just arrived to the boneyard, laid heavy on her chest.

You see, Adalaine had been at the center of that kind of life before, but the happiness they were experiencing right now, wouldn't last. Maybe the teenagers she saw didn't know that (or maybe they just didn't care), but don't worry, Adalaine knows her past and she knows to be cautious. Because, the second she steps foot inside the Airoldi household once again Adalaine would have to be specific and wary with her movements. Although there was a yearn for a carefree evening━━she knew, that wasn't her. Not anymore! So Adalaine is sure to promise herself, that she wouldn't wake the beast that loomed within.

Before she even has a second to think about turning around, she hears her name called from a familiar voice. Kiara, with John B right by her side. The two smiling and waving, motioning━━inviting her to join them. In a second of trust and desperate for love, she quickens her walk to a small jog, covering the distance between them.

"Thank god you made it!" Kiara exclaims, pulling Adalaine into a tight hug.

"Happy to be here," she responds with a smile, fixing the hair that had fallen into her eyes. "Hi John B,"

"Hey, Adalaine," he responds and she gives a small wave in greeting. At the timid motion, he rolls his eyes, stepping forward and embracing her into a hug. "Come on," he chastised playfully. "You should know by now that a friend of Kiara's is a friend of mine."

She can't help but smile even wider at his sentiment. It had only been a matter of moments at the party, and Adalaine was feeling more accepted than she had her entire life.'

"Oh my god," Kiara says suddenly, causing Adalaine and John B to break apart. They follow their friends eyes, which are sending daggers towards the other side of the beach. The response feels fitting for Kiara as she never really got over the broken friendship of Sarah Cameron (but really, neither has Adalaine). "What is she doing here?"

"It's a public beach," Adalaine mutters, her nose wrinkling in despair. "But I wish it wasn't,"

Kiara had already wandered off with a huff, desperate to gain more distance from the Kook princess since she wasn't in the mood to ruin the good night with a cat fight. Adalaine hung back, still unsure of where to go, but her eyes had strayed towards John B as he wordlessly stared at the couple on the other side, watching as Topper Thornton possessively gripped Sarah in his hands.

Adalaine spots Jj and Pope near the keg. Though she didn't know them well, she says a muttered goodbye to John B and heads in their direction. Jj had Pope in a headlock but it was clear it was in a playful matter, as Pope kicked Jj's left leg and they went tumbling in the same. "Victory!!" Pope exclaims and he scrambled to stand up. No one was looking at the two friends but Adalaine, and as she neared them, slowly clapping at the two. Jj lifts his head from the sand, spitting out a few pebbles before grabbing Pope's hand and hauling himself up.

"Adalaine," the two nod in sync.

"Glad Kie convinced you to come," Pope says.

"Oh shut up," Jj says, shoving his best friend forcibly. "You were barely even paying attention when we stopped at The Wreck,"

"I- I was reading for my scholarship interview!"

"Scholarship?" Adalaine wonders and a groan erupts from Jj's lips.

"Oh no no no," the blond boy shakes his head and puts a hand to Pope's mouth, stopping him from speaking. "Please don't ask him about it. He won't stop talking about it today,"

"Well if you hadn't stol-" Pope argues back but it quickly gets cut off when Jj narrows his gaze, and the guilty teenager widens his eyes. "Nothing,"

There was something about Pope that utterly enthralled her. The mere effect of his demeanor on others was all she needed to adore him. For Pope's intoxicating smile was contagious, and a rare grin formed its way onto the soft lips of Adalaine, as much as she tried to push it away, she couldn't.

Not to mention how smart he was. Even calling him smart was an understatement. She was thoroughly impressed by Pope's dedication to his academic work, and she wished she had that much drive; constantly reading books and writing long ass essays, even throughout the summer holidays in order to continue his education and pursue his dream career.

There was no doubt that Adalaine was a hard-worker. During school, she worked hard to maintain her 3.9 GPA, a score she was extremely proud to have achieved (her mother on the other hand, never asked). But when it came to summer, school rarely crossed her mind, and instead, all she could focus on was working to earn a living. For her life immediately went from being a normal teenager in high school, to an adult having to provide for herself, she wouldn't dare carry a burden of having to ask for money from her mother and step-father).

"Maybe another time you can tell me about it," she suggested with a hopeful grin.

"Really?" Pope responded, eyes wide in surprise.

"Yeah," Adalaine says softly, flashing the boy a warm smile that perfectly reflected what she was feeling at that moment.

"Well," JJ interrupted, coughing awkwardly before reaching out to the girl and handing her something pinched between his index finger and thumb, "Per Kiara's request I rolled you a joint, but there is a payment for it," He added teasingly, although Adalaine didn't recognize the cheek to it.

"Oh, um," She fumbled. "Yeah, of course, I have some cash back home-"

"Nah," JJ laughed and waved her off, "just help me at the keg, fucking kooks don't know how to use it properly," He pushed it into her hand, and she took it with nimble fingers, the feel of it unfamiliar in her clutch.

She looks back to wave a goodbye to Pope, but he had already turned his back, heading towards Kiara who was using expressive hand signals while talking (she could only assume she was talking to the tourons about their astrological signs). Adalaine knew how much information Kiara had on the star signs, moon signs, the works... she knew Pope would be there for the long haul. So Adalaine decides to turn her attention fully on Jj and the long line of people that wanted a taste of the ice cold beer in the keg.

Irreverent chatter loomed over them as they sipped on their beers. The joint was weighing down her back pocket, part of her wanted to ask the blond boy if he'd share it with her, but the fear of ruining the moment stopped her.

The sun had set long ago but the wondrous moon and stars lit up the beach. She had never understood science and the way the universe worked, but she was sure the energy of the stars was filling the teenagers up with positivity━━she doesn't know the last time she heard so many voices filled with light laughter. The energy of the beach was magnificent, she couldn't get enough of it!

Well, until Rafe came into her view. His hair gelled back and a disgusting smirk playing on his lips, "Hey Adalaine, why are you working at the keg? That's what pogues are for," he says, with a tone of utter disgust as he motions to Jj.

"Get the fu—" Jj begins but Adalaine cuts him off. She had already stood up to her brother today, surely she could do the same with Rafe.

"Do you want something to drink? Because if you don't... leave. You're holding up the line," she retorts, motioning to the line forming after Rafe.

"Fill it to the top," he mutters, and she listens. Part of it splashes onto her hand as Rafe grabs it forcefully. "Better be careful with your beer, princess," he taunts, nodding at her almost empty cup. "I hope you haven't forgotten the last time you drank too much,"

"Oh come on man," Jj snaps, throwing his hand into the direction of the kooks. "Get outta here!"

"See you back on Figure Eight, princess," Rafe provokes one last time before joining Kelce and the other douches from the north side. God! Adalaine couldn't believe she was neighbors with any of them.

Silence loomed over Jj and Adalaine. He took charge of filling cups as she stared deeply into her cup. And once all the tourons had their refill, he takes a chug of his cheap beer before turning to look at her. A stray tear had fallen down her cheek but that was all.

"You alright there?" Jj asks, unsure of what to do or say in this scenario. "Rafe's an ass—"

"You don't have to do that," Adalaine assures. This was one of their first conversations outside of The Wreck and his kindness and worry were appreciated greatly, however, she'd be fine on her own. "I've dealt with Rafe my entire life. His words mean nothing." That was a lie, but she wouldn't shed another tear because of him━━at least not anymore tonight. Out of her peripheral vision, she watches Rafe clap a few kooks on the back before stuffing a small load of cash in pocket, before she knows it, he's heading back towards the parking lot. A load of relief washes over her, realizing he won't cause any more trouble for the night.

"Seems like it had some sort of effect," Jj counters. "I mean, what did he even mean? Did you two—"

Not in the mood or the mindset to talk about it any longer. Adalaine sticks a smile on her face and refills her cup, "Oh shut up Jj, this isn't your place to worry. Let's go get another beer over to John B, he's totally failing with that touron"

"God, he hasn't had a good lay in months," she hears him mutter. "Let's go,"

They leave their stand on the keg, ignoring the few tourons who groaned in protest of their departure. Jj leads the way, ignoring the glares from all parties, eyeing the fact that the notorious blond beauty was hand-in-hand with Adalaine Airoldi. It was clear that the beer was getting to him, his steps were becoming sloppy and his hold on her delicate wrist was tighter than it had been previously.

"Hey, John B!" he shouts, the words slurred from the influence of beer. "I got you this beer!"

"Thanks, Jj. Hey, have you met... um..." the touron who was already having an unfortunate time with John B, got up and left when he couldn't even remember her name (it was Eliza).

"Nice going, man. That's, what, five months now that you haven't...?"

"Shut up, Jj."

"Come on, even Adalaine here saw how much you sucked. Seriously, man? What's up?"

"Sorry John b," she says, trying not to laugh. "But it was a little embarrassing to watch,"

The bandana loving boy decided to ignore her words and focus on Jj. He was completely aware that he was going through an unfortunate dry patch, but he had to say it in front of a beautiful kook? "Not everyone can think about sex all the time, dude."

"What else would you think about?"

"I- whatever, give me the beer. Adalaine, wanna get away from him?"

"Hey, take the beer, don't steal her from me-" but adalaine had already taken the hand that John B had graciously extended out for her.

"Okay. Bye, Jj." She spoke nonchalantly.

"Adalaine! The betrayal- don't walk away from me!"

"How you holding up tonight, Adalaine?" John B says as he leads the girl away with a hand pressed to her lower back, ignoring Jj's shouts as he trudges after them.

"Not too bad, John B."

"Nope, give her back to me- oh hey, Sarah! Sarah, I got you this!" The name of Adalaine's ex-best friend causes her to swivel her and John B around.

"Um, I'm okay," Sarah says, ignoring the wide eyes from Adalaine.

"Aw what, it's not fancy enough for you?"

"Huh? What, no," Sarah says, pointing towards the parking lot. "We were just leaving,"

"Oh come on," Jj draws out. The smiles John B and Adalaine had on their faces fell quickly. The previous thirty seconds of playing with Jj had completely went out of the picture, now it only tension. The brown-haired boy takes a step forward out of precaution while Adalaine shifts uncomfortably in the sand. She knew the stories of the pogues being hot-heads, but she also notices the look of jealously marked on Topper's face ━━possessiveness was always a trait of the kooks.

"You know what?" Topper remarks, "ill take it,"

"I totally would, but you didn't say please," Jj taunts before turning his head. "Adalaine, John B, did you hear him say please?"

"Pretty please," the kook snaps, upset that he's not getting his way. Topper reaches his hand forward, trying to grab the drink but Jj pulls it back just in time.

"Sorry too late!" Jj shouts, "Sarah, here!"

Topper takes a full step in front of his girlfriend and shoves Jj, the beer that was once intended for john b had been splattered all over the front of Jj's shirt. Out of anger, impulse, and well, embarrassment, he grabs the kook by the shirt. Adalaine had taken another step back, eyes wide as things had taken a turn for the worst way too quickly. John B pulled her back protectively as the two boys, consumed by anger and fueled by alcohol, almost rammed into her in their haste to maul the other.

The brunet quickly left her side to separate the two, pushing Jj back and muttering for him to stop before the cops were called. Adalaine almost breathed a sigh of relief at the thought of the conflict being resolved, but her face blanched when Topper shouted something that made fury alight in John B. The boy whirled around and shoved the Kook back, but Topper was prepared as he pulled his arm back and punched the brown-eyed boy with a force, forcing him to the ground as he clutched at his eye.

She couldn't do anything but watch with wide, fear-stricken eyes as everyone else around her either cheered them on or begged them to stop. The noise around her blended together until all she could hear was static, her heart beating erratically as the fight continued on.

At some point, she felt the presence of Pope and Kiara by her side. Kiara had done one more and slipped her hand into the wide-eyed kook. Maybe it was for Adalaine, but maybe it was for herself. For Kiara hated fights almost as much as Adalaine did. Why must they succumb to acts of violence?

She doesn't shut her eyes as they fall into the way, but she cringes as they continuously battle for dominance. Her heart beats faster and the only thing that's constant in her ear is possible regret of coming to the kegger after all. Shouts from the two beside her erupt from their lips, begging for their best friend to stop ━━ desperate for someone to take control of the situation.

Jj, who was still intoxicated but feeling utterly helpless, breezes past Adalaine and Pope with a look in his eyes that she can unfortunately only recognize from Beau. The sight made her stop in her tracks but before anyone can ask him what his plan was, he brandishes the gun hidden in his backpack, and two shots and a shout pierce through the air after.

A myriad of screams erupts from the dozens of teenagers and she can feel the wind of people sprinting by her as she keeps her eyes on the blond Pogue waving his gun in the air. She feels Kiara and Pope leave her side to rectify the situation, but her feet are planted onto the sand, unable to move. Adalaine wants nothing more than to scream but all that escapes her mouth is a huff.

Adalaine wasn't sure how long she was standing there for, but as the seconds ticked by, time itself seemed to speed up, defying all laws of nature. There was a strange shift in the earth, the atmosphere thick with tension, goosebumps littering her body and her hands were shaking so badly she had to dig her fingernails into her palms to stop her friends from noticing her altered state.

So much for a change of pace.

However unfortunate the event was, now is not the time for Adalaine to mull in her own disappointment, for she should've realized that good things don't last forever (or in her case, even a few hours).

"Ads, are you okay?"

Pope's voice should've startled her, but for some reason, it didn't. Adalaine barely reacted apart from a soft murmur of "Huh?" as she tried to process what he'd said. She didn't know whether it was because of all that had happened ... had she been utterly stunned out of her own emotions? Or was it because of Pope, being one of the few people who could make Adalaine feel better in such a situation?

"Adalaine," Pope repeats, concern laced in his tone of voice, but still, Adalaine's hazel eyes remain fixated on the horizon. The kind-hearted boy lays a soft hand on her shoulder, "You're frozen, Addy." He muttered. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah um," Adalaine fumbles, crossing her hands over her chest for comfort. "Sorry. I'm good,"

Pope and Kiara look skeptical of her words, but they let it go, knowing they had more serious things to deal with ━━ namely, unconscious John B.

"Think you can give us a hand with John B? We need to get him home. you took that safety class last month right?" Kiara speaks, barely giving anyone a second to breathe. "You can just look over him, make sure we don't need to take him to a hospital?"

Relief floods Adalaine's senses, the focus and worry wasn't on her. She knew it wouldn't be right if she went home while the two carried John B by themselves. "Yes, yes of course," with the help of Pope and Kiara, they walk John B towards the road. It would've been more efficient with Jj's help, but he wasn't there. Adalaine was too stunned to watch him storm off in a fit of uneasiness.

She wasn't prepared for the weight the unconscious boy brought, but she did her best to help ease some of the pressure off the only people she considered friends. It was a long and painful ten minutes, Adalaine's bones were aching, trying to hold up the boy who weighed much more than her. A jacket or jeans were in her mind as well, goosebumps only grew as they walked in the dark. God, Adalaine wanted nothing more than to crawl into her bed and embrace the exhaustion.

They dragged John B up the stairs of his fish sack, and even with the three of them, it was a struggle. Aside from all the conflicting thoughts consuming her mind, Adalaine let out the tiniest giggle, as they accidentally let John B's head hit against the wall on the way up.

"Oops," Pope shrugged unimportantly, leaning forward to ruffle the brunet's boys hair, to which John B stirred in response.

After a brief okay from Adalaine, though her whole body was literally trembling as she checked him━━  for she was only sixteen years old, for god's sake! It was clear that the teenager would be okay. A little bruised, and probably a mild concussion, but fine nonetheless. She sat down next to him, huffing out a sigh as she draped her arm over her forehead, relief coursing through her body at how lighter she felt without the weight of his body on her.

Maybe it was the alcohol, the six-thirty wake up this morning, or was it the fact she hadn't even had dinner? Whatever the reason, Adalaine was completely exhausted, and the argument that Pope and Kiara had started to bicker over now seemed irrelevant. Yes, Jj owning a gun was by no means a good thing, but she has bigger things on her mind.

Exhaustion draped over her like a wave, and she succumbed to it unwillingly, curling up on the pull-out couch with the injured boy. She snuggled deep into it, welcoming the softness of the material beneath her head, and invited sleep in like an old friend.

hi hoes, it's me!
another chapter
i hope you enjoyed it
addy is baby

i'll see you
when i see you
stay safe
much love

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