Because I am a Mother - BNHA...

By Crazy-Otaku-demigod

39.5K 1.2K 452

(y/n) is a single mother living in Musutafu with her twin boys Yuuma and Kei and in the minds of everyone who... More

Introduction to Characters and Story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Love List
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Happy Birthday Boys!

Chapter 5

3.4K 115 38
By Crazy-Otaku-demigod

I am so so sorry for being gone so long, I have been working on assignments and medical stuff came up (I'm alright don't worry) and I've just been super stressed which led to no inspiration. PLEASE READ: If any of you have any ideas for a chapter, or just a parenting prompt for you and the boys then please let me know! I would love to read them! Thank you so much to AbNormLoue on Instagram for drawing this amazing piece of fanart of the boys, I am in love with it! If this has inspired you, let them know, they have incredible talent! And if you want to send me something, let me know, I would love to see it! Xxx


(y/n) pov

I sighed to myself, crawling about in the living room and tidying the toys that the boys left out, Yuuma still hasn't spoke to me, it hurt my heart to see him like this. I went in their room to tuck them in last night, Kei was still a little shaken up but Yuuma, he wouldn't even look at me, he turned his head away when I went to give him a kiss! My heart clenched so painfully, I thought I was dying. Now it was the next morning, the boys should be waking up soon so I had breakfast ready and was cleaning up a bit, although, I knew that it was redundant.

"Morning mama..." I heard the cutest quiet voice from behind me and began smiling, turning to see Kei dawdling over to me, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Hi baby," I whispered, trying to keep quiet in case Yuuma wasn't up yet, Kei gave me a little wave before stumbling over and practically falling into my lap. Morning cuddles were always something the two of us did, everyday. Kei was always nervous when he woke up, so he tended to just lie in my arms for fifteen minutes. I smiled and held him close to me, cuddling him and listened as he almost purred and buried his head in my chest.

"Mama..." Another one of the cutest voices was heard from the doorway, looking up I saw Yuuma, looking back at me with a trembling lip and his eyes beginning to fill with tears. I gave him a smile and opened up my arms, he ran into me and Kei, cuddling close. I picked up the two boys and sat on the plush sofa, wrapping the three of us in blankets, "I'm sorry mama," He whispered to me, looking up with big green eyes that made me melt, "Its alright darling, I was never mad at you." I told him, stroking his hair back as Kei snuggled into my stomach.

"You weren't?" Yuuma asked me, I smiled and shook my head, he rubbed the tears from his cheeks and gave me a watery smile, tears still falling as I kissed his head. "You were just protecting your Otouto, you did a good thing baby," I cooed in his ear, holding him close and manoeuvring him around Kei, who was steadily falling back to sleep in my lap. "How about," I began, pretending that I was thinking hard about what I would say, "We go to the mall today and get some ice-cream!" I cheered quietly, earning a big smile and kisses from Yuuma and some excited mumbles from the toddler on my lap.

I chuckled and picked up Kei to get him to the table for breakfast, Yuuma already beat us there, climbing onto a chair and scooping fruit into his mouth. I cradled the sleepy boy in my arms, sitting him in my lap and gently pushed a spoon to his mouth, feeding him some yogurt.

After breakfast was finished and the boys were cleaned up and dressed, I buckled Kei into the stroller with a scarf, hat, mittens and a blanket, before holding Yuuma's hand and walking to the mall. By the time we had got to the bustling mall, Kei had fallen asleep again and I had to keep a tight hold on Yuuma's hand, he most definitely would have run to all the different exciting things.

"Mama! Look at that! Look! Look!" Yuuma called, pointing to pretty much everything we walked past, but I still humoured him, laughing and agreeing on how cool everything was. To be fair, with Christmas around the corner, the mall was decked out in decorations, big lights, fake snowflakes and sparkly things, this truly is a toddler's wonderland. "Kats'ki!" Yuuma shouted, causing me to look over and see our neighbour, who seemed to have a similar idea to us, watching as he and the friends he was with, turned to look at us. I waved with a gentle smile at the group of Pro Heroes.

Katsuki walked over to us, smiling at the boys, "Hey guys, (y/n)," He said, winking at me, causing me to smile and blush. I felt the stroller shifting as Kei tried to get my attention, I kneeled down to check on him, not noticing the dirty looks Katsuki and Kei gave each other. "Mama, I wan' ice-cream," He whimpered, causing me to chuckle and nod, he gave me the biggest beam and sat back in the stroller again. "Yeah! Mama said we could get ice-cream!" Yuuma cheered.

"Is that so, little man?" Someone asked, causing me to look up and see Katsuki's friends, I saw Eijiro and four people I didn't recognise, a woman with pink skin and antenna, a man with black hair and strange elbows, one with dark bags under his eyes and a smirk and finally, the one who spoke, a man with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt. I waved at them and introduced myself and the boys, "Hi, I'm (y/n), these are my sons, Yuuma and Kei," I told the group cheerfully, giving a bright smile, not noticing the men in the group begin to blush.

"Hi," The pink-haired woman cheered, "I'm Mina Ashido, this is Hanta Sero," She said, gesturing to the man with strange elbows, he smiled and waved, "This is Hitoshi Shinso," The man with the smirk and violet hair sent his smirk in my direction. "And this is Denki Kaminari," Mina finished, pointing at the blonde, who gave me a charming grin and took my hand gently in his, kissing it softly, "Hey gorgeous," He purred. I'm not going to lie, I was a little flustered.

I heard a growl from behind me, feeling my hand be softly taken from the grip of the flirtatious blonde before Katsuki grabbed Denki by the shoulder, roughly dragging him to the ice-cream parlour. I giggled at the kisses that Denki was blowing at me from the head-lock Katsuki had him in, I walked behind them pushing the stroller, Yuuma had ran in behind Katsuki, following his hero.

Shinso pov

I watched Katsuki continue to berate Denki for flirting with the woman named (y/n), I sort of agree with Denki though, she was gorgeous. Looking at the family now I couldn't help but smile, (y/n) was feeding one of her sons ice-cream whilst simultaneously wiping the mouth of the other, she still looked good doing it. Her (h/c) hair shined in the light of the parlour and her smile was even brighter as she grinned at her children. I watched the smiling mother as she spoke animatedly with Mina, who was gushing over the toddlers, they seemed to enjoy the new attention.

Eijiro had begun trying to break up the fight that Katsuki and Denki were in, Sero watching amusedly. I leaned over to him and started whispering, trying not to alert the already jealous furious explosion boy, "I can't help but agree with Sparky you know," I told him, causing him to look over at me in confusion, following my gaze to the (h/c) haired woman. "What do you mean?" He asked me, I could tell he knew what I meant due to the blush on his ever smiling cheeks. "She is beautiful," I told him, still keeping my voice down to avoid Katsuki's wrath.

Sero's blush deepened at my words and he covered his face from my vision with his ice-cream cone. I chuckled, my laugh bringing the beauty's attention to me, her eyes were also hauntingly attractive, I could see pain in the backs of them, buried under the joy she felt taking care of her boys. She smiled her breath-taking smile at me, I sent her a smirk and a quick wink, her face heating up in a very visible blush as she looked away and back to her boys, one of which, the more shy of the two, shot me an almost sinister glare.

(y/n) pov

We left the parlour, myself and the boys surrounded by the rather intimidating pro heroes. I felt like we were being escorted rather than accompanied, but I certainly felt safe surrounded by clearly strong heroes. As much as the actions from Shinso and Denki did fluster and flatter me, I was a bit worried, I hadn't really been flirted with since high school, I most certainly didn't have time or energy to be in a relationship, I hadn't dated since... him. Anyway, Yuuma was sitting on Katsuki's shoulders having the time of his life, Kei was snuggled up in my arms, wrapped in a blanket as I walked next to Mina, still chatting idly. The others seemed to be fighting over who pushed the empty stroller.

It had been a while since I had had a nice conversation that wasn't about a Disney movie so I was rather pleased, especially as I had gotten Mina's phone number earlier. I looked over to see how Katsuki was doing with Yuuma, giggling as he struggled slightly, I knew how much of a menace Yuuma could be, with his love of just, everything, apparently he was yanking on the blonde's hair to turn him in the direction of anything that looked interesting. Right as I had turned away, both mine and the boys' jaws dropped, eyes practically sparkling.

3rd Person pov

Across from where the family were, were two stores, one being a toy store, with the latest hero figurines and plushies, the other being a fairly expensive music store that had the young mother completely entranced. Due to her quirk, she had an aptitude for music, she could play many instruments, most of which she saw sparkling in the front window. Katsuki looked over to (y/n), smiling at the look of wonder in her eyes and how it matched the look in her sons' eyes as they stared in awe at the toy store. (y/n) felt her shoulder being softly squeezed, shaking out of her stupor to see Katsuki, smiling a soft smile that was rarely seen by his friends.

"Go on," He told her, gesturing to the music store, "We'll take the kids to the toy store, you can go in there," He said, pulling out a fairly large wad of cash and handing it to her discreetly. Not nearly discreetly enough apparently, "Yo! Bakugou! Can I get some of that!" The incomparable Denki shouted from over his shoulder, "Shut up dunce face!" Katsuki yelled back, his face returning to its usual scowl. "Katsuki, I couldn't possibly, this is your money," (y/n) whispered, trying to return the money only to be ignored. "Its just money, I can always get more, I had nothing in mind for it anyway, now I do." Was his response.

Before the woman could argue anymore, Kei had wiggled out of her arms to take the awaiting pink hand of his mother's new friend and joined the others, running into the store. (y/n) sighed, shaking her head with a great big smile on her face as she walked towards the music store. Her smile never faltered as she looked through the instruments and records, oddly enough, she did have a record collection (a/n always been a dream of mine!) that she had kept hidden from her sons. She found a few records and then was about to check out but stopped, hearing beautiful music from the piano in the centre of the store.

There, sat on the piano bench and playing flawlessly, was yet another pro hero, Earphone Jack, also known as Kyoka Jiro. Kyoka sat singing quietly to herself, specifically the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, what she wasn't expecting was a woman her age to begin singing with her, singing Pumped Up Kicks in a voice like honey, the two going on to performing a beautiful mashup.

When they were finished and the rest of the store had finished applauding, the two introduced each other, becoming quick friends. "I'm so sorry," (y/n) spoke gently after paying for her records, "As much as I would love to stay and chat, I have to get back to my sons." She told the dark-haired musician, who looked out the window to see two brunette boys reaching for the store, one with a drippy nose and trembling lip, the other with a bright smile. Kyoka nodded as (y/n) left, running to cuddle the boys who excitedly began showing them their recently bought plushies.

(y/n) pov

After taking the boys home, thanking the panting and dishevelled heroes who seemed to think taking care of two four year olds was easy, we sat playing with the figures until bedtime. I tucked them in, giggling at my little Kei who was holding a Shoto plushie above his head, giving a small smile. "Mama, look, its nice man from store," He mumbled to me quietly, yawning and nearly dropping the plushie on his face, it would have caused a tear-fest had I not caught the plush and tucked it in next to him.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep pretty quickly, still giving a soft smile as I stroked back his soft chestnut hair and kissed his forehead goodnight. I then walked to the bed on the other side of the room, going to say goodnight to Yuuma, letting out a sigh of relief and a large grin when, after days of moping after the fight, he let me give him a kiss and even hugged me, his little arms wrapping around my neck.

I left the door slightly open, the hallway light being left on, letting it gently seep into the room. I went and tidied up before sitting on the couch and looking through the records I had purchased that afternoon, reminding me that I had to give the rest of the money back to Katsuki, speaking of whom.

"(y/n)!" Katsuki whisper-shouted, barging into my apartment once again, shoving his phone in my face, showing me the screen, "I am so so sorry." He told me, as I took the phone, confused as to why he sank onto my couch and buried his face into his hands. I looked at his phone and saw an article with a picture of myself holding Kei, smiling at a smirking Katsuki with Yuuma on his shoulders. The article was entitled, 'Ground Zero's Secret Family?'.


I am so so sorry this took so long, my brain was swamped with assignments and I recently got the bad news that I had failed one of them, for the first time in my college education so I'm a bit down. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway, wanted to pave the way for some drama! Anyway, I love you guys xxx

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