Ranger's Bane.

By honestknife

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Aryann (pronounced air-ee-an) is an orphan ward with a violent past and a prospectless future. She finds her... More

Chapter one *rewritten*
the choosing ceremony *rewritten*
An attempt at espionage
going against custom, again.
throwing knives at targets pretending they're people


305 13 11
By honestknife

A/n I know, I have not written another chapter in ages and you all probably want to have my head. But, here it is. and it is nice and action-y

I also changed some stuff in the last chapter.

I know I had this as boar before but I decided that was too much like what happened to Will. and before anyone bags on me for killing a wolf lets just pretend it was possessed or crazy or jacob the werewolf from twilight ok? ok good. :D

(Aryann's pov)

Nearly two months have passed since Halt stayed the night. My skills in archery have become average. My knife throwing is still above par, but my range is improved. I am learning stealth and camouflage along with other useful survival skills.

Today seemed a day like any other, that is, until Gilan roused me long before dawn.

"up, sleepy." He mumbled, exhausted himself. He rapt his knuckles on my thin wood door until I swore inarticulately and flung myself from bed. I cleanse my face swiftly and change into what has become my typical outfit; trousers, a green tunic, a leather vest, my mottled green and brown cloak, leather walking boots, and to top it off, my double knife scabbard, quiver, and recurve bow.

I strode into the main room, fastening my armguard. I had barely passed the threshold when Gilan flung a haversack at me.

"Pack for a four day outing." He grunted tersely. I could tell he had yet to drink his morning coffee. Obediently, I took the course sack and packed. I shoved a wad of clothes identical to my current outfit, added a sweater, my meal kit, extra rations, and two filled waterskins.

I reentered the main room. Gilan was holding a steaming mug of coffee and looked chipper and wide awake. His haversack was packed and waiting by the door.

"So... Where are we goin'?" I asked, pondering why we would need to leave for four days.

"Oh... You'll find out when we get there. It's in Redmont." He smiled nonchalantly into his mug.

"Redmont? But I thought-" Gilan interrupted my statement. I keep on forgetting that I shouldn't give him an opening like that.

"You're an apprentice, you're not ready to think!" I rolled my eyes and continued.

"I tried to think," I started, glancing pointedly at Gilan, "And wondered how we would get there seeing as Blaze pulled a tendon."

"blaze is staying at the castle, and we're walking." He finished simply. He drained the last of his coffee and stood, he stretched casually and took a pot from the stove. In it was porridge, which may seem boring, but Gilan made excellent porridge with fruit and honey in it. " eat fast, the sooner we leave, the better."

I needed no second bidding to inhale my food.

( Gilan's pov)

It was the second morning of our prodigious walk, when we thought we were doing fine, that it started pouring. Gallons of water crashed down from angry grey anvil-heads. Ranger cloaks are warm and cozy in the rain during light showers, but by now, we were sodden and shivering.

Roughly every half hour Aryann complained or asked "how much farther?" Finally, after six hours of drenching rain, the clouds cleared. Out came the sun, warming faces and lighting the shadowy forest.

Mist rose from the mossy floor; creating an impenetrable fog that made seeing beyond the first few rows of trees exceptionally difficult. We were walking nearly blind, without a ranger Horse in the middle of a forest relatively far from civilization. There was no way this could go.wrong.

It was Aryann who sensed it first. She raised her eyebrow, a quirk she got from me which I inherited from Halt, and frowned.

"Gil....Something.seems off...." I frowned and stopped, the only sounds were our pounding heartbeats.....the only sounds..

"The birds were singing a moment ago were they not?" I asked her. She nodded, looking uneasy. "if my.suspicions are correct..... There might be a wild boar, or a wolf nearby."

"a.... A boar...or a wolf?"

"Yes. Must you repeat what I say back to me as a question?" I said sardonically, grinning to show that I was jesting. She shrugged and glanced over her shoulder. "Just stay close to me and walk as quietly as possible. Keep your wits about you and your senses on high. If it gets close I'll either shoot it or use my sword."

She moved so she now walked only a few feet from me, rather than a few yards. I loosened my sword in it's scabbard and made sure my arrows were easily accessible.

Now, every sound.seemed amplified. Monstrous shapes seemed to form in the mist. Gradually, I became aware of creaks and the occasional snuffle from off to our right. Adrenaline was burning through my veins. Then, distinctly, a twig snapped.

In the gloom, I could.barely make out a large lithe shape. Then, it moved closer. I pulled Aryann behind me and readied and arrow. I would shoot two arrows,and if that failed I'd hope for the best with my sword.

"Be ready to run." I rasped, drawing my bow.

The wolf lunged from the trees. Brown fur glistening and eyes blood shot and rolling as it growled and sped towards me.

Tempered muscle made to kill hurtling toward you with razor claws and teeth is a quite unnerving sight. I stared in horror for long moments before I remembered to fire. My first arrow missed entirely. The second landed on it's back and stuck there. We were doomed.

"Run!" I yelled, not looking to Aryann as I loosed my sword from its sheath. But the wolf was distracted. It didn't charge me as I predicted. Instead, it turned nimbly and launched itself at  Aryann.

(Aryann's pov) 

"ARYANN!  MOVE!!"  Gilan hollered at me.  Jolted into action, I darted randomly through the trees.  I could here the steady staccato of crunches  behind me, guttural growls and heavy breathing.  I threw myself behind a tree, trying to mask the sound of my rasping breath.  I snapped my mouth shut and tried to only use my nose.  

It failed.  The wolf slammed into the tree, the motion knocked me forward.  I was sprawled on the loam covered forest floor.  Rolling onto my back, I scrambled backwards, waiting for the wolf to leap in and rip my throat out. 

The tawny monster hurtles at me, I leap to the side, but not fast enough.  The swiping claws, and pounds of sinew sideswipe me, sending me crashing to the ground.  I gasp in pain.  My leg has a thin gash, trickling a line of scarlet.   I clutch at it, scrambling to a tree, waiting for the next round. 

  The wolf whirls around and races again towards me, I draw my saxe knife.  I have to make a last stand.  I have to!

I roll sideways and kneel, bracing my foot against a rock.  I extend a shaky arm before me, the saxe knife pointed straight ahead.  I shut my eyes and turn away, waiting for razor fangs to mangle my flesh.

I hear rasping pants growing nearer and smell death and salivia that i know hang around the beast's mouth. The pawsteps grow to pounding and I can feel the breath, the teeth clamp on my wrist and I open my mouth and start to scream when the weight falls away. Silence came.

I opene my eyes and took a shuddering breath, and started crying from relief and fear.  The saxe knife dropped from my slack hand and I curled into a ball.    

"Aryann!" Gilan yelled.  His footsteps raced towards me.  He knelt next to me and placed an arm around my shaking shoulders.  "Aryann! Are you hurt?  I had poor luck shooting it.  It's over now."

"I-I'm fine...  just a little cut..   I....  that was....." Then I lost it.  I buried my face into Gilan's arm and started crying I was emotionally spent from preparing myself to die.  I just sat there and cried my eyes out.  


I promise to update after the end of the world. (12/21/12)

Hope you liked it!

Next chapter she gets her Ranger Horse!!!!  :D

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