Hellsing!? (continued on othe...

By sama1347

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Sam a ordaniary 15 year old wakes up in a field at night with a fullmoon lighting the sky. Where is she? Is... More

Character profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

689 22 3
By sama1347


OK so I guess I did do kinda well because Walter told me to go to my room, in other words he ditched me. Back in my room I gave up and started thinking, why could I hit the targets? Was it because I was angry? If so why was I upset....
"How the fuck did I forget that I was...."

From another world, i guess I got caught up in this one to much, I was actually really calm about all this, mind you I was tired and angry and upset over this and I guess I am now... Depressed WHAT HAPPENES IF I DONT GET TO WATCH ANIME ANYMORE noooo but there probably wasn't going to be a way home fast either...

Then I noticed a presence in my room the being felt like and was Red,


I question as I turn my head to face him, I got a smile in return but apoon looking at me as if I were an important book he studied me then frowned, could he see the depression in my eyes? Or the slight mist of fear and pain? I don't know, then out of the blue I remembered I had my phone hell I knew it wasn't good for anything but the possibility of playing music or looking at old photos, but it was glitchy and half flat then, it hit me, I HAD to go back to that damed field I just HAD to, I almost felt bad for hellsing that I had such an awesome memory.


Red spoke it confused me but who cares... I looked at him and he continued,

"Girl are you human?"

Now that annoyed me, I mean last fucking time I looked I didn't have dead or crimson eyes!

"Well the last time I checked I was still human..."

With that he laughed a little then got up and walked away, I looked around the room, my eyes stopped at a duchess I jumped over to it and looked through draws, I found a bunch of random stuff but I found what I was looking for, my hoodie and track pants I hid round a conner, a natural thing I done when changing in strange places, and put them on along with my canvas, then I did then sensey thing I done and felt no one was around or at the nearest window I also found I was a ways underground, so after taking some bread and shoving it in my pocket along with a knife, I climbed up the painfully long staircase I looked around a seen no one, so I went to the right and swiftly jumped out a window landing near a fence... Well up we go, I done the epic one hand held the bar of the fence and flicked my body over it in a jump then I fucking ran as fast as a lazy ass 15 year old girl could, in my case averagely next to a jog...

Integra POV 20 mins later...


"Erm, sorry Sir Integra but I appears Sam has completely vanished ev-"

Walter was cut off by Alucard,

"She hasnt been seen in the time of around 20 minutes... And I can't really sense her..."

Alucard looked annoyed? At that but damn it we needed more information on such an unusual skilled girl, we needed her on our side...

Like half a hour later...

"How. Long. Have. I. Been. Running?"

I was almost out of breath, I had been running along the road, I was still a fair way away from the damned spot I wanted to go to, that was until I heard a growl or groan I almost snapped my neck looking to see a fucking hopefully stray ghoul walking towards me,


I took off fucking fast, I felt like I could win a sprinting race I was going so fast at least I was getting closer to that town, I must have been going for a while because I was dead tired, I found a tree yay and up I go really close to the top, but still kinda covered by leaves, then I felt one average presence and a few 'deader' ones, nope not a fucking gain no no no, fuck of ghouls and fucking blood sticking dick... Oh shit would I survive a jump from this tree, fuck maybe I should have asked Integra for a ride or something... Wait that wouldn't work... Aw fuck, well let's speed this up, I looked at the vampire, I seen his intensions in his eyes, it was fucking blood lust and plain out lust for uh things, it was so clear I thought I was praticaly reading his sick mind, I mean the things he could do to me... Then he spoke,

"Heeeey, girly in the tree, what about ya come down here, I won't bite...."

My ass you won't bite but let's see how far a knife gets me...

"Oh uh, h-hello y-you want m-me to come d-d-down?"

The stuttering girly act was so annoying but it was my best chance at living, at least I wouldn't have to jump...

"Hmmm, yes please"

He asked in a mock voice, it pissed me off... His voice was annoying I didn't want to hear it... It was bad it made me sick, and he had two ghouls with him wait I'm in a tree, yay I had branches on my side, I made my down, in leafy bits I broke branches and stuck them in the waist of my track pants, I had a total of three branches a small bit of bread and a knife to keep me alive for a night with vampires, of fuck yay the second me feet hit the ground I had branches in the ghouls heads and whipped around smashing the third branch through the vampires chest, I pulled the knife from my pocket and slammed it into his head, between the eyes again... Blood splattered onto me making me pale, yuck, the vampire cut me as he turned to dust, now I was fucking bleeding, run run run, I sprinted following the path to the crappy village place I could see the ruble in the distance the only reason I was walking now was because my damn sides and legs hurt from all the running and I was getting tired... I noticed I didn't talk much or scream through most of this... Weird I don't like zombies much... So I dunno... I found a really leafy tree and climbed it, and slept I was too fucking tired to care if I was seen or not.

Morning light flickered into my tired eyes, day was probably the safest time to move, so I was readying myself to climb down the tree when I heard a car... And searching I sensed two very familiar people, Integra and Walter were in the car, was Red with then oh shit oh shit noooo. I hid in the leaves and stayed ever so still until the car passed, I still didn't move until they was closer to the town, I climbed almost jumped down and walked a little into the trees I could still see the road though, by the time the sun was probably nearing noon I had safely cleared the village like place it was hard avoiding the sharp eyes of Walter and Integra though, after I cleared the village I fucking ran, I probably cleared my second nights walk in a hour and probably had a little left to go till I reached that field. At long long tiresome last I reached the place I had to turn into the trees at, as I was about to walk into the trees I heard a car start a fair while back and footsteps like the night Red first found me, I had to hurry I couldn't risk them seeing if what I hoped was there was... I ran into the trees and soon found myself in the all to recognizable field I walk to the spot I woke up at and to my joy found a black bag that looked like a small school back, I opened it, it had anither bag that you can put around your waist and hold things in that had easy access and the larger bag contained a black trench coat looking thing I pulled it out and put it on, I felt good and think I looked good with it in, there were also black military boots in there, put those on... I also found my most desirable things there, a bunch if stuff from home, a drawing pad, notepad pens pencils, few coloring pencils, earphones and a phone charger, yeeees. (The phone is a basic touch phone so best to keep it hidden...) I look around and see a silver glimmer, walking over to it I see the perfect sword, it was basicly a katana, silver metal handle wrapped in red fabric on the hilt it had a chain with a crescent moon charm hanging off it, the guard was a simply designed square and the blade was a two toned silver. It. Was. Amazing. It had a black sheath and it hooked perfectly into the (I'll call it a waist bag) so I had the sword at my side the trench coat hid it though, I must have looked soooo badass right now, then after hooking the school bag thing over my shoulder, a rather angry voice whispered into my ear,

"Little miss run away, care to come back now?"

A angry Red said sarcastically, I glared

"I guess I have everything now..."

Then I notice Integra and Walter appear at the edge of the trees all looking ever so annoyed... Hehe ops.

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