Chapter 7

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I felt like I was dragged into the car then squished between Integra and Red now that was fun. Not. Back at the Hellsing organization I was shut in my room, the food had been cleared so I at the first damed thing since I've been here, the bread in my pocket 'yum' coz that tasted nice. I got my phone out and passworded it with a password only I would know, 'anime' its not like anime character would know how to spell it. I found a plug put the charger in and charged my phone, put the earphones on and listened to music with the volume on low so I could hear the door open. I started thinking, trying to make logic of my scenario but didn't have much luck, I mean what's the fucking logic in going to a bloody animated world where the characters almost looked like they were cosplayers, I think had I meet Red before any ghouls or vampires I would assume some fucked up hellsing freaks kidnapped someone else who liked hellsing and locked them in their fucked up cod play world, if that was even possible, I failed to notice how tired I was getting, but I didn't really want to sleep I still had a little blood on me and now that I think about it, when I looked at my arm there was a scratch but lucky for me it was on my right arm now.

"This is going to be a fucking long time."

I mummer as I unwillingly got up went to a side room which was a shower and bathroom, I was too lazy to shower so I just washed my face changed into black tights and a black tank top to sleep in and hidd my phone, charger and earphones in my little pouch thing, put it on the bed besides me and my sword and fell asleep only to wish I hadn't.

I walked sword drawn towards a abandoned three story building in ruins I opened the door with a loud creek echoing causing me to sense who was in there, a lone vampire stood in what looked like a massive empty room covered in blood splatters, I walked closer and felt a chill go down my spine, we were now a meter apart, I could see him in the moonlight from the bloody smashed windows, he had a calm face, blood splattered him features, a slight grin showing the tips of his fangs and the blood from his prey showing in his now cruel smile as he looked at me his eyes a blood chilling red his shirt was ripped open and blood splattered that as well. I felt like the prey walking into the hunters den, or the fool in a horror movie who's looking for the enemy and is about to be killed. His bloodied hand reaches and brushes my cheek sending a horrible chill across me. He whispered,
"Who's the prey and who's the frozen hunter now?"
Sarcasm and enjoyment rolled of his words as I tried to step back, I couldn't move, this was a bad horror movie. My sword moved with my movement as I cut him and he stabbed my left shoulder just missing his mark of my chest, we readied to go again...

I woke and bolted upright that was a detailed and spooky fucking dream.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Hm Black have a bad dream?"

"Red?! Fuck off for five minutes!"

I mumbled lying back down.

"Oh so I can call you Black?"

"No! So fuck off!"

Red laughed, and I mumbled fuck again,

"Say Sam you like to swear don't you, women don't sound good swearing you know."

So Reds giving me that lecture the be a proper lady shit.

"Hm, I don't think I look good killing shit either but I have to do something don't I any what are you my mum? Nagging me like that piss off already, annoy me in ten."

I got a chesty? Chuckle from him and sensed him leave as I closed my eyes in a attempt to make more sense of what happened... Nothing. Well shit. Better get dressed then. Walter laid out a fresh towel and hellsing uniform T-shirt and pants, I seen some black army boots as well, the boots and pants were colored black, I found another pair of underwear, took everything into the bathroom and showered, my cuts stinging slightly as I cleaned myself, god, what the hell was that dream?

After changing and looking at my phone, I noticed a clock, it said something around eleven so I'm picking I didn't sleep for long. Judging by peoples look I'm guessing I was going to be sent on a vampire hunting mission soon, well by looking at people and glancing into a thin scrap of some thoughts, by some I mainly mean Red and Walter. What lays in store for tonight?

Hey, got lazy to write the little squiggle things but I'm up late on this chapter. I also realize this is more my character thinking so... I will try to get more conversations going... Hopefully within the next few chapters something will work for me, well keep reading, vote, comment give me tips... And please enjoy fellow hellsing fans.

Hellsing!? (continued on other account)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن