Take Me Away(Jimin-Centric)

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Jimin is bored of the royal life, always sitting on a throne and being controlled by his parents. It sucks th... Daha Fazla


Take Me Away

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hanahakiminie tarafından

     Jimin blew a piece of blond hair out of his eyes and sighed, laying his chin on the palm of his hand. His elbow rested on his throne's arm rest and he rolled his eyes at the man in front of him. A guy around his age stood in front of
him and smiled. His twin brother's throne was on his left side, his younger sister's on his right side, his mother on the side of his twin, and his father on his younger sister's side. His parents were there; his brothers weren't.
     "Hello, I am Prince Kim Jiwon of Seoul. But you may call me Bobby if you want~" he bowed with a charming smile. "It's nice to finally meet you."

     Bobby had curling brown hair and cat-like eyes. He was dressed in all black, black tunic, trousers, and cloak.
"Nice to meet you too Prince Jiwon." Jimin forced a smile onto his face. "I am Prince Jimin of Busan." he glanced at his mother, who smiled encouragingly. When Jimin told them he was gay, they reluctantly supported him. But instead of forcing him to meet stuck up girls for marriage, they forced him to meet stuck up guys for marriage.
"Would you two like to go somewhere in private?" his mother, Queen Jieun, asked Bobby, who shrugged and looked to Jimin. "To...talk?"
"It's Prince Jimin's choice of course." he said and Jimin's father, King Mihyun, waved his hand in a disinterested manner. "I won't want to force him.."
"He'll go." he huffed and Jimin frowned, standing up and walking up to Bobby, who smirked at him.
"Well my prince? Should we go?" he asked charmingly, holding out his elbow for Jimin to hold. The prince held in a angry grunt and reluctantly put his arm through Bobby's elbow crook, the two setting off.

     "Another job well done men!" Namjoon yelled as the six of them walked over to their docked ship. He ran his fingers through his purple hair and smirked. He had a large bag of coins in his hand and shook it around. "That is the sound of good eating men!"
     "They didn't see what was coming to them!" the youngest Jungkook laughed and jumped the fence. "Cmon! You guys are so slow!" and the boy ran to the ship with a huge smile on his dirty face.
"Kook!" Taehyung yelled, his blonde hair flowing in the wind. "You know that Jin hyung is old as fuck!" he felt a slap on the back of his head and the boy yelped. "Hey! That hurt!"
     "Shut up!" Seokjin yelled with red cheeks. "I am not old! I am twenty like the rest of you!"
     "You're almost thirty..." Hoseok snickered under his breath, soon running away when the oldest started to chase him to the ship. Hosoek started screaming and ran faster, not wanting the man to catch him. Taehyung soon followed the two, always looking forward to drama.
     "So immature I swear..." Yoongi scoffed and crossed his arms behind his head in a uninterested manner. "Especially Jin, and he's supposed to be the oldest. At this point, I'm the oldest."
     "Let's just go Yoongi." Namjoon smiled and the two walked to the docked ship, where their comrades waved to them with smiles on their faces. "We don't want them to kill everyone on the ship."

     "This garden is amazing...." Bobby smiled and Jimin put down the urge to roll his eyes. The older prince turned to Jimin and weakly smiled at him. "You don't really want to be here huh?"
     "How did you know??" Jimin widened his eyes. "I thought I kept it in pretty good haha..."
      "I could see it in your eyes. You aren't enjoying this....I didn't really want to come here either."
     "Really? You aren't just lying to me to make me feel better?"
     "I'm in love with someone else...and I was forced to come here because your father wrote a note to my father saying to you wanted to meet me to discuss marriage. I came here to refuse you, but it seems that your father lied in his letter."
     "He did....I don't wish to get married nor to become king. I want to travel and get away from here. I don't want to be stuck in a castle for the rest of my life; although it is a nice castle."
     "That's a nice thought....I am forced to also become king since I am an only child. Hopefully we can stay friends." Bobby reached out his hand to Jimin, who shook it with a smile.
      "Would you like to be invited to my twentieth birthday since we are friends?" Jimin asked with a pout.
"I would love to come. When is it?"
"In two days. My father wants me to throw a huge birthday party ball and he wants to have invites everywhere. It's honestly annoying how he wants to control everything.."
"That's how my father is. But he lets me go sometimes. He isn't as controlling as your father. I feel sorry for you."
"I do too. Anyways, I'll go tell my father that you refused."
"Looks like it's time for me to go~it was lovely to meet you Park Jimin".
"Same here Kim Jiwon..."

"So who will we rob now boss?" a crew mate asked Namjoon, who shrugged with a smile.
"Hmmm I don't know Chan. We need more information..." he replied to the red head. "And new kingdoms to rob. We're almost done..."

     "At roast we got all of that gold from Gwanju~" he snickered and they heard a knock on the door.
     "Come in." Namjoon said. The door opened and Seonghwa came in.

"Hello sir." he bowed and Namjoon bowed his head down.
"Hey Hwa. Have any info for me?" he asked and the young man nodded. He pulled out a paper from his pants pocket and gave it to his leader, who took it and glanced over it.
"The princes of Busan are having a ball for their birthday?" he smirked. "Interesting...."
"If we slip in inconspicuously without anyone noticing us, then we'll be able to take as many jewels as we want and take off undetected." Chan grinned mischievously. "They'll never know what hit them."
     "I want one of you to get and get Kook and the others." Namjoon commanded.
     "I'll go sir!" Seonghwa smiled and quickly ran out. Chan turned to Namjoon with curious eyes.
     "What do you want me to do?" he asked.
     "I want you to look up the princes for me. I wish to see what they looks like." Namjoon smirked. "This'll be fun~"

     When Bobby left, Jimin immediately went to his parents, who were in their room.
     "How did it go Jiminie?" his mother asked with a smile.
     "We decided to not go forth with it. We aren't compatible for each other." Jimin told her with a frown, secretly grinning inside of his head.
     "Jimin you never find anyone 'compatible' for you and frankly I'm tired of it." his father growled and the boy gulped. "So for your birthday, it is also a ball for you to find a husband. We let it slid when you said you...favored boys instead of girls. So you'll find a husband. No questions. We'll invite all of the princes around Korea and they'll woo you."
     "But Dad-" Jimin was interrupted by his father, who scoffed.
     "It's pronounced 'father'. You aren't a hoodlum like your brother." Jimin rolled his eyes and stormed out of his parents' room.

     "So this is the first prince of Busan?" Jungkook said in awe. Namjoon nodded and Jungkook passed the poster around. "Park Jimin? And prince Taemin?"
     "He's beautiful..." Hoseok gasped, his eyes shining.
     "Would love to tap that..." Jin smirked and Yoongi hit him behind his head, and the eldest yelped.
     "I bet he has a fat ass..." Taehyung drooled. "His lips are the perfect shape to suck my-"
     "Instead of thirsting over Prince Jimin, we should be making a plan. Him and his brother's birthday are literally in a couple of days." Yoongi scoffed.
     "Yoongi is right." Namjoon frowned. "Now let's get started with this plan. First we'll need to...." and they planned for the entire day, fool-proofing their almost perfect plan. When they were done, they all sighed in relief.
     "So everyone knows what to do?" Yoongi asked around the table and they nodded.
     "This'll be an easy job~" Namjoon chuckled. "Now let's go to bed. I'm beat after the day we had."

     The days leading up to his birthday was spent decorating the ballroom. Jimin was measured for his outfit. Black pants and a simple white shirt under a black jacket with golden seams everywhere. (its this outfit below. but his hair is still blonde tho)

     He grunted when a needle accidentally poked him.
     "Sorry your Majesty." his seamstress apologized and Jimin smiled.
     "It's ok, it was an accident." he said and she smiled. Once he was done, he took off his outfit and put back on his jeans and shirt. He bowed to the seamstress and she bowed back to him. He left her room and went to his own room, and that's when he bumped into his mother. "Oh. Hello Mother." he said without emotion in his face.
"Hello my dear~" she smiled and kissed his cheeks. Jimin subtly scrunched his nose up and moved back. "I was just looking for you."
"Is there something you need?" he asked with a sigh.
"I just want to apologize for earlier. You know how you're father is...." she sighed and Jimin looked away. He did know how his father was. He was an emotionless man who only cared for power. He was arranged into a loveless marriage with his mother and had Jimin after three years of marriage, soon having his younger brother and sister. His father had a temper and when Jimin was a mere child, he once saw his father raise a hand to his mother and slap her in his drunken state. He left to go back to the bar, leaving his pregnant mother trembling. On the days when he would drink, Jimin would see bruises and handprints show up on his mother's fair skin. And years later to this day, Jimin still resents his father. "I just want you happy Jimin..."
"I won't be happy like this! I don't want to be stuck in a marriage! I refuse to turn out like you and Father! I refuse." Jimin harshly whispered and his mother sighed sadly. She dragged her son into a tight hug.
"I wish I could help you, I really do. But I can't change your father's mind. I'm so sorry..."

A day before the princes' birthday, Namjoon and all of their crew mates went to go and steal clothes from the clothing store to make themselves look more presentable for the ball. Once they were done, they went back to their ship to put their clothes away.
"These are some cool ass clothes man!" Jungkook gushed and his older brothers chuckled at the younger's bright eyes. "I look like royalty!"
"Do you think the prince would notice us? Looking like this?" Jin asked with a smirk. "Cause I think he would notice me~cause of my good looks and such. Probably not you guys. You look like you haven't had a shower in a millennia."
"We aren't going there to go and frolic with the prince. We are going there to rob his father." Yoongi said with a eye roll. "But he would notice me first. I look amazing."
"In your dreams maybe...." Hoseok muttered under his breath and Yoongi was quick to punch the orange haired man's shoulder. The mint haired man smirked when he heard the younger yelp in pain.
     "You guys are insufferable...." Namjoon sighed fondly. "But it's fun to think of scenarios like this. Even though they'll never happen..."

     Soon, it was the day before him and his
brother's birthday and it was...chaotic to say the least. A bunch of diplomats came to stay the night for a couple of nights, so Jimin and his sister stayed far away from the stuffy and stuck up people. He was walking away from a Dutchess trying to talk him up flirtatiously when he bumped into someone.
"Well if it isn't my look-a-like..." Jimin smiled. "Hi Taeminnie!"

     "I missed you so much dear brother!" Taemin cried happily, smiled down at his twin. "It's been forever since I've seen you!" Park Taemin was the older twin out of the both of them, and he was supposed to be the king before Jimin. But Taemin refused; saying that he always wanted to travel the world. And in the middle of the night, he ran away without a word to anyone. His father resents Taemin for leaving, but the older boy doesn't care all that much. All three of the children despised their abusive father, even though he hasn't laid a hand to them.
     "I know..." Jimin pouted. "You're always gone visiting the world without me...our father is always forcing me to stay here..." the younger twin rolled his eyes and Taemin smiled. "And be the perfect king. But he can stick it! I don't fucking care!"
     "Don't be too loud or he'll hear us..." Taemin giggled.
     "Now let's go to your room! I have it all set up for you!" Jimin took Taemin's hand and dragged him up the stairs, fondness clear in Taemin's eyes as he let his brother drag him. Once they were there, Jimin opened his door and pushed Taemin inside, quickly following after his twin. "D-Do you like it...?" it was a large room with pale dark walls. Taemin's bed was in the middle of his room leaning on the wall and he had many paintings from all over the world. The bed had a black canopy above his gray bed, and his pillows and blanket were dark gray like the canopy. The older prince also had a large bookshelves leaning on the corner of his wall with two gray bean bag next to it. There was a large black rug on his floor that covered the middle of his room.
     "It's so pretty MinMin..." Taemin smiled. "You always know exactly what I want to see.."
"Thank you~" Jimin giggled.
     "....You know what we should do tonight? Since I'm here for a couple of day??"
     "We should sneak out and go to that festival in town. They'll be dancing and drinking...it'll be so much fun!"
"What if Dad catches us...?"
"He won't. We won't be out for a long time! I just want to have fun with you without our controlling ass dad around the corner watching our every step...."
"Oh Tae....yea. I'll go! It'll be fun! Hopefully...." Taemin grinned and brung the prince into a hug.
"This will be so much fucking fun! I promise you won't regret it!"

"Before we go and prepare for tomorrow, I suggest we go to that festival in town. I bet it'll be cool as fuck..." Jungkook suggested. "We're tense as fuck for tomorrow so it'll be better for us to relax for tomorrow! So we don't look so nervous and suspicious."
     "I don't know...." Yoongi sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Might not be a good idea. What if someone recognizes us? That'll be bad.."
     "Maybe Jungkook is right. We could be in need of some fun for once~" Taehyung smiled and looked to Namjoon. "What do you say boss??"
     "I say....let's fucking do it." Namjoon smiled and the five of them cheered.

     Late as night, when everyone in the castle was in dreamland, Taemin and Jimin quickly put on their mouth masks(i put them on normal mouth masks cause i wanted to😌)and the prince opened his window, the two jumping out. Jimin's room was on the second floor and he had a balcony. There was another balcony under his so him and Taemin jumped onto that. Once they were on the ground, they ran to the barn where they keep the horses. They snuck inside and Jimin immediately went to his baby, Cotton. A white horse with speckled black spots on her silky coat. He went to the horse's face and smiled.
     "Hi Cotton! How is my baby?" Jimin cooed,
scratching her cheekbones. Jimin has had Cotton since she was a mere filly. "We'll ride Cotton to the festival. But we have to have a mask on, I refuse to get caught by Father or his snitching men. Ok?"
"Ok ok jeez...." Taemin sighed dramatically. "Thank god I brung my mask with me I got from Osaka~" Taemin took a mask out of his pocket and put it on his face. "I can't wait for this!"
     "Me either. Now let's go!" Jimin smiled and went to grab Cotton's saddle and latched it onto the white horse. "Ok so you'll get behind me Tae and I'll be in the front." Taemin nodded and the small prince hopped onto the horse, with his brother following behind him. They rode off into the night, excitement rolling off of them in waves.
     Once they were there, Jimin and Taemin had to tie Cotton away from all of the chaos on the busy street. Once she was secure on the sturdy pole, the two boys giggled to each other and walked towards the chaos with masks on their faces. They had cloaks on and masks, so no one would recognize Jimin and Taemin. They had fun; they won many prizes and ate so much street food, they were full to their stomachs. Taemin pointed to a bar and dragged Jimin to it, much to the younger prince's disdain. There were a lot of people there dancing and drinking.
"Cmon Jiminie! Have fun!" Taemin grinned, although you couldn't see it due to his mask. The older boy took off his red cloak and hung it on the clothing hanger, and looked to Jimin. "Take your cloak off!"
"What if someone notices me Taeminnie?" the prince worried and Taemin rolled his eyes. "And us?"
"Our face and lips are more distinctive then our hair. A bunch of people have blond hair! So live a little! They only see our eyes!"
"Fine." Jimin pouted and took his deep purple cloak off. They both have street clothes on so no one would notice them. "Let's go dance Taeminnie!" Jimin giggled and took his brother's hand, dragging him to the dance floor. They danced with each other, looking around for men to dance. They danced with each other for a while, then Taemin got distracted by a guy staring at him. He told Jimin something, but the younger prince couldn't hear due to the loud music. So Jimin danced by himself until he felt hands on his waist.
"You dance like a beautiful, elegant swan~" a voice whispered in his ear. It was a deep, raspy, voice with a honey undertone.
"Wish I could say the same...can't even see you." Jimin said with a smile. He smirked when he felt a huff of breath on his neck. The guy behind him chuckled and turned Jimin around. Jimin's eyes widened at what he saw. A gorgeous man with mint green hair stared at him seductively and Jimin blushed at the dark eyes latched onto him. The man looked him up and down and Jimin shivered at the feeling. He had sharp dark brown eyes, and when Jimin looked down, he noticed tattoos on the man's arm.  "Hi..."
     "Hello~" the man said back with a smirk.
     "I-I'm..." Jimin wanted to say his name, but he knew the man could possibly recognize him
"..Min. What's yours?"
     "...Agust. Wish I could see your face instead of your pretty eyes..." Jimin gulped and turned back around, grinding on the slightly taller man.
     "No can do. Don't want anyone to see me unfortunately...so you'll have to only see my eyes~" Jimin giggled and Agust huffed.
     "Fine." he rolled his eyes but stared at Jimin again, his hands finding Jimin's small waist. "Guess I'll have to make due with your pretty eyes darling~" the two danced on each other, with Jimin grinding his ass on Agust's crotch. The man growled and wrapped his hand around Jimin's neck softly. "You have guts darling~ maybe we should rearrange that...." but someone suddenly took Jimin's hand and spun him around, taking him away from Agust. Another guy with bright orange hair and sharp eyes smiled at him.
     "Hi~" he said and Jimin's eyes widened. "Sorry I had to take you from my friend but he doesn't dance as good as me." Jimin giggled and the other guy spun him around with a smirk. "I'm Hope. What's yours Angel?"
"Min." they danced, and then Agust came behind Jimin and swayed his hips. Jimin was in the middle of two incredibly handsome men. One was latched on his neck and the other was in his face smirking down at him. Jimin gasped when he felt a hard suck on the side of his throat. He also felt a thigh go between his legs and fidgeted.
     "Look at him...he looks flushed." Agust cooed mockingly behind him and the prince whined. "Don't you think?"
     "Yep. He looks desperate." Hope chuckled meanly and lifted his thigh up, making Jimin grind onto his thigh. "But I wonder what his lips look li-" But suddenly, his father's men burst into the bar, making everyone gasp. Jimin gasped too and moved from the two men, not noticing he left something behind.
"Shit I need to find Tae and go!" he hissed and turned around, running away from Hope and Agust, leaving them flabbergasted. But Hoseok saw something shine on the floor and looked down, seeing a simple gold bracelet with a pink tourmaline gem in the middle of it. He picked it up and showed it to his friend, who stared at in awe.
"Who was that...?" he asked and Yoongi shrugged.
"I don't know...but I'd love to find out. Take it and we'll show it to Namjoon." Yoongi said with a smirk.

Jimin ran as fast as he could, trying to find his twin. He saw the other blond at the bar drinking something. He grabbed the older boy's hand and dragged him up.
"Wha-Jimin??" he gasped.
"Father's men are here!" Jimin hissed. "We need to go! Now!"
"Shit..." and they both snuck through the moving crowd that was trying to leave.
"Prince Jimin??" one of the men shouted and the crowd gasped. "Prince Taemin??"
"Prince Jimin is here??"
"Holy shit Prince Taemin!!"
"Where is Prince Jimin?!"
Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other with wide eyes.
"Did we just grind on Prince Jimin, the son of the man who we're about to rob?!" the orange haired male hissed and Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.
"That could be why he didn't take off that mask, or we could've been dancing with his brother. We need to tell Namjoon though. Now."

     "Fuck fuck fuck!!!" Jimin groaned, turning a sharp corner. "I knew we shouldn't have come here!"
     "Shit I am so sorry Min...." Taemin sighed while being dragged. "Father really caught us?"
     "I don't know...fuck..." Jimin turned another corner to see Cotton eating grass, still tied up. "Thank god."
     "You should thank your lucky stars for not being caught." a voice chuckled in the dark and they two gasped, turning around to find the voice. A man stepped out of the shadows and Jimin's eyes widened.
Why do I keep meeting sexy men older than me??? Jimin thought miserably and stared at the man. He had long black hair and sharp almond eyes. His plump lips had a smirk on them and Jimin gulped.
     "Hi there~" the man waved sarcastically. "Nice to meet you Prince Jimin and Prince Taemin~"
"It's just Taemin." his brothers scoffed and Jimin patted Taemin's shoulders sympathetically. But Jimin's eyes widened when he finally realized that the man said his name.
     "H-How do you know who we are??" Jimin gasped and the man rolled his eyes.
"Your eyes are very recognizable to me. Brown with a hint of gold. Very distinctive~"
"Well, what do you want with us?? Money?? Our father's head??"
"No one wouldn't really care about that one Min." Taemin snickered and Jimin tried to bite down the urge to laugh, but a giggle popped out.
"True." Jimin smiled and the man raised an eyebrow.
"You wouldn't care about your father's death?" he asked and Jimin shrugged.
"Everyone would be free of his cruelness and horribleness." he scoffed and Taemin rolled his eyes in agreement.
"Is that so...?" the man smiled and stood up from leaning on the wall. "Interesting.."
"Now I'm sorry for this, but we have to go." Jimin quickly untied Cotton and hopped onto the horse with Taemin quickly following behind. "Nice to meet you sir!" and they rode off back to the castle, Jin smiling at their retreating figures.

     "That was so fun!" Jungkook yelled happily as the six of them talked around the kitchen. Jungkook was sitting on a counter, Hoseok and Taehyung were leaning on another counter, Namjoon and Yoongi were sticking down on stools by an island, and Seokjin was sitting on said island. "I'm happy that I'm from Busan I swear..."
"I ate so much...I am so fucking full I can barely move..." Taehyung groaned and Hoseok snickered.
"I'll admit, Busan is a fun place to be in." Namjoon smiled, a hint of a dimple showing.
"Especially since me and Hobi here almost fucked the prince of Busan on the dance floor." Yoongi chuckled and Hoseok smirked, making everyone immediately shout out complaints.
"What the hell, when??" Taehyung huffed.
"Wow and you guys didn't invite me! How rude..." Jungkook pouted.
"You should be worried that they were grinding on our target!" Taehyung growled.
"I think we should change up our plans." Jin said out of nowhere and they looked to their elder friend. "I think we should take the money and take Mr. Prince Jimin."
"....Why should we Jin? You found out something?" Namjoon asked and Jin turned to his leader. "What is it??"
"I found out that King Mihyun has been casually beating his wife." Jin said with dark eyes. "And you know we don't condone that. So I think we should take the dear prince away before his father lays a hand on him. I talked to him before he and his blond look-a-like left."
     "Wait. The king beats on the queen??" Hoseok hissed. "That despicable man..."
     "If we take the young prince, what will happen to his older brother?"
     "I have a feeling he and his father do not have a good relationship with each other." Taehyung snickered.
     "So we'll take the prince and the jewels?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow and the five men turned to their leader, who shrugged with a smirk.
     "We have gotten through worse..." Namjoon chuckled. "Remember when we lost Hobi on a mission, only to find him fucking the princess of Daegu..."
"We promised not to talk about that!"

Jimin quickly put Cotton back in the barn with the other horses and they snuck back from where they came. They almost got away with it, when they heard Jimin's light flicker on.
"Hello boys~" their little sister smirked and the two rolled their eyes.
"For fuck sake Chae you scared me!" Taemin put a hand to his heart and sighed dramatically.
"What are you doing here Chaeyoung??" Jimin asked.

"I can't believe you didn't invite me to go with you guys!" Chae pouted and crossed her arms. "You better be lucky I didn't snitch to anyone about your whereabouts."
"Sorry..." Jimin pouted back and the young girl sighed. "But how did the king's men find out about me and Tae leaving if you didn't say anything??"
     "I don't know.." she whispered with frantic eyes. "All I know is that I was watching your door to see if you would come back and then Father stormed to your room and opened the door. I heard him loudly curse and call for his men to go to the festival."
     "Did he check the whole castle for us?" Taemin asked and Chaeyoung shook her head, her blonde hair shaking along.
     "Nah. I sneakily followed him everywhere. He didn't go to Taemin's room or the castle library..."
     "That's good." Jimin smiled. "We can just say that I wanted to show my twin the new and improved library and we went to go and read in his room. Dad is so fucking stupid, he'll actually believe that!" Taemin and Chaeyoung nodded with matching mischievous grins. "Now let's go." Taemin and Jimin grabbed two books from Jimin's bookshelf and waved goodbye to their little sister, sneaking back out of the younger prince's room. And then they ran to Taemin's as fast as their feet could carry them. Soon, they made it and quickly opened and closed the door. They ran to the beanbag chairs and opened the books. After a while of pretending to read, Taemin's door burst open and King Mihyun stormed inside.
     "How dare you leave this castle!!" was the first thing that he said. "Just because your bastard brother came back, you suddenly want to disobey me??!" Taemin and Jimin widened their eyes, smelling the liquor emanating from the drunkard. Fuck he was drunk...and no one likes the king when he's drunk.
      "What are you talking about?" Jimin asked with confusion clear in his hazel brown eyes. "We never left."
     "Of course you did! You weren't in your room!"
     "We were in here reading. We went to the library for a bit, and then took our books to Taemin's room. So we wouldn't be disturbed by you." Jimin glared at his father, who faltered in his anger. The twins could see the gears shifting in his head, but they couldn't have seen what would happened next. The king quickly stormed to them and grabbed Jimin by his collar, then slamming him on the wall. Jimin gasped fearfully and Taemin quickly stood up to defend his brother. But the king punched the elder prince, who flew to the wall and hit his head. Jimin scratched his father's hand and tried to speak, but the hand only squeezed tighter. Mihyun breathed harshly into Jimin's face, and the young boy grimaced at the horrid smell of alcohol.
"If you ever leave this castle." the man slurred and threw Jimin to the ground. "I'll do more than- *hiccup* -choke you." he left, but almost tripped on the way out. They would've laughed at that, but Jimin coughed violently, and Taemin quickly went to his brother.
"Fuck...." Taemin cursed and put Jimin's head in his lap. "That fucking bastard...h-he hits you??"
"N-No..." Jimin sputtered with a sore throat, "He only hits Mother when he's drunk. He doesn't hit me or Chae. This is his first time."
"I'll kill him Jimin I swear..."
"Taemin....I cannot bare to stay here any longer...I need to leave here and never come back..."

When he went back to his room with Taemin, Chae immediately saw the red handprint on Jimin's neck and the purple bruise on Taemin's cheek. She gasped and brung them to the bed.
"What happened??" she asked and Taemin growled.
"Our father choked Jimin and he fucking punched me." he said with dark eyes. "So we came back in here."
"Oh no..." she sighed and Jimin noticed that the young girl was about to cry.
"It's ok. I'm ok." the prince weakly smiled and Chaeyoung smiled fondly at her older brother. After Chaeyoung put a bandaid on Tae's cheek and iced Jimin's neck for a bit, the three of them crawled into Jimin's bed and went to sleep.
So Jimin woke up to his siblings basically smothering him. He grunted, trying to move from the middle. But he accidentally pushed Taemin off of the bed, making the elder prince hit his head on the floor. He heard a sleepy groan and Jimin snickered.
     "Real mature..." he saw Taemin's pop up, and the elder brother had a scowl on his face.
"Sorry I was trying to get out..." Jimin giggled, sleep clear in his eyes.
"Happy birthday!" the twins turned around to see their mother at the door with a smile on her face. They grinned and ran over to the slim woman, their sister mumbling sleepy incoherent words behind them. They hugged the queen and she smiled. "How are you two? And why are you three sleeping i-what is on your neck??? Jimin? Taemin?"
"Well mother.." Taemin smiled sarcastically, "Father dearest thought it would be a good idea to choke my brother and punch me in the face. And I heard he was beating on you too! What the fuck goes on while I leave??"
"Oh dear..." she gasped in horror. "Why would be dare to hit you two?? And the day before your birthdays?!"
"We don't know Mom." Chaeyoung hopped from the bed and went over to their mother. "But all I know is that as soon as I turn eighteen, I'm leaving and I want you to come with me."
"But Chae...." their mother cried. "We'll never be free of this horrid man.."
"We will! I refuse to look at him hit you day and day!" the youngest hissed.
"After our birthday, I'm going back to Seoul." Taemin grunted and their mother sighed.
     "I understand. I wish for all of you to be happy." their mother sniffed. "Now! Let's get dressed. Your birthday ball is still on..though you two need to cover up those marks. Your father is going to catch a fit if he sees those."
"I'll cover them Mom." Chaeyoung smiled. "You go get dressed."
"Ok ok." she smiled. "Happy birthday once again." she left the room and they all collectively breathed a sigh of relief.
"Ok. Let's cover up those spots." Chaeyoung grinned.

Namjoon was tying his tie in front of his mirror when he got a knock on his door.
"Come in!" he yelled, throwing his tie down due to frustration. He heard the door open and he looked through his mirror to see Yoongi walk in dressed up. Yoongi looked down at the tie on the floor and rolled his eyes.
    "You are hopeless...." the older pirate scoffed lightheartedly and Namjoon smiled sheepishly with a blush donning his cheeks.
     "Sorry..." he giggled and Yoongi picked the tie up from the ground. He got in front of the taller and tied the tie himself. Namjoon looked down at Yoongi with a smile and the shorter looked up with an eye roll. Once he was done, he backed up and looked at his work.
     "I did good." the elder smirked in satisfaction and Namjoon grinned.
     "Thanks. Now I'm ready to go!" the taller shouted out and Yoongi nodded. "Does everyone have what they need?"
     "Yea. No need to worry."
     "Ok. Now let's get off of the ship and get to the castle."

     Jimin watched from the top as many esteemed guests came from the outside to the ballroom and sighed. But when he saw a familiar face, he grinned and quickly ran downstairs. He ran into Bobby's hands and hugged the man tightly.
    "I missed you..." the shorter giggled and he felt Bobby's chest move due to his laughter.
    "Same short stack." the taller snickered and Jimin hopped out of Bobby's hold to punch his shoulder. The elder yelped in pain and Jimin smirked. "I deserve that. Now come on! I've been waiting for you to arrive. It's so boring in there." Bobby took Jimin's hands and dragged him to the ballroom, but the prince faltered when he felt eyes on the back of his head. He glanced to the back and his eyes widened at the familiar eyes staring at him. He gulped as he let Bobby drag him to the ballroom.
     He heard Bobby gasp when they looked around. Their ballroom was filled with beautiful white and gold decorations. There were a bunch of tables filled with table decor and everyone had beautiful masks on their eyes. People were dancing and conversing and Jimin smiled when he saw Taemin flirting with someone near a bar. Jimin and Bobby both went inside and donned on their own masks onto their faces.
     "I'll see you on the other side Jiminie~" Bobby smiled and disappeared into the crowd, leaving the younger prince all by himself. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and went inside of the crowd as well, wanting to dance to his heart's content. He danced with everyone, with everyone twirling him around and switching dance partners. He giggled as he was spun around. But when it was time to switch dance partners, he was twirled to his next partner and gasped at the familiar eyes.
     "Hello Prince Jimin~how lovely to see you again."
     It was the guy from the alleyway!

     Yoongi and Hoseok watched in envy as Jin talked and danced with the masked prince.
     "Come on you idiots." Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Let's go. I'm pretty sure I know where their gold is. All kings are predicable I swear.." Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok all sneakily danced through the crowd, trying to get to the other side. Once they were there, they sighed in relief and snuck out of the ballroom. They all had bags in their hands, and they were surprised that the guards didn't say anything to them. Must've assumed that they were staying for a couple of days for the princes' festival and birthday. This festival lasted the entire week for the two princes' birthdays. So they snuck into the hallways. Namjoon knew that their crew mates were in the crowd, waiting for Jin's signal. Once they got the signal, they were going to shoot up the ballroom for the distraction so they'll be able to leave without getting caught with the gold and the prince. So the six of them looked in all of the rooms, but they couldn't find anything. Soon, after turning many corners and turns, they found a large gray safe with two large guards in front of it. The six of them hid behind the wall.
     "What do we do?" Jungkook whispered.
     "Hobi, take out your bow." Namjoon commanded quietly and Hoseok nodded. He quickly drew his bow and flung his arrow straight into one of the guard's chest, alerting the other one. But before they could say anything, another arrow flew straight into his forehead. Hoseok smirked and high-fived his buddies. "Good job."
     "Thanks. Now let's go."
The safe was a turning one, so all the thieves had to do was turn the dial. It was difficult, but it opened all the same. Namjoon opened it and they gasped. It was full of gold and treasures and they almost drooled.
"We'll go out the window. Now let's hurry up and get all that we can so that we can leave." Namjoon commanded and the four nodded. They stuffed their bags full of the gold, greedy as can be. And when they were done, Hoseok went back to the door to give their crew mate Hongjoong the signal.

Hongjoong smiled and quickly put his mask fully on his face, taking out his gun. He gave the signal to the others and they grinned.

"Happy birthday~I never told you did I?" the mysterious man grinned and Jimin blushed.
"T-Thank you..." he stuttered.
"How are you enjoying this extravaganza?"
"....Kinda boring. My friend is somewhere and I cannot find my siblings..."
"I see...may I ask something of you? If it is not too personal?"
"I don't mind..."
"Why is there a handprint on your neck?" Jimin gasped at what the man said and touched his neck. He realized that the makeup was coming off of his neck due to the sweat emanating from his body.
"N-Nothing!" Jimin nervously giggled.
"....Was it your father? I saw how you and your brother talked about him last night.."
"H-How did you know..?"
"I know many things my Prince."
"I-I see."
"Why do you stutter so? Do I make you nervous~"
"I have to admit it....you do."
"In a good way I hope." the man spun Jimin around and dipped him down, the two face to face. "Cause you make me want to eat you u-" suddenly, gunshots rung out. Jimin screamed and quickly stood up in fear. People started screaming and running, hoping to avoid the bullets. But what they didn't know what that the pirates were shooting the ceiling, not wanting to hit any civilians. Jimin whimpered and tried to duck down, but before he could, he was pulled into the man's arms. "Before I do what I'm about to do, my name is Seokjin, but you may call me Jin." Jimin looked up at the man in confusion, but Jin quickly took out a towel and put it over Jimin's mouth. The prince gasped and tried to squirm away, but he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Until they closed. When Jin saw that the blond was knocked out, he smiled and left without any difficulty. "You'll thank me Park Jimin..."

     Jin picked the prince up bridal style and walked from the large castle. He knew that his crew mates were ok, they were cunning. As he was walking through the town, he looked down at the prince and smiled gently. Jimin had a serene expression on his face, his eyes closed and his cheeks fluffed up due to being held up by Jin's large shoulders. His lips were shaped into a pout, and Jin could no longer fight the urge to kiss them. He slightly bent down and gently kissed the prince's lips with a smile. Then he started running as fast as he could. He ran though the town, knowing that the townspeople were sleeping soundly in their beds. He held tightly onto Jimin as he ran to the harbor.
     Once Jin was there, he saw that the ship was docked by the land. The pirate grinned and ran to the ship. He saw that the drawbridge for the opening of the ship was opened, so he knew that someone was there. Jin faltered when he saw someone come out of the ship, but the raven haired pirate grinned when he saw a familiar face.
"Jin!" Jungkook grinned. "Do you have the prince?" the elder looked down into his arms and smiled.
"Yea I do."
     "Good. Let's go! The others are already here!"

     "He looks so pretty sleeping..." Jungkook whispered and Taehyung nodded next to him. The two of them were watching Jimin sleep inside of Namjoon's room, since the leader was steering the boat for now. The two youngest didn't know where Yoongi, Jin, and Hoseok were though.
"I know right? I'm so jealous that those three got to dance with him. I would be such a good dancing partner." Taehyung quietly whined, careful not to wake up the sleeping prince. Jungkook and Taehyung were so busy gushing about the blond, that they didn't notice that Jimin was waking up. They jumped when they heard a loud scream.
"W-Where am I???" Jimin whimpered in fear and the two gulped.
"We're in so much trouble." the groaned in unison.
"Hey! Answer me!" Jimin huffed with his cheeks puffed out. But before they could answer the prince, the door suddenly burst open with Hoseok and Yoongi on the other side.
"Whats with the-oh." they faltered when they realized that the blond was awake.
"You two!" Jimin yelled and pointed at the older angrily. "You kidnapped me?!"

It was a tense silence as the seven of them sat around the table in the dining too. Jimin was fuming. One second he was dancing with a handsome older man, the next he was being hovered over by two equally handsome older men.
"Why am I here?" Jimin demanded quietly. The prince wasn't known to raise his voice much, as he was able to talk to his people through his kindness. "What do you want with me? To try and force my father to pay you for me?"
"Uh...." Hoseok glanced at his friends, who shrugged.
"Because I do not want to go back to that hell again! Do you see my neck??" Jimin hissed and bared his neck out for them to see, the markings of his father's hand still there for all to see. Jungkook stood up and went over to the prince, who stared at the large man coming towards him with angry eyes. Jungkook stood in front of the petite boy and tilted his head up with his pointer finger. His eyes widened with a blush, letting the older man maneuver his head around. "W-What are you doing...?"
     "If you just ice it, the redness will go down." the man said with a straight face, and Jimin nodded timidly.
     "O-Ok..." the young boy gulped and the man had the audacity to smirk in his face.
     "Jungkook go sit down." someone commanded and the raven haired man went to go sit down next to Agust, as Jimin knows him as. "Welcome to our ship Prince Jimin." the man smiled and the blond gulped. "I'm Kim Namjoon, leader of the Sharks."
"T-The Sharks?!?" Jimin screeched, suddenly standing up. The Sharks were known as the ruthless pirates taking on Korea by a storm. Jimin overheard his father and his warriors talking about fighting them head on before they could steal anything from them. Looks like it's too late for that... "Oh no...W-Will you k-kill me? I-I don't want to die..."
"We won't kill you!" another man jumped up with a large grin. It was Hoseok, who Jimin rolled his eyes at. "Hey what did I do to you?"
"I flirted with pirates! Three pirates!" Jimin whined, sitting back down and rubbing his temples. "Why did you guys take me...? I'm nothing special and I'm pretty sure my dad isn't looking for me."
     "We wanted to save you..." Yoongi said with a straight face. "Look at your neck. Be honest, do you want to go back there to your castle.?" Jimin's eyes widened and he avoided eye contact with the handsome pirates. "What I thought. You aren't happy there...so maybe you'll be happy here..with us?"
     "Yea! We go all around stealing stuff!" the one with the long blond hair grinned. "I'm Taehyung by the way!"
"J-Jimin..nice to meet you.." Jimin looked up and smiled at the six pirates, who blushed at the warmness flooding inside of them.
"We'll let you sleep." Namjoon smiled and stood up. "I'll let Yoongi show you to the room since you two are sharing. Let's go guys; it's late." the others nodded and stood up. "We'll talk to you in the morning." Jimin nodded and they left, leaving only the prince and the green haired pirate.

"Let's go." Yoongi commanded gently and the prince gulped, standing up. "Our room is next to Taehyung and Jungkookie's." the pirate smiled a rather small smile and Jimin relaxed a bit; the pirate's smile reassuring him in some weird way. But Yoongi suddenly stopped, making Jimin bump him head on the mint haired man's shoulder. He fished something out of his pocket and handed it to Jimin. His birthstone bracelet!!
"How did you find this??" he asked frantically.
"You dropped it when we were dancing so I decided to give it back to you." Jimin nodded with a blush on his cheeks. Yoongi started walking and the two both walked out of the dining room, walking through another door. The door then led them to all of the rooms. Some of the crew mates had roommates, and Jungkook and Taehyung shared a room. Jimin and Yoongi's room was between theirs and Hoseok and Jin's. Namjoon has his own room at the end of the hallway since he is the leader. When they got to Yoongi's room, the older man took a key from his pocket and unlocked his door. "Room sweet room I guess." It was a well sized room with dark walls. It was a relatively dark room with a bed that had one bed. Jimin gulped at the realization that the two would have to sleep together. Black sheets, black silk pillows, and a large comfortable looking black blanket covering it all. There was a desk with some stuff on it and a small closet. Basically, a normal room with normal things inside; except for everything being dark colors like black and grey.
"Wow...it's dark in here." Jimin giggled and Yoongi snorted.
"Well yea, I don't need a bright ass room. Hurts my eyes." the older replied. Yoongi took off his shoes and crawled onto his bed. Jimin stared at him until the green haired man grabbed his hand and tugged him onto the bed. The younger gasped and they shrugged until Jimin was under Yoongi with the pirate hovering over him. "Hello there~this is familiar.."
"H-How is this familiar??" Jimin asked with a stutter, cheeks bright red.
"Well I seem to recall dancing with someone as beautiful as you with those red cheeks." Yoongi bent down and gently bit Jimin's cheek, and the blond gasped quietly. "And pretty, teary eyes...."
"This is a little fast don't you think?" Jimin nervously giggled and Yoongi smirked.
"You weren't saying that at the bar~"
"T-That was a moment of weakness..."
"A moment of weakness you enjoyed no?" Yoongi stared into Jimin's eyes intensely, waiting for the younger to say no. But Jimin stared back with equal intensity. "That's what I thought. You enjoyed dancing with me and Hoseok. I wonder if-" but the older was interrupted by someone opening their door.
"Well well well...this is interesting..." Jin smirked and Jimin whined, staring at the raven haired man. "What a compromising position you two are in..."

     It was a difficult nine months staying with the Sharks. The third month of Jimin staying with the unruly pirates and their ship was attacked by another pirate crew. That's when they found out that there was a bounty on Jimin's head, saying to bring him back alive to the kingdom of Busan for a hundred million dollars(i dont know how korean money works so ima use american money🥲). Some came out unscathed and the others had minor injuries that can be wrapped up.
     "Well shit." Yoongi had said, "Your father actually cares." when in actuality, all his father cared about was Jimin ruling when he died. He was a controlling senile man who didn't know how to close the liquor bottle. So the youngest shrugged and fixed the bandage on his arm.
"Whatever. It's not like he's going to catch me." he scoffed.
But as the months passed, Jimin relaxed around the pirates and got closer to the crew mates. He especially got closer to Namjoon and the others. The prince had realized that even though they did bad things, they weren't necessarily bad people. Jimin had talked to all of the crew mates and some had actual reasons for stealing. Chan had said that he wanted to provide for his younger brothers so they wouldn't starve at the hands of their emotionally abusive mother. His father had died from a disease and his mother had shut off all of her emotions. Some needed money so they could settle down and be happy in peace with their money. Others just loved the thrill of
stealing. But on the ninth month of Jimin staying on this ship was when everything went to absolute shit.

Namjoon had docked their ship by a large rock by the shore so no one could see it. It was another mission, but this time Jimin would be going with them. They hadn't heard from the king of Busan for a while, so they deemed it safe for Jimin to come on this mission with them. The pirates were happy that the prince seemed to trust them fully now. They realized that they were all falling in love with the petit blond and had a meeting about it. They didn't want to fight over the prince. They would rather want to share their love for the prince together. So they had all decided that the six of them could date Jimin at the same time, as long as no one got toxic with jealousy. But Jimin didn't know this; all he knew was that he was in love with six amazingly handsome pirates and was heartbroken at the thought of choosing just one. He couldn't bare the thought of breaking their hearts so he stayed quiet about his love.
     "Does everyone have their stuff? Bags, weapons?" Yoongi asked, staring at the six who nodded.
     "This is so exciting!" Jimin gushed with red cheeks and the older men smiled down at him fondly. "This is my first mission with you guys! You usually put me with Chan and the others."
"Well you're experienced enough to come with us. Are you ready?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow. Jimin made eye contact with the older man and blushed. Last night they had kissed and Jimin had run away from the older man. He was still confused with his developing feelings for the six ruggedly sexy pirates. He also saw how affectionate the pirates were with each other and he didn't want to ruin that for them with his love. He was a new addition to the crew and he sometimes felt like he didn't belong. "Jimin?" the prince jumped and looked at Taehyung, who was staring at him with a confused expression. "Are you ok? You look like you're a million light years away from us."
     "Oh I'm fine....just thinking I suppose." Jimin giggled nervously and avoided eye contact with the taller. "But yea, I'm ready."
     "....Good." Taehyung nodded reluctantly and the two left the corridors to be on the deck where the others were waiting for them.
     "Hey! What took you so long??" Hoseok asked when he caught sight of the two, but his eyes widened when he saw how faraway Jimin's eyes looked.
     "I...don't know." the raven haired answered back and Jimin went to the back where Yoongi was. Recently, Jimin and Yoongi got closer to
each other. Since they stayed with each other, they saw everything. Jimin was mostly dependent on the older, which he didn't mind at all. It made the others envious, which Yoongi smirked at.
     "Hey darling." Yoongi greeted. They all had nicknames for Jimin. Yoongi's was Darling, Namjoon's was Tiny, Hoseok's was Angel, Jungkook's was Mimi, and Taehyung's was Min. "You ok? You look pale."
     "I'm ok." Jimin forced a smile and looked to the front. "I'll be fine."
"...Ok if you say so.." Jimin smiled weakly and the drawbridge went down.
"Ok everyone you ready???" Namjoon shouted and the pirates yelled back in glee. "Then let's get our bag!!!" they ran off of the drawbridge and onto level land. Hoseok noticed a carriage with a wagon in the back filled to the brim with stuff.
"Let's get into that wagon! It looks like it's going to the castle for trade." Jimin suggested and the others nodded, running towards the wagon and sneakily hopping in. It jerked ahead and started moving.
"Everyone knows what to do?" Hosoek asked while the seven of them were under the trading things. They all nodded and Jimin smiled. "Good. Let's hope we don't fuck this up...."
     The rude to the castle was long and weary, taking a total of two hours. Once they were finally there, the quickly hopped out of the wagon so they wouldn't be seen by the trading farmer. They grabbed their bags and weapons and ran to the opening of the castle, which was weirdly devoid of guards. The pirates shrugged it off, thinking that the guards were on break. They couldn't have known what would happen next. When they got inside, it was eerily quiet. But before they could do or think of anything, they were quickly grabbed and knocked out.

⚠️tw: mentions of hanging⚠️

Jimin had awoken first with a bag over his head. He mumbled something incoherently and tried to move his arms. But to his surprise, they were tied up, along with his legs. He tried to scream, but he had something thick in his mouth.
Must be a towel or something.... he thought as he quickly spit the thing out. Felt like a towel in my mouth ugh...i hate the fucking texture of towels.
"Finally awake I see...." an achingly familiar voice rung out and Jimin froze in his spot, his line of thought completely going away. "I haven't seen you in about nine months. The day after your birthday, a servant had realized that you were gone and came to tell me. Your delinquent of a brother then ran away once again, taking his sister with him. I tried to find them, but to no avail....by then I had grown very angry. And took it out on your poor mother. Until two months ago when I had caught wind of you being with the Sharks. A bunch of dirty pirates. You are royalty Park Jimin! You shouldn't be around ruffians like them. So I am taking you back with me. Back to Busan." his father explained to him and Jimin choked out a sob. By then, the others were up and listening in on their conversation.
"No! I am not going back with you!" Jimin exclaimed angrily. "I refuse to go back and to be controlled by the likes of you. You don't deserve to be king, or a father. I-" he was interrupted by a harsh slap to his face. The sack on his head was taken off and he was now face to face with his worst nightmare. His father.
"You will come back!!! You have no say in this. You are coming back with me and getting married to the prince of Seoul. After some....persuasion, me and the king of Seoul both have decided for the two of you to get married. You don't get to say no to this. Unless you want anything to happen to your precious pirates. You all seem to forget that these pirates are are wanted everywhere in this country. I won't hesitate to hand them over to any kingdom that I choose. Now, will you choose to be happily married in a big castle, or will you want to be hanged along with your pirate boyfriends?"
"No Jimin!!" Jungkook suddenly yelled out. "Don't go back! Please! Mimi!!"
"Kook...?" Jimin sniffed.
"Listen to Kookie please Min..." Taehyung sobbed out.
"We don't wanna lose you!" Hoseok shouted and harshly moved back and forth in the chair that he was tied up in.
"Come on Jimin...don't do this..." Yoongi pleaded quietly.
"We love you Jimin!" Jin blurted out.
"You are a horrible person King Minhyun..." Namjoon growled. "I hope you rot in Hell..."
"I'll...I'll do it. Just please leave them alone..." Jimin said after the pirates were done trying to persuade him. "I'll marry Prince Jiwon..." the king grinned sadistically.
"Perfect...." he chuckled. He quickly came up to his done and untied him and the pirates, letting the sacks off of their heads.
"Jimin no!" Namjoon gasped with wide eyes. "Don't do this to us! Not now!"
"I have to Joonie.." Jimin smiled sadly, getting up from the chair. He untied his loves and went back to stand by his father. "I have to do this so you'll be safe..." the king rolled his eyes and went to the door.
"Let's go Jimin. We don't have all day." he huffed impatiently and Jimin rolled his eyes and stormed to his disgusting father. As they were leaving, Jimin turned to the older pirates.
"I love you too." he smiled with tears in his eyes. "You may resent me now for what I'm doing, but just know I did this for you guys..." he whisked out of the room, leaving the older men in a daze. But then, they heard the familiar running footsteps of angry guards and they gulped. Quickly opening the window, they jumped out and jumped into a tree, then hopping out of said tree. They ran as fast as they could with tears in their eyes until they got to the shore. Their crew mates saw that their leader and his right hands were back and they drew the drawbridge. But as they got onto the ship, they saw that the bags were empty and their precious friend the prince was gone.
     "Where is Jimin...?" a crew mate by the name of Wooyoung asked hesitantly.

     "He's...gone..." Jungkook whispered, his words laced with agony. The long haired pirate suddenly fell to the ground, clutching his broken heart. He screamed in pain with tears rolling down his face. His friends fell down to the ground with him, holding Jungkook to their chests.
"What do you mean he's gone???" another crew mate, Hyunjin shouted. "Where could he be??"

     "His bastard father took him..." Namjoon growled with pure anger in his chocolate eyes. "And we are going to get him back, no questions asked."
     "How though?" Chan said with sad eyes. "The King of Busan must know you could come for Jimin, and enhance his security around the castle. It'll be pretty tight..."
     "We'll wait a couple of months for a sign of a wedding between the princes of Busan and Seoul. We'll plan until that happens. It'll be foolproof and it'll take the king by surprise. Jimin can't just confess his love for us and decide to leave." Yoongi said with dead eyes.
     "I'll fucking kill the king!" Jin snarled. "I'll pike his head up on a stake for the entire kingdom of Busan to see!"
     "Calm down Jinnie..." Hoseok quietly comforted the elder friends with a weird calmness to him. "The king will get a taste of his own medicine soon..."

                ⚠️tw: mentions of suicide⚠️

     For months, Jimin stood still with dullness in his eyes as the castle prepared for his wedding, aka the shutting of his poor heart. Three months stuck in solitary of his own room and his father put out an announcement for the wedding. But soon after that, tragedy struck. His mother decided that she had enough of her abusive father and claimed her own life(i feel sorry for jimins mother. maybe im just projecting my own mommy issues into this story like haha...🤷🏽‍♀️whateves). The funeral was short, with the king running out of money due to the huge wedding he was putting together. Taemin and Chaeyoung didn't even come to her funeral; they probably wanted to stay out of sight. That's when Jimin's eyes and heart went dull with anger and sadness. His eyes, which used to light up the room, closed down to everyone. He locked himself into his room and let no one in. Eleven months had passed since he saw the loves of his life. Right now he was getting his makeup and hair done.
"How are you feeling your Majesty?" a servant asked and he looked to her. Her kind cat eyes stared into his own kindly and he gulped.
"....I'm fine Yeji. I just want this over with..." he said with any sight of emotion in his voice.

     "I understand...." she smiled and took a step back to look at the bone weary blond. "I'm done! How do you like it?" Jimin stared at his reflection, and he wanted to cry. He didn't look like the carefree pirate any longer. He looked like someone sucked the soul out of his lithe body through his eyes. He sighed and weakly smiled.
     "I love it Yeji. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get dressed."
     "I'll be leaving you now your Majesty...." she bowed and left his room, troubled at the prince's eyes.

     "It's time you guys.." Namjoon said, the whole crew in a large circle. "It's been a rough couple of months, and I know you guys are tired of the relentless training and protocol we forced onto you guys. But this is what we have been waiting for. D-Day, aka our Jimin's wedding."
     "We don't a minute to spare. We've been robbing this entire time, getting money to finally settle down and stop terrorizing this country." Jungkook said after his leader. "We all need to calm down and settle. Remember that uninhabited island we saw a few months ago?" everyone nodded and Jungkook grinned. "Well we'll all build houses there and live there, all of the Sharks. Chan, you can finally be reunited with your brothers!"
     "I know! As soon as this is over, I need to go back to my home with my....mother.." Chan grinned, although it faltered when he mentioned his mother. "We'll go get them right??"
     "Of course." Jin scoffed lightheartedly  "Did you think we forgot??"
     "To get back on track," Yoongi interrupted with an eye roll. "We need to bring up the anchor and head to Busan. San, go bring up the anchor."

     "Yes sir!" the pirate with the black and red hair grinned. He ran off and Yoongi chuckled goodheartedly.
     "Now let's go!" Hoseok shouted.
     "We don't have all day to rescue Jiminie!" Taehyung huffed.
     "Let's go Sharks!!! Let's get Jiminie back...and bring him his surprises!"

⚠️tw: mentions of death⚠️

     Five hours later and Jimin walked out of his room, bumping into his father.
     "Are you ready?" his father grinned, although the blond could tell it was fake. His whole life, he father donned a fake smile onto his face to hide his horrible persona deep down. The king put a hand onto Jimin's shoulder, but the prince shrugged it off.
     "Let's go." he huffed and walked ahead.
     "If it wasn't your wedding day, I would've slapped you."
     "Nothing else could hurt at this point.."
     "You're being dramatic...all this anger over six murderers. They probably forgot about you. They haven't did anything these past couple of months, except for stealing. Grow up Jimin, love isn't real." Jimin glared at his father with the deadliest stare known to mankind.
     "I hope you die a painful death." he growled and walked ahead of his father once again. The nuptials were taking place in the back of the castle, and only royalty were invited. Bobby rode a boat to Busan the day before, but Jimin refused to see him. He knows that Bobby didn't want this marriage as well, but he couldn't help but blame him. As he and the king walked through the garden and towards the arch where the priest and Bobby were waiting, Jimin couldn't help but think.
Would they come for me? Or as my father had said, did they really forget about me that easily? Was I just a trophy to them...? he thought miserably. But he was taken out of his thoughts as he arrived to the wedding ceremony. There were many people of royal descent attending this sham wedding. Some of whom Jimin had no clue about. They were all sitting down looking at him. As soon as they caught sight of the two, they stood up. The music started playing; a beautiful harp flowing through the blond's brain. He let his father walk him down the aisle. The king nudged him harshly and Jimin forced a smile onto his pale face. When he got to the archway, the king let go of his son and went to stand on the side. Everyone sat back down and the prince sighed to himself. Jimin stared at Bobby, who looked worse for wear.
     "Hi..." Jimin whispered. Bobby looked up at him and looked away. Jimin gulped and the two glanced towards the priest, who started talking. He started off with a prayer, calling to Jimin and Bobby and asked for God's blessing. After the nuptials were almost done, the priest then asked,
     "If anyone out there would like to object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."
     "I do!!" five familiar voices rang out and Jimin's eyes widened.
Is that.....it is!!! Jimin thought as he let go of Bobby's hands and tried to run off to his pirates, but a hand harshly pulled him back.
     "Guards! Shoot those criminals down!" the king yelled out. But before they could do anything, Hoseok and Jungkook quickly shot down the fifteen officers. At this point, the royals(i didnt want to say kings and queens...i want the enbies to feel validated and safe here☺️) started screaming and running around like a butcher cutting off a chicken's head. They all ran for the doors, leaving Jimin, the king, Bobby, and his loves at a standoff. "I knew this would happen, but I let my guard down like an idiot..." his father snarled and quickly pulled out his gun, pressing it directly onto Jimin's temple. "You come any closer and I will blow his head off!" the man looked crazed, his eyes wide and his lips pulled up into a snarl.
"Put the gun down." Namjoon commanded with narrow eyes. "You don't know what you're doing..." that's when Jimin had noticed that someone was missing. He sneakily glanced around the building, and that's when the blond noticed his love sitting prettily in top of the roof with a gun in his hand, aiming it at the king and waiting for the right time.
"None of this would've happened if I had compliant children!! Taemin is such a disgrace to the Park name. And Chaeyoung doesn't deserve to rule; she is a woman and women can't rule anything without their pathetic hearts. But Jimin...Jimin is the perfect child I need to carry on my legacy!!!"(ok but why do i get endeavor vibes from jimins dad...? i watch too much anime😀🔫)
"If you don't let go of Jimin, you'll regret it..." Taehyung hissed and Jimin smiled. Minhyun rolled his eyes and grinned at the men.
"Regret what??? That I made the perfect child with such a horrible and complaining bitch?? Don't bother with the talk!! If I can't have Jimin, no one can!!" a shot rang out and Jimin gasped. But he felt around his body and didn't fell no types of blood. But when his father fell down right beside him, that's when he saw that Yoongi disappeared from the rooftop. Jimin glanced to the side and saw Bobby standing there as pale as ever.
"You should go back to your own lover. Sorry for all of this..." Jimin smiled. Bobby turned to Jimin with tears in his eyes. He grinned at the younger prince and ran off, back into the castle. Jimin turned to his pirate lovers and ran towards them. He jumped and Jin caught him with a smile. The two fell onto the ground with the blond on top of the raven haired gentleman. Jimin smashed his lips against Jin's and kissed the oldest pirate. After a bit, Jimin stopped the kiss and stood up, kissing all of them one by one. They heard running footsteps coming toward them and they saw Yoongi coming with a large grin plastered onto his pale face. The seven of them collided with each other, exchanging kisses and hugs. Jimin was in the middle, happy as can be. Where he belonged.

5 years later....

"Jimin come on! We don't have all day!" the now brunet heard a harsh knocking on his door and he grunted, feeling a familiar pair of arms pinning him to the bed.
"Jk, let me go...." the younger whined and tried to push Jungkook off of his naked body, but to no avail.
"Who is that...?" Taehyung muttered on the other side of Jimin.
"Taemin..." Jimin murmured back, finally able to be released from the now short haired male. Jungkook's hair had gotten too long and he cut it. It's been five years since everything had happened at his wedding. Jimin and the pirates had fled the scene and went back to the ship, where his friends waited for him. But when he got onto the ship, only two familiar silhouettes were there. He barged into Taemin and Chaeyoung, hugging his siblings tightly. The two had explained that they had stayed in Daegu for a bit, until the Sharks came and picked them up. They had really wanted to come to their mother's funeral, but they were too paranoid about their father. They sent notes to Jimin, trying to explain what was going on. At the end, only Taemin stayed with his twin. Chaeyoung wanted to rule Busan with a fair hand, unlike their dictator father. So she went back to Busan and the pirates took the twins to a remote island, where they said that they would no longer steal. They have everything that they needed right here. Now five years later, and their island was blooming with life. Even refugees came to their island, hoping to stay. There were houses everywhere and farms everywhere.
"Darling...don't listen to your idiot brother..." Yoongi grunted on the other side of Taehyung.
"Have a lazy day with us..." Namjoon suggested on the side of Jungkook.
"We sound like evil predators trying to lure in innocent prey..." Jin snickered.
"Yea...this sounds a little weird..." Hoseok chimed in. "But like Joonie said, stay in bed." Jimin smiled and shrugged.
"I'll stay with you guys forever, even if it's in bed..." he whispered.
"Jimin I can here you!!!"

annnnnnd thats the end!! does it sound rushed?😭i dont know, but this is a whopping 12k words i wrote! long ass oneshot...anyways i hope you guys enjoy! and just so you guys know, when "we dont bite" is over, im announcing a new book with the help of my friend @XxAnikado432Xx soooo yea😀hope you enjoy this oneshot!!
btw, if some of yall dont know, this is endeavor:

Okumaya devam et

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