Lola Skumpy X Male Reader | B...

De Isobateverything

487 13 9

After a tough school year your parents force you to move in with your cousin Gina to get a fresh start. You h... Mai multe

Meeting Old Friends

New School New Me

191 6 7
De Isobateverything

After lots of catching up whilst walking down the road, we were in front of a big building. It was my new school and I was more than terrified. I took a deep breath before standing up straight and putting on my confident facade. No one would mess with me if I didn't take their shit. Confidence has always been key.

"So how come you have been kicked out of so many schools?" Gina asked curiously.

I was taken back as I hadn't expected nor was I prepared for that question. Why was I kicked out of so many schools? The reason was complicated. My father would tell you that it's because I have a bad attitude and anger issues. To be fair the anger issues part wouldn't exactly be wrong. I had been kicked out for fights with people that constantly harassed and bullied me. Many made remarks and jokes about my dead mother, others just didn't like the way I would dress. With my track record and history of course I would be blamed when I couldn't take their bull shit anymore and started a fight. In a few fights the other person threw the first punch but most of them were by my hand. It wasn't my fault that they would make fake threats to beat the shit out of me. Unlucky for them I was strong and knew how to fight. Hopefully they learned their lesson about messing with people that are different but I highly doubt that. Anyways it was fun to wipe that smug look from all of their faces.

"I get into a lot of fights. People like to make fun of me and my... mum. So when I can't take it anymore and do something about it, I always get the blame." I said as I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

Gina looked horrified about the fact people would even mention my mother but then she also understood how cruel people could be. Trying to make light of the situation she began to speak.

"Once this girl Devin called me a slut so I made sure to get a few punches in. Eventually I was stopped but I definitely won that fight." She said with a proud look on her face.

I was very impressed but never thought Gina would be the one to get into a fight. I guess there was still a lot to learn about her.

"Damn I hate mean girls. Let me guess she is 'Miss Popular.'" I said in a mocking voice.

"You know it." She giggled.

We entered the school through the front doors. Gina looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. Although she was tall for a girl her age I was still taller. I smiled back as we continued to walk down the halls.

"So have any friends?" I asked as I turned to face her.

She was gone. I started to look around me when I saw her being dragged away. I didn't see who had taken her but she shot me a brief apologetic look before she was completely out of sight. My throat closed slightly as I realised I didn't know what class I was in. My panic settled as I paced down the hall way. Suddenly I was pushed back when I collided with someone.

"I am so sorry!" I exclaimed whilst helping the girl up.

She had bright red hair that was pulled back carefully into a ponytail. Her clothes were pretty plain but I could tell she was beautiful. Then I had a quick thought. My eyes searched the room when I realised... Everyone's clothes were very plain. I was the only person at this school who dressed in anything other than a shirt and some trouser or a skirt. I shook off the worry trying to focus on the person I had just knocked over.

"Don't worry about it. Hey you are the new kid right, Gina's cousin?" She asked before giving me a shocked look.

"Yea I'm y/n." I said scratching the back off my neck.

"I'm Jessie... Sorry you just look really different." She said with a tilted head.

I gave her an awkward smile whilst she clearly regretted her choice of words. She shook her head vigorously.

"Different good, you actually have a sense of style. Very unique but you look amazing and your makeup! I have never seen a boy wear any before." She spoke quickly trying to fix her previous statement. "Wow I'm an idiot. Not that I am assuming you are a boy sorry!" She tried to explain herself with panic in her voice.

I simply chuckled and thought it was cute. My look was very feminine and since this was a very plain town I wasn't surprised at her confusion.

"Don't worry I am a guy and thank you. I feel like I kind of went overboard but I feel naked without my band tees and eyeliner." I laughed trying to brighten up the conversation, this was the first person I met but she seemed nice and easy to befriend.

She let out a massive sigh before continuing to compliment me and telling me to never change. It felt good that someone thought that my style was really cool. Quickly I learned that she was very powerful and like Gina stood up for what's right. I was glad since I was also a huge feminist and hated any form of discrimination. I also could sense that she was very funny and kind but could dish out a few insults when needs be. She helped me get to my first lesson which coincidently she was in. Making a friend this easily took away any worries that I previously had.

The day went pretty quickly and soon enough it was lunch. Jessie and I headed to the cafeteria. I hadn't yet met any of her friends but I was intrigued what kind of company she kept. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard some commotion coming from where you buy your lunch.

"YOU BETTER GIVE ME MORE TOTS CUZ I AM FUCKING STARVING since my mum left to visit this criminal she is pursuing and I spent all the money she left for food on perfumes at Sephora." A very distinctive voice let out slightly whimpering at the end of her sentence.

I looked over in her direction and saw a girl. She was wearing a pink top and purple cardigan with a matching skirt. Her hair was a yellowish shiny blonde that bunched at the ends with curls. This was accompanied by a rather short fringe that she obviously cut herself. Her eyes looked crazy as she was filled with anger. Her lips were big and a pinkish nude with lip gloss. The power alone made something flutter inside of me. I pushed down this unfamiliar feeling as I spoke to Jessie.

"Who is that?" I asked, my eyes glued to the furious blonde.

"Oh that's Lola. She's a- well she's a nightmare." Jessie said in a stand off ish tone.

"Yeah I can sort of tell." I replied but I couldn't shake the intrigued feeling I had.

Some how she had imprinted herself into my mind. What seemed like a very high maintenance girl that I usually would keep my distance from, gave me concern. The sadness in her voice as she spoke of her mother's time away. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. Like I wanted to hug her and tell her that everything would be ok.

Jessie sat down on a table. At the far end was an angry looking boy stood up on his seat, he had jet black hair and bushy eyebrows. He wore blue trousers, a white shirt and a dark grey sleeveless jacket. His comments were directed to three boys and a girl. One had light brown hair, boxy glasses, a green shirt and a slight moustache. He gave off a very awkward vibe. Another was short with huge lips, dark brown hair, a blue shirt and a white open shirt. The last boy was a lot more stylish than the others. He had carefully combed ginger hair, a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a brown sweater vest. I could tell that he was annoyed as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. The girl was rather pretty. She had short brown curly hair tucked back with a yellow headband, a matching yellow shirt and some blue overalls. She seemed kind and nurturing but gave me a feeling that she could be a very big push over.

"It actually stopped in 2008, look it up Andrew!" The angry boy shouted rather loudly.

"Guys I want you to meet y/n he's new." Jessie said ignoring the outburst of the boy.

Everyone immediately stopped their conversation to look at me. They all gave me that same shocked look that both Jessie and Gina had this morning. I didn't realise how big of an effect my outfit and makeup would have on everyone. The girl looked at me dreamily, completely absorbed by my style.

"This is Missy, Andrew, Nick, Jay and Matthew." Jessie said as she pointed to each of them.

One name stuck with me in particular. Jay. He was the boy that had been shouting before and I could already tell he would either be my best friend or worst enemy. Now sitting he protectively pulled Matthew closer to him and wrapped an arm around him. Matthew clearly felt this notion was unnecessary but didn't pull away. Nick looked back and forth between Jessie and I jealously.

"Let me guess. Jay and Matthew are dating but it's all new so Jay gets weirdly protective at every new encounter. Nick you either liked Jessie at some point or are dating her. Now that leaves you two Andrew and Missy. You two must have dated at some point since you are the only ones left in the group. How right am I?" I asked with a sly smile.

The entire groups eyes widened as they all began to laugh. I settled down next to Jessie whilst looking between them all.

"Spot on my friend." Andrew said in a weirdly formal way.

"We aren't dating anymore by the way." Nick said to clarify with a hint of caution in his voice which I brushed off.

"May I say you look amazing, better than all of these losers at least. That eyeliner and that belt. Wow just wow." Matthew said with an impressed tone.

"Thank you, I expected more people to dress like me but I guess not." I said with a shrug.

Everyone wanted to briefly introduce themselves so I found out quite a lot. I had always been pretty good at reading people so everything they said I guessed accurately beforehand. It felt good making friends. I must say that we got along very quickly which made all of my anxieties float away instantly. Originally I had expected to spend lunch with Gina so I inspected the room to spot her. To my luck she was heading over so I hoped that these were her friends.

"Ok guys Gina is heading over what do I do?" Nick said suddenly panicked.

"Be mean, girls love playing hard to get." Jay said shooting him finger guns.

I rolled my eyes at that comment but laughed as I found this whole situation very amusing. None of them but Jessie knew that Gina was my cousin. It made the situation absolutely hilarious as none of them had a single clue on how Nick could woo her.

"Just be yourself and don't act like a dick. She just wants a guy that respects her and feels comfortable around her. Most girls do." I commented whilst looking at Nick.

He nodded at my idea and decided to take my advice. As Gina approached me she placed both hands on my shoulders. This took Nick by surprise and completely knocked his confidence. I could see Jay out of the corner of my eye impressed and about to say something.

"Dude you have been here one day and already bagged the girl with the best boobs in our grade!" He remarked.

Matthew jabbed his elbow into Jay's rib which caused him to flinch. I was glad Matthew did because his comment made me feel like doing it myself. A disgusted look appeared on both of our faces as Jessie planted her face into her palm.

"You idiot." Jessie said as Jay looked around wondering what he said wrong.

"First of all bro gross, don't talk about people's bodies like that ok. Second of all if you talk about Gina's body like that one more time I will make sure you don't ever speak again period." I said slightly annoyed.

He put his hands up to motion defeat. I guess I had intimidated him enough for him to shut up. To be fair I did seem scary when threatening people but someone commenting on Gina like that made my blood boil. I was almost certain that when I met that Devin girl who called Gina a slut I would throw her across the room.

"Hey y/n don't mind him. He's gross all of the time." Gina shot him a glare before continuing. "I thought you were going to sit with me but I guess you made friends already."

"Sorry Jessie asked me to sit with her and I was looking around so I could tell you." I said nervously because I didn't want her to be upset with me.

"That's fine I'm glad you made friends quickly, I'll see you after school ok? Meet me by the bench outside." She told me before giving me a quick hug and walking off to go sit with a girl.

I wasn't too sure how to continue the situation so I cleared my throat and looked at everyone practically begging for them to start talking. No one did they just sort of stared at me. Jessie took this as her cue.

"I'm having a sleepover tomorrow do you want to come?" She asked unsure what else to say.

"Sure." I answered with a nervous smile.

I didn't want to turn her down after that kind gesture. I haven't been to one in years. Assuming that everyone sat before me would be there this would make for a very interesting time.

"So y/n are you and Gina like..." Nick asked with a defeated look.

"Ew no no no. She's my cousin." I laughed.

"Thank god because I really am nothing compared to you." Nick said with a relieved look.

It was weird someone seeing me as competition let alone thinking they had no chance up against me. Though it was nice knowing how highly they thought of me. This made a surge of confidence flood through my veins.

"You guys are an interesting crowd but I feel like we will be great friends. Even you Jay, because if not I'll start a rumour that you eat tiny pieces of shit as a snack." I said smugly with my arms folded.

"How did you-" Jay looked gobsmacked.

The rest of them all burst out in laughter. I remembered Jessie mentioning that he said that a lot so if I ever heard a rumour like it to know it's not true. Honestly I thought it was pretty funny and an easy way to become friends. After that Jay was extremely nice and even offered to show me a magic trick.

"I would love to see a magic trick." I said in response.

"Please no!" The rest of them cried out in union as Jay began to get out a deck of cards.

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