Meeting Old Friends

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I was awoken from my deep slumber by the shrieking of my alarm. My hand met my phone as I violently turned it off. My whole body shuddering at the thought of what today was. First days of school were such a familiar thing to me but I never knew what the day had to bring. Maybe another fist fight causing my immediate expulsion. I didn't want to make a bad impression considering my cousin Gina would be attending this school. Not seeing her for years was crazy since we used to be inseparable. Our mothers were best friends so they had us at the same time to go through everything together. When my mother died my father and I moved far away. Now Gina and I were nothing but strangers but I hoped to change that. I could really use some form of normality and a stable family would be a good start.

I looked down to see the time was 6:00 am. My father mentioned that Gina would be awake at this time getting ready for school. I picked my bags up from the bench I was sat on and headed to her house. The rain was light but enough to make my skin crawl with goosebumps. To be completely honest I was supposed to show up at their house last night but I wanted to avoid that awkward encounter. By going at night it would mean I had to sit through a dinner before being showed to my room. Setting up camp on the street after my train seemed like the best idea. Sleeping on benches was far too familiar from the days me and my dad would fight so inevitably I just stayed there. The thought of them worrying about me was clinically insane. Never in my life had someone cared about my whereabouts.

Now stood outside their door I was anxious. My whole appearance and personality had changed from the boy they once knew. Gina probably wouldn't like me anymore, I mean who would? That sweet, kind, innocent, doe eyed kid now replaced by a trauma ridden teen full of angst. Surely they would tell me to leave soon enough. I was troublesome, always getting into fights and being suspended or expelled. None of them I was to blame for but it was easier to punish me for acting out because of my dead mother rather than going for the kids that would ridicule me. Everyone thought that eventually I would get over the hurt but the other kids, they would forever be assholes. After all why change something that is unchangeable. The world will always have horrible people because who else would be in charge. Society runs on blatant bullies so who am I to be mad.

Before I could have any other second thoughts, I pressed the doorbell. The beaten door swung open with a squeak caused by rusty hinges. I was met by tall girl. Her eyes were a shade of brown that looked like they had been glossed over with honey and filled with complete and utter warmth. A smile so kind and inviting, you could tell she always saw the best in every situation. Sleek, glossy, black hair falling down to her waist. Simply by the way she stood you knew that she doesn't take shit from anybody. The kind of person that doesn't put up with peoples bullshit and only forgives when deserved but never truly forgets. She was wearing tight black jeans and a red long sleeved v neck.

"Y/N!" The girl cried out as she brought me into a hug.

I tried to fight it since she had been a complete stranger but couldn't help melting into her arms. Body feeling like a puddle of clay that was vulnerable to anyone. Being so touch deprived caused even the simplest of contact to mean the world. Usually I would shy away from anything physical but I sensed some form of nostalgia and familiarity. Once she let go I stood back allowing her to look me up and down in disbelief. That's when I realised.

"Wow y/n you look so different. If we weren't up all night worried sick I probably wouldn't of recognised you." She laughed playfully punching me in the gut.

A nervous laugh escaped from my lips as she moved to once side allowing me to enter. My bags were immediately removed from my arms. Gina made her way upstairs into an empty room whilst I followed her like a lost puppy. She set the bags down on the floor before turning to me. I couldn't help but replay those words in my head 'worried sick.' No way had they cared so much to stay up waiting. Guilt filled my body as I couldn't help feeling that I had messed up.

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