Before Us

By Emmybai1314

37 0 0

What if you were never supposed to be born? What if for 18 years it seemed like the universe was trying to ge... More

Radio Silence
The Party
The Mouse Talks
A Good time

To Be A Lancaster

6 0 0
By Emmybai1314


5:00 am

"Maclyn Sofia Lancaster! If you don't get up right now you'll be late for school!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm up!" I yelled back as I dragged myself out of bed. I went to the bathroom where My outfit for today should be but can't seem to find it.

"MOM!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs "Wheres my shirt?" I asked her when I finally reached the bottom.

"How should I know the maid probably took it." My mom told me

"Okay, where is she?"

"How am I to know child, go find her yourself." She scowled

"Okay?" I said leaving my mom alone.'That was strange She always knows where Blair is' I walked around the house calling out for Blair when she pops out of the laundry room."Is there anything I can do for you Miss Maclyn?" She asked, 

"Have you seen the shirt I had hanging up in my bathroom?"

"Oh yes, I was just ironing it ".

"Okay, bring it to my room than clean it for me," I told her walking back to my room. Once I was finished in the shower I stepped out of the bathroom to find my room clean and my shirt laid out on my bed. I grabbed the marron crop top off my bed putting it on along with a pair of ripped jeans before I grabbed an off-white cardigan. I grabbed my bookbag and phone before heading downstairs.

"Alright, I'm going to school now!" I yelled out grabbing my keys off the hook.

"Wait, one-moment young lady," My mom called out, "Don't forget to pick your dress up for tonight's party its important."

"I know mom I have to go pick up Stella," I said walking out of the house to get into my car.

8:30 am

Today all the teachers have been talking about is different types of soulmate marks and how soulmates came about. Stella is still in class. I'm one of the only ones out of class right now because my teacher let us go early. 'God, why is it taking her so long. It's almost time for a class change' I thought leaning against the lockers. Just as I was about to get up and leave Stella walks out. She roughly grabs my arm pulling me with her.

"Woah where are we going?" I asked her trying to keep up with her fast pace.

"The library I have to tell you something!" She almost shouts out

"Okay, and why couldn't we just talk in the hall?" I questioned

"Because it's not safe." She whispered. Right as I was gonna say something else she pulls me making me stumble." No more questions" she ordered

8:40 am

As we walked to our normal table in the very back of the library I saw Alice Ward, A strange girl, she's always so quiet, everyone in elementary school said we looked like siblings. I didn't see it then but as we got older I started to see it too. While I was zoned out, Stella started to talk with her. 'it's probably something mean again' When I came back Alice had said something to me, but I couldn't hear her, I glanced at Stella 'If it were just me I wouldn't do this I'm a good person.'

"What was that Alice? Can't hear you mouse girl speak up." I sneered she cleared her throat before speaking again

"Um," she paused, "You look nice today." Alice complicated my eyes widened 'How could she say that I'm so mean to her? What's wrong with me she's always been so nice to me and all I ever am is mean' Stella shouted something bringing me back to reality. Alice gets up really fast leaving the table. Stella pulls me to a chair pushing me to sit.

"Okay okay, you won't believe what I just learned!" She started "So you know Mrs. Colli right," she asked I nodded, "okay so she was telling the class a story about her soulmate and how he died, it's really sad, but then she started talking about this thing called a second chance soulmate."

"What are you on about? There's no way she had two soulmates." I stated,

"No No listen okay, Someone said she was lying so she pulled up the article about her first soulmate dying, Greg, he was real so she pulled up more articles about second chance soulmates and there are tons." She argued, 

"Okay, but why are you telling me this?" I asked still skeptical about the whole thing.

"Because one of the articles said that this man's first soulmate and her family did some horrible things to him and he almost died!" She said getting louder

"Oh my god, that's horrible!" I told her

"I know so he ran away and found his second chance soulmate now he owns the bakery here in town!" She finished

"Okay, so I still don't get what your on about why did you have to rush to tell me this?" I asked her still confused

"Because one of the articles said that this girl just met her second chance soulmate first and fell in love with them so her soulmates swapped places, So if Jayden falls for his second chance soulmate then you will swap places with that person Maclyn!" She explained bringing down my mood

"Oh.." I said sadly 'What if I'm not even his soulmate? My life will be ruined this is all my mom had been preparing me for The day that Jayden will be announced me as his soulmate. What if that never happens?'

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