Iron Witch [3]

By Stark_2023

143K 4.8K 3.2K

BOOK THREE OF THE TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER SERIES (OCxLoki) ~ After the Civil War between the Avengers, Hope Sta... More

Chapter 1: After
Chapter 2: Hero
Chapter 3: Another Night
Chapter 4: I'm Sorry
Chapter 5: Normal
Chapter 6: Back
Chapter 7: Friends
Chapter 8: Iron Dad
Chapter 9: Homecoming
Chadwick Boseman
Chapter 10: Plane
Chapter 11: Spider Child
Chapter 12: New Suit
Chapter 13: Leaving
Chapter 14: Love
Chapter 15: Love pt.2
Chapter 16: Children
Chapter 17: Fun
Chapter 18: Race
Chapter 19: Brother
Chapter 20: Brother pt.2
Chapter 21: Footloose
Chapter 22: Earth
Chapter 23: Welcome Party
Chapter 24: Time
Chapter 25: The Past
Chapter 26: Secrets
Chapter 27: Blessing
Thor Ragnarok
Chapter 29: Shady Acres
Chapter 30: Strange
Chapter 31: Hela
Chapter 32: Sakaar
Chapter 33: Stay With Me
Chapter 34: Scapper142
Chapter 35: Old Friend
Chapter 36: Ready
Chapter 37: Sparkles
Chapter 38: Brothers
Chapter 39: Fight
Chapter 40: Light
Chapter 41: Leaving
Chapter 42: Plan
Chapter 43: Ship
Chapter 45: Calm Before the Storm
Infinity War
Chapter 47: New York
Chapter 48: New York pt.2
Chapter 49: The Guardians
Chapter 50: Breaking the News
Chapter 51: Plan
Chapter 52: Thor
Chapter 53: Wakanda
Chapter 54: Bucky
Chapter 55: Nidavellir
Chapter 56: Return
RE-UPLOAD Chapter 55: Nidavellir
RE-UPLOAD Chapter 56: Return
Chapter 57: The Sun Disappeared

Chapter 44: Asgard

1.8K 73 104
By Stark_2023

Thor as filled everyone in on the plan. Well, what we hope will be the plan. There isn't any plans after plan A.

So let's hope it works.

Thor is gone to the palace to draw Hela away. Loki, Bruce, Val, and Korg will stay on the ship until they are needed. And I'm joining Heimdall and the Asgardians.

I appeared from my portal just beside Heimdall. He had the BiFrost sword on his back.

He looked badass with the sword and his hooded cape.

"Lady Hope. A pleasure, as always, to see you." The tall Asgardian greeted with a small smile.

"An honour to be in your presence, oh protector of the nine realms." I joked lightly with a grin.

Heimdall let out a small chuckle and we walked with the other Asgardians towards the BiFrost.

"I thought I would join you in leading Asgard to safety." I scanned the large group of people with my glasses, looking for my friends.

"Are you sure that is the only reason?" Heimdall asked softly.

I glanced at him. He stared at me with his beautiful eyes, looking all knowing.

"And I wanted to make sure they were safe." I sighed in defeat.

Heimdall pointed ahead and my glasses followed his line of vision.

The three of them walked side by side, arms linked together.

"They are safe. They are just as scared as the others. But I'm sure seeing you will help ease them, Princess Hope." Heimdall reminded me with a sly smile.

"Oh yeah. I forgot I was pretending to be a princess." I laughed as I remembered. I've been doing it for almost 2 years and I still forgot.

"At this point, Lady Hope. I don't think you forgot you were pretending to be one." Heimdall stated making me look at him. He stared down at me with an off look. "I think you forgot you aren't actually one."

I opened my mouth to protest.

"You've been so helpful, and caring towards Asgard during your time here. You seemed to have grown attached to this place, as well as your position in taking care of everyone. To me, I could see you as a good fit in leading Asgard one day." Heimdall said as he guided me through the large door way, just on the outskirts of the village.

"Me? Leading Asgard? I don't think that's a good id—." A large boom came from the palace.

Everyone stopped at the loud sound, knowing exactly what it was.

It came again.

Thor, you smart cookie.

"I assume that is Prince Thor." Heimdall glanced at me with a smirk. I nodded.

"He is drawing Hela away from us." We were almost to the BiFrost.

Another boom came again.

Heimdall and I walked a little faster then the others to get ahead.

"Princess Hope!" I heard Bella yell from beside me. I looked over to see the three making their way towards me.

"I'll catch up." I smiled up at the older Asgardian. He nodded and walked ahead.

I was pulled into a hug by Tilia and Bella.

"You're okay!" Bella exclaimed in my shoulder.

"I thought we had to leave without you!" Tilia cried.

"Glad to see you're not dead." Liam sent a smile from behind the two.

I pulled away from the two with a relieved smile. "I'm glad to see you all are okay."

"What's happening? What does she want?" Bella asked me with slight panic, afraid of what is to come.

I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity. How much did Heimdall tell them? I just don't want them to freak out even more, but on the other hand, if they don't know they will probably make up a bunch of scenarios in their head where it may be a lot worse.

Or is that just me who does that? I don't know.

Overthinking is sort of my specialty.

"Heimdall told us about the Goddess of Death. She is the one trying to take the throne, right?" Liam asked as we continued walking.

"Yes. And she is extremely powerful. She's also really pretty. Just think of a woman version of Prince Loki, but a little more evil." I chuckled trying to lift their spirits.

"At least Loki didn't try and execute a innocent Lady from the village in front of everyone." The brown haired man mumbled.

I was taken back by what Liam had just said.

"She did what?" I whispered loudly. I wasn't really surprised though. I just can't imagine how scared the woman was.

"Yeah! Hela had this really big wolf with her. I forget what they're called, but it was huge!" Tilia widened her arms wide apart.

"Where did you go? Have you come to help us?" Bella asked, her eyes filled with desperate hope.

I smiled and nodded. "That's the plan. Prince Thor is the one who is at the throne. He is drawing Hela away so we can escape."

I heard sighs of relief from not just the three, but the others who were eavesdropping around us.

I chuckled softly.

"Prince Thor is here? That's amazing!" Tilia let out a laugh. "He will defeat her, right? Prince Thor can save us."

I pursed my lips, not knowing what to say.

And Liam seemed to noticed. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

"We have to evacuate from Asgard. It is not safe here much longer." We made it to the BiFrost bridge.

We were at the back of the group. I walked behind and Heimdall lead in the front.

I walked along the rainbow bridge towards the BiFrost, ready to leave this planet.

But a feeling hit my stomach. My gut turned. A bad feeling started to set in.


We made it half way to the BiFrost, but we had stopped walking.

"What's going on?" Bella asked worriedly as she tried to peek over the large group of people.

I lifted myself with my magic and looked over to see.

Just at the end of the bridge stood the wolf Liam had mentioned. The large beast standing tall in the fog, ready to charge after us.

"Oh shit." I whispered to myself as I noticed the small army of people just behind the wolf as well.

Great... this will be fun.

"Everyone go back!" I heard Heimdall yell.

Everyone started running back to the main land. Cries of fear and panic coming from behind me as I ran as well.

I grabbed Bella's hand, knowing she gets scared easily. We ran in the direction we were coming from.

"Wait! Stop!" I stretched my hand out to the side.

The people stopped again.

On the other side was even more of Hela's army. They stood with weapons, blocking the exit.

We were trapped.

Loki! We're gonna need some help. I called out to Loki in my head.

The other Asgardians men and women who had armour and weapons drawn, ready to fight with me.

They looked at me.

I let go of Bella's hand and looked back at them.

I smiled when I saw a woman hold up her sword, ready to fight for her home.

I turned and noticed Skurge leading Hela's army.

That traitor! What the hell!?

I stepped forward as I pulled out my staff from behind me.

I walked closer to Skurge, twirling the rod that was made of special metal in my hand.

"Heimdall!" Skurge called out. I glared at him as I gripped my staff.

I glanced at the a soldiers that stood along side Skurge. They were... dead...

They're alive, but their dead...

"The sword!" Skurge yelled out again.

The BiFrost sword. That's what they want.

I glanced back and squinted at Heimie. His eyes filled with certainty, he nodded once.

I smirked and turned to face Skurge and his army.

"Looks like you'll have to go through all of us before you get that sword." I made my hand glow blue, which made lines of blue appear on my staff.

They ran down to both ends and the blades on either end of my staff lit up in blue flames.

I made my eyes burn blue as I readied for his attack.

I could see the slight fear in Skurge's eyes as he stared at me.

I ignored the whispers behind me. They have not seen me like this before.

Skurge gestured Hela's soldiers to attack.

I twirled my staff and split on of the skeletons in half. I spun around and stabbed another.

The Asgardians fought against the skeletons as well.

I dodged one as it swung its sword and stabbed it in its stomach.

I waved my staff and a waved of blue magic came out, knocking a bunch off the side of the bridge.

I blocked another's sword and pushed it away. I used the other side of the stabbed and cut it in half.

I threw up my staff and slid underneath a swinging sword and caught it on the other side. I spun on my knees and stabbed the soldier in its chest and threw it off the side.

As I fought abasing these skeletons, I glanced back to see the ship coming closer through the fog.

I let out a small breath of relief at the sight of Loki, only to be almost stabbed by a sword.

"Your saviour is here!" I heard Loki yell to the people of Asgard.

I rolled my eyes as I stabbed another skeleton.

He's so dramatic.

The Asgardians and I fought together, making sure no one was killed.

I was grabbed from behind and was pulled back from being attacked by a skeletons.

I watched as a dagger fly into the skeletons chest and it fell to the ground.

I looked back to see Loki smirking smugly. "Looks like you need my help, Darling."

"I would have got him." I swung my staff and another wave of magic knocked down a few skeletons.

"It didn't look like that to me." Loki grunted as he stabbed one of Hela's soldier.

"Nice suit. It really goes with your gold helmet." I gestured to his sexy self.

I squinted my eyes when I notice a circle in the middle of his antlers. It was carved into the helmet.

"What's that?" I pointed to his head, not before killing two more skeletons. "That's carving wasn't there before. It looks weird."

Loki smiled to himself thoughtfully as he killed a skeleton.

"I will tell you about it later. I'm sure you'll find a reason to love it." Was all Loki said.

I stopped what I was doing for a moment when I was almost blinded by a bright light.

I looked up to see the biggest lightning blast I have ever witnessed hit the palace.

Loki and I stared up at the palace as the sky lit up in the blue light.

"Holy shit..." I gasped at the sight.

I looked over to Loki who was smirking proudly. He was proud of his brother.

Watched as Thor jumped from the sky surrounded by lightning, coming towards us to join the fight.

I smirked and looked down to my staff.

Is it show time yet?

I looked over and watched Loki dodged an incoming sword and do this cool ass flip off the ground. He landed on his feet and used his helmet to knock down the skeleton. He stabbed it right through the chest.

I stared at Loki for a moment. I licked my lips as I shook my head.

Calm down, Hope. Calm. Down.

I put my staff back onto my back.

I made my eyes glow as I raised my hands. Blue mist surrounded the remaining skeletons, which was still quite a few.

I raised them up into the air and slammed them onto the ground, making them disintegrate before us.

I made the mist disappear and Thor walked up to us, his eyes stopped glowing as well as mine did.

Well... eye....

He has no eye! Eww! It's all blood and shit!

I poked back to see the other skeletons have all been defeated. Val was walking towards us in a new white suit with a blue cape.

She looks really beautiful. With her hair down and her strut.

Standing next to Loki and Val. Bi panic.

"You're late." Thor said to Loki. I winced as I stared at his eye.

"You're missing an eye." Loki stated the obvious making me chuckle.

"This isn't over." Val reminded us as she walked by.

We joined her side as we stood in Hela's path.

She's still alive!?

I let out a tired breath as I stood next to Loki, on the end of the Revengers.

"I think we should disband the Revengers." Thor stated to us, panting.

What? Why?

We're a cool team!

"Hit her with a lightning blast." Loki stared at their sister who was stalking towards us with her dagger swords.

"I just hit her with the biggest lightning blasts in the history of lightning! It did nothing!" Thor exclaimed, shutting down the idea.

Sorry, I suppose Loki's helmets aren't antlers. Hela's are. Loki's are horns. Right, right.

"We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board." Val said.

"It won't end there." Thor shook his head. We all looked at him with confusion. "The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She's hunt us down."

So what? Destroy the thing that's giving her power? Haha...ha

He's really gonna do it... oh my god! He's going to destroy Asgard!

"So what do we do?" Val asked.

"I'm not going 'get help'." Loki shook his head quickly, scared of the idea.

Get help?

Thor looked back to the people boarding the ship. His eye staring at his people. His mind thinking.

He's gonna do it...

"You want to destroy Asgard." I told out loud.

Loki and Val stared at me with disbelief and shock. Thor turned to look at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

He nodded. "Asgard's not a place, it's a people."

"Loki, this was never about stopping Ragnarok. This was about causing Ragnarok. Surtur's crown, the vault. It's the only way." Thor told him.

Surtur? Who's that? What's that? It seems very important right now anyway.

Loki stared at Thor for a moment. His face filled with an impressed look.

"Bold move, Brother. Even for me." He laughed as he nodded his head.

"Damn. Okay. To the vault!" I pointed as I made a portal into the palace.

Loki and I quickly ran in.

"This is madness." Loki stated as we ran into the vault and down the stairs.

"I think I could have killed her. I mean, not to sound cocky. I totally think I could have." I jogged along side the black haired god.

"I think so too, but it appears that's not how the prophecy tells it." Loki shrugged we turned down the other few steps. "Look for a skull that looks like it has really big eyebrows."

I chuckled and nodded. "Yes sir!"

I jogged past Loki and looked at the items on display.

I noticed a glove laying on the floor, it's as golden and had colourful stone so it. Looks cool.

I ignored it and looked again.

I noticed Loki stop waking. "Did you find it?"

"Not yet! I just never seen this down here before. I had to take a closer look before it got blown to hell." Loki laughed it off.

I noticed a skull with big horns. It was only the top, but it still looked like that I was looking for.

"Is it this!?" I yelled to him, holding the heaving skull in my arms.

Loki grinned and nodded as he ran towards me. "This is the one."

He took it from me and we walked over to this fire. The Eternal Flame. Loki has told me about it before.

Loki put the skull into the fire. "With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn."

The skull shook slightly before it started to grow. The flames took over the skull and it started to glow orange.

Loki grabbed my arm and started to run. "We have to go before he does!"

I heard a roar from behind us and noticed something starting to form from the flame.

"Oh damn." I panicked and made a portal to the ship. We quickly went through.


"There you are." I heard a voice come from the door.

I opened my eyes to see Loki leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. He stared at me with a small smile.

I cuddled into the blankets of the bed I was in.

"I was going to come watch your home planet blow up and disappear forever, but I saw this bed and couldn't pass it up. It's really comfortable." I let out a breath as I literally melted deeper into the bed.

Okay, maybe not literally. I don't want to melt the bed.

Loki let out a chuckle and walked into the room.

He climbed over me, wrapping his arm around me. He snuggled his face into my hair, which I took out of my braid.

I sighed out in content as Loki inhaled deeply.

"You smell good." He whispered into my ear. I smiled and pointed to the door that was across the room.

"There was a shower in here as well. Also couldn't pass that up."

"You just made yourself at home, didn't you?" Loki chuckled deeply into my neck as he kissed it softly.

I hummed with a small nod as I moved my head to the side, giving him more access.

"I'm really tired, but I need food." I mumbled with a joking smile. Loki pulled away and smiled down at me. I stared up at him with a goofy grin.

"You always want food."

"Of course I do. It's food. Food is delicious." I put my hand behind his head and pulled him into a kiss.

Loki smiled into the kiss. Our lips moving together smoothly. This kiss was soft and tender.

I just love kissing him.

Loki pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. He stared into my eyes with his soft green ones.

"Did you let your brother know you're still here?" I smirked up at him.

Loki groaned and fell back onto the bed.

I smiled to myself and rolled over. I stared at Loki's amazing side profile.

"I will right now, okay Darling?" He got up and kissed me again.

I smiled as I kissed him back.

He pulled away as he stood up.

"Yes, and maybe you can tell my dear friends where to find me?" I batted my eyelashes up at him. "I would love to, but my head is killing me."

I gave him my puppy eyes.

He smiled down at me. He ran his hand over my face and under my chin.

"I suppose I can inform them. Since they are on my way to my brother." Loki complied easily. I kissed his hand before he pulled it away.

He walked to the door as I sat up.

"You better give him a hug if he wants one!" I pointed to him before he left the room. "Be nice!"

I just heard him laugh as he walked down the hallway.

I sat up, not really wanting to do anything right now. I just want to have something to eat and go to bed.

When we get to Earth, I'm going straight to McDonald's. I'm ordering that whole damn menu!

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