To The End And Beyond ***ON H...

By RahilaSv

705 189 178

************************************************ Aqsa gladly shifted her attention back to her friends. Anyth... More

Prologue - Aqsa
Prologue - Zain
How it all begun - Part 1
How it all begun - Part 2
How it all begun - Part 3
How it all begun - Part 4
How it all begun - Part 5
How it all begun - Part 6
~ Chapter #1~
~ Chapter #2 ~
~ Chapter #4 ~
~ Chapter #5 ~
~ Chapter #6 ~

~ Chapter #3 ~

15 6 2
By RahilaSv

Writer's Note
So if that wasn't a cliffhanger, what is? 😉 Haha don't worry, I won't harm anyone...just yet! 😈 I'm still welcoming any ideas, plot twists etc so please continue commenting, whether it's negative or positive criticism. And please please share my book widely. Thank you ❤️

Samara nodded in agreement and they headed out. They were fortunate to get an empty table near the door in the otherwise totally crowded canteen.

Aqsa sat while Samara went to get their order. She went through her phone to catch up on her WhatsApp messages.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard. Everyone was startled and went completely quiet. A few minutes later, a piercing scream ripped the silent air.

The whole canteen went wild, everyone rushing outside to see what the commotion was all about. Aqsa craned her neck. Their table near the door provided a pretty good view, though it was blocked with the crowd right now. She gave up and tried to find Samara in the chaos. Knowing Samara and her curious nature, Aqsa wouldn't be surprised if she had headed outside too.

Aqsa decided to stand on her chair. Maybe that would give her an added advantage. She peered over all the heads, making out a mop of wavy brown her in the midst. The only person she knew with wavy brown hair in her stay so far at the university was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named errr a certain Salman. What was he up to now, she wondered.

"Can you believe these people? No respect for women at all! They can't even let a lady pass through! It's like having a herd of cows or no, not cows, bulls! Yes definitely bulls!" Samara's tirade continued as she slipped into the chair across Aqsa and sipped at her coffee sulkily.

Aqsa watched her friend with amusement. She had been right about Samara wanting to know what's going on and trying to find out. It didn't seem like she had succeeded though!

The students were all coming back inside, muttering amongst themselves. Aqsa caught bits of conversation.

"He shouldn't have fired it...."

"How was he allowed to bring that in? He could......"

"Why would he do that infront of...."

Despite herself, Aqsa was curious. As the crowd thinned, she gestured to Samara to follow her and headed outside with her coffee.

Salman was standing with his head down and hands in his pockets. Right across from him was a tall, slim girl with her arms folded across her chest, something red splattered on her pretty floral shirt and who was literally trembling with anger. In between them was a teacher, Mr Alfred, trying to mediate, apparently.

Aqsa flattened herself against the wall and pulled Samara next to her so they were hidden from view. She didn't think Mr Alfred would allow them to be spectators in this conflict. He was probably the reason why the rest of the students had headed back inside, and who were currently, openly viewing the scene from inside the cafeteria!

"Salman, explain yourself," commanded Mr Alfred.

"Sir, it's just a toy gun! It makes a bang sound and squirts water, I didn't mean any harm."

"And since when has water been a red colour?"

Salman looked uncomfortable and mumbled inaudibly. Mr Alfred put his hand behind his ear and asked, "Could you say that louder please?"

Salman cleared his throat and looked at the cafeteria, well aware of all the boys and girls listening to him with rapt attention. He pulled his gaze away and back to Mr Alfred, who was looking at him unblinkingly.

"Sir, I replaced the water with ketchup."

Everyone who was listening burst into raucous laughter, some of them applauded and others whistled.

Salman's face broke into a grin, which was wiped off as soon as he saw the expression on the girl's face.

"So, we're back to kindergarten, aren't we? Playing with toys? Breaking rules? Aren't we supposed to be mature adults now? Thinking of the future instead of playing the fool?" Mr Alfred shook his head in disbelief. "Your punishment will be decided in my office before you head for your next lesson Salman. For now, I want you to apologise to Naila here, firstly for scaring her out of her wits when you fired, which caused her to shriek out loud, and secondly, for ruining her shirt with your toy gun's ketchup. She actually thought she had been shot!"

Salman looked like he was having a hard time controlling his laughter, but meekly apologised and offered to have her shirt washed. She huffed and walked off.

Aqsa and Samara had their hands over their mouths and slipped off, running as far as they could and dropping onto the grass, before they burst into laughter. They laughed and laughed, remembering Salman's face and the ketchup-stained shirt of the girl!

"Talk about an idiot! And it would definitely be Salman! Why was he playing with a toy gun in the first place?" Samara had a thoughtful look on her face.

"That's the million dollar question isn't it?"

Aqsa groaned loudly. That was the most unwelcome voice she ever needed to hear.

Zain and Daniel settled on the grass next to them.

"Isn't it?" Repeated Zain.

"If you're concerned about other people's lives, then it is. I'm actually not, so I have other things I'd rather win a million dollars for!"

Daniel and Samara snickered, while Zain just ignored them.

"It's pretty suspicious though. Why would anyone have a toy gun? And why would they bring it here? What intention did he have? What does he gain out of it?" Zain continued thoughtfully.

"It's simple. He wanted to play a prank. Maybe that girl just was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And as for gain, he probably wanted to lighten the tension that's built around here because of the exams."

Zain looked at her strangely. Aqsa felt uncomfortable at the intensity in his eyes.

"Naila is my father's co-pilot's daughter."

Students mingled around, chatting happily. A couple of boys had started a game of soccer on the grass. Others were lazing on the grass. The atmosphere was totally relaxed. It would be, exams were finally over!

Aqsa was staring into the distance. She felt relieved that the exam stress was past, but she couldn't shake off the stress that Zain had gifted her with. She now had plenty of time to dwell on everything he had told her. Just like Zain, she was puzzling over all the events, but coming up with nothing. It was frustrating her so much.

Samara was sitting next to her, her hands over her eyes, earphones in her ears, listening to the Qur'an. Her lips were moving silently.


The ball bounced off Aqsa's head and landed on the grass. She massaged her head tenderly where the ball had hit her, and glared at the culprit.

But of course, it had to be Salman.

"Is it written in your daily routine to interfere with some girl? Don't you ever feel that you should deal with people of low intellect like yourself? Boys? Don't mess with girls, you'll be embarrassing yourself beyond recognition!"

Salman stared at her, amused at her outburst. He started coming closer to her. Aqsa was still so angry that she didn't notice until he was so close to her that she could see the flecks of brown clearly in his green eyes and smell his minty breath. She heard Samara gasp next to her. She was so surprised that she didn't even remember to close her eyes or utter Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness in God). She stared into his eyes and he stared into hers, then he reached out his hand, leaning slightly next to grasp his ball!

He moved back, smiling slightly at her expression, and threw the ball into the air right infront of her face!

"What did you think I was going to do Princess?" He asked with a smirk. Aqsa blushed at the unlawful thoughts that had been going on in her head. But she didn't want him to think he had won though, so pretended not to hear him as she busied herself with her phone, but the guy didn't know being ignored plainly meant go away.

"Sorry for hurting you, though you have to admit your head is quite a nice landing, the ball bounced off so well!" The rest of the guys waiting for him, burst into laughter, as he winked at Aqsa and walked off towards them.

He hadn't taken even 3 steps when he felt a smack on the back of his head!

"Seems like your head ought to be a trampoline then, my hand bounced right off as soon as I touched it!" Samara said with a totally straight face!

Aqsa started laughing, and so did all the other onlookers.

Salman looked totally furious, so did Samara. They were face to face, glaring at each other, hands folded into fists and looking like they were heading for a huge showdown.


Zain and Daniel quickly squeezed themselves between Salman and Samara, trying to prevent them from getting at each other. That didn't stop the glares though.

"I'm going to teach you how to behave with girls, you hooligan!"

"And I'm going to inform your parents of your rowdy behaviour!"

"Well well well...tattletale much!"

"You're leaving me no choice Samara!"

"When did you even have one Salman?"

"When I was told to keep an eye on you here."

"Why do you keep intentionally irritating Aqsa? Don't you have anyone else to bully?"

"Because I like her more than any other girl I've ever met!"

There was a collective gasp from the watching crowd. Aqsa stopped laughing abruptly and stared at Salman, who looked absolutely horrified and had clamped his hands over his mouth! Samara's eyes widened in shock; she seemed to have even forgotten what they had been arguing about!

A cheer went up from the crowd, which seemed to bring Samara to her senses. She glared at them. "Don't you people have anything better to do? Go get a life! Go now or I'll make you cheer in other ways for sure!"

The boys and girls grumbled as they dispersed, leaving only Salman, Samara, Zain, Daniel and Aqsa.

Zain and Daniel were as stunned as Aqsa, and were gazing at Salman as if he had grown some horns.

Samara smacked Salman on the head again.

"Ouch! What was that for now?"

"For doing a Ron Weasley!"

"Huh? What?"

"Not watching your big mouth and letting it get you into major trouble!"

"It's not my fault you wouldn't stop talking! I didn't even realise what I was saying until it was too late!"

"Guys! Guys! Stop! Relax!" Zain pushed Salman further away from Samara. He looked at Aqsa, who had her hands over her face, agitated. He knew her well by now. She always pretended to be so strong and a go-getter, but she was as emotional as any other girl. And right now, she needed space.

"Why don't you guys quit behaving like three year olds?"

Samara and Salman both had the decency to look embarrassed.

Salman glared at Samara before moving towards Aqsa. Zain quickly blocked his way. Salman cleared his throat.

"I'm so sorry Aqsa. I didn't mean for you to find out this way. Heck I never meant to mention it! I know we're not allowed to date. We're supposed to lower our gaze and not even look at members of the opposite sex. But I have had eyes only for you since that day you collided into me. My breath was totally knocked out as soon as I met you. Literally. I've never felt this way before. And since then, I've been trying to stay out of your way or irritate you whenever we met so I wouldn't feel guilty about my emotions. I'm totally serious about my feelings. I wanted to talk to my parents and ask for your hand in marriage once we finished the semester. Of course, after confirming if you were ready to take the step. And don't worry, I would never stop you from completing your studies." Salman paused for breath and looked intently at Aqsa to gauge her reaction.

Aqsa's hands slowly slid down from her face as she looked at him. He saw the flickering emotions in her beautiful brown eyes, and wished he had kept his big mouth shut. She looked so lost and confused. His heart went out to her even more. He lowered his head and started a Tasbeeh of  Astaghfirullah.

Zain couldn't bear it any longer. He moved so fast that Salman didn't realise until he had grabbed the front of his shirt in his hands.

"Zain! Please no!" Aqsa had finally found her voice.

Zain loosened his grip and spoke in a low voice. "You come near her again and you'll face the consequences. Leave her alone. She'll decide, with the help of her family, what's best for her. I hope you understand me well. And one more thing, if you're involved in any other shady business, any whatsoever, forget about Aqsa forever. Is that clear?"

The colour drained from Salman's face. He couldn't meet Zain's eyes. The guilt was written all over his face.

Zain let go of him with force, causing him to stumble back. He gave him one last glare before turning to Aqsa.

"Let's go."

Aqsa knew better than to disobey. She stole one last glance at Salman, then walked towards Zain. Samara and Daniel followed suit.

Salman looked at their retreating figures, oblivious to everything but the feel of his heart shattering into a million pieces.

Writer's Note
Anyone shipping them yet? 😁 Or not? 😉

What do you think will happen next?

Please vote and comment! And share share share....would love as many reads as possible ❤️

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