Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)

By goddessofgreatness

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You are from the sea, and he is from the land. People from the land and sea don't mix... or do they? What hap... More



954 31 13
By goddessofgreatness

It was him. He is what was holding you back form truly ruling the seas. Your stomach turned as you stood on the porch, just staring at the door.

The house was dark, not one light peeked through the windows, but you just knew he was in there. You knew they were in there. Your chest tightened at the thought of them together. You were angry, but that's obviously not why you were here. If it was something as simple as a heartbreak, you'd be able to easily get over that.

Something was drawing you here.

You took a long sigh before you flicked your wrist, the front door unlocked and slowly opened. You stepped inside the house and took off your shoes. That oh so familiar scent made your heart flutter.

'It smells just like him.'


Sangwoo stood in the basement, gripping at his hair. It was like he was reliving one of his worst days. He could see her, hear her voice, as if he was reliving everything all over again. Sangwoo fell to the floor and stared wide eyed at nothing, but he saw her.

"I hope you die the most painful death possible."

He saw her lifeless body fall to the ground. Then, he screamed.

Yoonbum got out of bed and walked down the stairs. "Sangwoo?"

Sangwoo was cutting his hair, and accidentally cut his hand as Yoonbum appeared in the basement. "Sangwoo?"

"You!" Sangwoo snapped before he pulled Bum down the stairs and grabbed his neck. "You tried to kill me!"

Yoonbum groaned in pain.

"Everything is because of you! You're the one who killed me! From the very start, all you ever did was lie!"

"L-Let go," Yoonbum choked out as he scratched at Sangwoo's arms.

"Why don't you beg for your life again?! You're filthy! A filthy scumbag!" He paused and looked down at him, then he let Yoonbum go. Yoonbum gagged and coughed, gasping for air.

Sangwoo collapsed to his knees. "It was me? It was because of me?"

There was a moment of silence between the two.

"Sangwoo? How do you feel now?"

Sangwoo just stared at the ground.

"You feel a little better now, right? Now that you've talked to me? What were you so distressed about earlier? I'll take care of it for you!" Yoonbum said. "What can I do to make you feel better? Do you want me to go away?"

"If I," Sangwoo paused. You slowly crept down the basement stairs, careful enough not to make a sound. Your heart practically shattered when you saw them. Sangwoo looked so broken, and Yoonbum looked so hurt.

"If I knew how much I'd suffer, then maybe we never should've met. If only I'd killed you when I killed that CEO's daughter, then I wouldn't be in so much pain."

Yoonbum leaned over and sobbed in his hands.

"Everything is your fault," Sangwoo said as he stared down at his crying form. "___'s gone, and it's all your fault. My happiness, it's all gone, and it's all because of you." Sangwoo slumped against the wall.

You walked down the stairs and kneeled next to Sangwoo. He was so out of it, he didn't even notice you at first.

You reached your hand out and stroked his hair. "I'm right here, Sangwoo. Why are you in so much pain?"

Sangwoo stared at you with wide eyes. "No, you're not real," He mumbled. "I'm just imagining you again!" He exclaimed as frantically tried to move away from you. Yoonbum looked up at you, and just stared.

You stood up and walked over to Sangwoo.

"Stay back!" He exclaimed before he threw a wrench in your direction, which completely missed you.

You kneeled in front of him and stroked his hair again. "I'm right here, Sangwoo. I'm not imaginary, I'm real," you said soothingly. Yoonbum was still sobbing on the floor, but his eyes were on you now.

"____," Sangwoo said. Before anything else could happen, the doorbell rang.

You stood up and walked upstairs. You could hear Sangwoo's footsteps not far behind you. He peeked through the hole, then ran upstairs. You glanced at him, then opened the door.

"Good morning, sir," you said with a kind smile.

"Hello. I'm looking for Sangwoo."

"He's upstairs. C'mon in, I'll go get him," You said before opening the door wider for him.

"Thank you.." He trailed off.


"Thank you _____."

You nodded and stepped to the side, allowing him to walk into the house just as Sangwoo walked down the stairs.

"Cheif Kwak, what brings you by?"

"Sangwoo," he trailed off. "I've just been thinking about you, especially since the last incident. I'm sorry about stopping by so suddenly."

"Incident?" You said.

"You have your hat on. Were you on your way out this early in the morning?"

"He was going to get me, sir, but I walked here instead. I didn't want him getting wet."

"How kind of you," He said before looking at Sangwoo once more. "I know you don't feel comfortable around me, but I wanted to ask you some questions about Min Jieun. I talked to her friends and they said she was interested in you. I thought you might know about her."

"Not really. She was pretty sociable with everyone. I didn't even know she liked me," Sangwoo said. You glanced at him. His tone was off.

"The night she went missing, I heard you left the party early. How come?"

"Bum didn't really fit in, and I had to take her," He gestured to you. "Back to the sea."

"You're from the sea?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yes sir."

"Can you tell me what happened the night of the party?"

"It's just like he said, sir. I had to get back to the sea before my ena dried up."

"So, you can't say what happened with Sangwoo after he took you home."

"Actually, we sat at the shore and just talked for most of the night after. Sangwoo and I are," you paused. "Close."

He nodded. "Well, we were at the beach all night, but that's all I can tell you. I'm sorry I couldn't help any more than that."

"No, it's quite alright. Thank you."

"Why don't we sit down," Sangwoo said.

"I'll go make us some tea," You said with a smile before walking into the kitchen.

You sighed and leaned against the counter. The tension between the two was intense. Part of you wanted to tell the guy you and Sangwoo were about to go out, just so he could leave, but Sangwoo seemed off. 'Did he lose it while I was gone? What happened?' you thought as you watched the water slowly start to boil.

You flicked your wrist, instantly making the water heat up.

Sangwoo walked over to you and put his hand on your back. "I got it," he said. "Why don't you have a seat?"

"Alright," you said and you sat at the table across from the chief.

"Is there anything else you wanted to ask, since you came all this way," Sangwoo said as he set the tea down in front of the officer.

"No, I just came by to see how you were doing. Like I said, I've just been thinking a lot about you lately."

'He's afraid,' you noticed as you stared at the chief.

"I'm curious, why have you been thinking about me? Will you tell me?" Sangwoo said.

"I should get going," he said. "I didn't mean to stay long."

Sangwoo walked after the chief, and you took the two dishes to the sink. 'What has gotten into him?' you thought as you stared down at the sink.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud. You turned your head and paused.

"Sang," you said gently. "What did you do?"

"I drugged him," Sangwoo said. "He's dead."

"Why would you do that?!"

"H-he knew something., I know he did! He suspected me of her murder-"

You sighed. "Sangwoo, nothing will happen to you," You said calmly. Sangwoo looked into your eyes, then he sighed.

"What do you usually do with the body?"

"I got this," he said before putting on gloves and a hoodie.

Once he left, you sat at the table and sighed. In that moment, it truly dawned on you.


It was like a switch in your brain flipped, and all you felt was rage.

Yoonbum stole Sangwoo. He even said it himself, if it wasn't for yoonbum, you'd still be around. For some reason, ever fiber in your being was angry, and that rage was pointed at Yoonbum.

You slowly stood from the table, che chair scratched against the ground. Then, you walked down the basement steps.

"____," Yoonbum sobbed.

You stared down at him emotionlessly, then, you landed a hard kick to his stomach.

"You knew Sangwoo and I were in love, and yet, you still fuck him?" You snapped before you kicked him again. "You were just begging for his cock, huh? You dirty-" you kicked him again. "Piece of shit. I can't believe I considered you a friend."

"____," Yoonbum choked out. "He did things to me!" He exclaimed. "It's not my fault."

"Things were great until you got here. Now, it seems like you destroy anyone you come close to."

"You don't mean that!" He exclaimed. "We're friends, remember? I love you!"

"You love screwing the man I love," you snapped. "I should kill you."

"Please," Yoonbum cried. "____."

You stared down at Yoonbum.


"I'm so sorry, Bum," you said with wide eyes. "I don't know where that came from, I don't mean it. I swear," you said as you grabbed his hands. "Please, stop crying. I didn't mean it. I swear."

Yoonbum just sobbed again.

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