Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)

By goddessofgreatness

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You are from the sea, and he is from the land. People from the land and sea don't mix... or do they? What hap... More



1K 35 18
By goddessofgreatness

"Areum," Kaname said in relief as he pulled you into a tight hug.

You hugged him back tightly. Kaname put his chin on your head and looked at Sasuke. "Thank you. I never doubted you for a second."

Sasuke nodded. "I'd do anything to keep her safe."

"Now, do you really not know anything about the person that took you?" Rin asked.

"No," you said. "I don't. I was just in and out of conscious at the time, maybe there was something in the water? The few times I was awake, whoever it was would provoke me and try to make me use my powers."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," RIn said.

"Where's the house you came from?" Sasuke said. "I'll kill them, so they never mess with you again."

"I don't know," you said. "I just started running. I used my sense of smell and pure instincts to get closer to the sea."

Kaname rubbed your head. "That's alright. All that matters is that you're safe."

"Lord Kaname," you said. "I want to train and learn to use my powers. I know, I was afraid before but now," you paused. "I don't ever want to be weak again. I need to be a worthy ruler of the seas. I need to be stronger."

Everyone in the room looked at you.

"Are you sure?" Rin said.

"You don't need to. I'll protect you," Sasuke said.

"I want to," you said. "No, I do have to. I need to be stronger, I need to be worthy, so please Lord Kaname." You kneeled in front of him. "Train me."

The sacred flamed danced wildly behind Kaname as he looked down at you. "I want you to make sure you know what you're getting into."

"I understand the potential consequences." You looked up at him. "Can't you feel it? Father believes I'm ready as well, so please."

"Alright," he said hesitantly. "We start now."

You nodded.

"You two will watch her. The first step is meditation."

"Meditation?" You said.

"Yes," Kaname said. "Inner peace with yourself, all parts of you. You've always been afraid of the part of you that lost control and killed your mother. Now, you must embrace her in order to control your power. Feel the power within you and all around you. Become one with the water, literally."

"Literally?" Sasuke said. "She's gonna become water? What if-"

"That's why you two will watch her," Kaname said. "If she starts to loose control, you'll be able to tell. Just wack her on the head or something, and she'll have to start all over."

"How long will this take?" you said.

"That all depends on you, Areum."

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Rin said. "Becoming one with the water, that just seems insane. How will you be able to change back?"

"That answer lies within her. I can do it," Kaname said with a shrug as he plopped down on his futon. "So, she should be able to as well."

"What are the next steps after she accomplishes this?" Sasuke said.

"Then, she'll learn," he paused. "Strategy. Control. She needs to build on the power she's accepted, but I'll handle that. There are many teachings her father trusted that I tell her."

"So after I embrace my inner self, I need to be lectured?"

"Basically," he said with a smile. "Now, it is my nap time to be gone! And good luck, Areum."


"Okay, are you ready?" Rin said.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you said with a sigh. You sat on the ocean floor, far from the city.

"We'll be right here if you lose control," Sasuke said. "I won't move from your side."

"No, you should move farther away." you said. "What if I lose control?"

"Then we'll stop you, now get to it," Rin said with a smile.

You sighed and nodded. "okay."

You closed your eyes and tried to relax. Your mind swirled with thoughts, as if you were arguing with yourself.

'Okay. Relax. We gotta relax.

How can I relax when Sangwoo is probably out there fucking Bum?!

Power is everything. We need to be stronger.

Power is dangerous! We killed our mother!

We're just plain insane.



Power- '

Your body's form started to fade in and out, at one point water, another point solid.

"This doesn't look right," Rin said. "It's as if the water is becoming her, not the other way around."

Sasuke watched intensely, then at just the right moment, he slapped you. Hard.

"Ow! Sasuke!" You said as you looked at him.

"You were losing control," he said.

"I feel like I have a multiple personality disorder."

"No that's all you," Rin said with a chuckle as he poked your forehead. "You gotta get those thoughts under control."

"How am I supposed to do this," you said with a groan. "It's like my brain is arguing with itself."

"Maybe that's okay," Sasuke said. "Maybe you're not supposed to silence the other parts of you, but you should accept them."

"How do I do that?"

"Embrace it," Sasuke said. "Every part of you is amazing. No matter what you did or what you've been through, it's all what makes you you, and you're amazing."

"Sasuke," you said while looking at him.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked away. "Whatever. Just don't lose control. I'll happily slap you again."

"Who knew you could be so sweet." Rin teased.

"Hn. I'll stab you."

You laughed. "You might be right, Sasuke."

"Yeah. I'm always right. Now, get to it."

Rin smiled. "We believe in you, so let's do this so you can get to the next step!"

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