MAMAMOO one shots

By radishempire

31.1K 580 191

The title says it all More

Dearest friend
Marry me
Happy wife , happy ...
New neighbor
Starting a family
Hot English teacher
Don't touch what's mine
My star
To the moon and back
Pretty Fine
Love , Love and more Love
Sunflower: My flower
Everyday love
Meeting the family
The Not so cold CEO
I Hate You
The Battle Is...
New Beginning

A monster

1K 29 9
By radishempire

Once upon a time in a small village, found at the foot of a mountain , a certain girl was hopping happily.
The villagers looked at her in scorn.
They were disgusted at her bright personality and thought that she was acting innocent.

"Would you look at her. An orphan and yet she acts like there's nothing wrong in this world. "

"I bet she's lost her marbles."

"I heard she's possessed."

Those were the things the villagers would often gossip about. Gossips that were mainly focused on her.

She was only seven and had little to no understanding of how the world works.

Eventhough that's the case , she still understands emotions.

One of pain.

Her everyday life is not what it seems.

Yet she hides it all with a smile.

"Wheein! Get back here you brat!" Her caretaker called.
"You're not done with your chores !

The old hag dragged her to the old kitchen and made her finish all the chores.

"You better be done by sun down or no dinner for you." The woman growled and left.

Wheein sighed sadly and did what she was told. She had a feeling her "sibling" snitched on her.

"Is this what my life will be like forever ?"she asked no one in particular.

12 years later.

Over the years wheein bloomed into a fair maiden. All the men in the village wanted her as their wife.
The women hate on her out of jealousy.
And her caretaker wanted nothing but to sell her to the most richest man in the village, so she'll be rid of her but also get some riches of her own.

One night at full moon. The villagers were awoken by a loud horrifying noise coming from the top of the mountains.
Out of curiosity and fear they looked outside only to be surprised by the sight in front of them.

A monster appeared.

He or it stood still while looking down at the village.

The moonlight behind the monster made it look even more terrifying.

"Give me what I want." The monster said in a low voice.
"Or everyone dies."

And in the blink of an eye it disappeared.

That shocking night made the men in the village stay alert every night. 

"Keep the women  and children safe!"

"All men get your strongest weapons!"

The head of the village along with other villagers talked about what the monster could possibly want.

At their first attempt they left gold.

As the monster appeared it seemed unsatisfied.
His anger rose when one of the men shot an arrow in his direction.
And with just a grab with his hand he squished the human like a mosquito. 

"You've got a last chance or this village becomes a bloodbath ."

Again it disappeared while leaving the villagers traumatized.

On their next meeting, a man who claims himself a hero , told them he will save everyone including the village. And once he's done he will marry the one and only "wheein. The fairest of them all" as he put it.

Wheein felt nothing but uncomfortable and silently wished he'd fail.

When the day arrived he indeed failed.

All he was left with were broken arms and legs, and a big crack in his pride.

Each night was the same.

Failure by failure while the group of men became smaller and smaller.

"Why the hell should we men do this?I say sacrifice a woman too!"

"How about you sacrifice your wife then?!" Another yelled.

"What did you say?" The latter growled.

That night was filled with an almost neverending chaos of fight between the men.

"Enough you fools!" The village head warned.
"There's no time for this. Tomorrow we will come back and think of a plan. Meeting dismissed !"


Wheein being the mischievous girl would snuck out every night to eavesdrop on their meeting.
Ofcourse she saw everything that happened.

It was horrifying at first but then it intrigued her.
She made it her mission to know more about this monster.

One  night while eavesdropping her same old annoying "sibling" snitched.
She rolled her eyes at the guy acting like a five year old.

She was brought to the village head.

"You have some nerve listening in on our talk ,little miss." The old man glared. "Have you no manners? Women belong in the kitchen!" He yelled.

Wheein rolled her eyes at him.

"With the way you think this village is bound to be doomed."  She remarked.

The old guy slapped the girl to the ground.

"Watch your filthy mouth, you scum!you should be grateful i let you in this village."

"The only thing I'm grateful for is the fact that I know how to use my brain."

Another slap was heard.

"Sacrifice her to the monster." A woman suggested.

The other women agreed.

The village  head smiled at the idea.


Wheein was now tied on a pole at the place the monster always appears.
She struggled so get lose wanting nothing but to escape this nightmare.
She was too late as the monster arrived. 
The villagers were hiding while watching the scene.

Wheein stood frozen and waited for her death.

"I guess this is it. Goodbye stupid world."she mumbled.

The monster grabbed her and looked at her closely.
He sniffed her and then laughed menacingly.

"Such foolish humans. "

With the snap of his fingers a body dropped on the ground.

A woman screeched , making the others feel uneasy.

"No , no!" The men  yelled.


"You're finally awake." A dark voice said.

"What happened? And w-who are you. Wait, am I still alive ?"

"Calm down my wife. You're in our home. And yes , you're still alive."

"Oka-   sorry, what?"

"You are mine now. And there's no escape."

Wheein was rendered speechless.

"Just why are you doing this?"

"Let's start with the fact that the leader of your village isn't who he says he is.
Or rather who he said was. " Moonbyul smiled creepily."I killed him so it's all good."

"Wh- you-  ....."

Wheein breathed out trying to comprehend of what is happening.

"Are you the monster?" Wheein asked carefully.

"Yes,I am"

"What's...your name?"

"Oh my bad. I'm moonbyul. Your wife. "

"'re a female? " wheein asked in disbelief.
"How is this all possible?" Wheein groaned in frustration.

"I'll tell you everything at dinner. Let's go , my love ." Moonbyul replied.


Wheein waited for moonbyul to start talking while they were at the dinner table.

"Why did you kill our leader?"

"Because he touched you. Something he shouldn't have done."

"You said that he's not who he is. What does that mean?"

"Hm...your leader brought his people to my mountain. Still I left them alone to build a village since there was no harm in it. Until his men killed one of my kind. So I made a deal with your village head. He finds me a wife and I'll let them live.That old man took his sweet time giving me what I want , so I took it upon myself to visit that depressing village. He was willing to sacrifice any woman in exchange for his own life. That wretched man doesn't care about anyone but himself. He watched as I killed his men one by one while he hides away like the coward he is. Yet he had the audacity to touch you. "

"H-how did you even know?"

"I saw it on your face my love. Atleast it's gone now and so is he." Moonbyul started laughing menacingly.

Wheein looked down ,playing with her food. Moonbyul stopped laughing the moment she saw Wheein's solemn face.

"What's wrong ? Do you not like the food?"

Wheein looked up ,slightly scared.

" I mean..that's not it. I'm just...trying to wrap this all around my head. "

Moonbyul sighed.

"Maybe this will help you calm down." She said making wheein look up.

She changed into her human form ,leaving wheein breathless.

"Better now?"

Wheein blushed and nodded to which moonbyul smiled.

A smile that immediately captured Wheein's heart.

Some months later.

One night at the balcony , moonbyul decided to be straightforward with her wife.

"Tell me ,wheein. Do you wish to go back to your village?"

Wheein looked in confusion.

"Why would I return to that nightmare of a place?" Wheein answered with a question.

"Is being married to a monster not a nightmare as well?" Moonbyul too answerd with a question.

Wheein laughed and hugged moonbyul.

"No ,it's not. I like it here. It's better than the life I had there. So please,  never let me go." Wheein looked up at moonbyul.

"I promise ." moonbyul smiled and kissed her forehead.


While sleeping noises were heard from the outside.
Wheein woke up and stood up from the bed  ,to peek out the window.

What she saw left her surprised and in fear.

"No." She whispered.

"Wheein? Is something wrong? Why are you awake?"

Moonbyul sat up and frowned seeing Wheein's shocked face.


She walked towards the window to have a look.

The villagers were at her gate with torches and weapons. Trying to take down the gate with a log , lifted by men.

"Took them long enough."moonbyul chuckled.

"How is this funny?" Wheein frowned.

"I knew they'd come for revenge. " Moonbyul laughed.
"Their leader is dead and now that idiot has taken over."

Moonbyul pointed out to the guy who once had his arms and legs broken.
"He probably wants you back for himself anyway."

"Listen to me, don't do anything stupid."wheein looked concerned .

"I'll be back, stay here ." Moonbyul held her cheeks in her hands and kissed her.

Moonbyul changed into her monster form and appeared out of her castle. 

"You foolish humans dare to put foot on my turf ?!"

Moonbyul growled.

"Give us back what is ours!" The leader yelled.

Moonbyul looked down at them unimpressed. Her presence attracted grey clouds and hard winds.
Her dark aura was too strong and her red eyes gleamed. Even wheein shivered a bit.

"Nothing here was yours to begin with. Your leaders invaded my land , build their own village, stole what's mine  and killed my wife !so tell me now..."moonbyul glared down at them.

"What exactly is yours?"

The man was trembling yet he still acted brave.

"G-give me wheein!"he managed to shout.

Moonbyul laughed.

"That poor girl was a sacrifice your leader made. A delicious dinner she was ,I must say."

The man clenched his fist.

"Attack!"he shouted.

Arrows , pitchforks and spears were thrown at moonbyul. 

While moonbyul was distracted others sneaked in the castle from behind,  hoping to find wheein.
They barged into their room and found her.

"She's still alive!"

"Our leader was right!"

They grabbed her and dragged her away.

Her scream alerted moonbyul.

She turned around and was about to head into the castle when a spear shot right through her heart.

Pain was coursing through her whole body.
She saw wheein  being held by those scums. 

"You bastards ."

She was about to use her powers when another spear was thrown at her heart.

"No!" Wheein cried."stop!"

"Die! You monster! "

"Rot in hell , you beast!"

The men yelled.

Moonbyul dropped on the floor and her vision was getting blurry.

"Moonbyul, wake up! Don't die !"wheein cried while being dragged away. 

The people left , bringing her further away from moonbyul.

"" she whispered as her eyes closed.


A certain night

"Finally I can have you." The new leader smirked.

Wheein looked at him in disgust.

"You will regret this."She spat.

He laughed and held her chin.

"You're about to become my wife,  I don't think I will. Rather , I'll make sure we have a lot of fun." 

Wheein was about to punch him but he was fast enough to hold her wrist.

"Nah ah. As a woman you should behave. "He stood still to think.

"Why don't I teach you right now."

His eyes were now filled with lust.
He ripped her dress and touched her.

"Stay away !"  She yelled.

"Let's just have a little fun, my dear." He was about to remove his pants when suddenly the candles in his house were out.

A loud thunder was heard and lightning struck through his house, destroying his roof.

"Your death wish shall be granted." A voice said and in the blink of an eye the man was turned into ashes. 

The candles were lit again and there stood the one wheein yearned for.

"It's you." She teared.

"I made a promise to never let you go, remember?" Moonbyul smiled.

Wheein hugged her and sniffled in her neck.

"I hate it here. Let's just go." She told moonbyul.

"Sure , my love. " moonbyul held wheein after covering her up.
They floated all the way up , enough for the villagers to see.

They were all surprised to see what's in front of them.

"Enferno." Moonbyul growled while her eyes glowed. And in an instant the whole village flew into flames.

Wheein looked away ,holding moonbyul tightly.

"You all better leave my land and never return. Or I will turn you into ashes like I did your leader." Moonbyul glared and then disappeared.


"What now?" Wheein asked.

"I don't know , to be honest." moonbyul sighed looking at her destroyed castle.

Wheein smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Let's start anew. "

Moonbyul looked at wheein, listening.

"Me , you. Our new home. Let's rebuild everything..and...maybe start a family?" Wheein blushed.

Moonbyul chuckled.

"All of that ,I can give you. I got magic after all." Moonbyul smiled.


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