No where to hide (SEQUEL TO P...

By BrookeBates607

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I was currently held at gun point by a guy who claimed to love me. He smirked before speaking. "I told you th... More

No where to hide
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Betrayal Cover
Betrayal Cover pt.2
Chapter 58

Chapter 33

897 33 9
By BrookeBates607


~ Zayn's P.O.V ~

    Ashton started to walk out the door with Ryder wrapped in his arms. He smirked before leaning down and whispering something in her ear causing her to fill with anger. Before I knew it her and Ashton where fighting for the gun that was in his hand.

     Ashton started to raise his gun so it was now pointed at Calum causing Ryder's eyes to widen. I looked over at Liam as I saw him raise his gun

      "No.........' Bang'  my eyes widened when I realized the shot wasn't fired from Liam's gun. I slowly turned my head in the direction that the sound came from. My eyes widened and filed with tears as I saw Ryder clutching her bleeding chest. Ashton's eyes were wide as he frantically back out of the house, tripping over his own feet but jumping back to his feet and running to his car and driving off. It felt as if my feet were stuck to the ground and I could no longer move.

      "Ry." Calum said running over to her with tears in his eyes he pulled her top half on his lap as he slowly removed her hand from the wound. He started to cry harder as he saw blood drop from her chest. Michael Ran over to them and grabbed on to her hand before kissing it. Tears were falling from everyone's eyes at this point as we watched the scene in front of us.

       "Mali get the car we have to get her to the hospital." Calum yelled with sadness clear in his voice. Mali quickly ran out the front door. "Come on baby, stay awake, don't close your eyes." Calum said wiping away her tears. I slowly walked toward them trying not to interrupt their moment as I got on my knees by them and grab onto the hand that was not being held by Michael.

     "I love you, please don't leave me." Michael said as he started to shake with sadness. Ryder pulled her hand away before lightly stroking the side of his face.

      "I love you too." She looked over at me and Calum before continuing "I love all of you so much." She choked out as a tear rolled down her face that I quickly kissed away.

       "You're going to be okay, it's just a little scratch." Calum said, try to convince himself.

         "EVERYONE COME ON, THE CAR IS OUTSIDE" Louis yelled. Calum carefully lifted up her top half as Michael and I lifted up her legs trying to make sure that we wouldn't hurt her. We quickly made our way to the back seat of the car and laid Ryder down.

      ~ Michael's P.O.V ~ (At The Hospital )

    We were currently in the waiting room of the hospital as I anxiously taped my foot. Niall, Jack, Luke, and Liam went to find Ashton as Calum, Mali, Zayn, and I waited to hear about Ryder's condition.

    Mali was hugging Calum as he cried on her shoulder. Zayn was sitting by himself as he ran his hand through his hair before placing his head in his hands and letting out a small cry. I feel like this is all my fault, ever since I got here there has been nothing but trouble.

     A doctor can out off the room Ryder was in. She had a little bit of blood on her uniform and gloves on her hands as she flip through some papers, still not meeting our gaze. She looked up after a while.

      "Are you here for Mrs. Hood?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

         "Yes." We said in unison. She nodded before looking at her clipboard one more time. "Is everything okay? Is she going to be okay?" I asked

      "We're about to start surgery on Mrs.Hood........ I'm sorry to say this but There is a great possibility that she won't make it through the surgery."

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