
By TheSapphireCat

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Werewolves, vampires, ghouls, and other supernatural creatures were merely folklore for (Y/n). However, she s... More

Chapter 1: Reunited and Complications
Chapter 2: Terror
Chapter 3: The Beast's Mask
Chapter 4: The Truth
Chapter 5: Questions To Give
Chapter 6: His Curse
Chapter 7:Her Curiosity and Fear
Chapter 8: Protective
Chapter 9: A Peculiar Morning
Chapter 10: Her Family
Chapter 11: Quality Time
Chapter 12: Soothing and Ease
Chapter 13: Questioning and Worries
Chapter 14: Paranoid
Q & A
Chapter 15: Midnight Education
Chapter 16: The Sidestepping
Chapter 17: Looking For Distractions
Chapter 18: The Stranger
Chapter 19: Transpiring
Chapter 20: Strain
Chapter 21: Nameless
Chapter 22: Antics

Chapter 23: Darkness

162 13 19
By TheSapphireCat

"Huh?" Peggy squeaked.

Angelica sighed, "It must be the weather. I'm sure the lights will be back."

Luckily some of the group had their phones to use as flashlights for temporary lighting.

"Okay!" John almost slurred. He had a stack of empty beer cans at his feet. "Why don't we use the darkness to our advantage?!"

"Like?" Lafayette and Hercules asked in unison.

"Tell stories!" John chirped. "Scary stories!" he emphasized.
Most of the people in the group rolled their eyes or sighed out of that suggestion.

Alex, who was sitting next to John and Eliza placed a hand on his dear friend. "John, I know we're supernatural and mythical creatures but doesn't that sound a bit cliché?"

John shrugged, smiling half drunkenly. "A little cliché  never hurts. Plus it's fun hearing scary stories from our different cultures!" Everyone went silent, thinking about it then agreed with sudden enthusiasm.

Angelica raised her hand. "Oo! Lemme go first! I got a good one!"

Eliza's expression grimaced, seeming to know what story her sister was going to tell. Especially Peggy who began to more frequently take sips of her soda to distract herself. Everyone, including (Y/n) leaned in closer to hear Angelica better as she prepared to speak by clearing her throat.

"Long ago, when monarchs ruled there was a kingdom by the sea."

She began, holding her phone's flashlight to illuminate her face.

"And in that kingdom, hidden in the depths of the blue sea where sailors spoke tales of monsters was a kingdom of mermaids.
The kingdom had a kind and wise king who had five sons and one daughter who he loved dearly. All his children had talents that fit their personalities. His daughter's talent was singing. She had a voice that was said to be sweeter than nectar and soothing than the waves that crashed against the sandy shore at night. The king, although loving towards his daughter, was overprotective, forbidding her from leaving the castle walls.

However one night the princess snuck out of the kingdom and to the surface. She had heard the many tales of the surface world. How there was an element known as fire that humans used as a light source, unlike her people who used creatures and plants that held biolumaniance elements. Sadly, fire could not be created under the water.

When she reached the surface the princess for the first time saw the stars. Unfamiliar with it she believed it was the same creatures her people use to light up the kingdom. To use it, her people would sing. So out of curiosity, she sang to the stars, wondering if they would glow brighter if she did so. She sang for hours and would return to sing to them every night. Unbeknownst to her, her singing could be heard by the surface kingdom especially the royal family. The young crown prince had fallen in love with the princess's voice and wanted to find her while the Queen was jealous and bitter due to her people worshiping unknown voice.

On one night where the princess resurfaced the prince had waited to see who had been singing and found her. Instead of fleeing, the princess was enamored by the Prince and they spoke to each other, falling in love. They continued to meet up at night every night in secret, sending secret messages hidden between the shore's rocks.

Eventually, the jealous Queen discovered about the sea princess and her son meeting up from a servant who had followed and witnessed the prince visiting the princess. Now knowing who was the source of the singing she was constantly envious of the princess and plotted an unforgiving plan to regain the favor of her subjects once more.

When it was night again and the princess visited to see the prince the Queen had ordered the capture of her and the prince to be locked in his room. And so she was captured by guards hired by the Queen and dragged away from her home. There the Queen had personally removed the princess' tongue with a dagger and kept it in a locked box to cast out in the sea, leaving her in a flooded dungeon that was filled with filth and skeletons.

The princess, alone and wounded, cried out throughout the night to ask for her freedom but no one came. The kingdom was filled with the shrill wails from the princess, causing the subjects to be driven mad. The cries lasted for weeks, creating sleepless nights for the royal family and commoners.

The princess was heartbroken, thinking the prince had betrayed her. But her sorrow eventually turned to rage, craving, and desiring revenge. She vowed that she would have the kingdom suffer like she did and the royal family would pay for what they did to her.

Her cries suddenly stopped, bringing ease to the kingdom. The queen assumed that the mermaid princess eventually died from exhaustion and starvation. She checked the dungeon the mermaid was in but found she had disappeared, say for broken bones that were scattered underwater.

Many years lasted the prince had married a different princess from a nearby country, but he still longed for his former love.
One night he could hear singing from a familiar voice, believing it was his lost love he followed. It was stormy and rain poured violently on the kingdom but this did not stop the Prince. What he didn't know was that most of the men within the kingdom were also allured by the singing. That night hundreds of men were found drowned and with their tongues removed, and one of the victims was the Prince.

As the mass killings continued and people grieved the Prince the Queen had built a wall to completely separate the kingdom from the sea. However, the singing never stopped along with the deaths.
To this day, it is rumored that the mermaid Princess through her anger and grief from the Prince's 'betrayal' was transformed into a vengeful siren. She continues to lure men and those that carry the royal bloodline into the sea, removing their tongues as the evil Queen had. The only way she will be at peace is when she finds the locked box that keeps her tongue and the royal family's bloodline dies out.'

Angelica finished the story. "And that's why you don't piss off or trick mermaids!"

The group appeared slightly disturbed by the story. They probably expected a classic fairytale from Angelica. Instead, they stared at her like she was crazy.

"What? You all wanted a scary story."

Everyone was silent. (Y/n) who finished her beer through the story was red and learning against Peggy's shoulder. She didn't think it would hit her that hard. Then again since she drank it on an empty stomach it must have gotten through her system quickly.

"Okay! Okay! My turn!" Hercules bellowed out. He placed his head in his hand, taking it out in a dramatic fashion. "Let me tell you the story of––"

(Y/n) zoned out from his story, looking around and seeing Thomas and James talking amongst each other. James also used his phone as a flashlight so he could see while Thomas mostly was in the dark. It must be due to him being a werewolf that allowed him to adjust to the dark better. (Y/n) and Thomas met each other's eyes and they both smiled.

"Hey, (Y/n)? You alright?" Peggy whispered, seeing the poor human struggling to sit up

(Y/n) nodded her head, "Y-yeah, just warm?" She awkwardly laughed. She was glad her swimsuit was still wet because it helped cool her down. "I didn't know I could get easily wasted from just a single can of beer."

"The beers we usually get do have a higher amount of alcohol since most of us have a high tolerance. It's a beer made for creatures like us," Peggy mentioned, making (Y/n) look closely at the can.

Gold of Pantheons

Drink like the Gods and legends

Maybe Peggy letting (Y/n) drink that beer was a bad idea. Her face was flushed red and speech slurred but all together aware.
"Oh...great." (Y/n) felt like dying. Luckily she wasn't blackout drunk at least she had that going for her.

"Look on the bright side, you didn't end up like the other humans who drank it.


Peggy forced a smile, "How do I summarize it? For a business gathering my Dad accidentally bought that brand of beer and lots of people got drunk and to sum it up lots of people were on the floor with crazy hangovers. Someone was even duct-taped to the ceiling... But nevermind that!" She jolted up, shaking her hands to dismiss the story. "Do you need to rest?" Peggy queried.
"I think that'd be preferred," (Y/n) agreed.

"Here. I can help you to your room," Peggy helped (Y/n) up.
Thomas noticed this, stopping Peggy midway. "Is something wrong?"

Peggy grinned awkwardly, "(Y/n)'s kinda drunk and not feeling at her best."

"Do you need help or anyth––"

"Nah, I'll be fine. We mermaids are pretty strong!" Peggy insisted, lifting her arm to flex it.

Though instead of giving an energy of seriousness it was adorable. She walked with (Y/n) to the glass doors, grabbing the knob and pulling. To Peggy's frustration and she pulled again, making annoyed humming sounds that could be heard by the others.

Angelica looked at her sister with confusion. "Is everything alright, Pegs?" she shouted, interrupting Hercules' story. "Remember it's a 'pull' not 'push' on this side!"

"I know!" Peggy tried to open the door but failed. "But... I think we're stuck!"


"You know! Like locked in...  or out?" Peggy began to debate if they were locked in the pool room or locked out of the entire house in general. Maybe both?

Angelica decided to check out for herself, trying to open the door as well. "'re not wrong, Pegs." She glanced up at the door, "The power outage must have caused the door to lock automatically." Angelica groaned, trying to comprehend the situation.

The doors to the pool were made to lock on their own as Angelica said. They were supposed to automatically lock themselves when they reached a certain time they were scheduled for. It was to keep young children or the intoxicated from entering so they didn't get hurt or killed.

Everyone heard Angelica's announcement, causing some murmurs of 'We're stuck?'

"For the time being until the power comes back yeah."

John, who made too much to drink, picked up a chair. "Can't we break the door?"


Everyone shouted out at him, prompting Alex to intervene and sit the very drunk John down. Not only because they didn't want to deal with broken glass, but they didn't want the security system to set off and have to deal with the police. They did it once and had to explain everything to them so they didn't arrest poor John, and they didn't want to deal with it twice. Once everything was calm, well, as calm as anyone could be while in the dark and trapped in a pool room everyone began to talk.

"What do we do?"

Eliza asked.

"Stay calm. Not like we're trapped here forever. Worst case scenario we do follow through with John's plan,"
Alex replied


John hollered.

"Then deal with the police."

"Never mind."

"We can use the extra towels and pool lounge chairs to sleep on if we need to."

There were whispers of agreement on Alex's plan. Even Thomas was for it despite his distaste for Alex's flair of dominance and almost showmanship whenever he demonstrated leadership.

Peggy frowned, turning to (Y/n). "I guess you'll have to rest here for the time being. Sorry."

"It's okay. I don't mind." She sat herself down on the chairs, feeling relieved that it didn't feel like the ground was a ship at sea.
This in (Y/n)'s opinion was probably for the better. Now that she thought of it it might not be safe to be left alone especially after her encounter with the man that attacked her and Thomas when they were young. Best to stay with a pack than being alone.

It wasn't long until everyone began setting areas they'd sleep in, using the extra towels as makeshift blankets or pillows if they rolled them up properly. It wasn't comfy but it was only for the night which made it more bearable. Everyone was partially dressed, the girls in their cover-ups and the boys with their shirts back on. When (Y/n) finished setting her 'bed' she jumped when she bumped into someone.

"Oh, s-sorry, (Y/n)," Thomas apologized. He appeared to still be nervous being around her.

"It's fine. No harm done."

Their exchange was brief due to Alex budging in before they had the chance to talk more. The two were both irritated but the feeling for (Y/n) was less intense compared to Thomas.

"Mind if we talk?" Alex asked.

"I do," Thomas resorted, earning a raised brow from the alpha werewolf. "I don't have a choice in this matter, do I?"

Thomas turned at (Y/n) who gave him an encouraging look. He groaned, following Alex. "Okay, I'm coming."

The two werewolves walked in silence. This did put Thomas off, considering the fact they usually bicker whenever they were near each other. They were like oil and water.

Their walking ceased when Alex and he were on the other side of the room, sitting near the pool's edge which was still open before it was covered up. Alex's feet were submerged inside the warm salted scented water while Thomas sat down with his feet crisscrossed.

"Now that we're finally alone––"

"Is this the part where you kill me?" Thomas disputed.

Alex's face soured at that accusation. "Really?" He huffed, "I hate you but not enough to kill you." He splashed his foot in the pool, staring at it while the pool's underwater lights were on, illuminating a blue hue of the water. "I'm only talking to you because of (Y/n)," he stated.

"Because of (Y/n)?"

"Are you that dull? Why do you think she nearly drowned herself and me?" Alex sighed, "She somehow convinced me to help you to control your Lycanthropy."

"She did?" He was taken back that Hamilton was (slightly) willingly helping him and that (Y/n) was able to convince him.

"You sound like she wouldn't do that for you," Alex mentioned.
"It's not that. I just didn't know she did that for me," Thomas explained. "It's just... I was actually going to ask you for help."

"Well, regardless I'm bound to help whether it was you or her that reached out." He cracked his knuckles, sighing deeply. "How do I explain this....?" he pondered. "How I see you handling your lycanism is that you're bottling it up, holding yourself back."

"Because it's a curse––no a disease on my body that hurts people!" Thomas tried to justify himself only for Alex to hold his hand up.

"I wasn't done talking," he asserted. "The reason you've lacked control is because you're rejecting it." Alex poked Thomas' wolf ears. "The more you do against the grain the more tempted your lycanism will try to escape and leak out. Hence why you have your ears and tail out." Thomas swatted Alex's hand away from his ears. "You've vilified your 'curse' by doing so. You're giving it more power and control over you than it should have by viewing it like that and rejecting it."

"I know–"
"Then why are you afraid of it? Why aren't you embracing it?"

Thomas stared at the water, "If I do then...I feel like I'll lose a part of myself. It'll be like giving up my humanity or forgetting my life as a human before everything..."

"You humans really do glorify humanity immensely."

"Excuse me?"

"Do you really think humanity is reserved only for you?"Alex lifted his head to look at Thomas. He gestured to himself,  "I mean look at me––all of us! We're supernatural creatures, living normally in society. We feel, hurt and bleed the same. You don't need to be human to have humanity." Alex continued to elaborate, "In my personal opinion it strengthens your humanity and in the end, nothing is lost. By embracing your lycanism it means you're gaining something new and starting a new chapter in life."
Hearing this explanation was like being slapped awake from a deep slumber. Something inside Thomas' brain clicked.

"I didn't think of it like that...all this time. Thank you." After much debating Thomas dunked his feet inside the water, enjoying the natural warmth it had along with the pleasing blue hue from the lights.

"You're welcome." Alex's tone was sincere instead of his condescending tone. "Though the one you should be thinking is (Y/n). Speaking of which, when are you going to ask her out?" Alex prodded.

Thomas opened his mouth to refuse to answer that question but closed it. "I don't know to be honest."

"Seriously?!" Alex yelled, covering his mouth to hold back a laugh. "Sorry, sorry. That's just unusual of you not to have done that yet." He sighed, still struggling not to laugh, "The Jefferson I know isn't normally like this. You used to date some girls here and there if memories serve me right which usually is."

"This issue is different," Thomas answered.

"Just go for it. If you love her then go get her." When Alex had said that Thomas stared for a long time like he was expecting a cruel joke. "I'm not kidding," he clarified. "Go to her."

"But what if I do something bad to her?" Thomas was still paranoid about being close to (Y/n) for a long time since his instincts tricked him into thinking she was in season.

"Oh that. You do know the only reason you can pick up (Y/n)'s scent more easily is because of your bond for her, right? It's not the reason you're thinking of. That's something I probably should have told you." Alex scratched the back of his neck now he felt bad giving (Y/n) the equivalent of a sex talk to her hours ago. Oh well. "Allow me to explain when you're incredibly close to someone and romantically interested your instincts make you pick up their scent more often. It's to make you find them more easily whenever they're in trouble or hurt. I sort of thought of what you did when I first dated Eliza. It's a common mistake. I had to do a double-check with your situation with (Y/n)."

"So it's..."

"Yeah, it's safe to go to her."

(Y/n) groaned as she shifted in on the lounge chair, stretching her legs. Half of the group was asleep while the remaining part of Hamilton's squad was awake joking around. They were courteous enough to monitor their volume to not disturb those who were sleeping.

"Hey, (Y/n)?"

She nearly fell off the chair when turning around quickly to face the familiar voice. Thomas' voice. He stood there, shuffling his feet like he was searching for the proper words to speak.
"Glad to see you two didn't kill each other," (Y/n) joked.

Thomas rolled his eyes, "Well, haha." He sarcastically laughed." Anyways, mind if I join you?" He requested.

"But what about—"

"It turns out it was a false. With my condition, I must have overreacted."

"Then not at all," she allowed.

When she peered at the chair she wasn't so sure they would fit. Thomas even recognized this predicament. But she did think of an idea in her slightly inebriated state.

Before Thomas could speak (Y/n) beat him to the punch. "Wait, wait wait," she stood up and pointed at the lounge chair. "Lie down."

Thomas held back a laugh at how childish her demand was. "I'm not a dog. You know," he teased, but regardless he listened to her, lying flat down.

There was a satisfied expression on (Y/n)'s face. As soon as Thomas was laying down she plopped herself on top of him, her head on his chest, surprising him at that action. A little hum of joy came out from her as she made herself comfortable.

"Better!" She giggled. With the alcohol in her system her inhibitions were lowered. Her shame seemed nonexistent.

The longer he was her the more the panic in his mind evaporated. Hamilton was right; he did demonize his condition. After their talk, he felt more in control and like he misunderstood his lycanthropy.

"So..." (Y/n) trailed off. "How did your talk go? With Alex I mean."

"Great. Which is rare since usually our conversations go south," he mentioned. "I feel better. Like a weight has been lifted. I think I understand this curse better." He now saw his condition in a better light now, but he wasn't ready to call it a blessing nor certain if he would ever call it that.

(Y/n) moved up a little her hands moving to Thomas' head. He didn't jerk away, instead relaxed into her touch. Her palms were warm yet in contrast her fingers were frigid cold. An unusual yet soothing sensation.

"Hmm, is that why your wolf ears are gone?"


Thomas didn't understand what she meant. He gently removed (Y/n)'s hand with his to touch where his wolf ears should be. They were gone.

A flood of elation shined throughout Thomas' eyes. He pulled (Y/n) into a hug, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"For what?"

"For getting Hamilton to help me." His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly like she was about to dissolve into thin air. "To be honest, I was going to ask him for help, but you beat me to the chase."

"I guess great minds think alike." (Y/n) yawned, still lying her head on Thomas' chest."Hey, do you...I mean...can we stay like this for a little longer?"

"Of course. I don't mind," Thomas smiled, petting (Y/n)'s hair which caused her to fall deeper into a sleeping spell. The two of them stayed like this, unwinding into each other's embrace.

Together again at last.

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