Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)

By goddessofgreatness

27.8K 707 620

You are from the sea, and he is from the land. People from the land and sea don't mix... or do they? What hap... More



1K 33 17
By goddessofgreatness

You were laying in the tub, staring at the ceiling. Your hair was in a ponytail, your lipstick was off, and your dress was on the floor next to it.

You sighed and stared down at the water.

"Ah, Sangwoo."

"Touch me more there."

"Just, a little more."

"Ah! So big."

You were seething. The water in the tub was starting to boil over. You pulled your knees to your chest and gripped your hair.

"Stop it," you muttered. You started rocking back and forth in the tub. "Stop, stop stop stop." Eventually, the water calmed.

"Why did you get so angry today?" You heard Sangwoo say.

"What? Me?"

"Yea, at Bumi and Areum."

"When was I upset? Why do you wanna talk about this now?"

"Why were you angry?"

You clenched your fists and rose from the tub, water surrounded your hand.

"Well, you were late because of them and they saw me make that mistake at the talent show. Then, he ridiculed and sneered at me and that girl- she said some things, and it really hurt my feelings."

'What?! She called me fat,' You thought bitterly as you creaked the bathroom door open.

"What do you think about them?"

"Why do you ask about them now?"

"Tell me, I'm curious."

"Well, that guy," She paused. "He's weird. His legs are limp, his eyes are cold, and his face is so thin. When he was next to me he smelled a bit."

"Wow," Sangwoo muttered. "What about Areum?"

"Why do you keep calling her that? There's nothing beautiful about her! She's rude, fat, and ugly. She thinks she's better than me and she smells like fish!"

"Wow. That really," He paused. "Hurts me to hear that."

"Sangwoo why are we talking about this now?"

"You're so honest with the right person here with you. Bum must me hurt." Sangwoo's face darkened.

"What do you mean? You look really weird right now."

He smirked. "What I want to say is, Bumi is here you stupid bitch."

"What did you say?"

"Bumi!" Sangwoo called. "Did you hear? It must be hot in there."

She screamed. "Move you crazy bastard!"

'Bum was in there?' you thought.

She kicked Sangwoo away and tried to leave. You watched the door handle from outside jiggle.

"Where are you going? We were having sex. Come here."

She screamed as Sangwoo wrapped his arm around her throat and dragged her back.

"Let go!" She screamed. He dragged her down into the basement as she screamed. "Sangwoo! Sangwoo, don't be like this! Sangwoo please. I was wrong!" You stepped down the basement steps.

She slipped her hand from his grasp and punched Sangwoo right in the face.

He groaned.

"Help me! Help me!" She screamed as she climbed up the stairs. She looked at you.

"____! Oh thank god he's crazy-"

"You run your mouth too much," you said.

ou said. The water from the tub surrounded her head, and she screamed.

"Stop, or you'll drown," You taunted emotionlessly. You released the water around her right before she could drown. She coughed and gasped for air.


"That's my girl!" Sangwoo said with a smile.

"You alright?" you said.

She tried to push you out of the way, but you kicked her down the stairs. Then, you slowly walked down the stairs and stepped on the back of her neck.

"So you call me fat, screw my man, then punch him in the face? Who the fuck do you think you are?!" You hissed while glaring down at her.

Sangwoo looked at you with a smile. "I love you so much," He said.

You put more pressure on the back of her neck and she screamed. "____ you don't have to do this! Please!"

You kneeled down and grabbed her hair. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll drown you."

"How could you?" She cried.

Everything was quiet. The kelp swayed gently with the tide, as did her hair. A little girl sat up and groggily looked around.

"Mom?" She muttered as she looked around. Her clothes were torn, but there were no injuries on her body. The scars and bruises that had spread all across her arms and torso were just gone.

"What happened?" She muttered as she stood up. She looked around.

"Mom?" She called again. She wondered closer to the kelp, looking around for any signs of life, or anything that could tell her what happened before she awoke.

She saw someone standing in the distance. "Lord Kaname?"

"Areum," he said. "You did this?"

She paused and looked down. Crabs, worms, and other sea scavengers crawled all over the corpse at his feet.

"How could you?" He said.

"I-It was an accident I didn't-" She sobbed. "I didn't mean to."

You dropped her head and stood up. Your eyes widened and your hands shook.

"____?" Sangwoo said.

"I'm not a killer," you said. "Not again."

"What do you mean?"

You stiffly walked up the stairs and back into the bathroom.

The doors were open, so you could hear everything that happened after that.


"Bum, come down here," Sangwoo said. "Be careful."

"Sangwoo I'm sorry," she cried. "Sangwoo, I won't tell anyone about this. I'll quit school and live like a dead rat! I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" Sangwoo said. "Anything is good."

"Sangwoo?" Bum said.

"Have sex with Bumi," Sangwoo said. "Then, I'll send you home.

"I'll do it!" She cried.

"Really?" Sangwoo said with a fake shocked expression. "Can you really? Even though his face is skinny and ugly?"

"I'll do it!"

"No~ You can't because he smells?"

"I can do it! I will do it!" She screamed.

Sangwoo laughed. "Dirty to the end. Have you ever felt thankful?" He walked towards her. "Of course you haven't. Everyone thinks you're pretty. Right? But then again, if everyone saw you cut up into tiny pieces, could you tell me you are beautiful then? No? Your inner nature is eternal! Do you get it?"

Sangwoo smiled.

"I mean, look at ___. She's pretty- beautiful even, inside and you. But you," he trailed off.

"You crazy bastard! Where do you get the right to preach?! You perverted psycho! I will kill you! I'll sne dyou to jail with a death sentence so you can rot there!"

"Woah~ I'm scared. But why are you telling me this? If you want to live, you have to plead to Bum. Do you remember the man we stabbed together? That was practice for all of this, so you won't be nervous."


"Bum. I gave up and sacrificed a lot for this moment. Finally, my plan bears fruit. Aren't you happy? We can truly be together. Until death."


"A-ah, Sangwoo."

"Relax for me. I can't get it in."

"Ah! Don't."

"Why are you resisting me? You're the one who wanted this first."


In the bathroom, you were rocking back and forth on the floor, gripping at your hair and grinding your teeth.

"How fucking dare he," you hissed as tears rolled down your cheeks.


The next day, you woke up earlier than Sangwoo. After soaking in the tub for a while, you walked downstairs and made breakfast.

Later in the morning, Sangwoo woke up before Bum.

"Good morning, Areum," He said while kissing your cheek.

"Good morning," You said before setting a plate in front of him. "And I didn't use a lot of salt," You said with a giggle.

Sangwoo smiled. "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"I ate already while waiting for you guys to wake up," You said while slowly walking around the table. You wrapped one arm around Sangwoo, hand trailing down his shoulder to his chest.

"Apparently you were too," You said before pulling out a knife and holding it to his throat. "I heard everything last night," You hissed into his ear. "How dare you."

Sangwoo stiffened. "You did?"

"Take me home, now."


You pressed the knife against his neck harder, drawing a small amount of blood, and tears welled up in your eyes.

Sangwoo stood up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and dangled from his back.

"Take me home!"

"No," He said before walking upstairs and dropping you on his bed. You glared up at him while pointing your knife at him.

"You fucking liar! Why are you keeping me here?! Let me go home!"

"No," Sangwoo said as he climbed on top of you. You pressed the knife against his neck.

"Get away from me you dirty cheater! I swear, I fucking regret ever loving you!"

Sangwoo paused, and tears fell freely from your eyes. "I can't believe you'd hurt me like this, AGAIN! You have Bum, so you don't need me here! Just let me go home!"

Sangwoo stared down at you before pinning your arms to your sides. You dropped the knife. "I'm sorry," He mumbled. "I'll never hurt you again."

"You say that now, but I know you'll do it again!" You exclaimed.

"I won't. I'm sorry."

"How can I trust you again?! How do I know-" You paused. Tears fell from Sangwoo's eyes.

"Don't leave me, please," He pleased while laying his head on your boobs.

You paused for a moment. "I won't be manipulated, Sangwoo. Just take me home."

"Please," He pleaded. "Just give me one more chance. I was planning for us to go on a hiking trip."

"Go with Bum, then."

Sangwoo didn't move for a while until he stood up. He went for his bat, and panic spread through your body.

"No!" You exclaimed before you ran out of the room. Sangwoo followed you and you blasted him away with a blast of water.

Sangwoo fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" You said. You looked at him.

Sangwoo looked at you. "Come back, Areum. Do you want me to kill him? I will, I swear."

"No," you said, then, you took off running, right out the door.

Sangwoo groaned and stood up.

"Sangwoo?" Bum said.

Sangwoo ran out of the door, but you were already gone. His entire body trembled as he walked into the house.

"Sangwoo?" Bum said. "Are you okay."

"FUCK OFF!" He exclaimed. "You fucking wench. She left me, and it's all your fucking fault!" Sangwoo landed a hard kick to Bum's stomach.


After running for what seemed like hours, you finally found some people. "E-excuse me?"


"Sasuke?!" you exclaimed.

Sasuke hugged you tightly. "I'm so happy you're safe," He mumbled into your hair. "Where were you?"

"I was held hostage," you said as you trembled in his arms. "It was terrible." you cried. "I just managed to escape."

"Who took you?" Sasuke said darkly.

"I don't know," you said. "I never saw her face. I was just in this tub in a dark room."

Sasuke rubbed your back. "Alright. C'mon. I'll take you home." Sasuke lifted you up and carried you home.


You laid in your bed, staring at your ceiling. Even though you were home, you felt sad and empty. All you could think of was Sangwoo. Tears welled up in your eyes, and a single one fell down the side of your face.

'He didn't even come after me. Maybe he didn't really love me.' Was your last thought before falling asleep.

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