winter fires

By XDontXSaveXMeX

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Idk how to write a synopsis buuuutt Kerosene and a match. Ice and water. The ice and water melt away the hea... More



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By XDontXSaveXMeX

Chapter name: everybody gets high
Date of publishing: November 4th
Dedicated to:

I didn't see winter until art class, and I felt this huge relief glide off my shoulders at the goofy grin and wave he gave me. He was cute in a sense. I had to double take my words. Cute? Oh no- not this.. I gulped a bit at the soft butterflies that arose at the recognition of my feelings and I sighed gently, walking over with a half forced smile. Winter took notice but didn't press for answers. That's one of the things I loved- winter didn't push me out of curiosity. Anyways, the class was rather boring. We mostly talked and drew, and my art suddenly took a beautiful cacti and succulents growing out of dark musty skulls and hollow bones. I had mixed our art because I was thinking about him so much. Oh boy. This was going to be fun.

-time skip 30 minutes-

It was about time to go home and I sighed deeply, getting my things ready when I was greeted at my locker, by the only person who recognised my existence, "winter. What are you doing over here?" I ask cautiously- wondering how he found my locker. He shrugs nonchalantly, "well I figure since we can't hang out later, would you like to walk home?" I was taken aback before frowning, "as long as you don't come up to my door" i say nervously, not really wanting to walk home with winter but knowing he wouldn't give up and would pester me until I said yes anyways. I sighed and got my things ready to go, grabbing the speaker and charger I had forgotten in my locker the other day and nodding to winter who smiled giddily and took my wrist, causing me to wince as he pulled me through the leaving crowd and out of the school. He had grabbed a bruise and was nearing a cut as I tried to keep quiet and not react. He simply lowered his hand to mine and I frowned a bit- letting it sit before very hesitantly dropping winters hand, not trusting him yet.

"You know.. I didn't get to ask you many questions." I say softly, frowning a bit. He frowns before his smile picks back up and he nods, "fire away! I'm happy to answer any!" I frown, "why do you even like me?" I ask almost irritated. Winter is frowning now too, "well.. I don't know. You don't choose who you like it's just..every action and word they speak entails you to no end.. entraps you in this blanket of haze that makes everything more bright..and beautiful.. I guess I'm saying I like you because I" he says with a deep blush that had me grinning. How adorable. Puppy love. I sighed gently, "please don't use me as an experiment.. it'll just hurt." I say, as i had learned from experience. Winter nodded slightly, "I'm gay. I know I'm gay. After the shit that happened though I'm surprised I'm still into guys." His eyes widened and he clammed up, causing me to frown. That's strange.. did he have bad experiences with guys? I frowned, "what- bad breakup?" I ask softly. He nods slightly, "lets put it this way.. I'm in michigan now because of him." He says with a numb yet grateful look in his eyes. I watch him curiously. Only time will unwrap this tale, I knew all too well. Though now that I know he's been through something.. possibly similar I might.. might open up.. I frown, "what are your parents like?" I decides to ask and Winters smile returns. "my mum's are great! They're super nice and lenient and understand what I'm going through. They're like.. my best friends but also my parents y'know. I also have a step sister in case you're wondering. Shes 6."

My eyes light up and I look to him, only slightly jealous internally. "That sounds wonderful- I can't imagine the fun you all must have" I say happily, though also a bit sad. "Anyways I ought to go. See you tomorrow." I say quickly before he could ask about my family. I quickly rush into the house and the door barely shuts before I yelp. This is what I was used to. This was why he didn't matter. This was what was bound to happen one more year. Just one more year.. I could take it. Day by day I counted the times I was abused on top of the times I was left unconscious or for dead. Sometimes I took pictures and videos but I never had the courage to turn it in. It's all on a stitch thumb drive. The blow was harder than I expected. It was my father. Mom was screeching to him, "THATS IT HONEY! GET HIM! HE RUINED MY FUCKING SCHEDULE! HES THE REASON I DIDNT GET MY RAISE! FUCKING MOVE OVER!" she was drunk off her ass and when my father didn't move over from beating the shit out of me. My mother threw her wine glass at me, hitting me in the head and fracturing the glass, causing me to cry out at the wine seeping into my cuts and clothes. My bag was loosely left on my shoulder before it was thrown across the room to the hall entrance. My brother was laughing and my sister watched with a slight sneer.

I was panting heavily as my mom smashed the entire bottle of wine into my skull, then used the rest to beat me. She was enraged. I was crying quietly from the pain and took shallow breaths before the darkness consumed me. When I woke up it was night. I sat up slowly and winced with every movement. My mom really did a number on me. Well whose to say it was just her. Maybe Vexon wanted to see my blood spurt. Maybe my sister wanted to scream at my unconscious body and kick it some more. Only they knew. He went to the bathroom and turned the faucet on quietly, stifling the noise with a washrag as he used another to clean himself up some and bandage up. He for sure had a concussion but that didn't stop him from what he was going to do. He finished cleaning up, changed his clothes, and went downstairs to grab his bag. He shoved a foam mattress, sheet, and blanket in there as well as ratchet straps. He could do this. He texted his 'friend' (more like someone he smoked and drank with.) he would be coming over. See, his friend, Beckett, sold weed and alcohol and vape to minors. His friend texted back right away. "shit man the place is ours minus one of my cousins- Hes funny and nice- We're playing truth or dare! Get your ass over here!" My face almost worked it's way into a smile before the pain in my back had me double thinking.

I hopped out of the window and didn't bother to lock my door. If they saw I was gone, oh well. As long as I was back in time to make breakfast, they wouldn't care. It was a good ten minute walk before I got to my destination. A large ass house with one car in the parking spot, a pool in the back and a lovely garden out front. I knock and a couple minutes later the door was answered, "aha sorry it took so long - no one wanted to get up" an obviously high Beckett sniggered, the dogs lazing around. Beckett must've gotten them high. I smiled softly and nodded a bit. The male frowned, "this ain't just a friendly visit is it? Ah I should've known with you texting so late. Come on come on, lemme see." Phoenix sighed and stepped in, taking his fresh jacket off, he groaned from the movements, the wrappings beginning to grow more red with every flex of muscle. He was extraordinarily numb and wanted nothing more than to cry and smoke. That's when he noticed winter at the middle of the stairs. Staring at the bandages and the non wrapped cuts. Shit. Was he really Beckett's cousin?

I slipped the jacket back on as Beckett exclaimed, "damn dude they did a number on you.. are you okay?" I shook my head no and his eyes widened. I never said no. "I can.. feel that that's not all they did when I fell unconscious from the pain. Can I just..smoke please.." i ask. Beckett nodded and as winter came over he asked, "hey winter I know you're like really high but can you make some hot cocoa? You know where the stuff is. Candy cane and marshmallows please for all of us" he says. Winter pouts but nods, doing as told as well as making a snack for them to munch on. It took a bit for me to get up the stairs, what with the gashes on my body.
I should've put two and two together in his messages. a cousin. Beckett doesnt even have cousins here. Great. I didn't necessarily count Beckett as a friend but.. he was..a close.. acquaintance. I sighed as I finally reached Beckett's room, heading in there was a game loading on the Xbox 360 for the three of us. There were also three bean bags and three controls- on top of chips and sodas and snacks, not to mention the led lights that made the marijuana and vape smoke practically light up. It was calming in a way as he stepped in and sat in the beanbag furthest to the window. I took my bag off and grabbed my charger and phone, plugging it in. As I did so, apparently Beckett loaded a bowl because when I turned around a gorgeous bong was being passed my way.

Looks like he got a new one. I smiled, "damn dude, link huh? Should we play Zelda later in his honor?" I ask, trying to make small talk. He nods and chuckles, "sure." That's when winter came in. The hot chocolate had a candy cane sticking out, with peppermint bits in the whip cream that covered the gooey marshmallows sitting on top of the warm, comforting cocoa. It made my mouth water and as winter brought out peppermint bark, I was sold. I took both with a thank you and a soft smile, beginning to sip on my cocoa and use my candy cane to eat my whip cream. As the liquid in my cup became visible I dipped the peppermint bark in before taking a bite. It was amazing. God I love winter. My eyes widened and I almost coughed, wait wait wait I meant real winter not.. the guy who made the cocoa..even though I'd probably kiss him for a another cup and- he actually coughed at that as a blush overcame his face, "god your cocoa is good" I say to winter, offering a smile. He smiles back and half bows, "thank you, thank you very much" he says with a chuckle. I turn to the bong and take my hit before either of them get pissy, handing it to winter. I keep the smoke that urged to get out, inside my lungs for longer than necessary before exhaling slowly and taking a deep breath and sipping on my cocoa again.

The atmosphere was mostly quiet. I cleared my throat, "hey uh do you guys want to start the game after we smoke or do something else?" I ask calmly-. Beckett hums, "what about the hot-..oh. shit nevermind." I frowned a bit and nodded, "we should just stay in and play a game. Maybe watch a movie. If you're not going back tonight- and with that bag I assume you're not, you can bunk with me." I frown a bit and shake my head, "no thanks. I don't want to be any trouble. I'll just sleep in the back." Winter seemed confused and upset, "I honestly didn't know you'd be here but keep this under wraps please. Obviously my home situation isn't fantastic and I'm using drugs to compensate" I say with a deep frown. Winter grabs my chin and I half flinch, not expecting it. He looked hurt and slightly loosened his grip, "don't get addicted. And trust me when I say I'm going to help you. Seeing how hurt you are, not just physically but emotionally, really hurts me too. I really do like you and I want to do everything in my power to make you feel better. I searched his eyes, his muscles his face his movements- everything. I had to make sure he was serious. I slowly melted in his grip and looked up at him. Why do I even care if he's serious or not. A fake love interest is better than no love interest. I'd rather feel good now and hurt later.. I was giving up. Winter frowned softly and nodded a bit, running his thumb over my lip and kissing my forehead. I looked away a bit and his grip became more firm- so I looked back to him. He smiled a bit at that and someone's throat cleared, "Soo winterr I take it you know phoenix heree" he says, trying to make small talk.

Winter chuckled and for the first time that week I genuinely smiled. His chuckle was purely amazing. To me at least. I gently leaned forward to capture his throat in a soft kiss and the male tensed up. I flinched back in worry I had done something wrong. There was a look of slight worry in winters eyes before a soft smile came across his face, and he untensed. "Yes. I sat and studied with him all week before he quite literally bumped into me and I've pestered him since. Now here we are." He says a bit nervously and I worry I did something wrong. I turn away a bit and start to scoot back before winter pulled me back again whispering quietly in my ear, "did I tell you to move?" I could tell there was no real threat behind it but none the less it made me shudder. It made me lock up a bit as memories came and went, before I was able to look to him a bit wide eyed, slowly shifting back and even, a bit closer. I bit my lip, "sorry winter.. I um.." my words failed me as I saw how close we were. The sound of a bong in the background ran for a moment before winter grabbed my jaw and pushed my lips up and into his. I let out a meek sound I didn't know I could make as winter gently, yet passionately kissed me. I softly, slowly moved my lips in sync with his, before winter pulled me closer and half pulled me into his lap, gently pushing his tongue past my lips and rubbing it against mine, gently twirling before pushing his tongue in and out, causing me to let out a very quiet whine. He let out a low chuckle as he parted the kiss and I watched him curiously. This.. that man really wanted to be with me? He wanted to kiss me and know about me and help me he..he a couple tears pricked at my eyes and as winter looked at me, he fully lifted me into his lap. I began to calm down and relax. I reached for my phone, setting an alarm and tucking myself back into Winter's neck slowly and cautiously. Maybe.. I could get used to his care.

I suppose i fell asleep- because when I opened my eyes, I was being carried like a toddler. I was confused and let out a quiet, sleepy groan. The male carrying me chuckled, "you're so cute" my eyes snapped open and I tensed before I realised it was only Winter. We were in his house now, I could tell because I'd been in it a couple times before when the old neighbors lived there. They moved because they couldn't help and hated hearing my screams at night. I wonder if winter could hear them too. Anyways. I went to move to get down but Winter actually growled softly so I let out a quiet huff of disapproval before we got to his room. He set me down and I watched him unsurely, "well.. you said you were gonna sleep somewhere.. why not here.." he says softly, and I smiled gently, "I appreciate it but.. I don't know I don't want to be a bother and" I was quieted with a kiss and I almost melted again as I kissed back softly. The kiss was parted soon after and a grinning Winter was now visible, "you're not a bother. I promise. How could spending the night with a love interest be bothersome? Speaking of which" he says, dragging out the word speaking and I watch him nervously before he frowns, "you always look so nervous you know that..? Anyways.. I was thinking maybe we could go on a date" my eyes widened, "a date?" I ask softly winter nodded, "a date. I was thinking we go bowling, then watch a movie at my place over dinner? Maybe even take a walk through the forest if the weather permits it" he says with a smile, and my heart melts, "that's.. that's so sweet..I.." I blush softly and nod a bit, "okay.." winter chuckles and pulls my chin up to kiss me again. What's up with that? Maybe it's a control thing.

I kiss back softly and he depends it by pushing past my lips and claiming my mouth deeply, causing me to gasp and let out a soft noise I could only describe as a cat's mewl. Winter purred lowly and it sent a thrill through me. His hands trailed down my shirt and I tensed a bit. He seemed to understand and ran his hands back up my arms, to my hands and rubbed them, my palms and fingers, and I let out a quiet whine, blush deepening. He was loving and romantic.. every little touch set my skin ablaze and my heart hammering. everything about winter had my body focused. I quietly growled as he pushed his tongue in and out, and winter pulled back quickly. He.. he respected my boundaries. It was only a test but.. my eyes teared up softly and I let out a quiet laugh, "thank you.." I say softly before kissing winters jaw and neck that had noteable scars if you looked carefully. He only slightly nodded and mumbled quietly, "I know we're not going all the way but would you like a safe word?" He asks and my heart melts further. An actual safe word.. I frown softly, trying to think, "um.. red?" I ask softly and he nods, "if I'm doing something you don't like you can say yellow." I frown, but nod a bit. Winter nods and smiles. "Good boy" he says and my cheeks light up, "w-what?" I ask softly, confused and embarassed. He pulls my closer and says lowly, "good. Boy. It's praise, baby" he says with a purr, causing me to whine and nod a bit, watching him curiously and happily. He chuckled and tossed me a shirt to sleep in if I wanted, and..well I wasn't one to pass up a..potential lover's shirt. I blushed at the realisation but took a breath and turned to Winter, who had tossed me some shorts as well. I took them and put them on as well, apparently looking alright because winter watched me with a smile and a blush.

I smiled back and he picked up two remotes. One had turned on led lights that lit up the room in a soft lavender and the other controlled his tv. I smiled a bit and sat on the bed. That's when the both of us started to clump together and..cuddle. I smiled softly and kissed his throat from my position. He was getting used to my kisses and I smiled, "is there anything I should know about you and sleep?" I ask cautiously. He frowns, "only that I'm a stubborn sleeper and that I cling to the thing closest to me. This time that lucky thing is you" he says with a kiss to my nose, causing me to blush and nod a bit, "o..okay. goodnight." I say softly, pecking his lips and tucking into him.

This is perfect. I can't believe something like this would happen today. I actually felt happy. Unbothered. I felt.. like a whole new person when I was with winter.

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