Allie Woke Up

By KimberAnneGish

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Dustin is a 30-something year old man that has only been in love once in his life, it was when he was 18 year... More

Act 1: Led Them Over to Your House Where I'm Broken
Act 2 - Now You're On the Road With Your Painful Load
Act 3 - It's So Hard to Say That I'm Sorry
Act 4 - Tell Me What You Want to Hear
Act 5 - Make Me Listen to the Truth
Act 6 - When You're Around I Don't Know What to Do
Act 7 - Your Love Is Where I'm Falling, But Please Don't Catch Me
Act 8 - Have You Heard Who You Are? You're a New Morning
Act 9 - There's No Way I Could Ever Keep This a Secret
Act 10 - For Every Piece of Me That Wants You
Act 11 - These Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Act 12 - Everything's Falling, and I Am Included In That
Act 13 - I'm Used to Being the Loser, But You, I Think You're Super
Act 14 - Three and a Half Minutes Felt Like a Lifetime
Act 15 - It's Just You and I Tonight, Why Don't You Figure My Heart Out
Act 16 - You're Miles Away, But I Still Feel You
Act 17 - She Got a Fine Sense of Humor When I'm Feeling Down
Act 18 - Wondering, Could You Stay, My Love?
Act 19 - It's Just the Touch Of Your Hand Behind a Closed Door
Act 20 - 'Cause All That You Are Is All That I'll Ever Need
Act 21 - I Don't Care What Nobody Says, We're Gonna Have a Baby
Act 22 - I've Seen What's Right and I've Seen What's Wrong
Act 23 - Our Words Are Strong and Our Hearts Are Kind
Act 25 - Don't You Know That They Call Her Out By Her Name
Act 26 - We Can Move On Looking In the Rearview Mirror
Act 27 - I Wish That We Could Stay Here
Act 28 - Are You Leaving Me or Are You Leading the Way
Act 29 - I Brought You Back Just Like You Wanted
Act 30 - Nothing Is As It Has Been, and I Miss Your Face Like Hell

Act 24 - We're All Waiting On a Dream That's Hard To Hold

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By KimberAnneGish

       Allie desperately wished that the weekend didn't have to end because for it was one of the top weekends on her Favorite Weekend's With Dustin list, and because this week was going to be the longest week every in her whole entire High School career. That's right, this is the last week of school for Allie and her friends. Allie had always heard people before her say that the last week is always the most tear jerking week of your youth, but she didn't feel sad; she felt relieved in a way. No more homework, no more stupid cool kids who just can't seem to get over themselves and how they love to whisper the juicy gossip in each other's ears, and no more hiding her hunka-hunka burnin' love for Dustin from everybody in the hallway before class.

       Granted, Allie will still have to hide it from Nicole, but there was something about that thought that didn't seem to bother her anymore -- believe it or not. The only thing that bugged Allie so much about graduating from this place that made her feel like she was stuck in an episode of "Pretty Little Liars" *Secret- The Pierces* where a mysterious A knows all your secrets, is the fact that her mother is going a little bit overboard. Allie over heard her mother on the phone this morning with only the man upstairs knows who, about getting a designer dress for Allie to wear under her robe at the graduation ceremony.

       With Allie's luck of being a complete klutz, she would walk across the stage and rip the dress and feel a slight breeze -- if you know what I mean. All Allie really wants to do when school ends is just relax, have no worries, and maybe party hardy a little. Sounds perfect to her.

       The next week passed by in a fast blur, Allie woke up like she had every other school morning, got driven to school by Lola, had aimless thoughts while she sat in her class. Talk to her friends at lunch, Junior even joined them one day. After lunch, she would meet up with her dreamy boyfriend, Dustin, and talk about nothing and everything at the same time before she had to go into her art class.
       Then, at night, she would hang out over at Nicole's house, pretend like she and Dustin didn't have a thing going on, then she would fall asleep in his arms on his bed. The only thing that was different, well not all that different, Nicole was loving the attention on her and the baby. She was describing her morning sickness, her afternoon sickness, and just all the kind of sickness that was making Allie and Lola sick just hearing about it. Nicole also whined about the fact that Junior is paying attention to her, but apparently in her mind it's too much attention.
       Things were definitely changing for Allie and her friends, she never thought that she would be having to talk with an expecting mother at the age of only eighteen. Life was weird that way.


       It was 6:30 in the morning, the day was Friday, and the dawning of the bright orange sunrise was seeping through the cracks in the blinds of Allie's bedroom window. Instead of getting the last few minutes of sleep she still had, Allie was standing staring at her endless amounts of clothes in her closet. Today is the last day of school for Allie, and she wanted to mark her presence in that school. This was the last outfit and appearance that most of the people she went to school with are going to have of her, and she wanted it to be a good one. 

       Allie had looked at the weather earlier this morning and knew that it was going to be warm and sunny all day, a perfect Texas day. After some consideration, she just decided on a pair of daisy duke shorts accompanied with a nice flowing type of shirt -- she already knew that when Lola saw her this morning she would say "Oooo... you look cute".

       Allie spent extra time on her hair and make-up this morning because today was a very special day in her youth. Allie took one last look in the mirror before she walked upstairs with her backpack slung over her shoulder, and immediately thought to herself: I can just picture Dustin's face now. Dustin always made a face whenever Allie wore her daisy duke's and showed off her firm long legs, it was a I-need-to-go-take-a-cold-shower type of face. 

       Just like any other morning before this one, Allie walked up into the kitchen, set her backpack in the entry way of the front door, and found her mother standing in the kitchen fumbling with the mail -- what's new?. Immediately as Allie had entered into the kitchen like it was her anointing hour or something, her mother's face began to beam an unusual radiant glow.

       Allie was slightly taken back a few steps by the way her mother turned sharply toward her, like her mother was just anticipating the moment until Allie made her grand entrance. There was a giddy smile on her mother's face as she shook like a Chihuahua ready for a tinkle break.

Allie: What are smiling about this early in the morning?

       Allie's mother didn't say anything, she just kept her excited Chihuahua looking face like it was now a permanent fixture. Suddenly, her mom held up a still sealed -- Allie thanked her for the respect of privacy -- white envelope addressed to Allison Lorelai Jenner -- Allie didn't care for her middle name so much, but she kept it because it is her mother's full first name, Lori for short.

       Suddenly realizing what this envelope could potentially be, Allie took a few more steps back from her mother as she felt her own expression on her face change from wonder filled to scared shitless.

Allie: That's not another letter from Auggie is it? Because I really don't want to be slapped in the face again!

       Almost like an initial reaction, Allie began to hold her hand over the part of her face where her mother had slapped her that one day she was already having the worst day of her life; and the topping on her cake of a day was that letter from August.

       Inside, Lori cringed a little remembering how far over the line she went that day, it was tough to even bring up how regretful and extremely ashamed of herself she was. It's a horrible thought, but Lori was slightly glad that her husband, Allie's father James, wasn't there physically to witness that day. She already knew that it was wrong and she didn't need James to tell her that it was.

       Lori knew that Allie was just joking about it all when she brought it up just now. Out of the corner of Allie's mouth she could see a smirk creeping, and she laughed out a "too soon?" so Lori just shrugged it off and played along. After all, Allie and her mother had come to an agreement that there was no need to bring it up anymore because it was all resolved. Allie just wished that her mother wouldn't bring up other things, but that's a whole different story.

       Before answering her daughter, Lori put her hands on her hips with a look of annoyance on her face. Then suddenly remembering that she had Allie's letter in her hand, she quickly held it back up in front of Allie's face before she crumpled it.

Lori: No. Allie, it's your college acceptance letter!

       Now Allie understood why her mother was acting Chihuahua like this morning -- Allie wondered if it was also the extra boost in her mother's morning cup of coffee -- but unlike her mother, Allie wasn't as dog like. I need to sit, Allie wasn't sure if she said that in her head or if she said that out loud, but either way that's what she did because she felt as if the room was suddenly spinning.

       Unfortunately, the closest chair to Allie was all the way in the kitchen by the table and she wasn't able to move her feet long enough to reach it. Instead, she just leaned her back against the kitchen wall, then began to slide down it slowly until she felt her boney butt hit the floor harder than what she was use to if it wasn't numb.

        Lori remembered the day that she was Allie's age and got her college acceptance letter, she fainted on the kitchen floor of the house she grew up in. Allie is doing much better than her mother ever did, but then again Lori was a little surprised that her daughter was acting like the world had suddenly came to a stop because Allie never really paid any attention to anything school related in her life. 

       My little girl is really growing up, Lori thought to herself because finally Allie is being serious about her education. Lori knew that Allie had to be freaking out inside, after all she was sitting on the floor just because of an unopened college letter.

Allie: Oh... My... God...

       That was all Allie could managed to breathe out before she felt herself wanting to hyper-ventilate. Allie was about ready to ask her mother for a brown paper bag for her to breathe in.

       Slowly but surely, Lori began to walk over to her daughter sitting on the kitchen floor with a blank star. Lori knelt down in front of her daughter and softly touched her daughter's hand.

       Allie looked into her mother's eyes and it was like she translated: It's ok to be afraid, it made Allie's breathing pattern become slightly normal again.

Lori: Do you want to open it?

       Allie felt the goose bumps start to creep up on every exposed to the air inch of her body, she shivered to herself slightly. Allie contemplated on whether or not she really wanted to open this letter and find out the answer that determined the rest of her life. That's a scary thought, Allie said to herself.

       Allie wasn't able to make herself speak because of the lack of oxygen to her brain at the moment, so she just nodded her head yes -- or at least she hoped that's what she did -- and extend her hand towards the letter. It felt like Allie had her whole entire world in her hands as she held the white envelope with the University of Dallas logo embroidered on it. Allie could remember like it was just yesterday when she met with her high school's counselor earlier in the year and filled out the application.

       Even though Allie could remember it with the college letter staring at her with its hypnotizing eyes as it sat there in her hand, she had totally forgot all about going to college when high school was over. It seems kind of silly to forget about something like that it because it should be the one thought on every seniors mind, but Allie had bigger problems to worry about.

        For what felt like the first time in an hour, Allie blinked and snapped out of her hypnotism because she decided that it was time to open the envelope. Allie turned the envelope over to its backside and slipped her finger under the sealed crease, moving it slowly across so she wouldn't get a paper cut -- knowing her, she would most likely get one.

       If Lori was standing, she would have begun to tap her foot, because she was growing impatient with her daughter, who was oh so dramatically opening her acceptance letter slower than a snail crossing the sidewalk. Finally, Allie pulled out the letter -- her mother was so impatient that she was about to do it herself -- with the answer to her future on it and unfolded it from its creases, then silently began to scan her eyes across the words typed onto the flesh colored printer paper.

       Lori became a little startled as Allie suddenly began to slide herself back up the wall and to her feet. Allie couldn't bear to remove her hands or eyes from the piece of paper, so she used the strength she didn't know that she had to lift herself up off the floor.

Lori: So... What's the verdict?

       Lori had said into the silence, she had to say something because she was looking at Allie's widened bug like eyes glued to the piece of paper. Lori watched as Allie's lips moved along to the words that she was reading and wished that she knew how to read lips.

       Suddenly, Allie shot both of her bug eyes up towards her mother's, they locked eyes while they were still in the silence. Before Lori could say the words forming on the tip of her tongue, both she and Allie turned their heads towards the opened bay window in the kitchen.

       Even though Lola's car was slightly a little car, the squeal of the horn still blew Allie's concentration of her mother's questioning eyes on hers, Allie was thankful that Lola came when she did -- saved by the honk. Before turning away, Allie handed her mother the letter so she could read it for herself as Allie began to gather her things by the front of the doorway -- Allie didn't even bother putting on her shoes.

         As Lola sat in her idling car in her best friend's driveway, she watched as the front door swung open slowly. When it did, she saw Allie and her mother standing there as if they were in the middle of a conversation when she pulled up. Lola had to squint her eyes just to acknowledge what was going on -- and even then... -- to Lola it looked as if Lori was folding a piece of paper back into an envelope before handing it to Allie, who looked like she wanted to make a mad dash out of the door.

       Oh No! What's going on? Lola questioned to herself because she saw Allie's mom pull her into an embrace. It's not like it wasn't normal for Lori to hug Allie, it was just unusual for her to do it before she went off to school. Maybe Lori was giving Allie a hug to wish her good luck on her last day of senior year?

        Allie felt two different sets of eyes on her as she walked in just her socks across the driveway with her shoes in one hand and the now opened envelope in the other hand. Allie opened the passenger side of Lola's car and slipped right in, like it was any other ordinary school day before this one -- but clearly it wasn't.

       Allie could see that her mother was still staring at her from the front door, so she quickly waved her mother away with her.

       Lola didn't say a word, she just sat there with the car's engine still running. She looked over at her best friend that was untying her Chuck Taylor's on her bare skinned lap, almost as if she was trying so hard to hide the envelope that was under the shoe.

Lola: So... What's going on?

       Allie suddenly looked up from where she was trying to get the knot out of her shoe and to Lola, who was just staring at her with an expression that matched the question that she had just asked.

       Allie gave an expression as if to say: what are you talking about? but then she saw Lola's eyes pier to the envelope hidden under the shoe.

Allie: Are you referring to this?

       Allie put aside her knotted shoe and held up the envelope for Lola to see. Allie had a look on her face that practically said: I totally forgot all about this!!!

       Allie always tried to play everything off very cool and smoothly on the outside, but Lola knew Allie too well, she knew that Allie was slowly shutting down by the millisecond.

Lola: Yes! What is that?

Allie: I... Don't... Know...

       Allie had practically sung the words like she was trapped in some old fashioned musical that busted out into song at the most random moment -- but hey that was Allie, a little bit random and a little bit something else!.

       As she "sang" the words, Allie began dancing the envelope across the car's dashboard and towards Lola for a little bit more of dramatic effect.

Lola: Give me that!

       Lola playfully said with annoyance behind her voice as she gently snatched the letter from Allie's slender fingers. Suddenly, Lola felt herself stop breathing for a second or two as she saw what the letter was for, then she turned back to look at Allie with the same kind of bug eyes that Allie gave her mother earlier this morning.

Lola: University of Dallas?!?

       Lola whispered so low that Allie hardly heard her over the music playing from the car speakers. By this point, she had come good at reading lips and reading expressions as if they were words.

       When Lola calmed herself down from her mental freak out, she slowly began to pull out the letter and unfolded for the grand reveal -- well for Lola. Lola's eyes skipped over all the boring parts of the letter and immediately veered to the important part.

       Allie began to smile slightly already knowing the answer as Lola read it carefully, then just like Allie had imagined, Lola began to grin from ear to ear. Lola set the letter in her lap, then threw her arms up in the air and locked them around her best friend.

Lola: Allie, I'm so proud of you!

       Allie felt like patting herself on the back of her shoulder because not only were the two out of three most important people in her life proud of her, but she was also proud of herself. When Allie found out the fate of her college future, the first person that she wanted to go run and tell was of course Dustin, but under the circumstances he was going to be the last person she could share her joy with.

       Dustin was just going to have to understand -- which mostly likely he would-- but Allie figured a convincing/smart-ass argument could be: I was saving the best for last.

Allie: Now let me see yours?

       Speaking of, where is it? Allie asked herself, then began to question why Lola wasn't flaunting off her acceptance letter. Then again, she reminded herself, Lola wasn't much of a flaunter -- Allie did it in the non-cocky way.

       Lola dropped eye contact that she once had with Allie and began to sit suspiciously with her hands on the steering wheel almost like it was time to go, but it wasn't time to go.

Lola: It's in my bag. I haven't opened it yet?

Allie: And, why not?

Lola: Because I'm afraid.

       Lola hesitated a little as she said her last words because at first she was going to make up some lame ass excuse of why she isn't presenting it at this perfect moment, but she knew Allie would catch on even before she said her first word. It was always written all over her face, Lola knew that she was a horrible liar -- pretending around Nicole was another story though.

       Allie understood Lola more than anybody in this world -- Tony was in for a treat with this one! -- she knew that Lola was the type of person that hated surprises and waiting on an answer. She known otherwise overreaction happened -- hence how she found out about Allie and Dustin.

       Lola just needed a few moments to either scream inside or out loud -- either one was ok -- so Allie grabbed Lola's hand resting on the car seat as she felt it shaking slightly. She then began to speak in a considerate calming tone of voice, like a best friend should.

Allie: Tell you what, I'll give you a few minutes to freak out before we get to school, but once we get into the parking lot, you have to open that letter.

       Allie had a look on her face as if to say: take it or leave it. Lola appreciated the compromise that Allie had just given her, so she decided to take it. Lola needed a kick in the ass or something, but knew that Allie would never push her too hard because she understood how it is, unlike Lola's mother this morning. When Lola walked into the kitchen of her house to grab her keys, her mother handed her the unopened envelope telling her to open it right there and then, but Lola knew she was running late and told her mother that she would just text her the answer. Safe to say her mother wasn't too pleased with that answer.

        Oh well deal with it, Lola felt like screaming at her mother, but she's trying this thing called being an adult since she's eighteen and graduating high school. So, it's time to grow up and not start stupid useless fights with your mother. It's time to take to high road and swallow your pride.

       Allie didn't actually expect Lola to freak out, but she put her hands over her ears as Lola screamed out loud -- guess she chose that option. After the screaming fest ended, Lola began ranting and raving about all the different scenarios of failing to get into college -- basically everything that was in her head -- Allie just sat there in the passenger seat and listened because she knew that's all she had to do.

       Right as the speed limit slowed down to 25mph for the school zone, Lola immediately stopped freaking out and took a deep breath as she put her car into park and got out like those five or so minutes of complete insanity never happened. Allie figured that Lola didn't want anyone from school to see her and label her as a crazy or anything. Especially because as soon as the car was parked, Nicole and Junior came walking up, not surprisingly holding hands like a married couple that was expecting their first addition to their family would do -- 1 out of 2 didn't hurt.

Allie: Ok Lola... it's time.

       Allie said once Lola had stopped taking her sweet time getting her backpack out of the back seat of her car and walking at a snail's pace to the front of her car. Allie, Nicole, and Junior were all just patiently waiting for Lola to get her pretty little butt to them and open that pretty important letter.

       Remembering exactly where she had placed it -- in her purple folder because she didn't want it to get wrinkled -- Lola pulled out the envelope and just froze in place. Lola's eyes could read that the letter was addressed to her and she saw the logo to the I.T.S. Academy of Beauty in the upper left corner of the envelope, but she couldn't bring herself to register anything else.

Lola: I can't do it. Allie, you open it for me.

       Lola didn't have the strength to extend her hand out to Allie for her to take the letter, she was impressed with herself that she even had enough breath to speak the words she just spoke.

       As Allie went to grab the letter out from Lola's hand, it was like Lola had a death grip on the thing and was too nervous to release from it. Allie understood, so she pried the letter from Lola's cold and surprisingly dead fingers. Just like she had this morning with her own letter, Allie began to open the envelope slowly and dramatically -- this was killing Lola slowly on the inside. Before Allie began to read the final answer that everyone was on the edge of their toes for, she cleared her throat like you would just before you gave an important speech.

       Lola couldn't bear to watch this anymore -- even though it wasn't exactly something to watch -- so she buried her head in her hands, expecting the worst. It felt as if a whole entire day had gone by with the longest pause of silence ever, so Lola lifted her face out from her hands, but still kept them pressed to the sides of her face. As soon as Lola looked to everybody standing in silence, she noticed how Nicole was giving a look as if to say: speak already -- Lola could relate-- Junior trying to peak over Allie's shoulder, and Allie... what was that look for, Lola thought to herself.

       Allie stood there motionlessly staring at the letter in her two hands, with a look on her face as if the world had seen its better days before this one. I knew it, I'm a failure! Lola cried to herself in that crazy head of hers.

Lola: Oh No?

Allie: Yes oh no...

       Allie looked up from the letter and over to Lola, who was visually tweaking out, and spoke with a slight five year old kid whine to her voice.

Allie: I'm going to be your test dummy for the next two years! I don't think my hair can take that.

       As Allie spoke of her hair, she began to grab it with both of her hands as if she had to hold onto it for dear life. She felt like it was wrongfully going to be taken away from her.

       Lola suddenly felt a tear starting to form and the instant need to throw herself on the ground, so the tears could start falling out... but wait a minute...

Lola: I got in?

       Lola hesitantly asked because Allie had delivered the most important news of all time to her in a weird way. But then, what do you expect, it's Allie?

       Allie had no need for words, she just shook her head excitedly up and down with a big grin on her face. Eeppp!!! Lola didn't care that she just let out a squeal like a little girl would when they got a double scooped ice cream cone, she got into college; better yet she got into her dream school.

       Again with no need for words, Allie extended her arms and Lola ran into them for a congratulatory hug. Soon, Nicole and Junior joined in for a group hug on the high honor of any senior's life.

       During the group hug between "friends" all Nicole could think about was how jealous –- still...? -- she was of how Lola instantly asked Allie to open her college acceptance letter. Ok Nicole gets it, Allie and Lola are best friends forever and all, but she wanted to be the one to do the grand revealing and have all eyes on her as she read the answer out loud -- not to take away from Lola's moment or anything. Nicole wouldn't do some dumb way of pretending that Lola didn't get in by trying to be funny like Allie did -- Nicole didn't exactly think it was funny.

       Nicole wanted to be the one that got the first real hug instead of this lame ass group hug. Why am I thinking like this right now? Nicole asked herself in her head because she couldn't exactly understand why she was so irritated with this situation right now. Maybe because the attention isn't centered on her, but she was the one that had a sea monkey looking thing -- better known as a baby -- in her stomach and no one seemed to care! Except Junior but that was... ugh... Nicole told her raging hormones to stop being a selfish bitch right now and be extremely happy for your friend Lola because she just got into her dream school. With that thought of slight happiness, Nicole squeezed Lola a tiny bit harder to let her know how happy she is.

       What's with the falcon nerve pinch, Nicole? Lola thought to herself as she felt Nicole squeezed a little harder than the others in the group hug. Despite the fact that her shoulder bone was now throbbing -- no thanks to Nicole -- Lola was still playfully peeved that Allie made her freak out by dangling her like a piece of string. Trying not to be forceful but not to gentle because she still had to make her point, Lola took her slapped Allie on the arm in order to say: not cool.

Allie: Ow!!!

       As Allie spoke of her pain out loud, she started to rub the part of her arm that was stinging from Lola's not so gentle slap -- Lola tried.

       When Allie looked over to Lola and translated, What was that for? Lola had a glare in her big brown eyes and her arms folded across her chest to translate: yeah that's right, I went there.

Lola: I hate when you do that, it drives me crazy!

Allie: Sorry, I love the suspense.

        Allie made a what-ya-gonna-do type expression on her face in order to let Lola know that she didn't mean to upset her.

       Lola wasn't upset, it wasn't really anything to get that upset about anyways. What am I gonna do with you? Lola said to herself as she gave Allie a tis-ok-don't-sweat-it type of smile.

       It was almost like everyone that was left standing by their cars in the school parking lot all thought: oh shit, in their heads as the first period bell started to ring loud and clear.

       Out of habit Allie, Lola, Nicole and Junior all began walking in the direction of the school building. As they were all walking, something suddenly dawned on Allie's mind.

Allie: Do you guys realize that this is the last time all four of us will be walking into those front doors of the school, together?

       Wow that's depressing!!! Allie thought to herself and as she looked to each of her friends faces, she could tell that they were all thinking the same thing as she was. Allie turned to Lola because she heard an: ahhh... type of sound -- almost like you would when you heard the saddest thing ever said -- come from her vocal chords, Allie felt the same as Lola.

       Lola threw her arm around her best friends shoulder's as they walked, Allie leaned her head against Lola's head -- it was a bit of a stretch since Lola was a little bit shorter than Allie was -- and silently they began to weep to one another.

       As Nicole walked hand and hand with her boyfriend, she couldn't help but turn her head to her left and see what Allie and Lola were doing. Nicole was a little bit more than annoyed, so she made her classic move. She rolled her eyes and let out a silent growl hoping that no one noticed -- she was in the clear.

       Nicole almost felt like she was Rudolph and Allie or Lola weren't letting her join in on any reindeer games.


       As the last day of high school ticked on, Allie really started to take everything in and it felt like it was the first time she noticed certain things in all of her classes -- because she was actually paying attention to her surroundings this time. It was like Allie had to take notes in order to ace a test she would have on everything she did in all her classes on the last day of school, Allie was a master studier today. Allie took mental notes on how most of her teachers dressed alike -- professional but comfortable -- and had the same lame type of humor -- school jokes.

       Allie also began to realize how most of the people that have been in her classes all semester, she hadn't even spoken one word to. Allie wondered: why that is? We spend basically the majority of our youth in school and sometimes the people that we see each and every day, we don't even know. 

       Allie figured that there were a lot of cool people in this school that she hadn't even bothered to pay attention to. That struck another thought in Allie's pretty little head, what if Dustin had never moved into the neighborhood? Allie would have never known a love as great as he is to her. Speaking of love, Allie hadn't seen her man all day and she was starting to go through Dustin withdrawals -- if that was possible? His love was her own personal drug, almost like breaded men are to the singer Kesha. *Your Love Is My Drug"


       When lunch had come to an end, Allie realized it meant that what came next was her last class ever in her whole entire high school career, but it almost meant that she would get her fix of Dustin. As if to kill her pre-Dustin buzz both Nicole and Junior had decided that they wanted to walk with Allie to her last class and also because Junior's last class was just doors away from Allie's. As Allie walked down the hallway alongside Nicole and Junior, she had to bite her tongue -- but not too hard because she didn't want it to bleed.

       All Nicole and Junior could seem to talk about in these last few hours of school was the big bash Junior is throwing at his house. Both of them seemed to think that Allie was dumb or something -- Nicole's the blonde not Allie - - because this was the 5 millionth time they had reminded her about it. In Allie's mind, Nicole and Junior definitely get the award in the yearbook for the most annoying couple.

       Allie felt like kicking Nicole and Junior inside the door of Junior's classroom, she just wanted to make them shut up and leave her alone. As if playing the part, Allie began to walk towards her art classroom but as soon as her hand touched the doorknob, she looked behind her like a ninja would to see if the coast was clear.

       When Allie saw Nicole and Junior finally walk inside Junior's classroom and let the door close behind them, Allie began to bite her lip excitedly as she turned to Dustin standing with his back turned to her by the lockers.

       Like every day before, Dustin began to wait for his lady after lunch by the lockers -- the special lockers -- but just as soon as he saw Allie's beautiful glowing face, he saw her walking with a puffy faced troll -- his sister. Immediately, Dustin turned around so all anyone could see was the back of his head -- Allie should know it like the front by now -- and just waited for the troll to go away.

       It was like he was a mind reader and could hear the way Allie said the coast is clear, because as soon as she turned to him biting her bottom lip making his heart jump in the air, he turned around to her. Allie slowly let her hand slip off the doorknob to her classroom as she practically ran and jumped into Dustin's wide opened arms. It was so dramatic the way she jumped into his arms, almost like a passionate choreographed dance between a man and a woman.

       Since it was the last day of school and Allie only cared about a few people -- and they were out of her hair for now -- she didn't care that she was showing PDA while everyone was gathered in the hallway before the bell rang. Finally!!! Allie and Dustin both cheered to themselves, unaware that the other said the same. Allie hated how she had to go a whole day without feeling Dustin's warrior strong arms around her.

       Soon, Allie began to feel Dustin's grip around her back begin to loosen because he was letting her down slowly to the floor. Before he let her go, Allie could feel the way Dustin's angel like breath sweetly blew passed her ear.

Dustin: I'm proud of you!!! I knew you would get in.

       Allie didn't need to ask to know what Dustin was referring to, college of course -- how lame she had to text him to let him know. Allie had heard the words: I'm proud of you, all day when she told that person about how she got accepted in Dallas University right here in Texas, but for some reason it meant more than the others when Dustin said it to her. It meant more than the world to see Dustin's face light up as he truly meant the words he just said to her.

       Suddenly as Allie was about to say the words thank you, her vocal chords wouldn't let her speak. Butterflies started to flutter like crazy inside of her stomach, so as a nervous habit Allie began to bit her bottom lip again as she quickly looked down to the floor -- unaware of the effect she had on Dustin.

Allie: So, how has your last day of school been so far?

       Allie had said regaining herself by changing the subject to something that wouldn't make her nervous inside. Well that is if she didn't hold Dustin's gaze for too long, because that always did the trick to restart the whole process.

Dustin: It sucked until now.

       Dustin said ever so Casanova like with his signature side-ways grin. DAMN IT!!! Allie screamed to herself in her head because she was trying to avoid the sudden urge to jump him right here in the school hallway. Allie can't wait for the day where she doesn't have to be afraid of who is looking if she just wants to kiss her boyfriend on the lips.

Dustin: I'm actually kind of surprised no one from the senior class has tried to pull a prank yet.

       Dustin had said ever so cavalier, trying not to drop a subtle hint to Allie of why he really said that.

       Thankfully Allie didn't read between the lines of his sentence, because she began to answer back like it was just random conversation -- nothing out of the norm.

Allie: Yeah... our classmates are kind of lame. But hey, we still have one more class to get through, so you never know what might happen.

       Allie said with a playful wink of her right eye. You have no idea, Dustin thought in his head at that moment, but didn't want to give away the surprise by saying it out loud.

       Ruining her Dustin high, Allie heard the last school bell of high school ever suddenly sound off.

Allie: Ahh... the last school bell.

       If Allie had been texting, she would have put a frowny face [:(] with her words, but she didn't do it on the outside because she didn't want to look like a whiny pouty baby in front of Dustin. Allie didn't know what was with her, but she was being extremely sentimental about everything today. This is the last French fry I will ever eat in this cafeteria. Allie told herself to stop thinking about the sadness of it all and just enjoy it.

       Before Dustin walked towards his classroom, he gave Allie's hand a gentle love squeeze. Allie waited a minute or two before she could re-collect herself in order to walk into her classroom normally, like she wasn't actually floating on the clouds but on the ground walking with her own two feet.

       As Allie sat miserably in her last class of the final day, it just baffled her of why on earth she would be sitting here taking an art final. What? Is the tough question that could either make or break your grade: When you mix red and blue together, what color do you get? Purple right? Come on teachers, challenge us please! Allie thought to herself in her head.

       Every student in the whole entire school was taking their last final -- or at least Allie had thought -- so all the complete and utter silence of all the concentrating brains would be able to hear a pencil drop even if it was in the next classroom over.

       Allie was in total concentration mode, trying so hard to focus on the way her pencil in her hand colored in the bubble of the right answer on her test. Then suddenly, she felt herself jump at least 10 feet in the air. Out of nowhere, music started to blare over the school's intercom, is was completely out of the norm and disturbing the silence in the whole school. Allie knew that the lady who did the announcements -- a nice old lady with greyish hair and glasses always on the brim of her nose -- would never play a song so suddenly, especially with this rockin' of a drum beat. Wait a minute... this is Kottonmouth Kings... this is me drumming, Allie realized to herself in her head.

       Immediately, it dawned on Allie of why Dustin was slyly talking about school pranks earlier in the hallway today. Allie had no idea how, but she knew that somehow Dustin was the culprit behind this prank. For some reason, she couldn't help but feel proud of her man. Not only was Dustin playing her awesome version of his favorite song, but he was the only senior to have the balls to pull a prank that could get you caught and in deep shit trouble.

        Allie looked up at the intercom as if Dustin was standing right there in front of her serenating her with a personal boom box resting on his shoulder, then he would whisk her away to a faraway fantasy land. Kind of like the movie "Say Anything,"  she always dreamed that a guy would hold a boom box outside her window for her. She guessed playing a song over the school intercom has the same exact effects, because she was more in love with him than ever right now.

       For the remainder of the class after the song had finished, Allie couldn't stop singing the lyrics to the song in her head. Hey there homeboy, wake up cause the girls so pretty, it's time to get greedy, from city to city, Allie sang to herself in her head. Thanks a lot Dustin!!! Not only did Allie have to "thank" him for getting this song stuck in her head, but also because of him she knew all the lyrics to this song and maybe a few other ones too.

       No more waking up at 6am and going to this school, Allie cheered to herself in her head as soon as the last bell of the last day rang. When Allie walked out into the hallway with the sea of excited to get the hell out of here students, she had a completely different thought in her head. Where is he? Allie asked herself as she searched for that gorgeous light almost dark brown head of hair that she has come to know and love so much.

       Before Allie went into ninja assassin mode and attacked Dustin walking obliviously in front of her, she had to look out for two particular spies -- Nicole and Junior. Thankfully the dirty little spies were nowhere in sight, so Allie made her move. Even before she said a word -- just like a true ninja assassin -- Allie smacked Dustin gently on his arm.

Dustin: OW!!!

       Dustin wasn't sure if he said this out loud as a sign of weakness because he truly was hurt a little, or because he was a little taken back by his girlfriend's actions. Dustin is going with the second reason, he was too much of a warrior king to get hurt by a little slap on his arm.

Dustin: What was that for?

Allie: How did you pull that prank off?

       Allie said in a whispered tone so only Dustin could hear as she stood closer than usual -- for public at least. She looked at him straight with her eyes that he could read and they said exactly what she had said out loud.

       For a moment, Dustin felt like playing dumb, acting as if he had no idea what Allie could mean -- he was still in prank mode he guessed. He knew that if he did, he would get slapped again on the arm and he knew that it wouldn't be gently this time, because Allie would be a little irritated - and he didn't want to explain that his girlfriend practically beat him.

Dustin: A good prankster never reveals his secrets.

       Dustin said with a mischievous side-ways grin, classic Dustin move right there. You think you're so cute, don't you? Allie thought to herself as she just rolled her eyes for an answer to Dustin's clever way to beat around the bush. Ok, Allie had to admit it was slightly cute, only because of the person who delivered it.

        Dustin: And plus, how cool would it be to come back for our 10 year high school reunion and every one of our classmates are still wondering who pulled the only prank. We'll be the only two that knows the truth. Dustin looked down to Allie with lifted eyebrows as if to say: you know I'm right.

Allie: That would be pretty awesome!

       Allie had to agree, but not exactly in the way that Dustin thought. Allie was just a little more than flattered that Dustin spoke like he already knows what's to come in the future, their future together.
To Allie it seemed like Dustin had implied: someday I'm going to make you my wife and at our reunion we're going to show everyone. Allie didn't mind that at all because she felt the same way.

Dustin: I'll see you later tonight!

       Dustin said to Allie as soon as they came to Lola's car in the school parking lot, just where it has been since this morning's reveal.

       The whole entire time that Dustin was walking side by side with Allie through the hallway and the whole walk through the parking lot, he wanted to take Allie's hand in his like they were just taking a stroll. To fight the urge, he put his hands in his pockets as he walked.

       Even though Dustin knew people around could see, he didn't exactly care. Dustin gave Allie a soft and sweet goodbye kiss on the tip of her forehead; self-consciously taking in her scent of strawberries and vanilla.

       When Lola had approached her car after school that day, she was pleasantly surprised at what she was a witness of. As Lola looked on -- not in the creepy way, but in the best friend way-- to the sweet and tender moment happening between Allie and Dustin, she couldn't help but grin from ear to ear -- she was doing that a lot today. Life is good!! Lola sighed happily to herself, because life really was good.

        Not only was her best friend Allie happy with an amazing guy that also treated her with endless amounts of respect, but Lola had also found love with a boyfriend of her own; Tony -- another sigh. Lola happily watched the way Dustin mouthed the word: bye, and instantly his eyes locked onto Allie's, making her feel like a million dollar bill  -- Lola knew of this. Lola loved how Allie and Dustin didn't seem to care anymore about showing the love they have for each other. The only person that would truly care is Nicole, but Lola didn't see Junior's truck anywhere in the parking lot, and she knew that Nicole was going home with Junior after school.

       Before Dustin walked away and Allie walked to Lola's car like she was skipping on the stars in a late afternoon's sky, Dustin gave a friendly hi/bye waved towards Lola still standing outside the driver's door of her car. Ok I approve of you, Lola said to herself even though she has already approved since that moment he came to her house with reason, but Dustin just out scored Lola's friendly score board.

       This whole time, Dustin had been on the bench of Lola's winning-over-the-best-friend game, but now he was the star player. Even though they were nowhere near the subject of this, Lola couldn't help but think of how Allie and Dustin reminded her of Allie's parent's. Allie's parents were high school sweethearts, and Lola already knew that Allie was on her way to the happily ever after her parents had. It made Lola slightly giddy to think about the fact that when Dustin proposes to Allie -- Lola knows it will happen, but in the future -- she would be there every step of the way to help Allie plan the wedding because of course she would be the maid of honor. :)


        Allie and Lola made a plan before school ended, it was that after school they would hang for a little while, get ready together, then go over to Tony and Junior's tonight for the party. When it finally came time to start getting ready for the last day of school bash, Allie and Lola figured since it was a party that they should get changed into party looking type of clothes.

       Allie had put in her favorite party-mood mix -- making mixed CD's was her thing, if you didn't know by now -- it was loaded with her favorite upbeat songs; like Rihanna and Lady GaGa – just to name a few. Want you to make me feel like the only girl in the world... is what Allie and Lola moved their lips and bumped their hips to as they gathered in the bathroom to do hair and make-up. Tonight was great practice for Lola in the career she was happily just accepted to college for, because Allie was letting Lola do her hair and make-up. Lola loved how Allie's hair always looked so carefree and gorgeous down, almost like she had just gotten out of the shower, but to make it party ready, all it needed was a little bit of volume and a little bit more of hairspray.

       Lastly, Lola did Allie's make-up a little bit more smokey and dramatic than usual, but still naturally beautiful looking like Allie was. Lola didn't want Allie to look totally ridiculous and out of character. Another satisfied costumer, Lola fantasized saying in her head as she watched the way Allie checked out herself in the mirror when the final touch was put on her.

       Allie loved the way her best friend's mind worked, she looked more amazing than she ever imagined with the way her hair looked effortlessly perfect, and her make-up coincidentally matched the color of her dress. The heart necklace is a nice touch, Allie thought to herself. She wasn't really one for dresses or necklaces, but Lola had picked out a summer-y type of dress for Allie to wear tonight and accessorized it with a heart necklace that dangled past her chest. Dustin is going to fall in love all over again with me tonight! Allie seductively said to herself as she twirled the necklace between her fingers and bit her bottom lip excitedly.

       Allie already knew that Tony thought Lola was drop dead gorgeous, but she knew that when he saw her tonight his jaw was going to drop straight the floor. Dustin was going to have to pick it up, because Lola looked wow-za in her purple summer dress and classic Lola make-up -- but with a little bit more of a shimmer.


       Meanwhile at the home of Dustin, he was clean and refreshed, work took a lot out of him today, but thankfully he was granted early leave from Billy. Dustin wanted tonight to be a casual night so that's what he went for as he got dressed, a red V-neck shirt and a pair of blue jeans; he picked it out mostly because he knew the way Allie's eyes always seemed to want to pop out of her head when she saw him in this outfit. While he got dressed, Dustin began to listen to the CD Allie made for him with the version of her drumming to Kottonmouth Kings, and the song he played just for his lady over the intercom today at school for the senior prank.

       How nice, someone actually knocks in this house, Dustin thought to himself because when he was in the shower earlier, Nicole had just barged in to use the bathroom. Dustin got that she was pregnant and you have to pee every two seconds -- good luck going on a summer road trip with her, Junior -- but you could at least knock.

       Unexpectedly, when Dustin swung open his bedroom door it wasn't a pleasant visitor, it was his sister. He guessed she learned her lesson and decided to be semi-nice and knock this time.

Dustin: What do you want?

       Dustin said with a snarl behind his voice, he sounded almost like he was transforming into a raging werewolf such as Jacob Black or Scott McCall.

       If you're going to take that tone with me, I'm going to take a tone with you, Nicole's mini-she said as it sat on her shoulder doing a righteous finger wage and a swinging noodle neck.

Nicole: Junior just wants to know if you want a ride over to his house, because we're leaving now to set up.

Dustin: No that's okay. I'd rather drive myself so I can listen to my own music.

Nicole: Like this dumb CD...

       Nicole slightly snorted to herself as if she just said the funniest joke ever. Dustin didn't find it amusing at all because other than the fact that this mixed CD is awesome, Allie gave it to him as a gift. If Dustin hadn't mentioned his dumb music then Nicole wouldn't even have realized it: but... this song oddly sounds familiar, she just couldn't put her finger on it. Wait a minute... I got it! Nicole said realizing to herself where she heard this strange song.

Nicole: Isn't this the song that was playing today during last hour?

       Oh shit!!! Dustin freaked out to himself in his head, but he didn't even have a two second rebound rate to come up with a clever response before Nicole started to come to her own conclusions.

Nicole: You're the one who pulled the prank? Mom and Dad are going to love hearing about this.

       Nicole was right about the righteous finger wage, because as she spoke she pointed her judging index finger right at Dustin. It was like Nicole was poking Dustin right in the gut, making him feel like he was a little child that just got in trouble for spilling juice on the new white couch.

       Before Nicole went on ranting and raving like little miss know-it-all, Dustin interrupted her because he actually had time to come up with a clever excuse.

Dustin: No I didn't Nicole!!! This is a Kottonmouth Kings song so that's why I have it. You think you're so smart, don't you?

       BAM!!! That was the noise Dustin's bedroom door made as he slammed it in Nicole's face. Dustin hated himself for saying that in the tone of voice that he used. The Nicole tone of voice as he liked to call it -- a little bit whiny and well in his case douchebag like -- but he didn't exactly care.

       HOW RUED!!! Nicole thought to herself as she let out a noise from her throat as if she was so shocked Dustin could ever do that.

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