Royalty. (Dreamnoblade)

By Chicken_finger_simp

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In a Kingdom it is common for a King and Queen to marry off their children. So when the war was over and King... More



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By Chicken_finger_simp

I'm just telling y'all now, if I kill someone off in the next 2 chapters, just know that 3 of you are the reason for it.

You know who you are.



Schlatt listened for the sound of Tubbo's door closing before turning to his husband. God did he want to kill that child, but of course Quackity wouldn't allow that to happen.

Schlatt learned the hard way how far Quackity would go to keep that boy safe. Though the wound had healed Schlatt could still see the faint scar going down his husbands forehead all the way down to his collar bone. Schlatt didn't mean to hurt Quackity, it was Tubbo's fault in the first place.

Truth be told that was part of the reason Schlatt hated the boy as much. Besides the fact Tubbo was an enemy who helped form and carry out plans against him and the other rebels.

"That kid is nothing but trouble." He stated and stepped closer to Quackity. Quackity lifted his head to meet the others gaze.

"You were exactly like him when you were younger. What happened to that boy I knew?" He asked, a soft smile on his face. Schlatt looked his husband dead in the eyes and responded; "I grew up. Something that Tubbo refuses to do. If he just stopped acting like a child and followed the 1 rule I had we wouldn't get into these situations." Schlatt paused to get a good look at Quackity.

He was nervous, anyone could see that. But there was more to it than that, he was scared of Schlatt. Scared of what he would say or do to him. There were many things Schlatt has done during arguments with Quackity, but laying his hands on him was NEVER something Schlatt would even think about doing.

Schlatt did love his husband dearly, they had married during the revolution and taken the throne together. It was only when Tubbo come along did they begin fighting. It was always the same, they'd have an argument, Quackity would run off crying, Schlatt would find him and apologize, then rinse and repeat. Over and over. Yet they still didn't even think about leaving each other, because no matter how much they fought or however they disagreed they still loved each other.

But this was new.. during arguments Quackity would be the one doing most of the yelling, never showing a hint of fear in his facial expressions or in his voice. Now however, he looked as Schlatt as if he was a criminal. As if he was going to hurt him if he said one thing that the other disagreed with.

"I don't enjoy yelling at you. I don't enjoy these arguments! That boy is the reason for all these fights, he's the reason our marriage is falling apart! I should've killed him when I had the chance, maybe then we wouldn't be like this!" Schlatt yelled. Quackity was quick to respond, like always. "He's a child, the reason we fight so much about him is because you want to kill a literal CHILD! Maybe the reason our marriage is going so downhill not because of him, but because of you!"

There was a long pause before Schlatt put one hand on Quackity's shoulder and the other on his chin. Schlatt lifted his husbands head to look at him before saying as simply as possible;

"You are nothing without me, I hope you know that."

Quackity seemed shocked that Schlatt would say such a thing to him, but as he always did. He believed him. It wasn't exactly a lie, his parents both died in a house fire when he was only 5, he was alone for his entire life. Then he met Schlatt. He gave him purpose, something Quackity had never had before. Still, no matter how true the statement was, it still hurt to hear. There were things that one shouldn't say to another person, no matter how "true" it is.

With tears in his eyes Quackity pushed Schlatt away and began to walk upstairs. Not even bothering to tell Schlatt what he'd be doing.

He didn't care anyways!


The doors to the castle bursted open and in stepped the one and only Technoblade with the servants and Dream right behind him. Tommy and Fundy walked into the main area to greet the pig man. Though he was happy to see the 2 he was more worried about the absence of 1 in particular.

"Where's Wilbur?" Techno walked up to Tommy and asked. Paying no mind to Dream and Fundy, who had already began playing patty cake together. "The bathroom. Why?" Tommy did feel a little insulted that he didn't even get a hello, but knew that whatever was going on must be important to The Blade. So he let it go.

"I'll be right back... maybe. If I'm not back in 10 minutes I'm most likely dead." Techno stated simply before walking away. Leaving Tommy confused and concerned for both of his brothers.

He wasn't as familiar with Wilbur's homicidal episodes as Techno was, so it was safe to say he was completely in the dark about whatever was going on.

"Hey, Big D. Did The Blade allow you to come along or did you do it simply because it'd piss him off?" Tommy asked, Dream rolled his eyes at the nickname. "He asked me to come along."

"That's such a lie."


She woke up in a panic, her breath heavy, and eyes wide. "Hey hey, calm down. You're ok." A stranger with fully blacked out glasses stood by her side. He seemed almost as shocked as she was.

"Where am I?!" She yelled and sat up, the stranger didn't wait a second before answering. "You're in my base, location wise you're 25 miles away from The Muffin Trio and 5 miles away from Manburg," He leaned up against the wall and looked over to her with a relaxed expression.

She paused for a moment to think. "Manburg... Tubbo! Is Tubbo ok?!" The stranger nodded in response. "He's alive, but besides that I'm unsure." She began to relax, feeling as though the stranger before her was not there to hurt her in any way. "What's your name?" She finally asked.

"My name is Eret, and yours?"

"You betrayed..." "I didn't have a choice." The two fell silent until Eret finally spoke up. "Would you like to get up and look around? I'd imagine that'd be a good thing to do after waking up from a coma."

Yeah Eret sounded extremely awkward, he didn't actually expect her to wake up.

"How long was I...."

"3 months."

She looked up at Eret in disbelief. "You're lying..." "Afraid not. When the war reached my village I was forced to leave and as I ran I found you unconscious in a hole." Eret sounded so casual, as if finding a girl in a coma was a normal thing to find in the woods. "You really did that for me?" She let a smile form upon her face. "Of course, I couldn't just leave you. The company was nice anyways." She let a small laugh and got up.

"Thank you so much..."

"My names Niki by the way."


Techno knocked upon the bathroom door, pausing for 2 seconds between each knock. Wilbur always hated when he did that, no clue why. After about 15 knocks Wilbur finally answered the door and stared his brother down.

"Wil, you ok?" Techno asked, real genuine concern poking through his normally extremely monotone voice. "I'm fine, just a little.." "Worried?" "Yeah."

Techno had always been able to read his brothers like a book, so it was easy for him to tell Wilbur wasn't telling the full truth. Of course Wilbur WAS worried for Philza, anyone would be, but there was more to it then that. Techno put a hand upon his brother's shoulder and said; "We both know he'll survive, Dad is much too petty to die. Now what's really got you so upset you decide to hide in the bathroom?"

Wilbur seemed taken a back, but after a moment of the 2 staring at each other he opened the door for Techno to come in. Once the door was closed behind them Wilbur finally opened up. "I'm scared Techno. With everything that's happening and Fundy being here I..." He paused.

"I don't want to hurt them."

An uneasy silence fell between them as Techno tried to think of a response. He never knew what to say in these situations... Finally he managed to think of something. "Remember when we were kid, how we used to spar whenever Philza was hunting?" Wilbur hesitantly nodded. "Remember how I lost control 1 day and how I almost stabbed you?" Techno didn't wait for a response, only just went on with the story. "In that moment I was so ready to kill you, but I didn't. I couldn't."

Wilbur interrupted Techno and asked; "What's your point?" "You may not believe it, but you're just like me, even during your episodes. It's always directed at Dad and I." Techno paused for a second before continuing. "You'd never hurt them not purpose or accident, they're much too important to you. No matter what they do to you you never would take your anger out on them."

Wilbur let out a small sigh, he was relieved to hear someone besides himself tell him that. "Thanks Techno."

"Don't mention it.. seriously."


1582 words.

There you have it folks, chapter 12. Also be proud of me, for once I'm not uploading at (for me) an ungodly hour! Enjoy and once again sorry if this isn't very good!

Goodbye my little social rejects!

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