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10k READERS??? POG??

HOLY C R A P, when I looked on my account today I did not expect to see that over 10k of you read this stuff! Though I'm only testing your taste in stories a little I'm so happy that y'all actually seem to enjoy this random piece of junk I found in my notebook and slapped into Wattpage.

So as a thank you you get: ✨MORE ANGST!✨


Tubbo sat against his door as he waited for the familiar sound of Schlatt and Quackity fighting with each other. It was an almost daily occurrence at this point.

But nothing came. No screaming, no crying, just silence.

After a minute or 2 he became worried, it was unlike Quackity to be so quiet. Even in simple conversation he was almost as loud as Tommy. Almost is the key word here. The sound of footsteps nearing Tubbo's door caused him to get up and back away from it.

Simply out of instinct.

Then there came a knock, it was short and slow. Meaning that it could only be Quackity. On the rare occasions that Schlatt did knock it was loud and steady, the other was quite the opposite. Especially after a fight. So with that thought in mind he answered the door and motioned for Quackity to come inside.

This was fairly common, it seemed as though he felt safer around Tubbo (who can be a huge liability) than he did he own husband. It was quite worrying to be honest. Quackity seemed to take a look at his surroundings briefly before sitting on the foot of Tubbo's bed. "You ok? What did he say?" He asked, the normally calm and humble boy looked about ready to decapitate someone.

Quackity simply shrugged and looked over at the teens collection of stuffed animal bees. "You know your way to the Sleppy Bois Kingdom without a map, correct?" The question sounded odd but Tubbo went along with it nonetheless. "Well of course, why?"

Quackity finally made eye contact with the teen and stated; "Leave." As you can guess the bee obsessed teenager didn't exactly understand what the other had meant. So Quackity decided to clarify. "Leave. Pack your bags, I can help you get out unseen!"

"But what about you?"

The question made him pause, his gaze fell to the floor. "You have a life outside of Manburg, a place out can go and actually be safe. Me on the hand.. I'm nothing without this place." He set out a sad chuckle, it was the fakest 1 Tubbo had heard since before the war.

"There's no way you actually believe that! If I'm leaving you're coming with me!" Tubbo handed Quackity a bee stuffy as some form of comfort. Which he accepted and hugged as tight as humanly possible. "You can't stay here it'll get you killed, and I can't leave." "Why?!" "Because if I do leave and go to a rival kingdom to hide away. Schlatt is going to declare war, and I know you don't want that for Tommy." His voice was barely a whisper, as if speaking any louder would be the death of him.

At that moment Tubbo realized what Schlatt had told him. I mean he knew that goat could be borderline evil, but wow. That's low even for him. It'd clearly struck a nerve with Quackity. It would with anyone really.

He couldn't form a response after that, so they just sat in silence hugging bee plushes. This went on until Schlatt went to Tubbo's door and asked to see Quackity. Before Tubbo could respond to tell him to "get lost" Quackity got up and left, bee plushy still in hand.

Leaving Tubbo alone and in complete silence.


(Don't judge, I have no clue what medical stuff is/does.)

The doctor carefully replace the empty IV bag with a new, full 1. She looked down at the kings face and sighed, such a shame all the good rulers suffer the same fates. Though, she hoped to be the doctor to break the cycle that has haunted their nations for generations. She picked up Philza's chart and looked it over, trying to see what the best course of action to take would be.

She looked over the obvious, the wound already showed signs to infection, this was to be expected as the injury happened in the forest and the arrow fired from the skeleton was enchanted. Being designed to cause more long lasting pain to the person than the arrow already would. Skeletons were the worst monsters out there in her opinion. As she finished her reading an intern who she was meant to be "teaching" walked in.

"Dr. Smith, do you think he'll... survive?" They asked, she turned to them then back to the chart. "Truthfully? I'm unsure. The arrow had been fired into his left kidney, so he'll definitely need surgery as soon as possible. Though the infection is what I'm worried about. I say we get him on the proper antibiotics to help his body fight it off, but we must also do our part to clean up the wound... It's not exactly the prettiest sight." She explained as simply as she could. Then handed the chart to the intern.

"How soon do you think we can get him in for surgery?" "Oh, due to how important he is I'd have to say about a week at most. With the more frequent attacks a lot more people need intensive care than what we're used to. Until then we just do our best to keep his alive." She finished. "And please, do call me Sally. No need to be so formal with me."

(Please tell me you guys understand this-)

Wilbur and Techno made their way out from the bathroom and joined the others. Tommy was once again attempting to get contact with his friend, key word here is trying. Meanwhile Dream and Fundy were playing with a toy rabbit, no one knew where they got it. But they were having fun so it didn't really concern anyone. After all Dream was a known thief.

"I got him back, and somehow didn't die in the process!" Techno cheered for himself, as 1 does, while Wilbur tried to hide his embarrassment. "Here's your kid." Dream stated simply before handing Fundy to Wilbur. As if on instinct Wilbur lightly shoved Techno into Dream's arms. "We can trade."

"WILBUR-" "Relax, you're marrying the guy anyways."

Both Dream and Techno stared Wilbur down for that 1. "I just adore how neither of you denied it." He smirked and looked down at his son. "How do you feel about Dream being your uncle?" He asked, Fundy smiled and laughed as a response.

Techno immediately grabbed Dream's hand and said; "You can't argue with that. Marry me." Leaving Dream a confused, blushing mess. "Ok??" He sputtered out and looked over to Tommy for help.

Yeah Tommy just flipped him off and smirked like the gremlin child he is.

Techno was enjoying this situation way more than he should've.


(Simpnap?? Simpnap.)

"I can't believe you Snapmap. Falling for a peasant?" George sat on the kitchen table and rolled for eyes at his simp of a brother. "Oh come on Gogy! Did we even see the same guy!? He was SO CUTE!" He dug through the pantry in a gay panic.

"Yeah, he looked poor." This earning him a bag of Doritos (cool ranch of course) thrown directly at his face. "You're colorblind, you don't get a say!" Sapnap said in retaliation before walking into the pantry and closing the door behind him. "Ok that's low, but besides. Even if those servants was remotely attractive we're royalty, we have no business hanging out with them." Sapnap poked his head out and raised an eyebrow. "We? Do you- NO WAY!" He got out of the pantry and climbed onto the table with George. "YOU LIKE THAT OTHER ONE DON'T YOU?!" He laughed at his brother.

"I- I do not!" "You're such a bad liar!"

Once Sapnap finished his little laughing fit he turned to George and had a sudden realization. "If Dream marries Techno we 're out of this marriage thing, we can actually go out with those guys."

They silently exchanged smiles before going to give each other high fives.

"Simpnap." "Geaorgethesimp."


1391 words!

Ayy another chapter done!

That's all


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