Can't Take My Eyes Off of You

By DamnGina

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*WARNING: This book is extremely unorganized and unedited* "You knew what your dad was going to my family!!"... More

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By DamnGina


It had been two days since the video had been posted. I received an email from the dean to discuss the incident that occurred. I had gone to my apartment complex's office asked them if I could have the video that showed what happened. Luckily the building manager was an older woman who was on my side. She gave me the video and I went about my day as usual until my scheduled meet time.

"Mom I'm fine, really," I said. I had forgotten to tell my parents about the video so when my mom called me three times last night and twice this morning, I wasn't surprised. "Those boys threatened you." She said. "What is the school doing about this?" My dad asked. "I have a meeting with the dean tomorrow. I was able to get my apartment to give me the security video of what happened. And it's obvious I was defending myself. But—" I trailed.

"But what?" My parents asked. "Can one you come down, please? I mean Rah, Des, and Tron said they come with me, but I've never been in any kind of trouble like this." I said scratching my head. And it was true. I hardly ever got in school, so I was a little nervous at the thought of possible expulsion.

"I can go down." My mom said. "You can't just cancel on your patients." My dad said. "Well, you can't go. You have work too." They began going back and forth. I sighed. "It's fine. Everything should be fine." I said. "Evie—" "I have to head to class," I said. "I'll call later," I added. "Okay, baby, we love you." They both said. "Love you both," I said before hanging up.


The next morning rolled around and I woke up anxious checking the time before falling back into my pillow. I had about 2 hours before I had to be up, so I tried to gather my thoughts for today. "Relax, baby." Rah's sleepy voice spoke. "I could be kicked out of school. Charged with assault. I know I said I didn't care but—"

"I know baby. We'll handle it." He said leaning over kissing my forehead. I sighed curling into him. I began to doze off when I was woken up to loud banging on my door. "What the fuck!" I heard Chelle called. I groaned pushing Rah's arm off me before getting up. "I got it," I called. I angrily stormed to my front door swinging it open.

"Wha—Dad?" I asked as I looked at my pissed off dad. "What doing here? I thought you couldn't come." I asked. "You needed me, so I'm here." He said. I looked at him before hugging him. "Thank you, Dad," I whispered. "Of course." He said as he stepped into my apartment. "You are a little early. The meeting isn't until 9 am." I said.

"Baby –" Rah paused coming from the back. "Mr. Romano?" Rah said. I felt my face heat up as my dad's eyes went from me to Rah back to me. "Dad—" I began. "You're grown. I can't dictate what you do within your relationship." He said. "Let's just move on." He added. Rah and I nodded our heads.

"Go put some clothes on," I whispered. Rah jumped nodding his head before leaving. "So, what are you going to do?" I asked my dad. He looked at me. "You remember our discussion?" My dad asked. "Yes," I said nodding my head. "Good. I want you to handle this." He said. My eyes widened. "Oh, I thought you were going to help me," I said. "I am, but I want to see if you can handle this without me having to step in. You make all the decisions, but if you need me, I'll be here, always." He said.

"Dad—" "Evie I know I've sheltered you to an extent. Coddled you from having to make the tough decisions, but if you decide you want to play in my world—you will be making all the tough decisions. Every choice. All the fallout. Every consequence. Is on you. If you can handle this and from how you advocated for yourself on more than one occasion, I know you can." He said with a smile.

"But what if I can't. What if they kick me out? What if—" "I will be here. If you really need me, I'll go in—no mercy." He said. "What about the boys?" I asked. "You handle the school and I'll show you how we handle them." He said with a wink. I smiled. "Okay," I said with a nod. "You get dressed then we can go get breakfast and wait for the office to open up." He said. I nodded my head.


"Baby, she can handle it. Our girl has shown us time and time again she is more than capable of handling herself." I explained to Anaya. "I know she can handle herself, but she was almost assaulted. I just want to make sure she's okay, mentally. Just check on her please." Anaya said. "I'm watching her, but I'm not leaving until we talk about it, I promise," I said. "Thank you, baby." She said. "And when you do deal with those boys show no mercy." She said. I chuckled. "Of course. I know I've been slacking but I'm back." I said. "I love you." She said. "I love you too," I said before we hung up.

I looked up seeing Raheem come from the back. "So, you sleep here often?" I asked. He looked my way. "No, sir." He said. "Do you know those boys—in the video?" I asked. "Elliot, Luke, and Dex." He said. I nodded my head. "You think Evie's okay?" I asked him. "She's a little shaken up." He said pausing. "But?" I asked. "I think it's something more. She said she's tired of people walking all over her. Treating her like she's weak." Raheem said. I looked at him. "You and I both know that Evie isn't weak." He said. I nodded my head. None of my kids are weak least of all Evie. I looked at Raheem seeing a familiar dark look.

It was the same look I had when Anaya was hurt. "I know what you're thinking," I said causing him to look up at me. "You want to hurt those boys," I said. He stood silent. "You can tell me," I said. "I don't want to overstep. I know she capable of protecting herself, but—" "You don't want her to have. I know. I was the same with her mother." I said. "I know you may want to get your—people involved but I want Evie to handle this herself," I told him. He looked at me realization washing over his face. "I'm ready," Evie said coming out with her backpack and phone in hand.


We were sitting at a small diner eating breakfast. "Well, ba—Evie—" Raheem said glancing at me before clearing his throat. I chuckled. "My mom wants to meet you." He said. Evie choked on her coffee and I couldn't help but laugh. "What?" She asked. "I was telling my mom about you—" "You talk to your parents about me?" Evie asked. I sat back watching the two of them and I smiled. They were far more stable than Anaya or I was at their age. "Of course, I do," Raheem said with a smile.

"You don't talk about me with your parents?" He asked her. "I do—well with my mom at least," Evie said glancing at me. I chuckled. "You can talk to me about him too. You just choose not to." I said. "That's because you get all weird about it," Evie said. "Because you were my first kid and seeing grown up and dating reminds me that you're not my baby anymore," I said. "I'm not a baby anymore but you are still my dad. I still need you, obviously." She said coming over hugging me. I smiled.

"Yes, you are," I said. "So, your mom wants to meet Evie?" I asked Raheem. "Yeah, she thinks it's time they met on a more formal introduction," Raheem explained. "I-I can do that," Evie said. She was obviously nervous. "Growing up I always used women to distract me, but with your mom, it was different than any other relationship I had been in. I felt different with her. I was different with her." I said looking at them both.

"It was a first for me and once I realized my feelings for her, I didn't want to ever lose her. And I hold nonna's opinion in high regards, so I knew she had to meet her." I paused. "And when she did nonna loved her and we were good," I said. They all looked at me. "Until mama left," Evie said shaking her head. "Left?" Raheem questioned. "My mom ran across the country with me," Evie said. "Damn," Raheem said. "I loved your mother but I wasn't a good guy. She did what she thought was right at the time. Sounds, bad but it is what it is. We've moved past that." I told them.

"What I'm saying is you two are far more mature than your mother and I were," I said. "Just take things slow. Enjoy dating each other." I said before looking down at my phone. "You said the office opens when?" I asked. "8 am," Raheem said. I looked up seeing both of them staring at me. "What?" I asked with a chuckle. "Can we hear some more?" Raheem asked sheepishly. I smiled. "Sure," I said. "What about when you met papa?" Evie asked. I chuckled. "That man has been threatening my life since I met him," I said laughing.


We got to the dean's office early and we sat in the waiting area. The door opened and we looked to see Des and Tron walking in. "Hey, unc," Des said. My dad greeted him before looking at Tron. "Mr. Romano." He said. "I'm not upset—anymore." My dad said. Tron looked up at him. "We'll talk later, okay?" My dad said. "Yes, Sir," Tron said.

"Miss. Romano?" I looked up seeing Dean Whitmore along with Luke, Elliot, and Dex. The four of them stood there with who I could only assume was their parents behind them. I stood as did my dad, Rah, Des, and Tron. We walked towards him when he held his hand up. "Your friends can stay out here." He said. "If they can have their family with them, then I can have mine," I said. "Miss. Romano—"

"Mr. Whitmore," I said. He looked from me to my dad, Des, Rah, and Tron who all towered over him. "Very well then." He said clearing his throat before walking down the hall. We went into a conference room where they sat on one side and we sat on the other. "I'm sure we've all seen the video going around. I want to make it clear this campus does not condone harassment of any kind." Mr. Whitmore said.

"Now we're having this meeting to determine who here was in the wrong and come to the best resolution." He continued. "Well isn't it obvious who was in the wrong? The psycho who pulled a knife out on our boys." One red-headed woman said. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at her. "She attacked our boys." One dark-haired man said.

"That video proves it. If this school doesn't handle this accordingly, we will press charges." Another man dark-haired man said. I heard my dad, Rah, Tron, and Des let out low hums. I sat back and let each of them talk and lie. I grabbed my backpack pulling out my laptop. I walked over to the projector hooking some cords up before my laptop's home screen was displayed on the screen. I pulled the security tap up and pressed play. We all watched what happened.

Once the video ended, I turned and looked at the parents who had spent 45 minutes calling me crazy, violent, and any other name they could think of. "Nothing to say, interesting." I hummed as I unplugged my laptop. "and before you try to say I doctored it. I had my apartment complex email the video directly from their system to you Mr. Whitmore." I said as I walked over to my seat. The three boys gulped as they glanced at their parents. "We—" "No, no. You will not address me again." I said shaking my head.

"Excuse me." The red-haired woman said. I turned and looked at Mr. Whitmore seeing a shadow of a smile. "How are you going to handling this?" I asked. "As per the student code of ethics, intimidation, harassment, and assault of any kind will lead to the expulsion of all students involved." Dean Whitmore said.

I looked at the boys tilting my head. "Based on the evidence presented it appears that Dex and Luke were the prime instigators in this situation." The dean continued. "They were just messing around. They saw a cute girl and they wanted to get her attention." One of the men said. I looked to my right hearing a dark chuckle from my dad. "You think your son threatening to put my daughter in her place is how you flirt with a woman? Calling her a bitch? Trying to intimidate her?" My dad questioned. I could see fear wash over the man's face.

"No, but—" "So what I'm understanding is that you as a man—a father taught your son that using fear tactics is how you get what you want from a woman?" My dad continued. "That's not—" "They had to get it from someone. My sons don't act like that. My nephew—" He said pointing at Des. "Doesn't act like that. These two don't act like that. So, I'm led to believe that you as a parent raised men who are willing to assault a woman to get what they want from her." My dad said. I looked back at all the men.

"In any case Dexter Thompson, Luke Willington effective immediately you two are banned from this campus. You two will need to have your things cleared out by Monday and leave the campus." Whitmore said. "As for you Elliot, you will be put on suspension, effective immediately. You will not be allowed on until next school year. These offenses will also be noted on your record as well." Whitmore continued.

I looked at the men seeing shock wash across their faces. "Do you three understand the terms that have been explained to you?" Whitmore asked. However, all of them, the boys, and their parents sat stunned. I packed my laptop up as the guys stood behind me. I stood pushing my chair in looking their way seeing their eyes on me. "Do be on the lookout for a letter from my attorney?" I said mugging each of them. "Ruining our reputation isn't good enough you're taking us to court, too?" Dex questioned.

"First, your reputation wasn't that good, to begin with. People only like you because you were on the basketball team and it's not like any of you started. Second, you should've thought about that before thinking you were going to threaten someone. Third, you assaulted me then got on running your mouth. Now I'm not a fucking lawyer but that is what we call defamation of character. Four, it's obvious your parents never taught you that women don't owe you shit. So, congratulations you got the right one. I'll teach you what your parents should have. Don't blame me, blame your parents for doing a shitty job, so now you have to learn the hard way." I said

"You bitch." Luke spat. "Watch it," Rah said. I smiled grabbing Rah's hand. "Correct. I'm a bad bitch, a paid bitch, and an educated bitch." I said. "And most importantly I'm Evelyn motherfucking Romano, ask about me," I said turning to Dean Whitmore. "Dean Whitmore," I said nodding towards him before leaving.

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