The Hunter Games

By ContraCat

6.3K 262 146

Meet Caroline and Desi. Two girls who have been friends since 8th grade. It's been past their high school day... More

{{Thirty Three}}
{{Thirty Four}}


265 9 28
By ContraCat

~Desi's POV~

I was so drained, all feeling seized; i knew i was on the ground but i couldn't feel it. I kept seeing small tid bits of me and Caroline. It was all but memories. Her congratulating me on graduation, Us making our first YouTube video, even purchasing the apartment. In between these memories i could hear someone yelling faintly in the background.

~Sam's POV~

"Desi! Desi, come on wake up!" I was quick to be by her side once Lucifer dropped her off. What did he do to her? Why did he bring her back? Why wont she wake up? My mind was filled with so many thoughts. i just needed her to open her eyes or say something. She wouldn't move, she just laid there lifeless in my arms. Caroline came running over immediately, once she heard the concern in my voice.

I'm assuming she prayed to Cas because he all of a sudden appeared and asked what we needed. All i heard her say was heal Desi! Now please! My eyes were on Desi, i didn't want to let her go. Cas nodded at Caroline and placed two fingers on Desi's forehead. Her eyes snapped open at and instant, I felt very little relief, because she still wouldn't move. She just stared at me for a moment and i could tell something is still wrong.

"I can't heal her fully, she is so drained, she had little to no energy in her." Cas said turning to Caroline.

"Why the fuck not Cas!" Caroline yelled, concerned for her little sister who was just lying in my arms, breathing slowly now.

"I cannot just give her all of my energy Caroline, because of what she can do its harder to fill her up. It takes more time."

Caroline groaned, yet whined at the same time. She couldn't handle seeing her sister so helpless, and she was starting to break down.

"Sam..." I heard a small voice, i looked down at Desi. I could tell she was trying to get my attention, Caroline must of heard her too because she got closer within and instance.

"Hey take your time sis." Caroline said running her fingers through Desi's hair. "We need to go to Weaverville." I shook my head, this little one is crazy tough. "Were not going anywhere till you feel better." I told her, i picked her up, and slowly put her in the back of the Impala. I crawled in after and held her close, her whole body was so warm; it was radiating into my palms. It felt good, i don't understand why.

"Dean we have to go the the nearest motel." I said trying not to sound to urgent, i didn't want to startle Desi anymore than she may have already been.

"Yeah, I got it Sammy" Dean looked at Caroline with determination. "Don't worry were going to get her safe and you're going to tell us what happened."

{{Dean's POV}}

Caroline and I climbed into the Impala, her taking shotgun and me taking behind the wheel. The whole time Desi was gone Sam was freaking out to the extreme. It was obvious he cared for our two new guests but I could tell he cared a bit more about Desi than Caroline.

"Alright Caroline, what happened when you and Gabriel disappeared?" I quickly looked over to her before averting my eyes back on the road. Sam was listening intently in the backseat.

"When Gabe located the general area where Desi and Lucifer was I felt this tug that let me know we were close, so I followed that tug. Gabe was behind me the whole way we ran through the tall grass. I kept running until I heard bits of their conversation and after I heard them I just ran faster until I broke through the grass and saw them. They were standing close but I could tell Desi was getting beyond annoyed and irritated, her fists were clenching and unclenching before they noticed me. Desi looked relieved and happy to see me but Lucifer looked shocked and actually scared,"

"Wait, Lucifer? Scared? Of you?" I looked over at her quickly to see her nodding.

"I guess. Anyway I called out 'oh Luci, I'm home' and just charged him. The wrath I felt was indescribable... It was like it was fueling me and I felt such a murderous rage. I heard Desi calling for me to stop or he'll kill me if I didn't," I tensed when she said that, "but I didn't- couldn't stop. Then Desi yelled out 'everybody stop right now!' And against my will, I did but I never tore my gaze from Lucifer. I wanted nothing more than to rip his wings from his back." I looked over at Caroline again and caught the cloudy look in her eyes. "I guess Desi wanted us to see something that she was and then the season changed from summer to Autumn." Caroline shook her head before continuing, "Desi started giving orders and had Gabe take me back but before he did... Desi made a deal with him. A deal for him to send her back and leave her alone. She made sure he didn't her soul or anything and then the deal was sealed and he brought her back here."

I looked at Caroline after she finished talking. In some ways, she reminded me of myself, I wasn't sure why but she did. Now I wasn't sure if Iwanted them to go back to where they originally came from.

~Lucifers POV~

I cant believe i just made a deal with a human, and deal that had nothing in return. This is definitely going to make the problem worse. I guess the deal wasn't so bad, asking for permission to take her back to my private oasis...or anywhere at that couldn't be too bad.

"Are you sure about that Luci?" Ugh not Gabriel, not right now.

"Gabriel go." i said slightly turning my head so that i could see him through my peripherals

"Sorry bro but you just made a deal that is going to make your job much harder. You want Desi alone with you, you need her permission. You want your vessel and you need Sam's permission."

"Actually Gabriel, if you were listening i only need her permission to take her away. She never said i can't show up and talk to her, she never said i cant be in her dreams. I still have open access much like Sam." Speaking of Sam, i can see he was holding Desi, extraordinarily close. It seems my vessel is just as fond of her as i am, i could definitely use that to my advantage.

~Desi's POV~

I could feel Sam holding onto me tightly, any time he looked down at me his brows were furrowed, and concern was permanently marked on his face. "Sam stop with the face please, I'm not dying i promise. I'm just tired, really,really tired." I said softly. His face softened a little i could tell he was trying to relax, but he tightened his grip.

We arrived at a motel and i heard Dean, maybe Caroline. Possibly both of them get out of the car to see if they could get us a room. "Hey you're going to be ok, nothing is going to happen to you" I heard Sam say gently, I could feel his palm rest on my cheek, it was cold compared to me. I still felt pretty warm still.

I looked up at him, and tried to sit myself up a little. "Sam i know I'm ok, like i said I'm just tired. Lucifer didn't do anything, i used up a lot of energy controlling three people at once." A few moments later we heard a tap on the window. Sam looked to see that it was dean "Alright I'm going to get out first then ill come around and pick you up ok." I nodded my head as i watched Sam close the door behind him, my response was quite late but I'm sure he understood. Next thing i know I'm being lifted up out of the Impala. I looked down at the little car, damn Sammy is tall i thought to myself.

It felt like i was being rocked while he carried me to the room. Sam's steps were so steady, they were fluid like the ocean on a calm breezy day. I was trying not to fall asleep, he might get worried. Soon enough i was on a decently soft bed, i could still feel the rusty springs but it wasn't as bad as it could be. Sam curled up next to me and ran his fingers through my hair, just like i did his a few hours ago. "Sam i can lay on a bed safely, and with my sister." I told him

"I know you like your space Desi, but tonight I'm not leaving your side so you're just going to have to deal."

"Well I'm not leaving her side either" I heard Caroline say after she got our bags out of the Impala. "I've been away from my little sister enough today."

"Seriously guys, all three of us do not need to be in this bed." i rolled my eyes, they're such worry warts, i just want to sleep.

"Sorry Des, but those two aren't going to let you out of their sight or arms reach tonight, at least i get a bed to myself though." Dean chuckled a little at my annoyance with the two.

"Well can you and Sam leave the room for just a second so Caroline can help me get changed. I don't want to walk..." I looked at Sam "or airlifted to the bathroom." Sam looked upset at the idea of leaving us two alone. I guess he had every right to at this point. "Please" I whispered, he slowly let go of me and got up to leave. Dean followed him out "Can you two not get into any trouble for two seconds" he said before closing the door.

Caroline helped me slide into my fuzzy pajama pants while i slipped on my tank. "you can bring the boys back in" I told her happily, i liked being comfortable, i also wanted to watch a movie.


"I think Sam doesn't get that we have slept in a bed filled with like four people and a futon of like five or six people before. The moose won't be an issue." I laughed as I got up and went to retrieve the guys. "You guys can come back in now. Jeezus Sammy no need to look like an lost puppy!" When they walked back in I closed the door behind them. "I swear you're a moose slash puppy mix or something." Desi snorted a bit at what I said before Sam went back over to her like a guard dog. This will be an interesting next few days.

"Sissy, do we have any movies we can watch?" Desi asked me as she leaned against the headboard, Sam doing the exact same. Both Dean and I shook our heads slightly at Sam.

"Not that I'm aware of. I'm sure Dean and I can go get something to watch. Normally I'd stay here with you but seeing as Sam is being a guard dog of sorts, I have no choice. Plus I'm craving something sweet. What do you say Dean? I could buy you some pie." I smirked over at Dean knowing that would win him over.

"You had me at pie. I'll go start Baby up." Dean walked out of the room and back outside to the Impala. I walked over to one of our bags and pulled out my wallet.

"Oh you should get Annabellesissy!"

"Ugh I fucking hate that damned doll but fine! For you I will. We'll be back with a movie and snacks. I quickly went over and hugged Desi and for the hell of it I hugged Sam too. " you two have fun! But not too much fun! And Sam I swear I will not hesitate to castrate you."

I walked out to the impala and slid in with ease. "Alright let's go Dean!" I buckled up as I turned on one of Dean's tapes.

"You like old rock?" Dean asked me as he looked over at me.

"I like almost anything that isn't on the radio. Or a lot of pop or rap. Or country." I laughed and shrugged.

"Man this is getting weird." I looked over to him as he drove to the nearest convenience store.

"What do you mean Dean?" I smirked to myself. Ha, that rhymed.

"I mean this whole thing! We've known you girls for a couple of days and Sammy's being really affectionate towards Desi. He usually isn't like that. And then you, you keep reminding me of me in a way. Your car is a 1970 Ford Challenger. You don't really like any of the crap on the radio. You're really protective over Desi like I am with Sam. You have a snappy personality sometimes. I don't know, it's just weird." He shook his head as he pulled into a parking spot.

"I guess it is weird. But don't you feel like you've kind of known us for awhile? If we go back, that's going to be really hard for us." I got out of the Impala and walked next to Dean.

"That's another thing. I'm not sure if I even want you two to go back." He looked down at me as we entered the store. Before he was able to continue walking I grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned to look at me. "What?"

I looked up directly into his granny smith apple green eyes, "We may or may not find a way to get back. I don't care if we do at this point but while we're here Dean, we will help you find a way to get rid of the mark." I pushed up his sleeve to reveal the raised skin on his arm. "Sam and Cas aren't the only ones who care about you anymore Dean, Desi and I care too." I smiled up at him as he looked at me stunned. I let go of his arm gently but stayed close to him as we roamed the isles.

"What movie are we going to watch anyway?" Dean ended up grabbing a basket before we started roaming.

"Annabelle. I seriously hate that doll." I saw the movie and went to go get it. "Fucking creepy ass thing." I put the movie in the basket.

"Seriously? You have seen the show of our lives, hunting monsters and a cursed doll scares you?" Dean chuckled at my distaste for the movie.

"Don't judge me." I pointed up at him. The more we roamed the isles I gathered up a bunch of Desi's favorite snacks. Hot Cheetos and cream cheese, tropical skittles, wheat chex mix, original baked lays, frozen gummy bears (which I was surprised the store had), and a couple of Aloe Vera drinks. Of course I grabbed a bunch of other snacks and drinks, including Dean's promised pie.

I began to wonder, when was the last time Sam and Dean did something like this?

~Desi's POV~

I looked up at Sam "Hey you don't have to be so close you know that right?" Sam looked at me with his pale green puppy dog eyes. "I know, but like i said before I'm not going to be leaving your side tonight." I raised my eyes, hes more persistent than i thought it would be. He rested his head on top of mine, he was such a gentle moose. I walked my fingers up and down his chest, i guess i started to fall asleep because Sam was nudging me with his finger.

"Hey wake up, you want to watch a movie right? You cant watch anything if you're asleep." He smiled a little, and it was the cutest little smile. i ruffled up his hair and booped his nose, His whole face scrunched up kind of like a pug puppy as he was moving his hair out of his face.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"Yes i did punk what are you going to do about it?" I giggled and cuddled up some more.

"You know for a girl who is a little sister you sure do pick on me a lot." I snorted at Sam's comment because i forgot he knows nothing of my old life. "Dude just because Caroline is my 'Big Sister' doesn't mean i was an only child. I have a little sister back in my other life."

"Ah that definitely explains it" He said with a smile before resting his head back on mine. Sooner than we thought the door swung open. Caroline and Dean walked in both laughing with bags full of goodies. Sam sat up a bit straighter with confusion on his face that was so soft just a moment ago. It mus have been a long time since he's heard Dean's laugh. It was nice to hear him laugh though, even in the show it was just a small chuckle.

AN: woohoo finally busted out a lot of chapter. it looks like everyone is getting cute and cuddly at this point. I'm sure it wont stay that way for very long though. yeah the whole entire 4 people in a bed and like 6 people on my futon was a real thing. Moose would never be a problem. Hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be busting out soon. don't forget to leave snazzy comments with your thoughts and ideas :D


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