Through The Pain

By Estella-cookie

17.6K 604 814

-"RAPUNZEL!!!" In rage, by the loss of his new born princess, king Fredrick, made a rule... A rule above all... More

Going down
The boy in the dark
Nightmare or memory?
Pain and agony
Coming back?
Some one new
that day
Happy or terrified
New resources
A Summer Night


892 33 22
By Estella-cookie

{The art is not mine}

The two slowly started opening their eyes with a soft groan. Rapunzel sat slowly by the help of her boyfriend rubbing her head from the throbing pain.

Varian sat back up and looked around. As he saw the shocked at terrified faces in front of him helping the princess, a wave of confusion and fear struck him.

-"What happened?"

The three shot their heads towards the voice of the confused boy. They stayed silent for a few moments, question running through their minds.

Eugene was the first to speak up.

-"We should be the one asking that."

That answer only made his confusion and fear grow. Had he done something wrong? Why didn't he remember?

-"What do you mean...?"

-"Varian, what is the last thing you remember?" Asked the short haired girl not wanting to blindly blame the boy. She knew him long enough to know he wasn't that kind of guy.

Varian thought for a second. The last thing? The last thing he remembered was a soft voice singing. Chanting actually. He remember how the soft melody made his body relax and his eyes heavy. He remembered falling sleep and waking up to this sight I front of him.

-"The last thing I remember is Rapunzel singing and then I fell sleep only to wake up seeing you all terrified." Answered the boy honestly.

Eugene and and Cassandra exchanged a worried look as the princess just stared into the boy's baby blue eyes. What was going on...?

-"You weren't sleep Varian..." said the princess with fear in her eyes.

Looking in the light green eyes, Varian knew something bad happened. Something ubnormal. The boy let out a sigh.

-"okay, explain what happened when I was out."

They were quiet for a few moments. The truth was, they had no idea what have happened! What was that? How were they going to explain it??

-"Your hair turned blue again and, you started floating an-"

The former thief cut the black haired girl short.

-"Wait wait wait wait! Again?? What do you mean again?!?"

The princess's eyes got wide.

-"This have happened before??" Asked the princess in shock.

-"Well, kinda? I told you why he's here. His hair sometimes start glowing when he's emotional or something. But THAT have never happened before."

Eugene was surprised to say the least, at the black haired girl's explanation.

-"So it's kinda like Rapunzel's hair right?"

-"I guess you could say that."

-"But how does it happen tho?"

Varian's patience was running low and he was getting annoyed. Why were they so off topic??

-"Guys! Can we focus please? We want to find out the mystery behind her hair not mine!"

-"Well, yeah but don't we need to find out what just happened first?? I mean that was creepy!!"

-"I hate to agree but Fitzherbert is right. I've seen V's magic and it has never done that before. It was never harmful!"

The last word ringed in the young boys head. Harmful...? A sudden wave of guilt and sadness got him by suprise. With a soft voice he spoke up again.

-"Guys..., what did I do...?"

They turned torwards the boy again as they heard his sad voice. His face was now clearly showing his guilt. With a sigh, the young warrior started again.

-"As I was saying, your hair was glowing blue and you were levitating. But this time, Rap's hair was sort of floating around you and shining. And... I'm not sure what happened next..."

She looked at her friend, silently asking her to continue and explain what happened.

-" I-I was feeling dizzy and slowly drained... and I have this headache since it started..."

Varian looked genuinely shocked. That have never happened before! His confusion left him at a loss of words.

For a few minutes everyone were quiet.  And left with their own thoughts swirling in their minds. Questions filled their heads with each passing second but no answers. And no one to ask for answers...

The situation seemed hopelss. Finally Varian's soft voice broke the silence.

-" I-I'm sorry..."

It took the three by suprise. It was no secret that the boy hated the princess and honestly, the girls couldn't blame him, so now hearing him apologizing sincerely was just... weird. Both bad and good kind of weird.

-" It's okay, it wasn't your fault anyways.  You don't need to apologize."

Varian let out a sigh. Although he didn't like the princess and even hated her, he didn't mean to hurt her. He never meant to hurt anyone! He didn't want to be the monster they believed he was...

But hearing what happened just seconds ago, scared him... he was afraid once again. But this time, he could escape, he couldn't hide, he couldn't run... how was he supposed to run from himself...?

The brunette looked at the other three all in their own world. The more they got lost in their thoughts, the heavier the tension became.

He couldn't exactly explain it but, it seemed like as seconds went by, a little cell got darker...

He was no mind reader but he could safely say that the thoughts and scenarios in their minds, weren't happy ones.

They all seemed tired an confused and they had every right to be. Maybe rest was all they needed right now.

-" It's getting late. How about we continue tomorrow? After, you know? A little rest? To clear our heads. We can't do anything in this state."

Everyone just agreed with a nod.

As they were locking the cell again, the princess looked back again at the boy who was resting his head on his knees.

-" See you tomorrow, Varian..."

No answer came. She know she shouldn't have expected one anyways...

As the light of the torch faded away, he was once again left alone with his thoughts.

[(A/N): umm, hi! I'm back! Hopefully... sorry for disappearing for so long-]
[Also special thank you to Inkwell33 for their amazing fanart

this made my day thank you!]

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