By PuuwaiUilaniRosa

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Chapter One: The Truth and The Beginning of a Journey
Chapter Two: Creating A Warrior
Chapter Three: Uncles
Chapter Four: My First Ball
Chapter Five: Time To Get Ready
Chapter Six: Being Strong
Chapter Seven: Good-bye to Originality of Evil
Chapter Eight: A Break
Chapter Nine: Unexpected
Chapter Ten: Hope
Chapter Eleven: The Glory and the Pain

Chapter Thirteen: Happy Ending

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By PuuwaiUilaniRosa

I was happy my father was back. I wish he'd showed up before this. I had hoped he'd shown up before Micheal had declared someone as important as my father.

"Father?" I ask, moving a little too close.

"Hi sweetie." Father says as I come close. "Where's you mom?" He adds. I look away from him into the hall where soldiers had appeared. They bowed as the saw who he was.

"Sir, it's great to see you alive! Where would you like them to go?" Micheal and Marelda gasped at this.

"To the dungeons. I have to talk to my daughter." he says. Men pull the two out leaving me alone with my father.

"Eliza, where is your mother?" he asks again, coming close. Tears fall from my eyes.

"She didn't make it." I answer softly. I remember the look on mama's face as she died. I look at my father and I see clear pain on his face. He rushes to my side and pulls me into his arms. I cry softly onto his shoulder. 

"Everything will be fine." and just like that my father was back, by my side forever.

That night I slept with no sign of Edward. 


Morning. The morning I turn 18 and become queen. The morning my father had decided to use as his last act of King. I woke up in my new chambers, the princess chambers. It felt kind of hallow without my mama there to wake me up and tell me that this was where I was supposed to be. It hurt to know that I would be Queen alone while my father and my uncle traveled the world, catching up. I looked at the wall in front of me where the picture of a great grandma had been taken down and in place were two beautiful pictures that meant more to me than anything. One was the picture of my mother and father on their wedding day. The exact one that I'd seen in mama's chambers the night she died. The other of course was of all three of us. Their was a box next to the pictures with a note on it. 

I ran to it and saw what I'd never thought I'd see again. My mother's handwriting. I ripped open the letter and read.

"Dear Eliza,

It was such a blessing giving birth to you and raising you into the girl you are today. Your father would have been so proud of you if he'd been able to see who you were. This is probably the last thing you will get from me, but I'm fine with that. I love you, my daughter. Please wear this when you are eighteen. It would mean so much to me.


Your mother."

I drop the letter and pull the black box cover off the box. Inside was the green lace fabric I'd bought for my mother all those weeks ago. I pulled it out and saw a beautiful dress. It was a deep green that went from my wrist to the floor and had black lace under the bussom that winded all the way around. I smiled and began to pull the dress on. I looked into the window and pulled my hair out, letting the long curls swing loose.

"Happy Birthday to me." I smile in the mirror. I hear a knock on my door. I turn to see my father in the doorway. He smiles and bows his head. 

"You look beautiful Eliza. Who made the dress?" he asks, as I come closer.

"Mother." I answer. He smiles and a tear falls from his eyes.

"She always loved to make clothes." he whispers. I hug him.

"She loved you. You were the only man mother ever talked about or married or anything. No man was worth it." I tell him.

"Right, let's go to the ceremony." Father says and proceeds me out of the chambers. We walk down the winding stairways and out into the big arena. Thousands of people rose as father and I walked into the place. We smiled and walked all the way to the stage where I would be crowned Queen.

"King Harry!" the priest says as he pulls the crown off of my fathers head and puts it onto one chair, but this time he picks up a womans crown and proceed to stand in front of me. "Princess Eliza! The princess who has come back and saved us from the terrible place we were in. I now crown you Queen of Panorama! All hale Queen Eliza!" 

The crown touches my head and everyone cheers. I look towards father and see he's smiling, but next to him is Uncle Alexander. Maybe they have a rule of staying queenly during this time of the ceremony but I rush to my uncle and I hug him. I hadn't seen him on his feet in an absolutely long time.

"I don't think you should be hugging me." Uncle Alexander says. I laugh.

"When have I been one to follow anyone's rules?" Uncle Alexander laughs and agrees.

"Wait!" I hear a very familiar voice yell. I turn to see Edward walk in. He's wearing traditional robes of princes. I think my father allowed that for my sake.

I watch as he comes up to me and gets on one knee. I stare in wonder.

"I am sorry I am late. I just had to pick something up for you. Queen Eliza I am truly and deeply in love with you. Will you do the honors of marrying me?" 

"Yes!" I answer. He laughs and puts the ring on my finger. From this day one he will be my king.

                                                                4 YEARS LATER

It had been four years since I was crowned Queen and I'd married Edward. We now had two boys and one girl. I had given birth to the girl just yesterday. Our sons were 3, Amorio, and 1, Brandon. Our daughter was very special to me because she was named Aranza Milana Evers. She was everything I'd ever dreamed about.

"Boys your mother doesn't feel good!" I hear Edward yell as the boys storm in. I held their sister and smiled at them.

"Hello Amorio and Brandon. Would you like to see your sister?" I ask them.

"Yes!" Brandon says happily.

"No. I want my mommy." Amorio says stubbornly. I laugh and hold out one hand.

"Wait. Edward!" I yell. He appears automatically with a smile on his face. He looks just as handsome as he did many years ago.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Take your daughter for a second. I've got a grumpy son." I tell him. Edward grabs Aranza and joins us on the bed. Brandon rushes to his father's side while Amorio climbs onto me.

"Mommy what's her name?" Amorio asks.

"Aranza Milana Evers. She'll need you to protect her. Do you think you can do it?" I ask him. He puffs out his chest.

"You can count on me." I laugh and kiss his forehead, his dimples showing.

_sorry not much but I have been writing 8 different books, so I HAD to finish it. 

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