
By Chrissyvellis

165K 10.6K 5.1K

Jenna Valentino thought she had found her forever after. Life was good. A husband she loved, a daughter she... More

~~ Harsh Truths ~~
~~ Warm Apple Pie ~~
~~ Best Laid Plans ~~
~~ Thankful ~~
~~ Love is blind, deaf and dumb! ~~
~~ Spoiled Shoes ~~
~~ Secrets & Regrets ~~
~~Sorry, just don't cut it~~
~~ Cold Light of Day ~~
~~ Family Gatherings ~~
~~ Apologies & Invites ~~
~~ A little Help from our Friends ~~
~~ The Catch 22 ~~
~ ~ The Getaway ~ ~
~ ~ Here Goes Nothing ~ ~
~~ It's all about the Dress ~~
~ ~ It's All About Her ~ ~
~ ~ Ex, Interrupted ~ ~
~~ Consequences ~~
~~ And just when you thought... ~~
~ ~ Silver Linings ~ ~
~~ Family Loyalty ~~
~~ It's A Dirty Business ~~
~ ~ When life gives Lemons... ~ ~
~ ~ I Will Drink To That! ~ ~
~ ~ Falling ~ ~
~~ Heading in the Right Direction ~~
~ ~ Oh, Baby ~ ~
~ ~ Inner Bitch ~ ~
~~ Stupid Is, As Stupid Does ~~
~ ~ She Did What?! ~ ~
~ ~ Don't get Attached ~ ~
~ ~ Shocks Ahead... ~ ~
~ ~ Ducks in a Row ~ ~
~ ~ Sweet, Sweet Endings ~ ~
Thanks & What's next!

~~ Expect the Unexpected ~~

4.9K 342 159
By Chrissyvellis

~~ Gabriele ~~

Why was I here again?

I didn't have a clue why I'd let my Ma talk me into visiting my ass-wipe brother. Hadn't spoken with him for two years, not since that night. I stopped at the hospital entrance, my jaw flexing.

My eyes briefly closed as the image of my curled fist connecting with his face replayed in vivid colour and stereo sound.  My mouth kicked up in a half grin. Not typically a violent person, the cracking of his nose that night had brought a slither of satisfaction. He had deserved it.  Hell, he'd deserved a lot more than I'd given him.

Five minutes. Five minutes and I can be outta there.

I shook my head and headed inside.   

Game face Gabe.  Right.  Grit my teeth, wish him a speedy recovery, and restrain the urge to throttle him. Then text and report back to Ma, that I had done what she asked.

Reminding myself I was only doing this as she stated it was her dying wish that her 'boys' mend the bridge—a bridge that had never been in use. And that was the only reason I let her manipulate me... my own mother!

It's my dying wish, son.

Ma, you ain't dying anytime soon.

We're all dying, Gabe. And I'm a little closer to those pearly gates than I was yesterday. So make your old mother happy and make up with your brother. He needs you. More than you know.

Hmm, doubtful. Tony had needed no one but himself. Selfish egotistical bastard only cared about himself. Self-centred asshole was an understatement when referring to my brother. The only relationship he didn't mess withwas his reflection.

Let's get this over with.

The air conditioning in the hospital foyer was a little overeager. It was more like a blustery winter chill than a cooling summer breeze, not that I minded. I looked around. Spotting the sign for the elevators, I headed that way. Rounding the corner, my phone vibrated in my back pocket, distracting me for a second.   

Shit!  I collided into a small, dark-haired woman.

"Damn, sorry—" I stopped as a wave of something familiar tickled my nose, igniting the memory I'd tried to so many times to disregard. It had been over four years since I last inhaled that unforgettable smell and I could never mistake or erase it... warm apples.

Her head raised abruptly.

"Jenna?"   I had stupidly assumed coming in at this time of day would have been safe.

Ma had said he didn't allow visitors in the early afternoon as physio would tire him out. Diddums! Precious little man, needed his sleep.

Therefore, I was hoping he would have been too worn out and not  want to see me, and this visit could have been done and dusted within minutes. 

The last person I was expecting to bump into was her...Jenna—his wife. I gulped; words failed me.

She mumbled something 'sorry' I thought? But as quick as she'd been standing right in front of me; she was gone. Disappeared around the corner like grease lightning, leaving me stood staring at the grey tiled floor.

Should I go after her? See what had upset her? My feet itched to chase her down, but I curled my toes, planting myself to the spot.

Perhaps Tony had received some bad news?

Nah, Ma had said they hoped he would leave hospital in the next few weeks.

Remaining still and going against everything inside me that was screaming at me, insisting I go after her, I turned and continued my journey to the elevator. A sweet old lady held the door for me.

"What floor can I press for you, dear?" she questioned.

I swiped my phone to get the details. Room 209. "Oh, yeah... sorry, third floor please sweetheart."

She smiled warmly with the addition of a faint blush to her pale cheeks. "It's been quite a few years since someone called me that."

"Nah, I don't believe you.  A young pretty lady like yourself." She covered her mouth, stifling a giggle. She must have been touching eighty.

"I just think you made my day, young man."

I winked, tipping my head, before relaxing against the wall of the elevator. But my mind was anything but  relaxed as Jenna's green eyes bubbling with tears, blistered my brain. It replaced the image I had of her from their wedding day... that perfect image of her radiating happiness. The one that had haunted my dreams for years.

Stepping from the elevator, I looked left and right. Room 209, the text from my mother stated. I turned left. As I passed two nurses, I heard one of them mention Jenna's name. I slowed my pace as I walked past them.

"Did you see JennaMrs Valentino,  leave?" the blonde nurse asked the other.  Panic in her voice. I stopped walking, turning towards them.

"Yes, she more of less ran out the room like something was on fire.... Let's hope it was that asshole of a husband that was on fire." She giggled, looking around to check no one was privy to her words.

"Shit!" she cursed as her eyes fell to me. "Sorry, excuse my language. Can I help you?"

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, ladies."

"Anytime for you handsome," said the smaller dark-haired nurse.

The blonde nurse nudged her.

"What? I was only saying," snappily replying. She smiled brightly towards me, her brows raised as she ran her tongue across her lips.

I returned her smile; charm might get me the information I needed. "Ladies. You were talking about Jenna, as in Tony's Valentino's wife?"

The blonde nurse stood straighter, her eyes trailing the length of me, unsure if she should answer my question.

I held up my hands in mock submission. "Look, I'm not looking for any trouble, I might be able to help."

"Yes, she's a friend. And you are?"

"Family. Do you know what just happened? She seemed upset when I just passed her downstairs."

Her eyes went wide as the blood seeped through to her cheeks. "No, I'm sorry. I don't know."

She was lying. Well, only one way to find out. "Excuse me, ladies, and thanks for your time."

I walked by each room counting up the numbers. 209... here we go.

The door was ajar as muffled voices caught my attention. I strained to listen, to hear Tony offering reassuring words to a woman. I gave one knock and pushed the door and stepped through.

They turned to face me and the memory of two years ago barged its way back into my head. I shoved it back—it wasn't the time, but it didn't stop my hands balling into fists.

"What the hell are you doing here. To what do I owe the pleasure?" his sarcastic tone didn't go unnoticed, not that it bothered me.

I spotted a woman's bag sitting in the middle of the floor. Weird. "Ma asked me to swing by, but it seems like I'm interrupting something." I flicked my head in the woman's direction.

She smiled at me; the whiteness of her teeth almost blinding. Caked in make-up.  She reminded me of one of those femme fatales characters that were beautiful, sexy but also deceitful, manipulative and totally untrustworthy. The sorts of men they usually hooked up with ended up duped or dead.

I tore my gaze away from her face, Jesus—the obvious bump disarmed me for a second. It can't be.


Je-sus Christ. Please don't tell me he got this one pregnant? Goddamnno wonder Jenna...

Tony rolled his eyes, muttering.


I swallowed down my retort. But the way he looked at me lit the fire-seed inside, and suddenly I was hungry... but not for food. No. I wanted to wipe that fucking self-satisfied look off his face. Stepping forward, the blonde spoke, her grating voice cut through my thoughts.

"Seeing as Antonio seems to have forgotten his manners, let me introduce myself. I'm Charlotte; Antonio's fiancée."

W.H.A.T?   She couldn't be serious? "He's already married, sweetheart." She had to be as crazy as he was an asshole.

Her eyes fell. As mine shifted to Tony's "Do you want to explain what the hell is going on here Tony?"

"What's going on here—is none of your goddamn business. So, I would suggest you report back to Ma, that you did your duty and fuck off out of here. Before I get security to remove you."

Jenna.  Had she walked in on these twodid she know what he was doing this time? "Does Jenna know about this... that?"  My hand motioned between the two of them, before pointing towards her pregnancy bump.

"That's none of your concern what happens between me and my wife. So I suggest you keep that nose of yours out of it."

"Soon to be ex-wife," chimed in the fiancée.

That was it, I saw red. All the rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. I darted towards the bed. Tony tried to scramble backwards but with nowhere to go, my hands grabbed the lapels of his feminine pajamas. I brought his face closer to mine, shaking him by the scruff of his collar.

"Call security Charlotte." he yelped, his tone a pitch higher.

He shrivelled before me as my Ma's voice came booming over my internal loudspeaker.


My jaw flexed, breathing heavily through my nose, itching to remove his head. I looked up then dragged my eyes back to his unsure ones. Stopping short of violence, I pulled back slightly but kept a firm grip of his clothing. "It's a damn good job you're in a hospital bed, Tony. Or else I would have put you in one. You disgust me. Honestly, I don't know how the fuck we're related. Asshole!"

I eyeballed him as slowly my fingers uncurled themselves, shoving him back down, stepping back.

"Security is on their way!" squeaked the blonde piece.

Like that would worry me.

My eyes flicked in her direction. Her fearful face, eyes wide, body stiff. Shit, I took no satisfaction in intimidating a woman, even if she was deluded enough to think that she would mean anything to Tony in the long run.

"I'm not staying." I looked at the bag on the floor. It had to be Jenna's. "Is that Jenna's?" I softened my glare,  forgetting her name already.

Her head bobbed up and down like one of those plastic nodding dogs you see in cars "Yes, she dropped it."

Stepping forward, bending to retrieve it from the floor. If I was quick, I could catch up with her.

Tony scoffed, running his hand over his hair. "Nothing changes does it, Gabe? You're nothing but a thug. I don't want to see your face back here. In fact, we're done here. Brother or not, were done!" He didn't even try to mask his distaste from me.

The laughter burst from my chest. "Thug? That's the best you can come up with?" He wasn't worth my time. "Don't worry, Tony. I not gonna waste my breath or time on a pathetic ass-stain like your good self." I clenched the bag tightly in my hand and headed towards the door. The anger inside me was nowhere near satisfied. I stopped, turning to face him. "Do you know what's really messed up here, Tony?"

He glared at me. "I was jealous of youme jealous of you. You had the perfect life. Jenna is—" I shook my head. "And a kid too." I couldn't get my head around why he was such a dick. "I hope I'm there to see the day when all the hurt you've inflicted comes looking for payback." He narrowed his eyes, opening his mouth, but then thought better of it, shutting it.

"Good luck with that—You're perfect for one another." I smirked, pointing at the replacement. Not a patch on Jenna.

What an asshole.

Hearing her huff, I left him... them both to it.

I had to find Jenna.

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