The Getaway Car in Overdrive...

By anamonroe12

1.5K 61 21

Taylor just moved to LA and lives with her best friend Erica. She isn't quite sure what she wants to do, but... More



164 9 2
By anamonroe12

Time goes by slow now when I am working, and I keep getting distracted as the only thing I can think about is that beautiful boy I just spent the night with. As I pour a latte, I think about how Conan wanted to learn how to make latte art and smile at the thought. I still don't know when I will see him again, we forgot to exchange numbers and I doubt he would see if I dm him on Instagram. Just then I look up and none other then Conan himself walks in. I give him a look indicating some sort of confusion of what he is doing here, but I mean I am not mad he is. When he gets to front of the line, he orders his usual iced latte, then says

"So, when do you get off work?"

"In about an hour, why?"

"Well I wanted to buy a skirt and uh, I was wondering if you would like go with me to find one"

"Ok um YES I would like to Conan; we could do a skirt fashion show like they do with clothes in those old Disney movies from the early 2000's"

"Ok perfect see you in an hour?" he says while slightly laughing at the memory of those old movies

"Definitely" I reply, only then do I realize I have been blushing the entire conversation...oops I hope he didn't notice.

The hour goes by surprisingly fast, as all I can think, or rather overthink about is that I get to be with Conan when I finish.

As he promised, an hour later Conan comes back just as I am finishing my shift. His eyes have a little twinkle in them like he is looking for adventure, and I am so down.

"You ready to go" he asks

"You know I am, let's do it!"

I jump into his car, which already feels so comfortable, like I had known it my entire life. I realize that is the same way I feel about Conan, even though we only met like a day ago.

I then get a text... it's from Cameron... oh shoot I completely forgot about him. The text reads "Wait did you go off with some guy last night? I'm so confused Taylor, I thought we were doing okay"

I never told him I had stopped liking him, I felt too bad and he is too good of a person. But I know that I should probably now officially break it off with him. I mean I am more in love with Conan than I ever have been with Cameron and we basically just met.

"I am so sorry Cameron but I am going to have to end this, you are a good guy but we just aren't working" I hesitate before sending it because I do really feel sorry and like a bit of a shitty person for breaking up over text, but I know it's what's right in my heart.

"Oh, I see, this is bye then I guess" he replies.

"Yes, I really do hope you find someone" I text back

"Thanks Taylor:)"

Ok well at least he doesn't seem too mad.

I turn my attention back to Conan. To be honest it felt nice to break up officially because now I can focus on him.

Getaway Car by Taylor Swift starts playing (which I find ironic) and I get excited and look at Conan. "I love this song!" I exclaim.

"Me too!" he says. We start singing the lyrics and Conan rolls down the window. I feel happy again. The sun is starting to set and is casting a beautiful golden glow on the city. The Los Angeles air fills my lungs as Conan rolls the windows down. This sudden increase in air makes his hair go all over the place. He also looks really happy. I am glad about that.

We get to a thrift shop on Melrose called American Vintage. "I prefer to shop at thrift stores" he says to me, "The clothes just have more character"

"I also heard it's better for the environment"
"Oh that too" he replies, and then goes on to explain that he actually prefers to thrift in his hometown in Texas, but that this will do when he is living here. I totally get what he is saying, LA doesn't really have lots of real thrifting as most of it has been already picked through. I also think it is cute that he still talks about Texas so fondly.

"Oooh look at this skirt!" he says excitedly while pulling out a blue plaid skirt. "You know, dark blue is my favorite color"

"Well that would make sense considering most of your furniture and your bed sheets are dark blue, yes I noticed" I reply with a bit of a sarcastic tone

"Hey hey hey I just really like the color"

"Well alright" I say back with a playful roll of my eyes

"Look there is another skirt next to the blue one that's green!" he says

"No way! My favorite color is green!"

"Let's go try them on!". We head over to the fitting rooms and grab two of the rooms right next to each other. We change into our skirts and come out of the fitting rooms to show each other. When I turn around to see Conan, he looks so handsome and pretty in it. The blue vest he was wearing goes perfectly with the skirt. I like the way his arms look in that vest I start to think as I am looking at him. "So, what do you think" he asks me

"You look stunning Conan"

"Why thank you, you also look absolutely gorgeous in your skirt" he says to me. I start to smile and blush at the complement. He does a little spin and mentions and how he like to see the skirt go out when he turns. I start laughing at the comment and just how cute he looks playing around in it. Like a kid who just got a new toy. He looks back up and me and smiles so big it makes the world disappear. I love his smile so much. Suddenly, he pulls me in. I feel his arms hold me and his chest against me. I like how his body feels with mine. He is so warm, and I can't help but notice that is skin is so soft. Then I notice how close our faces are, just inches from each other. He looks just angelic this close up and his brown eyes glow softly in the sunlight. I want to kiss him so bad; I think. My eyes flicker down to his lips which look so soft, and then back up to his eyes. He then starts to do a little waltz with me next to the fitting rooms. People start looking as we aren't doing what people normally do in stores, but I don't care since I am with him, and we both start laughing at our silly little dance.

"Are you getting the skirt?" I ask

"Yes, I am, are you?"

"I'm glad you are getting it; it looks good on you" I say while grinning "And yes of course I am getting mine too"

We go and buy our skirts and then get back to Conan's car.

"Thank you for this, I had fun" I say to him

"I had fun too" he says back. We share a moment of stillness in the car, both of us just looking into the eyes of the other, starting to feel a real connection.

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