Chinese Donut

By MikushX

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When you are stuck with crazy people that are constantly manipulating you, when you're all fed up with your l... More

The Brew Bastards
Chinese Donut
My friends never change
Crazy İdiots
New world
Lonely Man
Chinese Donut Reborn
The Perfect World
Deep Sorrow
Once Upon a Time
After Credits

Terrifying Smile

57 15 1
By MikushX

Ahmed smiles smugly and says: We gonna kill Mikush...

I said: what? What is this nonsense? After all, he is our friend. We cannot do this, even if he is crazy.

Ahmed: Fuck friendship. He is no longer our friend. He is already a different person. He is a dictator who manipulates people. He is even worse than dictators. The dictators kill those who do not believe in them, but he enslaves people. Do you know why everyone turns into zombies? Because he adds a special drug to the Chinese Donut. And anyone who eats it becomes addicted to the Chinese Donut. When you eat them, you don't want anything but Chinese donuts. Maybe he had planned this from the beginning, maybe all the chaos and deaths we saw was part of his plan. He used us. That's the truth. So the only way out is to kill him. Do you will still feel sorry for that bastard? It's not too late to finish him....
I do not know what to say. Maybe Ahmed is right. Maybe he was just using us as puppets, maybe he didn't consider us as his friends. I always felt that Mikush was enjoying these battles and death. He always did everything for fun.

I followed Ahmed. We entered the basement of the house.

It is a large room decorated with weapons.

I said: Ahmed, what have you been doing all these years? Where did you find these guns?

Ahmed: you'll see. I want to introduce you to someone. You probably know them.

5 minutes later

Before me stood two buff men in their 40s. They are very muscular and both wearing military shirts. They both have the US flag tattoo on their arm and their faces are covered with scars. It is clear from their appearances that they are former soldiers.

OMG!!!! I know them. These are my military school teachers, Captain Tom and Lieutenant Jerry.

I quickly saluted them.

Captain Tom: Free.

Lieutenant Jerry: Soldier!! You are as incompetent as before. That's why you failed school.

Me: Sir. What are you doing here?

Captain Tom: this asshole is a traitor to our country, he advertises disgusting Chinese Donuts, not our precious American donuts. Those damned Chinese people. God, I hate them. He's probably a Chinese agent.

Jerry: And this bastard Mikush used to be our student. Unlike you, he is one of six people who managed to pass the military school exam. Furthermore, his two guards, they are also one of the six students. After our school, they moved to another, more severe training school, which even we do not know about. So they are very strong.

Me: Wait? what? I don't remember that. How could it be?

Tom: You don't remember a lot, soldier. As well as other failures. That's what failed soldiers like you are. But that's not the issue now. We can talk about this after our mission.

We sat down at the table. Only Captain Tom is on his feet telling us the plan.

Captain Tom: Presidential Election Night. Mikush will throw a party at his hotel. That night we'll infiltrate his hotel from the back. We have people inside. They will provide us with weapons. We only need to shoot him from the head. We can't miss that opportunity. We will only get one chance. Everything has to be accurate. If we cannot kill him, all humanity is doomed.

We all started preparing. As always, we carried out combat training and revised our plan.

Captain Tom and Lieutenant Jerry have not changed over the years. As always, they are really good friends. I have always thought that this is a real friendship, and for me, their friendship should be a role model for everyone. They grew up together as children, and they know each other more than anyone. They joined the army together and are participated in countless wars. Captain Tom lost his hand in the war while saving Jerry's life. That strengthened their bonds even more. After that, Captain Tom wears a prosthesis on his arm. They always take others seriously. But they make fun of each other all the time. They spent their entire lives in the army. That's why they are not married yet. If you ask me what real friendship is, I will not hesitate to set them as an example.

In the meantime, I tried to ask questions Captain Tom and Lieutenant Jerry about my past. Nevertheless, they always avoided my questions.

I remember my years in military school. However, I don't remember seeing Mikush and others.

Meanwhile, Ahmed took part in the training too. I've never seen him like this. In fact, it's better for his health and he doesn't act like an idiot. Skinny Dude, as always, in black glasses played his rock guitar and did not speak to anyone. To be honest, he looks so cool. So he doesn't have to do anything.

A week later came that decisive day.

We are in Washington now.

Jerry: We'll be there in an hour, is everything ready?

Skinny Dude: yes.

Ahmed: Oh shit!! I forgot my whiskey bottle. We must return. This is the last bottle of whiskey I have.

Me: Ahmed, damn it!! We are going to war. You are still thinking about drinking??

Ahmed: Yes, that's why I need to get drunk. I want to die on the last day of my life doing what I love.

Skinny Dude took a bottle of whiskey out of his bag and handed it to Ahmed. Ahmed hugged the skinny dude tightly.

Ahmed: skinny you're the best.

It's already dark outside. There is balmy weather. People on the streets are waiting for the results. Everyone is excited about the election. I wish I was at my school and spending my time with children. I hope everything will back to normal after this battle.

We arrived at the Mikush hotel.

Politicians, pop stars, billionaires, Mikush fans and etc. joined the party at the Mikush hotel. Everyone is confident in his victory. This is why there is laughter, music, and dancing.

We all entered the hotel in suits.

Fuck... Ahmed. How handsome he looks in a suit.

We all took our positions in the large hall where a banquet is being held. 

The hall has a large pool, tables, food, a DJ and a lot of people.

There I saw Mikush from afar.

Damn Mikush, this bastard even now, after becoming president, wears sportswear. As always- Adidas sneakers, Puma t-shirt, Under Armor pants, and Nike watch.

Two guards, Helios and Poseidon, standing next to him, wearing black glasses and serious faces.

There is a big TV in the hall. Everyone is waiting for the results.

Tom and Jerry appeared from behind. Skinny Dude walked over to the pool.

Everything is going according to plan.

We are waiting for Captain Tom's signal. And the signal has given. We all pointed our guns at Mikush.

At that moment, I saw Mikush's face.

Mikush looks at me and smiles.

But this is not an ordinary smile. It is the terrifying smile of one who is confident in his victory. As if the person in front of me is not a human. He is the real evil.

What's going on?

Suddenly I heard a powerful shot.

Shit!!! Skinny Dude got shot again.

He fell into the pool.

Why is he always the first to be shot? Skinny dude, you were the best......

We all hide behind tables and get ready for battle.

We are surrounded by armed people everywhere.

Damn!! how can this be? Mikush knew our plan. There is a traitor among us. But who?

Everyone started shooting and panic broke out.

Fuck!! Mikush escapes with his guards. I won't let that happen.

Ahmed and I followed him.

We left the back front to Tom, Jerry, and his team.

Mikush is hiding in one of the hotel rooms.

We slowly made our way to the door while killing the guards.

Ahmed and I stood outside the door with BUL M-5 in our hands.

We looked at each other, kicked the door, and started shooting.


Damn it!! This is a teddy bear, and we have been firing at it for the whole time.

Damned Mikush and his guards pointed their Brügger & Thomet MP9 at us.

Damn, at critical moments we, as always, run out of bullets. What we gonna do now?

We dropped our guns. Mikush laughed and approached us.

Mikush: I didn't think you would betray me. Guys, why are you doing this? We are friends.

I said: fuck you, Mikush, you used us all the time, and now you call yourself a friend. After all, friends do not betray each other! Real friends should be like Tom and Jerry. You probably know them very well.

Mikush: Are you sure? Don't be so naive, my friend. The idea of friendship is complex. Sometimes your friends lie to you, but that doesn't mean they are traitors. Yes, it is true that I deceived you, but I did not betray you. Like all of you, I follow my dreams. So why are you against me?

Me: So what are you going to do now? Are you going to shoot us like cowards?

Mikush: Hmph. I've always been a fan of hand-to-hand combat. You two are fighting with Ahmed, and this guy is mine. Let's see how you two developed your skills.

Ahmed took out a bottle of whiskey.

He drank to the end and said: Here we go.

(Fuck Ahmed, we are mot filming a movie here. Why do you always act like an idiot?)

We both took off our jackets. We are ready for battle.

Ahmed attacked Helios and Poseidon.

And Kaboom.

Ahmad is severely beaten. Damn how strong they are. Ahmed is useless.

So!! it's all up to me. I have to kill Mikush, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

I clenched my fists.


Mikush struck "Flying Front". I dodged the blow and hit Mikush. When my fist hit him, I felt a pain in my stomach. Damned Mikush punched me in the stomach. He intentionally allowed me to hit him. Without hesitation, I struck "Jumping Spinning Crescent Kick". However, Mikush easily dodged my blow and punch me in the face with his fist.

Fuck!!!. My nose is bleeding.

Then he took a boxing stance and punch me two more times. I collapsed to the ground.

Damn, it hurts everywhere. I'm covered in blood. I have to find a way out, or Mikush gonna destroy me.

I suddenly remembered the "choke trick" that Captain Tom had taught me two days earlier. This trick is used to kill bears in Siberia.

Mikush attacked, I dodged and hugged him from behind. I began to choke Mikush.

And now the end of Mikush comes. In the end, I will be able to prove that I am not a failure.

Suddenly I heard a voice saying, "Let him go."

Fuck!! Ahmed is lying on the ground covered in blood, and they point their gun at him.

Helios: If you don't let him go, your friend will die.

Ahmed: fuck them all. Kill Mikush, don't think about me. I don't want to live in a world without drugs.

(Ahmed, whatever you say, I was going to kill him anyway)

I began to choke Mikush with all my might. Suddenly Mikush used a dirty trick. He hit me in the balls. I lost control, Mikush slipped out of my hands and stood up.

Mikush: Enough games guys. I haven't had fun like this in a long time. My adventures with you are always a lot of fun. Therefore, I am giving you one last chance to join me and be forgiven. The world is changing, and this is inevitable, you cannot change anything.

Me: fuck you Mikush, we will never believe this bullshit even if we die. I would live in a world of suffering, rather than a meaningless utopian world.

Ahmed: hell yeah. That's my man.

Mikush: Then you will be one of the zombies

Mikush took the Chinese Donut put it in Ahmed's mouth and they made him eat.

I screamed: fuck noooo Ahmed!!!

Ahmed laughed: you dumbass, it can't affect me in any way. I have been using drugs for entire my life. I'm immune to drugs. Your cheap donuts can't brainwash me

Mikush: hahaha. How you are all full of surprises. You always amaze me. Well, Ahmed, I can make for you drug donuts. I will even create a special "Drug zone" for you, where you can take drugs with any number of friends.

Me: hmph. You cannot buy him with your cheap tricks. Ahmed isn't traitor like you.

Ahmed: Oh shit. OK. I agree with you, Mikush.

He took Chinese Donut and ate it.

Me: fuck you Ahmed!! you damn traitor!!! You were always cheap to buy. 

Ahmed: sorry bro. I didn't want to live in a drug-free world. But now I have a reason to live. The drug Chinese Donut is something I can eat every day. And Mikush will create all conditions for us.

I cannot breathe anymore. I'm tired of these clichés. I'm tired of these idiots. I'm sick of this world. I'm fed up with everything.

Mikush: Come on, join us. I will invest in your school. Such schools can be established all over the world. You can make your dream even better.

Me:Yes, I agree....... Fuck you Mikush!! I'm not as inferior as this bastard. I do not agree with such things. It makes no sense to open a school for brainwashed people.

Mikush said angrily: Then I'm sorry, my friend, I cannot leave you alive.

He directed the guards to shoot me.

Ahmed: Wait !!!!!! Let me kill him. To prove my loyalty to you.


This is the moment when the word ends. I cannot express how sad I am. I don't know what to say. My only friend gonna kill me. The time we spent together mean nothing to him? How meaningless life is. You can't trust anyone in this world. After all not everyone can be true friends, like Captain Tom and Lieutenant Jerry.

I looked sadly at Ahmed.

Enough, let's get it over with.

Ahmed raised the gun and aimed at me......

Suddenly he turned to Mikush and opened fire.

But it was too late.

Mikush dodged the bullet in time. He grabs his knife and stabs Ahmad twice.

Mikush: I didn't know, Ahmed, you are that stupid. Why did you do that? I didn't mean to kill you.

Ahmed: Well Mikush, I wasn't going to betray you. But then I realized that after all, I hate Chinese Donut. That's why I decided to kill you.

He looked at me said: Sorry friend. I am really a bad person.

Ahmed fell to the ground and died.

Mikush silently looked at Ahmed who fell to the ground for several minutes.

Mikush took gun from the ground.

Mikush: I think I have to do it myself. You guys really amazing. But it all ends here.

He pointed his gun at me, and at that moment gas bombs were thrown into the room. Suddenly a smoke bomb appeared in front of us, and the room was instantly filled with smoke. I do not see anything.

Someone picked me up and pulled me.

In 10 minutes we are getting away from the Mikush hotel. Needless to say, Captain Tom and Lieutenant Jerry were the ones who saved me.

We reached the park where our meeting point was.

There is no one in the park because of the elections.

It's quiet here. We hear from afar the horns of cars and the screams of people. They are all excited.

We all stood quietly.

There is no sound from anyone. I can't look them in the face. We could not kill Mikush. We could not save the world.

It is all my fault. I'm ashamed of myself....

Suddenly I heard gunshots. 

Someone fired 2 times. At that moment, Captain Tom pushed me. The bullets hit him. Captain Tom fell to the ground and shot the gunman.

There is silence. 

Damn this is Lieutenant Jerry.

I can't believe Lieutenant Jerry shot us. 

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