Miraculous Digi Adventure

By ColePlumber

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Marinette's beginning as the guardian takes an unexpected twist after one of Hawkmoth's plans bares unexpecte... More

Robostus Returns
Datamon Appears
Digital Partners
The Dark Digimon
Spider and Fox
The Unrivaled Rivals
Girl's Night
Soothe The Beast
Monkey Sea Monkey Sing
Reflekdoll House
Reflekdoll House Part 2
Act Like A Monster
The Black Ocean
All Aboard to the Digital World
All Aboard to The Digital World part 2
The Gift of a Friend

Flower Girl

378 6 6
By ColePlumber

   "Bow Ladybug! Bow to the might of the beast Tamer Pixelator!" The akuma called flying over the park on the back of a giant blood red stag beetle.
   "What do you think happened this time?" Ladybug asked at ground level with Chat and their Digimon.
  "Apparently he was trying to get nature shots of wild Digimon here in the park and a Digimon ate the data on his digital camera deleting all the pictures he took." Chat mused as he and Blackgatomon's tails wagged in tandem at the flying foe's cries of challenge.
  "That poor Digimon getting caught up in this" Ladybug sighed.
  "Don't feel too bad Ladybug, in all honesty Kuwagamon probably had it coming" Sunflomon chuckled as ladybug climbed on her back. The two accelerated into the air as Pixelator shot his pixel laser at them.
  The flying flower pinwheeled sideways dodging the blast.
  "Sunshine beam!" sunflomon's face lit up as the beam cascaded passed the insect monster as it dodged aside. Its larger faster wings made it superior in the air.
  "Let's end this quickly, Lucky charm!" Ladybug threw her yo-yo skyward and out dropped a small hand mirror. The heroine scanned the area her buggavision lit up on Pixelator's head gear as well as his flying steed then lit up on the mirror, Chat and his Digimon as they leapt around the roofs below waiting for their prey to come into striking distance.
   "Alright Sunflomon lets take them for a ride!" Ladybug called as the flower Digimon power dived back to the streets drawing the large bug after them as its villainous tamer commanded pursuit.
  "He's way too fast I can't out pace him!" Sunflomon panicked.
  "You don't have to" Ladybug grinned as Pixelator opened fire. Ladybug brandished her hand mirror reflecting the lasers backward until one tagged Kuwagamon taking the akuma's steed out from under it.
  "Huh?" Pixelator yelped as he dropped from the sky luckily he didn't have far to go before Chat and Blackgatomon came from both sides to strike.
  Pixelator went spinning as his headgear flew off from the attack.
  Sunflomon caught the akuma while ladybug smashed the weapon freeing the butterfly for her to de-evilize.
  "Too easy my lady" Chat grinned as he leapt to her side.
  "All in a days wor- Ladybug paused as she heard her name called out.
  "Ladybug!" A familiar ginger head ran toward them.
   "Sabrina?" Ladybug turned to the approaching citizen.
  "Ladybug please I really need your help!" Sabrina pleaded as she ran up to the heroes.
  Ladybug glanced at Chat and smiled. "I'll handle this you bug out"
  "If you say so Buggaboo" Chat winked and catapulted away with his staff his Digimon clinging to his shoulder.
   "What seems to be the problem?" Ladybug turned to her classmate.
  Sabrina took on a much more despairing face and looked at the ground.
  "It's... it's Chloé" she began. Ladybug felt her stomach drop. "I know she's hard to deal with sometimes but she hasn't been coming to school since the Miracle Queen incident and now she's stopped taking my calls and stopped texting back!" Sabrina was becoming panicked. "I know she screwed up but please it wasn't her fault she was tricked and and..." big crocodile tears began to well in the bespectacled girls eyes as she looked up at Paris' hero. "She's my friend, she can be harsh sometimes but when she became Queen Bee it was like something switched in her mind. She started being nicer, doing her school work, stopped bullying others... I know she's not the best person but she's still my friend can you please see if she's ok?" Sabrina begged.
  Ladybug placed a hand on her classmates shoulder and smiled solemnly. "You're a good friend Sabrina, not many would keep faith in someone after an ordeal like that. And you're right it wasn't her fault" Ladybug paused as her ear rings began to beep at her. "I have to recharge but after that I'll go check on her" Ladybug gave the girl a reassuring pat then leapt off into the rooftops to hide and turn back.
  Tikki and Lalamon floated around her.
  "Who is Chloé?" Lalamon asked.
  "A classmate of Marinette and her childhood bully" Tikki sighed.
  "Oh dear" the floating plant eyed her tamer. "And you're really going to help her?"
  "I have to, it's my fault Miracle Queen happened and I've let my past feelings about Chloé cloud my judgement too many times. She's proven time and again that she has what it takes to be a hero and I left her in the wings. She deserves the truth." Marinette clenched her fist as Tikki finished a macaroon ready to transform again.
  "That's very kind of you to go to this trouble for someone who was cruel to you, not many would do that." Lalamon gave a small smile. "I knew you were special the moment I saw you but I'm seeing more and more why you're my tamer."
   The heroine smiled warmly then launched across the rooftops toward the Bourgeois Hotel. Learning from her mistakes Ladybug circled the hotel three times making sure Mayura wasn't snooping around again before she finally landed on the penthouse balcony.
   Lalamon floated up to the roof to keep watch as Ladybug took a few tentative steps forward and looked through the windows. The sight was startling to say the least. Chloé was nowhere to be seen but judging by the state of the room that didn't necessarily mean she wasn't here.
   The bedroom was a mess. Blouses, shoes, make up, pillows, blankets and more than one fallen lamp littered every inch of the room as if the closet had been the victim of a cataclysm. Marinette's breath caught in her throat. Never in her life had she seen Chloé's room this destroyed, even in the middle of an akuma attack. The red and black heroine opened the sliding door and let herself inside wading through the sea of thrown about clothing to sit on the edge of the girls bed. Now that she was inside she could hear the shower running but before Ladybug could have second thoughts the water turned off and Ladybug sighed. It was now or never.
   Chloé was fully dressed when she exited the bathroom though her usual uniform attire had been replaced by a thrown on yellow sweater she had been wearing for the passed day and a half and some black sweat pants. When she saw Ladybug sitting on her bed she barely contained a scream before she caught herself and calmed down. Her eyes narrowed icily but she spoke level and clear.
  "To what do I owe this visit?" She asked coldly.
  Marinette didn't turn to look at her instead choosing to look out the window at the Paris skyline.
   "Sabrina asked me to talk to you, she's worried about you." She stated with as much sincerity as she could muster.
   Chloé seemed surprised by the answer and struggled to keep her stubborn look up.
  "She didn't have to do that, I'm fine" she spat.
  "She cares about you, and judging by the look of this place you are definitely not fine." Ladybug waved her hand over the war zone that was the Bourgeois' room.
  "Yeah well...I just don't see the point in looking my best when I feel my worst." Chloé lamented.
  For the first time Ladybug turned and looked at the other girl taking in fully the state she was in. Hair wet and unkempt in her pony tail, clothes loose and uncoordinated, make up gone not even bothered with, truly this was a version of Chloé Marinette had never dreamed of seeing and it almost broke her heart.
  "Either way I have nothing to talk to you about" Chloé snarled and walked passed her and out onto her balcony.
  "Chloé Wait!" Ladybug followed her.
  "No! I don't have anything to say to you! If you'd rather put your faith in shallow heroes like Rena Rouge and Carapace then go talk with them, I don't need a hero who won't even give me the time of-
  "It was suppose to be you"
  Chloé froze.
  Slowly. Painfully slowly she turned and looked at Ladybug. "What was that?"
  "I was going to choose you that day... when your parents were akumatized." Ladybug stared at her sadly. "I had every intention of calling on you but there was... this boy" Marinette looked away then reached out and took Chloé's hand sitting them both on the lounge chairs of the hotel veranda.
  "A boy?" Chloé looked confused.
  "It's stupid really but even we heroes have crushes" Ladybug sighed wistfully. "Mines name is Adrien Agreste" Marinette could feel Chloé's stare bore into her side. "When I was going to get the Miraculous I saw him and this other girl, Ryuuko... Kagami. They were getting... rather close." Ladybug laughed painfully at the memory. "Something in me took over and I chose the dragon miraculous instead of the bee to separate them and keep them from getting closer." the truth was both painful and freeing as she spoke. "It was a selfish choice and I regretted it as soon as I did it... I'm not perfect I've never been perfect. I've made more mistakes than I can ever count but I don't want one of them to be not giving you the chance you deserve." Ladybug turned to look at Chloé who had been frozen in place absorbing the story. Ladybug. No. Marinette smiled at her. "I'm sorry." There was a long pause. Neither spoke for a time Chloé slowly turned still processing before finally she built up the courage she needed.
  "You don't have to apologize. I screwed up just as much. I let Hawkmoth use me and I mistreated Pollen and everyone else." Chloé's voice was barely above a whisper but she felt ladybug's hand tighten around hers and looked back up.
  "It was my fault, you should never have been put in that position. I should never have made you feel that I didn't trust you." The heroine mumbled back.
  "I guess we both messed up." Chloé chuckled awkwardly looking away again.
  "We did but I still hold myself responsible so... I've come up with a way to reaffirm that I do trust you and want you by my side with the other heroes." Ladybug smiled sadly at the heiress before closing her eyes and with a humble smirk chanting. "Tikki spots off."
  Chloé immediately looked away in shock and covered her face.
  "What are you doing! I'll see your identity!" She snapped.
  "What?" Tikki squeaked looking around just as confused.
  "I know but I trust you." She heard the hero remark.
  "No! No I won't put you in that position" Chloé stated fervently a splash of rose painting her cheeks as she desperately fought her instinct to look.
  "Chloé, look at me."
  "Just transform again, I-
  "Chloé!" Ladybug snapped. The heiress winced at the assured tone in her voice. "Look. At. Me."
  Slow as a glacier Chloé turned lids still closed and with a deep shaky breath... opened her eyes.
  Shock met disbelief met horror met realization as tears began to form in Chloé's eyes. A thousand emotions flashing so fast Marinette could barely process them.
  "You." she finally breathed out after what felt like an eternity.
  "Me." Marinette smiled brightly at her.
  "No, please anything but this" Chloé shook her head. "Anyone but you" she begged.
  "Chloé is it really that bad that it's me?" Marinette asked.
  "It's not that it's you" the girl began to sob. "It's just... if you're Ladybug then that means I've been bullying my hero for years!" Chloé burst into tears and Marinette quickly wrapped her in a warm embrace.
  "Oh Chloé." she held her tight as she sobbed and lightly stroked her hair.
  "Now I get why you didn't give me a miraculous" Chloé sniffled. "If I were you I wouldn't give me one either." She cried.
  "Oh Chloé no! That's not it at all" Marinette pushed Chloé up and held her in front of her so she could look her in the eyes. "Chloé it's exactly because of how we use to be that I wanted you to have a miraculous. Look at how you've changed. In the short time you were Queen Bee you became almost a different person! You're nice to the teachers, you've been nicer to our classmates, you haven't directly caused an Akuma in over a month! Hell you and I haven't argued in weeks! You fought off an akumtization! Even I haven't done that! Chloé I'm amazed at how much you've matured from having the miraculous and I don't want that to stop. I want you to keep getting better. Keep being a hero. But I also have to keep you safe."
   Marinette took Chloé's hands and held them together smiling at the growing light the other girl's eyes. "Everyone in Paris is my responsibility. If anything happened to you because I wasn't a good enough hero I'd never forgive myself. And I know that's a poor excuse but you have to know I do trust and believe in you. So will you trust me?" Marinette asked.
  Chloé could barely contain her tears again and she pulled Marinette into another embrace. "Yes, yes I will I'm sorry. I'll keep getting better I'll make you proud I'll make up for everything I've ever done!"
  "Thank you Chloé" Marinette held her close again letting them enjoy the moment when she felt Chloé stiffen.
  "It's ok Chloé"
  "No it's not that"
  Marinette broke from her trance at Lalamon'a urgent call. She looked out over the city and gasped at the sight of a giant pink fog cloud hanging low over the city just barely below the edge of the penthouse balcony.
  "This fog its..." Marinette gulped.
  "Princess Fragrance." Chloé finished, she'd been on the front of that akuma attack and remembered it well.
   "Oh no I hope Chat wasn't caught up in this!" Marinette looked over the edge but couldn't see into the fog, and every building less than four stories was completely submerged in the gas.
  "The whole city is covered how did she do this with her little squirt gun?" Chloé gawked.
  "She must have a Digimon helping her" Marinette grimaced.
  "I have to go. Tikki!"
  "Wait! Please!" Chloé grabbed her hand as she transformed. "Let me help, you said you wanted me to be a hero right!"
  "Chloé you don't have a miraculous or a Digimon to help you and judging from the height of that cloud my hiding place for the miraculous is covered too so I can't get you one either." Marinette stated sadly. Chloé pouted but let go and Ladybug stepped up to the edge... then paused as she looked down at the cloud. "Is something moving down there?"
  Chloé poked her head over the edge as sure enough a dark shape was blinking around in the cloud. Slowly the small shape came to a stop then rocketed up toward them with a shout.
  "Laaaaadyyyyybuuuuuug!" Plagg yelled flying up to her. "Thank goodness I sniffed you out!" The kwami panted as he came to a stop next to her head.
  "Plagg? Oh no does this mean?"
  "Yeah Chat already got whammied" Plagg groaned. "We had just gotten home when that tidal wave of perfume hit, luckily I'm immune." The tiny cat switched momentarily to a prideful grin before swapping back and holding out the black ring. "I managed to slide this off before he could do anything stupid, figured I might be able to find someone still free who could use it, good thing I found you" the destruction god mewed.
  Ladybug took the ring grinning. "Yeah good thing indeed" she looked at Chloé who blinked then smirked.
  "I guess it's destiny" Marinette held out the ring. "Chloé Bourgeois, this is the miraculous of the black cat, it grants you the power of destruction, you will use it to reduce evil to dust then return it to me. Do you understand?"
   Chloé was practically vibrating as she accepted the ring and squashed down the odd feelings in her chest from being given a ring by Marinette. "Of all the times I imagined Ladybug giving me a ring this was never the way." Chloé slid the ring on.
  "What?" Ladybug blinked.
  "What?" Chloé blinked.
  "Oh great another rich blonde dork." Plagg chuckled quietly. "If you're ready the phrase is claws out." He chuckled.
  "Plagg. Claws out!" Chloé called and Plagg rocketed into the ring and the spell began.
  Chloé felt the skin tight black armor form down her hand and wrap around her body, her muscles pulsed with the familiar feeling of magic power but even more than as Queen Bee. She flexed new claws and glanced at herself in one of her rooms mirrors. In many ways she looked disturbingly like Chat Noir and Lady Noire's love child, her pony tail had extended into a long golden weave like Repunzel but she also sported a more stylish version of Chat's belt tail. Instead of regular cat ears though she had a black bow at the top of the weave that took up their position naturally. She wasn't use to having green eyes but she had to admit it did go well with her lipstick.
  "Are you ready?" Ladybug's mouth tweaked into a determined grin.
  "Oh I'm Purrfect" Chloé snarked.
  "So the puns ARE contagious!" Lalamon called floating down to them.
  "A sad side effect of that miraculous I'm afraid" Marinette laughed as the two transformed their weapons into rebreathers and leapt over the edge.
  "Lalamon will you be ok?" Ladybug asked as the Digimon flew down with them.
  "Perfume is made from plant byproducts so it doesn't effect a plant Digimon like me." Lalamon confirmed as it transformed into Sunflomon.
   The two heroes and the large digimon  landed on the roof tops below leaping across Paris searching for the source. Meanwhile a small shadow peaked from the side of the Bourgeois hotel.
  "It's useless we can't see anything from inside here." Ladybug lamented as they ran through the pink and gold fog.
  "I'll give you a leg up check from above!" Chloé cat put in. The two flipped together Chloé landing on her hands and Ladybug on her partner's feet. Extending their legs together Ladybug was rocketed skyward out of the cloud. She spun her yo-yo to slow her fall like a helicopter blade as she turned about looking for any disturbance in the cloud. She saw little but pink and yellow fog until finally she spotted a billowing of the haze near the Eiffel Tower.
   "There you are." Ladybug descended back to her ally. "She's at the Eiffel Tower." The heroine confirmed and the three set off again. Maneuvering through the cloud of mesmerizing smog was no easy task even with their weapons acting as gas masks they could barely see a few meters ahead of them.
  Eventually the roof tops ran out and they dropped to street level. They weaved about between stopped cars and paralyzed Parisians as they noted the familiar landmarks that showed they had arrived.
  "This is it." Ladybug breathed.
  "Ugh I can't see a thing, cats eyes my butt." Chloé whined trying to squint through the cloud of perfume.
  "I can't see anything either, but it's gotta be-
  Ladybug peered into the fog as a breeze parted it slightly and gasped into her rebreather at the monster she saw.
  Massive thorny vines clung to the Eiffel Tower holding aloft Princess Fragrance as she poured out the massive haze. The vines coiled and coalesced into the back of a massive flower head similar to Sunflomon but much bigger and much more menacing.
   A crooked toothy jaw, heartless eyes and a spiraling pinwheel of sharp beautiful purple flower petals that currently acted like a giant fan spreading the perfume cloud to the far ends of Paris.
   "What is that thing?" Ladybug stepped back on instinct to avoid the piercing eyes of the monster.
  "Blossomon." Sunflomon gulped.
  "Ok it's a-a big flower, s-so what." Chloé tried to sound strong but the hitch in her voice was obvious.
  "It's an ultimate level Digimon." Sunflomon squeaked shaking like a leaf. "I ...I don't know if we can stop it, especially not without Blackgatomon." The plant cowered.
  "We have to." Ladybug grit her teeth.
  "We can take it we just have to fight smart. Blossomon is being controlled by Princess Fragrance, if we take out the akuma we stop the Digimon too."
   Chloé and Sunflomon steeled their resolve. Ladybug was right. It wasnt about how strong the enemy was. The akuma was the victim. They were the one who most needed saving.
  "Ok what's the plan Ladybug?" Chloé stretched her new claws.
    "We can't fight in this cloud but there's a big gap around Rose and her Digimon. I don't think that means they can be effected by it but it does mean we can fight more easily once we get close." Ladybug's eyes darted about scanning the stage for any advantage.
  "Maybe we can attack from above, or keep it distracted and get to Princess Fragrance from a different angle."
  "It can't take us all at once, if we keep it's attention divided we can get her." Chloé braced herself taking a deep breath then taking the staff from her mouth and extending it.
  "You first Sunflomon, get us an opening." Ladybug twirled her yo-yo ready to charge.
  "Got it!" Sunflomon stepped forward and her head began to glow.
  Blossomon turned seeing the light emanating from the cloud. Four smaller flowers unfurled from its vine mass.
  "Spiral Flower!"
    The words of power echoed across the Eiffel grounds followed by the sound of concrete shattering.
  Marinette and Chloé turned in shock as Sunflomon was hit in an instant. One of the four smaller flowers slammed into Sunflomon's torso like a cannon ball!
  "No! Lucky-
  Blossomon narrowed its eyes and two more flowers launched down into the cloud seeking the hero calling out her power.
  Chloé and Ladybug rolled away as the cannon shots cracked the pavement like graham crackers.
  The heroes braced to dodge again but the attack ceased. Blossomon's flowers retracted back to it as quickly as they had fired out. Ladybug pondered for a moment when it struck her.
  "It can't see us either. It knows we're down here but can't abandon its master.
  The hero looked up at the villain above. Princess Fragrance in her part hadn't even seemed to react to her Digimon partner launching wrecking balls into the mist. She continued to spew out more fog. This was new. Ladybug had never seen Princess Fragrance this stoic before, she could only guess at what had happened to make Rose like this.
  Her train of thought bounced track at her name.
  "Ladybug where are you?" Chloé called.
  "Chloé watch out! It'll hear you!" Ladybug immediately rolled sideways as two more cannon shots lanced out at the sounds in the fog.
  Chloé dove aside and rolled into a kiosk knocking over souvenir pamphlets and fliers. Blossomon zeroed in on the disturbance and fired again.
  Two spiraling flowers shot out and smashed the kiosk to pieces as Chloé dodged aside again. The feline fury turned on a dime and dove trying to slash the vine but her claws didn't even leave a mark.
  "Oh come on!" Chloé leapt away as another flower blitzed the grounds.
  The heiress of Paris flew aside almost stumbling into Ladybug as she did so!
  Chloé stifled a yelp as Sunflomon likewise slunk out of the fog near to them.
  "What was that?" Chloé whisper yelled.
  "It can't see us in this cloud any better than we can but it can still hear us." Ladybug whispered back.
  "It's attacks are fast as lightning we can barely dodge and one of them almost KOed your digimon!" Chloé glared at the flower beast as it went back to spinning its petals to spread the cloud more.
  "We have to take out those flowers if we want to get close." Ladybug looked around. She could try her lucky charm but it would probably just spawn another digivice thus forcing her to recharge and there was nowhere safe to transform back here. This was a bind. But they had to try something.
   "Let me be a distraction." Chloé demanded.
  "Are you crazy?" Ladybug glared.
  "You know it's the best way, I'll draw its attention and you and Sunflomon get to Princess Fragrance." Chloé was stalwart in her determination.
  "It would kill you. You saw what those flowers did." Ladybug argued.
  "I stopped a train once remember I can take one of those flowers."
"One maybe but not all four!" Marinette had to stifle herself. Even when she meant well Chloé knew how to drive her up a wall.
  "Please you have to let me try." Chloé begged.
  "No and that's final." Ladybug took her hand again and held it to her. "I will not sacrifice anyone for victory, ever."
  Chloé looked down disheartened.
  "Besides, I can't lose you now when we just started becoming friends." Marinette smiled.
  The blonde smiled brightly at that.
  "So you and I will distract it together." Ladybug smirked.
   "Sunflomon get ready!" Ladybug and Chloé dashed to the left. In a fluid motion they breathed in, took their weapons out and spun a gap in the fog with the force of their vortex then reapplied their rebreathers.
  "Hey flower power over here!" Chloé jeered.
  "Hit us with your best shot!" Ladybug snarled.
  Blossomon glared at them and aimed its flowers. "Spiral flower!"
  The heroines flipped backward wheeling back as the flowers cascaded down like meteors smashing holes in pavement as the two evade the onslaught.
  "Get ready!" Ladybug planted her heals and Chloé braced as the spiraling flowers rushed toward them.
  Hexascale armor carved through concrete as the two heroines were drove backward by the flowers that struck them.
  Ladybug and Chloé caught the spiraling projectiles holding with all their strength as the boring limbs tried to smash them.
  "Hold them as long as you can!" Ladybug grit her teeth as the flower continued to push her backward through the cloud.
  Sunflomon began to charge again aiming at Blossomon and its Tamer.
  Further and further. The drilling vine continued to push at the heroines resolve.
  "Almost!" Sunflomon's charge reached its peak.
  Chloé hit first. Her feet fell out from under her as square gave way to street and with it the other obstacles. The feline heroine went rolling away as the vine shot back to its source.
  "No!" Ladybug cried as she was pushed into a light pole and stunned.
   Blossomon's gaze swiveled to Sunflomon as the smaller plant fired.
  Pew pew pew!
  A triple shot from Princess Fragrance! The villainous mixture catalyzed and exploded as it struck the beam lancing toward them.
  "She moved!" Sunflomon backpedaled only to be hammered by another spiral flower.
  Chloé's roll was finally stopped as she hit a car triggering the alarm and throwing her staff rebreather from her mouth.
  "Wha? Gah!" The heiress dove aside as the car was struck by another flower cannonball.
  Chloé slammed into panic mode. She'd be shut down if she breathed in. Where was her weapon? She looked around. Where had it gone?!?
  "No!" She mentally screamed. She couldn't fail Ladybug now, not after everything!
  But she was running out of air. Please where was it?
  "Looking for this my queen?" A voice buzzed.
  Chloé looked up and had to fight the urge to either gulp, gag, or shriek as her staff was handed to her by a giant blue faced bee.
  "T-thank you?" Chloé took the staff and placed it in her mouth as she stared at the creature buzzing down to float just off the ground in front of her.
  It had matte yellow chitinous armor all over its body and a sting in its head just above where its visor opened revealing a round blue face with tiny cute black eyes.
  "You're Queen Bee aren't you?" The bee Digimon asked.
  "Uh yeah? How did you?" Chloé blinked in confusion.
  "I knew it! I wasn't sure when I saw you in this weird cat suit but seeing you fight I knew you had to be the queen I've been waiting for!" The Digimon cheered as it floated to the ground and bowed.
  "I am Honeybeemon, at your service my queen."
  "Honeybeemon? You're so... cute!" Chloé barely contained her squeal as she picked up the bee Digimon and hugged it.
  "My very own Digimon and you're the cutest thing ever! And totally my style your colors are great!" Chloé twirled with the giggling Digimon.
  "Chloé? Where are you?"
  "Over here ladybug!" Chloé whisper yelled drawing Ladybug through the fog to the duo.
  "Who is this?" Ladybug asked looking at the Digimon.
  "Ladybug this is Honeybeemon! He's my new Digimon partner!"
  "Another one huh welcome to the human world." Ladybug nodded.
  "Lovely to be here." The digi bee answered as Sunflomon met them too.
  "Oh a fellow insect plant type, finally someone relatable." Sunflomon chuckled.
  "I'm sure you'll be big help." Ladybug smiled. "Time for the finishing touch. Lucky charm!"
  In a flash of red out of Blossomon's range the energy built up and formed.
  "Huh?" Ladybug's heart sank as a set of car keys landed in her hand.
  "What? Why wasn't it a digivice?" Marinette's mind raced.
  "Is that thing you had earlier a Digivice? Are they important?" Chloé asked.
  "Yes they help Digimon digivolve into higher levels." Ladybug explained.
  "We don't need it I'm already at the armor level!" Honeybeemon said proudly.
  "Armor? Is that above or below champion?" Ladybug questioned.
  "Above! I'm at the level between champion and ultimate and I can stay in this form all I want." The digi bee bragged.
  "Of course! Only the best for Queen Bee!" Chloé smirked then sweat dropped. "Whenever I'm Queen Bee again and not... this form."
  "If it makes you feel better you fit that costume as well as Chat Noir does." Ladybug giggled as she shifted back to her serious position.
  "Ok there's four of us now, which means."
  "One for each flower." The heroes and their Digimon turned to the Eiffel Tower rising out of the fog.
  "All we need." Ladybug looked at the car key in her hand and pressed her thumb to the alarm button. "Is a little distraction."
  Blossomon almost jumped as suddenly the surrounding fog erupted with a symphony of alarms as every car in the streets began to blare its safety sirens!
  "Spiral flower!" Is cried in panic firing at the invisible enemies smashing cars to pieces with its flowers! It launched its flowers in every direction trying to quiet the cacophony! But more lights and alarms sounded making the massive Digimon swivel in place trying to find all the targets. It's attacks slowed. There were so many. Why wouldn't they stop?
  Blossomon prepared to fire again that's when it saw the shadow.
  Blossomon's eyes shot upward as the black clad heroine dove from the beams above.
   "Cataclysm!" Chloé cried slamming her hand onto one flower! The king exploded into rotten mulch as Blossomon howled in pain.
  "Sunshine beam!" Sunlight burst from the cloud obscured by the blinking lights of the cars and destroyed another flower.
  "Honey stinger!" The sunny yellow Digimon flew in from behind smashing through the other flower on the left side.
  "And one more!" Ladybug called swinging in with her yo-yo and slashing the last flower with a spinning attack!
  Blossomon shrieked in dismay as its weapons were destroyed. Princess Fragrance stumbled and wobbled as Blossomon reeled back its thorny tendrils coming loose from the Eiffel tower's supports.
  "Let's end this!" Ladybug called flipping back as Chloé leapt in. The red hero grabbed her partner and swung her around throwing her toward the digital menace.
  Chloé smashed her staff into the titanic flower forcing it to hurl its charge as it reeled from the damage.
  Princess Fragrance went flying with a shriek.
  "Honeybeemon the gun!" The feline ordered.
  "Yes my queen! Honey stinger!" The Digimon careened through the air and shattered the perfume bottle as it flew by sending the akuma spinning away in the process.
  Princess Fragrance screamed as she fell.
  "Oh no Rose!" Ladybug drew her yo-yo.
  "I got her!" Chloé called sprinting across the square. The feline heroine dashed as fast as she could and dove at the falling girl.
    The empowered Chloé snatched the akumatized Rose from the air and rolled to safety.
  "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug called lashing the butterfly and releasing its purified form.
  "Bye bye little butterfly."
  With one final howl of dismay Blossomon disappeared and in its place a much smaller Digimon appeared. A small red headed flower Digimon.
  Princess Fragrance likewise vanished and Rose appeared in Chloé's arms.
  "Huh?" The tiny blonde squeaked. "What happened?"
  "You got akumatized but we saved you don't worry." Chloé smiled as warmly as she could but her resolve faltered quickly as Rose stared at her.
  "Who are you?" She asked.
  "Huh oh uh I'm quee I mean..." Chloé fumbled quickly for words. "I'm... Femme Fatale." She settled proudly.
  "Femme Fatale? Where's Chat Noir?"
  "He... needed a cat nap, I'm just temporary." Femme Fatale sweated as her ring beeped at her. She set Rose down safely.
  "Gotta bug out." She quickly added running to Ladybug.
  "Miraculous Ladybug!" The hero of Paris called as the leapt away the city being cleared of perfume around them.
   The duo and their Digimon landed back on the Bourgeois Hotel on Chloé's balcony as they both transformed back.
  "Not bad for a first timer." Plagg chuckled as he floated over to Tikki. "If I ever need a new chosen I'll keep you in mind."
  "Thanks but I think I prefer my usual hero form, I feel like I got a hair ball." Chloé responded taking the ring off. "Here." She handed the magical item to Marinette without complaint.
  "Thank you Chloé I knew you had it in you."
  "No, thank you for giving me another chance, even if I didn't deserve it." Chloé rubbed her arm awkwardly trying not to meet her idol's eyes.
  "Chloé look at me." Marinette ordered once more.
  Chloé begrudgingly looked at the hero.
  "Nobody is perfect, but learning from our mistakes is the next best thing, and if you keep learning and getting better... I'll make sure you get a miraculous again." Marinette smirked.
  "Eeee thank you thank you thank you!" Chloé leapt over and hugged Marinette who yelped and immediately fell over as the kwamis and Digimon laughed.
  Plagg snatched his ring from Marinette's hand and flew off as the girls got back up and noticed the light.
  A small glow emerged from Marinette's hip and she pulled out her digivice.
  "Whats it doing now?" Chloé asked as the digivice reacted.
  In a burst of light and color a second bright yellow digivice appeared in front of Chloé.
  "My own digivice!" She cheered taking the treasure.
  Marinette glared at the item in her hand.
  "You could just make those this whole time? Why have you been wasting my lucky charms?!?" She scolded the inanimate object.
    "Digivices have many functions I guess." Tikki offered with a small giggle.
  "Well it's main function is giving me a headache." The baker's daughter sighed repocketing the device.
  With that Marinette waited a moment for Chloé to get Tikki a treat from the room service then she transformed and swung home once more.
  "Plagg?" Adrien called as the kwami flew in his bedroom window. "Where have you been I woke up and you were gone." The model said a tinge of fear in his voice.
  "You got wammied so I had to go to Ladybug for help, don't worry I made sure to tell her how inept you were in an emergency." The cat kwami snickered tossing the ring to Adrien.
  The young hero returned the ring to his hand where it belong throwing a scowl at his kwami. "You better not be slandering my good name to Ladybug."
  "What good name? I've never heard one." The kwami laughed.
  "Oh really! We'll see about that!" Adrien leapt over his couch trying to grab the kwami who squealed and flew away. Blackgatomon cackled from the balcony as the two chased eachother around the room soothing piano playing in the background.
  As the school bell rang the next day Chloé stepped up to to front of the class.
  The heiress bowed lower than anyone in the room had ever seen her and spoke clearly.
  "I'm sorry, I've been a terrible classmate up till now and I need to be better. I've made a lot of mistakes and I can't make up for them all at once but I'd like to say from now on I'm going to try to be a better person. It's what Ladybug would want." She said to the shock and awe of the entire room.
  Whispers immediately began to erupt across the room.
  "Is she for real?"
  "What happened."
  "Where's the real Chloé?"
  "Has she been akumatized?"
  The whispers only quieted when Marinette Dupain-Cheng stood up and walked up to the front to place her hand on Chloé's shoulder.
  "Thanks for that Chloé, I'm sure the entire class looks forward to the new you." She smiled.
  "Thanks Dupa-... Marinette... thanks Marinette." She returned the smile which of course threw the class into another stunned silence that these two life long rivals. Whom some in the class had known to be at war from the age of six. Were now burying the hatchet infront of everyone. As the girls returned to their seats and class started Marinette smiled.
  Things were gonna get interesting from now on.

Author Note: I don't care what Thomas Awstruk says Chloé is not beyond redemption and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

Second author note: if at any point you think it looks like I'm shooting for the Mari Harem ending, you're right and I will also fight anyone about that too, girl deserves all the love.

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