The Return

By HedaCanaryTargaryen

6.7K 296 57

A fan fiction of TV series The 100 SPOILER WARNING: There are some spoilers for season 7 Trigger Warning for... More

Part 2 | Do I know you?
Part 3| Back to the real world
Part 4.5 | Bardo Time Everybody! Part 1
Bardo Time Everybody!|Part 2
Part 6|Welcome to Bardo.
Old Lovers vs. New| part 7
Part 8|The Reunion.
Part 9| Killing Cadogan
Forever After
The Link for the Sequel of The Return

Part 1| The Entry

1.2K 34 7
By HedaCanaryTargaryen

Madi's POV
Location: Bunker
  As Madi stabbed herself with the sword she felt an incredible pain immediately rush through her body. She groaned when the pain stopped, coughing as though the wind had been knocked out of her. She had felt quite a lot of pain in her lifetime but this hurt 10 times more then anything she had ever felt. She felt the warm black blood soak her hands. She remembered what Clarke had told her to do if she was ever bleeding a lot "Now remember Madi, if you're bleeding a lot"Clarke said. Madi cut Clarke off before she could finish her sentence and in unison they said "hold pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding." She smiled at that memory as she started to hold pressure on her wound.

  While holding pressure on her stomach Madi looked around, she saw a green light all around her. She was very interested in this light and found the way it moved somewhat soothing. She wanted to touch the light but was afraid of what it might do to her. As soon as she worked up the courage to touch the fascinating green light it started to fade away.

Location: Bardo

  As the light dissipated she found her self in a large white room where she saw the Anomaly. She noticed the intricate pattern with hundreds of different symbols that covered the Anomaly. She tried to stand up but her stomach still hurt from being stabbed, she looked down "There's no blood." She said. A door on the other side of the long room opened and she noticed all the guards with helmets and masks but they didn't scare her as much as the man in the middle. "Yes Madi, we took the liberty of healing your wound for you so no need to worry." The man in the middle said. The soldiers quickly got in formation on each side of the man. "Who are you?" She asked. "Well most call me The Shepherd but you can call me Cadogan." Cadogan said. Cadogan motioned for the soldiers to raise their guns and point them at her.

   Madi quickly put her hands up in the air not wanting to be shot. "What's going on wh- why did you send Sheidheda after my friends?" She asked. "Because the key is in your head you have buried the answers deep in your memories and I won't stop until I get them." Cadogan said. "Guards take her to M-cap" Cadogan barked at his guards. "Yes my Shepherd" all 6 guards said in unison. The guards went to grab Madi and she immediately started fighting as hard as she could "What are you doing get off of me!" She yelled and kicked at the guards trying get free. Eventually one of the guards hit her on the back of the head with the butt of their gun. Once the gun came in contact with her head everything became black.

Location: M-cap room

When Madi wakes up she finds herself on a chair in a fairly small room, with Cadogan standing over her and another man standing by the door. She tries to move her arms but they're strapped in tightly to the chair. "What are you doing to me? What is this?" She exclaimed. The other man walked over to her. "Madi, there is no need to worry. This room is called the m-cap room, and we use it to capture memories from people." The other man said. She started to get really scared and tried to pull her arms out of the restraints "No No No No No you are not torturing me!" She yelled. The other man tried to calm her down. "Madi it- it's okay, the operation will not hurt unless you fight it." The man said. She started to calm down, she liked this guy but she didn't know why. The other man started to smile at her. "You're okay Madi. I believe I haven't even told you my name yet?" The man said. She shakes her head no. "Okay well my name is Levitt, and in a minute we will get started." Levitt seemed nice she thought. I can see why Octavia likes him. Levitt walks over to her. "Alright Madi we are ready!" Levitt says with a smile. Cadogan walks over to her. "Don't fight it I don't want to hurt you." Cadogan said with a false smile. She really doesn't like Cadogan after all he has tried to hurt her family multiple times. Levitt pulls up the controls for M-cap and starts to turn it on. "Alright Madi, first question." Levitt said. "You're in an endless desert with a vast purple sky. A hand reaches out for your own... whose is it?" Levitt said. She was about answer this question until she felt a horrible stinging in her neck. "Ahhhh make it stop make it stop!!!" She screamed in pain. "Levitt stop it. Stop what you're doing!" Screamed Cadogan."I can't sir it's not me who is doing it!" Said Levitt who was frantically trying to figure out what was wrong. She eventually passed out from the pain.

Location: Unknown

When she finally woke up she didn't recognize where she was. She was in a long hallway that kind of looked like the bunker. She looked down the hallway and that's when she saw her. A woman dressed as a warrior covered with blood and bodies all around her feet. Madi was a bit afraid to go up and talk to her but she decided to anyway. The woman spotted her and immediately became on guard and had her swords in her hands. "Hey woah woah woah wait! Where are we?" Madi said trying to stay on the woman's good side. "The city of light" the woman said emotionlessly. "Ok... well who are you? Why am I here? Why do I feel like I know you?" Madi was confused and rightfully so. "You ask a lot of questions. I knew someone like that once." the woman said. Suddenly images started flashing in Madi's head of her Mom. Madi was almost overwhelmed with all of the things going on in her mind. "Clarke" Madi said. The woman looked up with surprise. "How do you know that name?" The woman said.
      End of Part 1

If you read this thank you! If you enjoyed let me know and I will be making more parts they just take a while to get out. Have any tips on how I can make the story better feel free to let me know.


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