Slytherin Tears

By MalfoyFamily_

376K 8.4K 11K

From the good to the bad, everyone's favorite Slytherin princess, Rowan Bailey; seems like princess, isn't so... More

Trigger Warnings/Mature Content
1. Rowan Bailey
2. Truth or Drink
3. Morning After
4. Wood
5. Lucky Guy
6. Detention Hand
7. Welcoming Party
8. Last Night
9. Promise
10. No Expression
11. Get Out
12. Just Swallow
14. You're Hurting Me
15. A Fight
16. Scared of Me Now
17. Spin the Bottle
18. Middle of Nowhere
19. A Crush
20. Merry Christmas
21. Look at Her
22. Millions of Words
23. Take It Off
24. No You Didn't
25. She Won't Forget
30. To Admit It
31. To The Task.
32. Sweet Dreams
33. The Full Truth
34. Both Be Crying Next
35. My Dream Girl
36. You Love Her
37. I'll Still Wait
38. What We Are
40. Don't Touch Me
Slytherin Tears

13. Good at This Game

10.1K 227 421
By MalfoyFamily_

Rowan Bailey

 "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I feel Lena shaking me.

I mumble some words. What the fuck does she want?

I feel her pocking my cheek, "Guess what I did-?" she sings.

Even Blaise and Draco were in my room, Blaise sat on my bed while Draco stayed by the door.

I mumble more words and turn to face the other way. "Oh come on." I feel Blaise rub my back in circles. 

Lena starts singing, closely in my ear, "Pansy has- some new shampoo-"

I immediately open my eyes and turn to face them, up on my elbows, "No-," I gasp.

"Well come on-" Blaise pulls me by my arm, getting up, trying to get me out of bed, "Get up, get dressed!"

"Nooo." I groan and turn my back on them again.

"She'll be down soon-" Lena pulls my arm as well. 

I sight lowly, "Will you carry me?"

No one ended up carrying me, which I'm still sad about. I got ready while they all waited outside the room for me, it was only ten but felt like six in the morning. I let my head lean on Blaise's arm while he held onto my shoulder, so I wouldn't fall. Lena kept shaking me, trying to wake me up. Draco walked behind us, not saying a word. Not that I wanted him to.

I wait on the common room couch for a ginger Pansy. I'm hoping whatever Lena did works.

"Lena?" I ask while she plays with my hair, as I rest my head on her lap, "What exactly did you- do?"

"You mean us?" Draco adds.

I look at him for a second, the same green eyes as always, looking back at me. I gave him no expression, then I looked back up at Lena, as she still moved her fingers around my hair.

Lena explains while looking down, "So- I bought it, then we all woke up way too early, Draco unlocked the door- while putting a charm spell for them not to hear us; while they were sleeping. Blaise- adds the product-um- no- more like I add the product-"

"Hey!" Blaise puts his hands out, above his shoulders, "It's not my fault I have unsteady hands." He defends.

We all chuckle a little, "Yeah, yeah. After that we all-" Lena stops at the sound of a scream, It was high pitch and almost deathly. It made us all jump and look at each other.

I sit up to look around the common room. Everyone was confused, standing around and looking at each other.

Stomps come down from the stairs, "here it comes." Blaise snorts.

Each stomp made the wooden stairs creak, the stomps soon became louder as it got closer. Everyone stood around just waiting for whatever it was to come down, and soon enough it did.

Pansy Parkinson- I mean Weasley.

Her hair was nothing but that bright ginger look, it looked awful with her brown eyebrows. I couldn't stop but try to hold in my laugh. She had deathly eyes of anger as her eyebrows frown.

I stood up, "Ah Miss. Weasley- ain't it?" I crossed my arm, smilingly at her. Students start to laugh and try to hold in their chuckles. What did everyone expect? The cut on my face is going to last longer.

I walk to stand in front of Pansy. Lena was standing right beside me. "That is so your color," Lena smiled, I could see Blaise and Draco laughing from the corner of my eye.

She didn't seem quite to happy, as much as I know I shouldn't do this, this felt right "Fucking, bitch!" She spat and took her wand out, sending a The Knockback Jinx spell.

I was glad to have my wand in the back of my pocket. I spell for it to bounce back at her. Making it hit her instead. She flew back, landing on the floor behind her. 

"Awesome," I hear Lena whisper in surprise, "I didn't see that coming." She chuckles, seeing Pansy down on the floor.

"Yeah," I look at her, my hands crossed again, "me neither."

She's quick to wrap her arm around me. We start walking out of the common room, with everyone watching after us, "How does breakfast sound?" She smiles.

I happily sigh, "Sounds great."

It's a relief really, even if Pansy is already figuring out how to ruin my face next, I'm happy I somewhat did something.

Revenge isn't so bad, right? 

We got the day off from the quidditch game today, even if I hardly ever go; I was glad I did today.

Oliver walks towards me after the game, "Admit it, I was good." He smiles at me. From his quidditch uniform, messy hair, and flustered cheeks; he really is perfect.

But Gryffindor won, I wasn't too surprised, I know Harry is pretty good; Draco must be devastated right now. 

Even if it wasn't my house, I was still somewhat happy for them. I sigh in disbelieve, "I guess." I'm just teasing him at this point.

"You guess?" He lovely smirks, making a laugh come afterwards.

I laugh as he comes down to kiss me, while I go on my tippy-toes.


I drop off my tippy-toes as a flash goes off, I look to my right, and back at Oliver, "Uh- who's that?" I ask, confused.

"Colin Creevey," he says to me, before talking to the boy, "Hey Colin, can I get that picture afterwards?"

The boy gives him a thumbs up, "Sure thing!" he says excitedly. 

I smile at how adorable he is, small, Gryffindor scarf, curly blond hair, pinkish cheeks, with his shiny smile.

He runs toward the Gryffindor crowd, celebrating their win, "Shouldn't you be celebrating?" I look back at him, as he was already looking at me.

"Oliver come-"

"Oi, Oliver!"

"Yeahhh!" Is all I hear from the crowd.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" I wave as I turn away, walking out of the field.

"Wait!" I hear Oliver behind me. I turn with my arms crossed from the cold. He seemed to blush, "Do you want to come to the party afterwards, just to have some- fun? It's in the Gryffindor common room. You don't have to if you don't-"

"I'll be there." I stop him before he could nervously keep rambling, it was cute, though. I smile and walk out, as he walks back to the crowd of cheering Gryffindors.

"Damm.....okay, princess. I see you." Lena hyped me up from across the room, I can see her looking at me from the mirror.

I turn to look at myself from all different angles. I wore a velvet red, silky, mini-short dress. It was a perfect fit, showing the perfect amount of leg and curves. Fuck- I love this dress.

"It's not too much, right?" I turn around and look at Lena. She sat on her bed, writing a letter. Her eyes look up, "Are you kidding? You look hot, it's perfect." She smiled before looking back down at the letter, I felt anxious.

I've never been to a Gryffindor party, what if it's not the same? Gosh, this is so annoying. I turn back around to look at it, even more, feels like I hate it the more I look at it.

It's like it's perfect, yet it's not. I love it, but now I hate it. I'm overthinking. Gosh, I hate when I do that.

I feel a push on my head. I look down and see it's a pillow. Lena scoffs, "Well aren't you going to get that?" Get what?  I scrunch up my nose but then hear knocking on the door, Lena sighs, "Never mind, then." She gets up, and I watch from the mirror. I grab some lip gloss, just to add for fun.

Lena opens the door and sits back down on her bed. It was Draco, who walked in.

He barges in, but stopping when he saw me, he almost froze for a quick second, "Oh- hi." He clears his throat. I could see him staring through the mirror, I don't give him any satisfaction.

"Did you need something?" Lena interrupts his staring. I turn my head to look at him, still staring. Now our eyes were staring at each other.

He doesn't move his eyes away from mine, "I need my notes back." He stops and looks down, as his hands stayed inside his pant pockets, "The once you borrowed, for potions class, I'll like them back." He looks at Lena, still facing me.

"I gave them to Blaise-"

"Blaise doesn't have them." He hisses back.

Lena shrugs, but I walk to my desk till I find a dark, black notebook, "He gave them to me afterwards." I walk to Draco, "here." I hand it over as he takes it. Blaise never gave them to me. He left them at the common room and I forgot to give it back to him. This usually always happens with our friend group.

"Thanks-" he said almost as he was unsure. It felt weird with him just looking at me. I'm still ignoring him, and I know he's trying to do the same.

I look at Lena. She rolls her eyes as she sees Draco is still here. I try not to laugh, but it slowly just happened, it always does in awkward situations for me.

I look back at Draco, he's now smiling, yet still looking at me. I clear my throat to make him stop staring.

"You can go now," Lena assures.

I bite my lower lip, looking everywhere but his eyes. "Um- yeah- thanks-" he nudged his head towards me, and I just nod with a low wave. And just like that, he's gone. Finally.

Lena laughs hysterically as soon as the door shuts behind him, I join in. "He's madly in love with you—merlin, when will you give him a chance already?"

I scoff annoyingly, crossing my arms looking back at myself in the mirror, "Yeah, yeah. We're still not talking-"

"Still?" She says in a somewhat shocking way. "Gosh, you sure know how to get him falling over for you." She chuckles a little more, "has it ever a cured to you, to give him a chance or-?"

I scoff, sitting down on her bed, "I'm not giving in, it's Draco Malfoy for merlin sakes. I've known him longer than anyone, why should I?"

"Why?!" She screams, "The kid is in love with you-" she lowers down her voice.

I roll my eyes, "You say that, but you don't know that. He has his- um- type." I try not to smile.

"Pansy-" Lena lets out, slapping her hand onto her mouth.

We both look at each other before hysterically dying of laughter. I love Draco, but no.

I made it to the Gryffindor common room, everyone was fancy, so I didn't feel out of place. I spot Oliver making a speech to the quidditch team, with his red cup in the air. I hope he's not drunk without me.

Our eyes meet and I wave as they do, "I'll be back- hold on." I hear him. I look around and see the common room looks somewhat like ours does at parties. They definitely had a nicer common room, but I couldn't say that.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, "Wow, you look wow," I hear Oliver whisper in my ear, he kisses my shoulder before turning me around. 

I hold his neck with his hands still on my waist, he kisses my lips. I can taste a bit of alcohol but nothing I've never tasted already. "You don't look so bad yourself." I smile as he comes down for another kiss, making it longer this time.

He hugs me when we both let go, "who's ready to get fucked up tonight!" I hear someone yell across the room. Everyone cheers and parties, Oliver lifts his cup in the air, holding me closer by my waist. Maybe this is better than a Slytherin party.

"Come, I want to introduce you to some of my friends." He says loud enough for me to hear over the music.

We walk to the back of the room, hand in hand; passing by people laughing, dancing, and who knows what. It was packed with people, people I didn't know. I haven't even seen one person from my year.

I only recognize some Weasley's, the twins and the younger sister. Other than that, everyone seemed unknown, really.

We make it to a group of people sitting around a table, cups all over the floor while they all laugh at something. I sit on the couch, next to Oliver; he held onto me by my waist. He introduced me to Bella, Leo, and Nate; they almost all seemed nice. Again, almost all.

Leo was a dark blackish hair boy, he wore a ton of rings that kept catching my eyes. His hair was hanging over his forehead on both sides, he was nice, but not a big talker; shy even.

Bella was a blonde, beautiful-girl. She has brown eyes and wore a white dress just to get everyone's attention. She seemed, smart; yet not so nice. 

Nate was cracking jokes, here and there. He made me feel more welcome, and he was actually really nice. His blonde hair was short, but not super short; hanging over his forehead. Feels like I've never actually seen any of these people before.

Bella kept giving me weird looks, but I brushed it off as it was probably nothing. "So you're the girl that's dating Oliver, hmm?" Bella looks at me, trying to study my face. I nod as she continues, "I thought u could do better, Oliver." She looks at him before gives me a fake smile, without teeth. I look at Oliver. She sure seems nice.

Oliver pulls me closer to him, by the waist "Bella, stop-" He gives her nothing but a disgusting look, one I've never seen.

"Bella-" Nate tries to talk.

"What! I'm just being honest, aren't we all?"

I look around, "So, what are we playing?" I try to change the topic of how ugly I am.

She looks at me up and down; disgustingly, "Truth or dare, heard of it, princess?"

"Bella, seriously stop it." Oliver started to sound more irritated.

"What? I'm just making a friend." She says as it's nothing, I get a hold of Oliver's cup and take a drink out of it. It wasn't too strong, his alcohol game wasn't strong; sorry bae.

"Do you have any? You're clearly not very good at it." I scoff, with a fake smile back.

She fakes a laugh, "Roach, right? Truth or Dare?"

I bite the inside of my cheek. Whatever I say, I know she'll have fun with it, "Dare." I say without thinking. 

"I dare you to make out with Cormac. Cormac McLaggen." she points to him. 

It's almost as she knew how annoyed I get from him, "No." Oliver and I say instinct. We look at each other and try to softly smile.

"Fine," she rolls her eyes, till they land back on me, "truth or dare...Oliver." She says like she hasn't already thought about it.

He takes a sip from his red cup, "Dare."

She looks at me, then back at him, taking a sip from her cup, "I dare you to make out with me."

I seriously never wanted this game to be over so fast, why did we even start this.

I look at Leo, wording to me, 'Sorry about her'. He was sitting next to Bella, gripping his cup tightly, and veins were popping from his hand. I give him a soft smile. 

Oliver seemed over the edge at this point, "No." he held my waist tighter, and I just hold onto his knee.

"Bella," I look at her innocently, "truth or dare?" I make sure to smile, just as fake.

She seemed surprised but brushed it off, bringing her attitude back, "Dare."

"I dare you to stop being a whore, and find yourself a boyfriend. If anyone really wants you-"

Gasps and chuckles can be heard all around the group, Oliver hides himself, in my shoulder, trying not to laugh. "I like this girl." I hear Nate go.

I bite my lip, seeing as she's frowning her eyebrows, staring me down. I give her more; this isn't over just yet.

I get a hold of the back of Oliver's neck and kiss him. I could hear people cheering, clapping, and laughing over the music. I feel both of Oliver's hands hold onto my waist; I stop and look at her. I wink before making out with Oliver again. Fuck I'm so good at this game-

The party ended up with me, holding onto Oliver. He got a bit too drunk, and I took him to his room; Leo actually helped me. He was hanging around both our shoulders, as we drag him away from the party.

We drop him back on his bed, as he's plastered. I sit on his bed, watching as he's already sleeping. His relaxed, angelic face. Cherry-pink lips parted, as his breathing matched the rhythm of my heartbeat. His hand slowly held onto mine, making me smile. 

"I'm sorry about Bella," Leo is quick to interrupt my thought. I look at him as he laid up against the bed frame. Looking sincerely sorry. 

I give him a small smile, "You don't need to apologize-"

He sighs, scratching the back of his head, "I know- it's just, she's very protective of Oliver. He's like, family to- to us. You know?" 

I look back at Oliver, "Yeah- I get it." I fix Oliver's hair as my other hand is still holding onto his, "He's never meeting my friends."

"Just as protective?" I hear Leo ask.

I look at him, a chuckle comes out of my mouth, "Probably worse-"

"You know, Oliver's lucky to have you- he talks about you all the time."

I can't stop but feel a smile come up to my face, watching Oliver sleep, "Good things, I hope."

"Yeah- good things."

Aw! Thoughts? You'll see these characters soon!! ;)

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