METANOIA | Joel Dawson

By project_deceiver

187K 6.6K 15.2K

COMPLETED | ❝ We met at the end of the world, and sat hand in hand as the stars went out. ❞ ━ to where... More

oo. prologue
i. a settlement of solace
ii. disrupted slumber
iii. where thrill fills our lungs
iv. journey towards existence
v. a game of instincts
vi. the creatures that lurks
vii. mystic lights in the north
viii. the heart skips as the soul is pulled
ix. no paint splashed the canvas
x. caution amidst merriment
xii. swimming in the river of tomorrow
xiii. spun in a cycle of befuddlement
xiv. millions of emotions in a single curse
xv. the churn of seeking
oo. epilogue

xi. melancholy found in petrichor

6K 269 817
By project_deceiver

━━ 彡。༉༄˚✧ ━━

TINY RAINDROPS. Smell of wet grass. Sound of the water droplets. Those are three of the things that makes Aurora feel at ease. It was these things that made her relax. The things that freed her mind from negative thoughts and clouded it with relaxing conceptions. It was like taking a step back and just feeling laid back. Nothing to rush. Nothing to force. Nothing to stress. All the worries and problems seemed to slowly dissolve and just felt peaceful.

And as the loud roar of the rains' lion struck, also came along the pompous howl of delight from the boy much more ecstatic than the thunder. It seemed as though that the battle between the radiant boy and the colossal monster has brought the former and his comrades in a state of bliss.

Erratic breathing joined in on the beating of Aurora Kingsley's heart as together she ran, hand in hand with Joel Dawson, under the superfluous showcase of powers by Zeus. No care in the world about the absence of dry on their skin as all of them were drenched from head to toe with the rain that came along their much awaited celebration.

Upon finding shelter under a small abandoned shop. Boy shook his head to remove the presence of water on his skin which was quickly followed by Joel following his movements, earning a huge beam from Aurora due to his dorky action.

“Wow!” Joel grinned, overwhelmed. “You know I've never felt the rain in seven years. It's pretty cool.”

The girl closed her eyes for a moment and just relived the short memory of being very much alive. She was happy, well, she always was when she's with Joel, but this was a different type of happy. It was the type that made you feel light and have no single worry in the world. Soaking you with a bright light that causes you to just want to smile with every second that passes.

“Hey guys, do you think I'm crazy?” Joel questioned out of the blue. “Coming all this way?”

That made Aurora contemplate things on her side of the journey. Do you think I'm crazy? Coming all this way? Those words seemed to repeat on her mind, making her wonder if she herself was crazy to come all this way just because of something so confusing.

No. Her answer was no. She wasn't out of her mind to do such thing. But rather, she was gumptious. It was neither only because of her love for Joel nor was it due to just wanting to get outside of the bunker. But because she also had things to settle for herself. It was a journey of contemplating and a journey of changing. A journey of looking at different perspectives and have an eyeopening realization towards things. Because no one else would do it for you than yourself.

Hello,” A feminine yet robotic voice called out from behind the trio. Cutting all of them off from their own reveries. The threesome looked at where the sound came from and decided to go investigate. Joel leading them with security, keeping his hand on Aurora's arm and placing her behind him for protection.

Finding the source of the sound, they also found a low shine of light which quickly turned brighter upon their arrival. They were flabbergasted. In a state of shock as they couldn't believe their eyes on what they were currently seeing.

No way.” The french brunette whispered in wonder followed by the boy's own remark, “Holy shit,”

“You're alive,” Joel said and quickly fumbled with his words. “I mean . . . you're on.”

The sitting, advanced artificial intelligence, faced them with a somewhat happy vibe. “I have fifty-one minutes of power left,” Said her enthusiastic robotic voice. “What are your names?”

“Uh, I'm . . . Joel,” The boy said and fought off a smile that was taking place on his face. “My name's Joel.”

“Hello, Joel! I am so pleased to meet you,” The advanced technology said. “What about you, young lady?”

Aurora who was still recovering from shock snapped her attention to the robot and let a smile go to her face. “Oh, it's Aurora. Aurora Kingsley.”

“Hello, Aurora! I am so pleased to meet you,” Said the voice again, with the same amount of enthusiasm as she was greeting Joel, repeating the line that was programmed to her systems when she encounters a person. “My name is Mav1s. But if you were to write it out. You would write it with a one, and not an ‘I’.”

“Yeah, I know,” Joel said proudly and crouched down to its height.

Aurora stealthily followed his movements and crouched beside him. “Well, I mean Joel has never failed to mention that on a great number of times so why wouldn't I know that too.”

This earned a warning glare from Joel but she just gave him an innocent smile back with a teasing flying kiss. The boy turned back around to Mav1s and tried to hide the grin that he had. He was even more lucky since it was dark and the blush that he had was not visible.

“You are both familiar with the Mav1s line, delightful!”

It was like seeing someone who has passed come back to life, Joel couldn't take his eyes off the artificial intelligence in front of him. “You guys were supposed to be like the next amazing thing. I can't believe I'm talking to one.”

“But if you were to write it out. You would write it with a one, and not an ‘I’.” Mav1s repeated, making Aurora snicker at Joel's confused expression.

“Yeah,” The boy just replied while giving the bot a thin lipped smile. “You said that.”

“Years ago,” The robot glanced at her legs and the duo was shocked to see it gone. “I was bitten in half by something I did not get a chance to name.”

The robots' tone suddenly had a scintilla of sadness. “I called upper safety and powered down. Hoping someone would one day find me,” And then just like a light switch being flicked on, her sadness dispersed and was replaced with her usual enthusiasm. “And here you are!”

The boy chuckled in amazement and brought a smile to his lips. “This is amazing.”

“Aurora and Joel, besides conversing with me, which I am eternally grateful. May I ask why the both of you were doing outside your colony?”

This received an exaggerated reply from Aurora. “Ha! Take that you loser, my name was said first.”

“Rory, no one cares if their names were said first or not. Maybe Mav1s was just programmed to say them alphabetically.” Joel commented which earned a scoff from the girl.

“Whatever.” Aurora huffed.

The boy just rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the robot. “Oh and, yeah, um,”

Mav1s made an expression on her face and then tilted her head. “Did you steal food?”

“No,” Joel deadpanned. “No, I– we didn't, steal any food.” He continued then nodded his head. “I'm actually on a quest; to find a girl.”

“Why Joel, a lovely lady has caught your eye,” Mav1s exclaimed in a delightful manner. “What is her name?”

“Uh, her name's Aimee,” Joel said with a small smile. “With one I and two E's.”

While this conversation occured, Aurora just stayed silent. She didn't speak any word. Joel didn't even notice her sudden silence. Well, she was used to it. Whenever the boy talked about dear Aimee, it's like all of his attention was on the girl and nothing else.

One day. One day, someone would be like that when they think of me. Aurora thought to herself. I hope.

“She sounds like an incredible person, Joel,” The feminine robot voice commented, receiving a somewhat awkward smile from the mentioned boy. “Is there anything I can do to assist you in your quest for Aimee with one I and two E's?”

Joel was about to answer her but he got cut off by the sound of a cough to get their attention. The both of them turned to where it came from and saw Aurora with a weak sheepish smile.

“Sorry to interrupt your heart to heart moment but I just wanted to inform you guys that I'm heading out to look for Boy,” She said with a blank face. “Not like you guys would need me anyway.” Aurora added in a small whisper that Joel only got a glimpse of, making his eyebrows furrow.

But before the boy could reply to her words, the girl already stood up and made her way out of the small place.


It was cold. Aurora felt the harsh blow of the wind seep through her wet clothes. Causing her to hug herself for some sort of warmth. She looked around and saw Boy laying on a wooden bench just outside the place that she was recently occupying. The girl stalked towards Boy and then sat down next to him, quietly patting her lap, making Boy perk at the motion and comply.

She released a small exhausted sigh, stroking the almost dry fur of the dog who was now on her lap. Humming a small song to him, Boy nuzzled even closer to the girl and yawned.

Darkness has already clouded the night sky. The once clouded sky was replaced by the visible and bright stars that twinkled to no end, creating balance to the dark vibes of its place.

“I'm tired, Boy,” The voice was so small that it was barely audible. “I'm tired, exhausted, restless. And hurt.”

Boy replied with a small sound which Aurora just gave a small smile to.

“It was my own doing anyway. I think I deserve to feel like that. Why did I even think that I still had hope. He has a girlfriend for fuck's sake.” She ranted while still stroking the dog's fur.

It was silent for a few moment, the both of them just enjoying their surroundings. The vibe of the cool night gave Aurora a sense of comfort, making her breath and gather her emotions to keep them in tack. Anytime soon Joel would be coming out of the small shop.

Boy was her companion, the one she could talk to and rant all her problems. Perhaps it was because she imagines him just listening or just because she thinks he replies to her words. But she didn't care. The dog was her only companion to tattle about at the moment and she wouldn't find anyone else.

Which brings her to the question of. After we arrive at her colony, who would Boy stay with? Thoughts continued to swirl in her mind which ended up with her feeling the strong sense of lassitude. The question of ‘where’ was stuck in her mind making her decide on what the possible or even the right answer should be.

“Boy, after all of this– after this whole journey,” She started, making the dog face her. “I want you to stay with Joel.”

“Stay with him, never leave his side. Don't leave him like I would,” The small break in Aurora's voice alerted Boy and made him frantic to find a way to comfort her. So he did what he could do, he licked her face which got a weak chuckle from her. “Make him happy for me. He deserves the world and what I'm going to do is very selfish. And I hate myself for that.”

“I love him.” Said the girl with a voice filled with nothing but sincerity. “I love Joel Dawson so much and I'm starting to question myself if it's time to let go.”

Meeting Aimee was something Aurora wanted to do before she left for her own journey. She wished to finally see the girl that has Joel mesmerized by her beauty. From the boy's description, Aimee was the definition of perfection herself. The girl who was a sight for sore eyes. It was her. The Aimee that is Joel's first love. A living example of an aesthete and ingenue girl.

It wasn't fair to bad mouth the girl, it just wasn't. She didn't do anything wrong to Aurora and it was the latter's fault for falling in love with the boy. Which is why she wanted to introduce herself before she had to leave for her own rendezvous. Joel Dawson would be so happy. Reuniting with your first love would always be a very exciting moment.

She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to push away the very thing she hated. She's done it before, she could do it now. Crying wouldn't change the fact that she was still the loser of this whole situation. Aimee was the victor of the nonexistent game she created. Joel would always pick the first. The girl just smiled bitterly to herself. I wish I was Heather.

The sound of clanking brought her back to reality. Aurora looked back and saw Joel carrying Mav1s pit of the quaint shop.

She scooted over to the corner of the wooden bench whilst Boy jumped off her and wandered away. The robot was placed down on the seat and they both just smiled at each other until the boy sat down in the middle of the seat.

“Is something troubling you, Joel?” Said the robot as they all finally settled down. “You can tell me anything, as I am an empathetic listener. Also my memory banks will be permanently erased in fourteen minutes.”

“You know that feeling when you just completely put yourself out there. You know, when you're so sure of it, and . . . right when you're just about to cross the finish line, you just think, ‘this is the dumbest. . . thing I could've ever done’.” Joel poured his heart out.

Damn relatable. Aurora chuckled lowly to herself. But you're worth it.

“I don't think it's dumb, Joel,” The robot said, transforming her eyes to become a heart shaped one. “I think it's romantic.”

“Right, see? Yeah, you get it.” Joel agreed with her and nodded.

“As much as I say that you're stupid, Joel. I still think that what you're doing is stupid,” Aurora chimed in and earned a look of disbelief from Joel. “Kidding. I think it's romantic too. I mean, which dumb bitch wouldn't think that. Even I would be blissful to know that my first love did all the things you did, for me.”

Joel beamed at her. “Your comforting skills are very impressive.”

The girl snickered at Joel's repeat of words. She recalled him saying that to her in the bunk when they were talking about him seeing himself as useless and such.

“And your repetition of words is very mellifluous.” Said the girl sarcastically. She ignored the look he was giving her and continued thinking to herself. Half of what she said was truthful. Oh, who was she kidding. All of what she said were the truth. Even going as far as imagining herself as Aimee on the situation.

“Do not give up on your quest, Joel. When you see her, she will appreciate the grand romantic gesture inclined by your journey, and be moved by your kindness and leadership qualities.” Said Mav1s reassuringly.

“Thanks Mav1s.” Joel said. After he said that, Aurora cunningly made her way away from them to give them their privacy. And by privacy, meaning she wanted to leave before she would get hurt further.

Locating Boy was not an easy thing to do but luckily after she passed a few paw prints, she finally saw him with some metal object. She inspected what it was and saw that it was the missing foot of Mav1s.

“Good job, Boy!” Aurora commended proudly and got a happy bark from the dog. “Mav1s would be so happy.”

After messing around and exploring the vicinity, the both of them decided to just guess that Joel was done with his conversation and that they both could go back. As they were walking, Aurora looked up in wonder in amazement of what she was seeing. They were beautiful.

The Sky Jellies lit up the sky brighter than the stars could. Together, they created a luminescent color and made the place have a purplish-pink glow.

“Oh, Canis Familiaris! You found my foot, thank you.” Mav1s exclaimed in delight as Boy placed her foot down.

“He's my dog.” Joel smiled.

“He's delightful.”

Aurora scoffed. “And he's our dog. Joel is just being forgetful but I'm also here. Just wanted to inform you guys.”

“Aurora! Also delightful to see you.”

“Mav1s.” Said girl smiled awkwardly.

“Would you like to have a seat?” The robot asked and motioned to the seat in the middle of Joel and her. “Joel would be kind to be a gentlemen and let you sit.”

That got an amused smile from Aurora and ended up with Joel having a blood rush while grumbling incoherent things, letting the girl sit.

“You are a very strong girl, Aurora,” The robot stated while looking at the curious girl. “I have scanned your movements and facial expressions and I have determined the feelings of love, joy, exhaustion, jealou—”

“Jellies!” Aurora quickly cut her off, her eyes widening from the word that was about to come out from Mav1s. “The sky jellies are very exhilarating don't you agree, Mav1s?”

“Oh, indeed! They're harmless, and quite lovely.” Joel was curious at what the word was and was even more confused about why Aurora cut her off.

“Would the both of you like to hear a song?” The robot questioned them and received agreements from the duo.

Ineffable. It was too great to be expressed in words. How the shine of the iridescent lights were warm on their eyes. The still lingering petrichor left by the recent rain. And to add all of it up, the tune of the song playing in the background made it all seem normal. It brought their mind from reality and made them feel like it was just an ordinary day with no monsters lurking in every corner. Stand by me by Ben E. King was enough to make them feel at ease.

Joel looked at the girl beside him and smiled secretly, she was finding a spot to place her head so that she could look at the Sky Jellies properly. So he did what his guts or heart was telling him, he softly led her head on his shoulder.

The shock that Aurora felt immediately diminished and relaxed on the boy's shoulders. Who was she to complain? She assured herself that she deserved this, for this might be the last time that they could do it.

“You know it's also kinda nice when you know there's some thing that won't try to kill you,” Joel commented, laying his head gently on top of Aurora's. The boy chuckled when his head shook slightly due to the girl nodding her own head in agreement.

Although the moment was cut short when the soft tune of the music began to slowly lower until it vanished. Silence blanketed them and they faced a now powered off Mav1s beside them.

“Mav1s?” Joel called, moving his head up to glance at the advanced technology. “Mav1s.”

Aurora smiled sadly and mouthed a thank you to the sleeping robot. She was grateful that she had comforted Joel and herself greatly.

The boy sighed and went back to placing his head on Aurora's.

“Let's stay like this for a sec?” Joel pleaded to the girl.

Aurora was quick to agree. “Of course. You needn't ask.”

A smile graced on his lips and thought over the things that Mav1s has adviced him. The three possibilities went to his mind, especially the second one. What if Aimee has really moved on? Joel asked in his thoughts. Why was he suddenly feeling his heart skip a beat at the moment.

This journey could lead to a lot of possibilities, Joel. Maybe you are also only wanting to complete this journey to have closure. Sometimes the people we're looking for are only in eyes view. Were some of the words that Mav1s added when Aurora left. And Joel Dawson was now questioning himself on what that meant.

After all, life is all about realizing things. It's about changing decisions and viewing certain vague perspectives. Daftness can be present but the right eye shall be opened on the right time. A little push will be needed and maybe that is what will happen soon. The word soon will be very close, the journey was only a few more days left and all of them knew that.

It isn't just a journey of embarking to find ones girlfriend now. It's also the journey of letting go. And the journey of realizing that they had changed their heart. The only battle was who would decide first and what would they face. Actions have consequences and both sides of the decisions had it.

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