Larry Stylinson Smut One Shot...

By _AndIdMarryYouHarry_

137K 1.1K 4.4K

Just some Larry smut one shots Most will be A/U and there may be a couple with them in the band there will b... More

A/N (plz read)
The Couch
The Couch (pt. 2)
The Counter
Flower Crowns and Crop Tops
On The Road (Again)

Our Little Secret

15.4K 139 460
By _AndIdMarryYouHarry_

Summary: It's Louis' first year teaching at Homes Chapel and to say the least, it's a pleasure.
(the pic is what they be looking like)
(Student/teacher, age gap, top louis)

*Louis' Pov*
I looked at the clock and saw it was almost the end of my free period. One more lesson then I can finish my work and go home, I thought to myself. I gathered the necessary papers for the next lesson which was consisted of 6th formers looking for help to retake their English exams.

I was almost dreading it because I knew this class would be filled with 17 and 18-year-olds who didn't want to be there. I knew from experience that being in a prep class as a 6th former was not sunshine and rainbows.

The bell rang which meant it was passing and my next class would be filing in. I looked up from my computer to see students begin to walk in and take their seats. There were about five students in total sitting in front of me with tired looks on their faces. I sympathized with them because I too was extremely tired.

After about 3 minutes I decided it would be a good time to start class. I pulled up the register on my computer and began to call out names and wait for their response.
"HERE!" I heard a loud enthusiastic Irish accent which made my head lift up and I saw a lad with bleach blonde hair with a bright smile.
"Right thank you Niall" I replied with a chuckle.
No answer...
"Harry? Has anyone seen Harry Styles?" I looked up and asked the class. "No? Alright we'll get started with the lesson then," I stated. Just as I was about to send off the register, I heard the door open and looked up to see a young man with light brown curls that framed his soft angel like face stroll in and take a seat right next to the loud Irish lad. I'd be completely lying if I said he was unattractive because shit was he gorgeous. I shook those thoughts away because he was my student and I was his teacher, no matter how big my urge to kiss the curly-headed boy was.

"Oi, where have you been lad?" Niall asked the beautiful boy called Harry.
"Yes, Harry, I too would like to know where you've been," I said, trying my best to compose myself and push the dirty thoughts I had about Harry away.
"Erm, sorry, I was finishing a quiz." He said with an apologetic look and my attempt at a stern and annoyed face softened into a sympathetic one.

"Right no matter you're here now, so I'll mark you present." And with that, I changed Harry's mark and sent off the register.

"Okay, class now that that's out of the way, I'm Mr. Tomlinson and I'll be your teacher," I began as I turned and leaned back in my chair to face them and folded my hands on my stomach, "This is my first year here, but that doesn't mean you all can slack off. I am here to help you not make your lives worse so please work with me and meet me halfway." The students still had bored expressions on their faces so I was hoping my next statement would cheer them up. "I will not be assigning homework in this class because I understand you have lives and other responsibilities outside the classrooms" the students perked up at this newfound information. "However, that does not mean you can take advantage of that and slack off while we do work in here and if I find that you are in fact not taking your work seriously I will be giving you assignments to take home that will be counted as test grades."

I finished off my mini-lecture and got up from my chair to stand in front of the students. I moved so I was leaning against the edge of my desk and took out the book we'd be analyzing together, which was A Christmas Carol.

"Now that I'm finished with my speech, would you all please take out your copy of the book," I asked and they began to dig into their bags and pull out their copies. "While you get those out I will be coming around to give you a sheet we will be using to analyze the key scenes."

I began walking around and placing the sheets down on their desks and receiving mumbled "thanks" from the students. When I got around to Harry he looked up from his desk to make eye contact with me. When his emerald green eyes met my blue ones, I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach as my breath hitched and my mouth fell open.

He was much closer to me now and I got a better look at his face. His eyes shined beautifully in the harsh school lighting and his milky white skin looked flawless and I couldn't help but want to reach my hand out and brush it across his silky cheek. When I placed the paper down he shot me a smirk and muttered a 'thanks' and I noticed a dimple appear on his cheek. Could this boy get any more perfect? His flawless figure and voice made me want to melt. I knew I was In for a long year with this one.

I gave him a nod and forced myself to move away from the godly boy and finished passing out the papers. When I got back to the front of the classroom I retook my position of leaning on my desk and began talking about the book. The lesson proved to be challenging because all throughout it I kept making eye contact with Harry which made me stutter, trip up on my words, and lose my train of thought.

After a bit, I glanced at the clock and saw that we only had 5 more minutes in the lesson before school would be finished.

"Right we only have a few minutes left so I will allow you to pack up your stuff and have time to yourself. Just to let you all know I will be in my room until half-past 4 if you have any questions or need help with anything." I told them as they all began packing up.

They all went onto their phones or turned to converse with friends. I looked up to see Niall and Harry talking. Harry had just laughed at something Niall said and I was jealous I wasn't the one making him smile like that. His laugh was like music and I saw those heavenly dimples fully appear on his cheeks as his head was thrown back and his hand came to grab his stomach. He was honestly gorgeous.

I found myself starring at the boy and fantasising about fucking him on my desk, so I shook my head to rid my mind of the rude thoughts that had taken over. You're his teacher you can't be thinking like this, he'll think you're a nonce, I internally yelled at myself.

The bell rang signaling the end of the school day, for the students at least. I was still stuck here for an hour and a half.

"Goodbye, class I'll see you all tomorrow! Hope you all had a great first day!" I called out to them as they all piled out the door. I was hoping to catch one last glance at Harry before he left, but I was out of luck when I saw he was already gone.

I let out a heavy sigh as I settled into my chair and got started on my work. After a few moments, I heard a knock at the door and wondered who it could be. I just hoped it wasn't an annoying teacher or bratty kid.

"Come in!" I called and watched as the beautiful green-eyed boy stepped into my classroom. I was puzzled, not expecting him to be the one who came in, but I was happy to be able to have him with me. Alone.

"Uh, Mr. Tomlinson I was wondering if I could stay after with you?" He asked hesitantly. I internally cooed at his gentleness and couldn't stop the fond smile that made its way onto my face. As he watched me, his eyes lit up and returned the smile.

"Of course, Harry come on in and take a seat anywhere," I told him and gestured to the desks. He picked the one that was right in front of my desk and placed his bag on the floor next to him. "So, Harry, what can I help you with?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair and put my hands above my head. When I did this my shirt had risen up a bit to expose my v-line, which I caught Harry's eyes linger over as he bit on his lip. This made me smile and wonder what it'd be like to be the one biting his smooth plump lips. Promising. I thought to myself. He shook his head and directed his gaze back up to meet my eyes and I saw a red tint take over his soft kissable cheeks.

"Um I-I just wanted to apologize for being l-late to class today." He stuttered out cutely.

"No worries Harry, I understand, it happens," I replied with a smile as I got up from my chair to move to the front of my desk and lean against it. I had my arms crossed over my chest as I held eye contact with the boy, now closer due to the change in positions. He watched me closely and looked as if he was undressing me with his eyes, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't doing the same to him.

"So, Harry, did you only come in here to apologize for being late?" I asked suggestivly "Or did you have something else you wanted me for?" I added, seeing how far I could take this and how much he'd play along with. A blush immediately fell upon his cheeks and he stood up and moved so he was leaning on the front of his desk, closer to me. His bum, that I so badly wanted to fuck, was perched on the edge as his hands came back to rest on the desk beside him.

"No, that's not all I wanted." He said with a cheeky grin. I was glad to see he was playing along and forcing the conversation in the direction I hoped it would go in.

"Hmm well then young Harold, do share with me your intentions of coming to see me," I said encouraging him.

"I cannot say, Sir." Was his reply.

"And why is that?" I shot back tilting my head up. He just looked at me and didn't answer so I stood up and walked closer to him and leaned in so my hands rested on the desk on either side of his waist, dangerously close to his own hands. Our faces were inches apart and I could hear the hitch in his breath as I kept getting closer. I moved my hand so my fingers brushed against his.

"You didn't answer my question, Harry. Why is it that you cannot tell me your intentions?" I said in almost a whisper as I broke our eye contact to quickly sneak a glance at his lips that were now parted.

"I-I'd get in trouble, Sir." He said quietly with his eyes trained on mine.

"Trust me harry if anyone is getting in trouble it's gonna be me, but no need to worry because it will be our little secret. Isn't that right baby?" I asked, my face so close to his that I could feel when his breath pattern faltered when he heard my term of endearment.

"Y-yeah. Our little secret." He muttered in a breathless whisper before he surged forward to connect our lips in a hungry kiss. I have to admit his boldness caught me off guard, but turned me on nonetheless. Lips moved together, teeth clashed, and tongues fought for dominance. His soft lips were a drug and I slowly felt myself becoming addicted. My hands found their way to settle on his waist while his has moved up to tangle in my hair.

After a moment I broke away and chuckled at the way he chased after my lips and whined when I didn't put them back on his.

"The door, Baby. Go close it for me yeah?" I asked and I could tell by the blush on his face that he had forgotten the door was open. I pecked his lips quickly before I watched him shuffle over to the door to close it and lock it, hiding us from any people passing in the halls. I bit my lip as I watched him sway his hips, no doubt teasing me.

Harry made his way back to me and my hands immediately went back to grip his hips as his went to rest on my shoulders. I put my hands on the back of his thighs and lifted him up so he was sitting on the desk with me in between his parted legs. He let out a squeak as he buried his head into my neck. I brought my head away from him to look him in the eye.

"So beautiful baby, and so sexy trying to tease me with those sinful hips of yours" I said as I brought my hand up to caress his soft cheek. He just blushed and looked away. I moved his face back to meet mine with the grip I had on his cheek.

"You are very handsome yourself, Mr. Tomlinson" he replied back with a cheeky grin

"Hmm none of that baby boy, call me Louis," I said as I bumped his cheek with my nose.

"Well, Louis, you are quite handsome. Nearly lost my breath the first time I saw you." He giggled and I decided I was in love with the way he said my name.

"Well, I could say the same about you. I had to keep pushing away my rude thoughts when I looked at you. I wanted to ruin you on these desks and have you screaming." I said and this had Harry taking his lip in between his teeth and letting out a quiet whimper.

"So why don't you? Our little secret remember?" He said knowingly and I felt myself grow harder in my pants.  I glanced down to see that Harry too was hard in his jeans and I could see the bold outline of his bulge.

"Yes, baby I do remember," I told him as I brought my hand down to grip his hips and tug them close to me so our crotches aligned and grinded against him. He let out a low moan that went straight to my dick.

"Sound so good already baby but I wanna hear more" I whispered into his neck and began to bite and suck to mark the skin there. Harry threw his head back allowing me more access to his neck as his hands tugged at my hair and his legs had locked around my waist, pulling me into him more.

When I was satisfied with the mark I made I pulled back slightly to lick and blow cool air over it which had him whining. He pulled my head back by my hair and connected our lips for the second time in a heated kiss. At first, it was all lips, but when I pushed his hips against me and grinded up so our crotches would brush against each other, his mouth opened to let out a moan, giving me an entrance to slide my tongue in. I continued grinding against harry as he let out whimpers into our kiss.

"Louis" he panted as he broke away.

"Yeah baby what is it?" I asked, concerned something was wrong.

"Ugh I want more, need more," he said with a moan. I nodded my head and pecked his lips one more time before I began to take hold of the hem of his shirt and started pulling it up and over his head. Once it was off I took a second to take in the beautiful boy. He appeared to be scrawny on the outside, but under those clothes was a toned and muscular chest littered with a few tattoos that made my cock twitch.

"God you're beautiful," I told him before I went in to steal another kiss and bit his lip as I pulled back and looked into his green eyes that were now clouded over with lust.

"Gotta even the playing field, Louis," He said with a smirk. He reached out and tugged off my tie, tossing it aside before diving in to undo the buttons of my shirt.

When he successfully undid all the buttons he tugged the shirt off my shoulders and began sucking on my neck as I worked on completely discarding the shirt from my body. The attention on my neck was making me moan especially because he was sucking a mark onto my sweet spot. As he worked on marking me I began undoing the button and zip of his jeans. When I got those undone I pulled him forward so he slid off the desk and was stood on his feet.

When he was fully standing I wasted no time in pulling down his pants and boxers in one go, which made him gasp. I sank to my knees so my head was level with his hard cock. I could see the bit of precome on the head so I leaned forward and dragged my tongue across the slit to lick it up.

"You taste good baby." I praised him with a kiss to the tip and he smiled down at me and took his lip between his teeth. I then focused back on what I was doing and took the head of his dick into my mouth to gently suck on it. Harry let out a gorgeous moan and tangled his hand into my hair and pulled which made me sink deeper until he was hitting the back of my throat. I hummed around his cock which made him throw his head back in ecstasy.

I bobbed my head with tight lips around him, letting my tongue glide over the head a few times before I pulled off of him, right when he was nearly at his climax.

"Wha- What?!?" He nearly screamed as I stood back up. His face was flushed and shiny from the sweat that formed and his lips were bright red from being bitten. He looked like an angel.

"Don't worry baby you'll get the chance later" I reassured him with a peck to his lips. He huffed in annoyance but then kicked off his shoes and jeans, standing completely naked in front of me. He then reached for the button on my pants and started undoing it along with the zipper and pulled them down. Soon enough I was standing there naked, shoes and pants discarded, with Harry's hand slowly pumping my cock as he stood up to connect our lips.

It was my turn to be the one moaning into the kiss as Harry continued his movements. He dragged his thumb over the head of my cock a few times which was making me grow so hard I thought I was gonna burst. I could feel my climax coming soon so I grabbed his wrist to stop his movements.

"Wanna fuck you now, Baby, can't wait any longer" I told him and his eyes grew wide as he whined.

"Yes please want you to fuck me so bad," He said back to me with pleading eyes. I quickly grabbed his hips and turned him around so he was facing my desk and I pushed on his neck so his chest was against the cold vinyl. I then kneeled so my face was in front of his bum. I bumped his leg to get them to separate a bit more and they did so willingly. I internally moaned at his eagerness and I grabbed both of his cheeks to move them apart so I had access to his hole.

I leaned forward and licked across and around the rim with a pointed tongue which had him moaning relentlessly. I then began to push my tongue into his heat over and over again, working on opening him up. After eating him out for a bit and hearing his delicious moans, I stood up and put my fingers in front of his face.

"Suck" I instructed and he obediently took two of my fingers into his mouth and began sucking. He swirled his tongue and moaned around them. I soon added the third finger which he slicked up as well. When I was satisfied I pulled out my fingers and got back behind him.

I started with two because he was already semi-opened up from my tongue. He took them well and moaned out as I thrusted them in and out. Soon enough I was at three and he was a moaning mess. I moved the angle of my hand around until he called out, signaling I hit his prostate. I gave it a couple of good nudges before I pulled out of him which made him whine.

"Turn around baby I wanna see you while I fuck you," I told him and he quickly obeyed, turning around and laying on his back on the desk. I hopped up onto the desk too, papers hitting the floor as I pushed them out of the way. I settled between his legs and leaned down to kiss him harshly. I then pulled him up and directed him to my cock.

"Suck" I instructed him for the second time and he did, he took all of my cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue all around it, getting it wet and making me moan. After a bit, I pulled him off and pushed him back down. I crawled over him once again and he wrapped his legs around me as I aligned my cock with his entrance.

I pushed in slowly making both of us moan. His hands were dragging up my back, no doubt leaving red marks in their wake. When I was fully in I gave him time to adjust. When he gave me the 'Okay' to move I began pulling out and slowly pushing back in, gaining a slow and steady rhythm. I suddenly stopped my movements and began to speak.

"Do you know what I do to angels who are late to my class?" I said while I brought my hips back, almost pulling out of him completely. He moaned and shook his head. "I punish them." I told him and slammed my hips harshly into him so he took all of me in one go. This made him moan out deliciously and throw his head back as I began thrusting in and out of him roughly.

"Ugh! Feel so full! Fuck!" Harry called out as I increased my pace even more.

"Jesus fuck you feel so good baby," I said in between pants of my own. The sounds of skin hitting skin and Harry's moans was all that was heard throughout the classroom. I brought my head down press kisses along his jawline and worked my way down to his nipples. I latched onto and began sucking and licking over the hard bud, driving Harry mad from all the sensations.

His hands tangled in my hair to tug me back up so he could press our lips together. I could tell he was teasing and not letting me have an entrance, so I bucked my hips harshly into him which made him moan and allowed me to slip my tongue in to meet his. I then closed my lips around his tongue and began sucking on it which elicited little hums of approval from Harry.

I missed hearing the loud moans from the boy under me so I angled my hips around, searching for the little bundle of nerves that would drive him mad. When I succeeded in finding it, he threw his head back and dug his nails into my shoulders.

"FUCK! Do that again, please, want more!" He called out and I began thrusting into him, abusing his prostate. I pounded into him, hitting that spot with every thrust over and over. He was so tight and I could feel my climax nearing and I knew his was too.

"Fuck, baby I'm close. You feel so fucking good." I praised him as I peppered kisses onto his damp skin.

"Me too, UGH, want you to cum in me. Need you to fill me up! Wanna feel so full!" He said and that alone made me go crazy and start moving my hips faster than ever, trying to bring the curly headed boy to his release. After a few more hard thrusts Harry was calling out and releasing up our chests as he pulled my hair. The way he was clenching around me had my head spinning and I knew I was seconds away from my own climax.

"Gonna fill you up baby, gonna fill you so good" I screamed as I came into the boys' fucked out hole. When I was finished I gently pulled out and collapsed onto Harry.

"That...was...amazing" He said in between breaths. I hummed in approval and leaned up to kiss him sweetly. After a little while I pushed myself off him and reached into my desk to pull out some paper towels in which I used to clean up the mess harry had created on both our chests. After the towel was discarded I took Harry's hands and pulled him up into a sitting position.

I took this opportunity to finally get a good look at him. His hair was completely disheveled, his face was flushed, his neck was littered in lovebites, and his lips were beautifly swollen from being kissed and bitten. I was proud to say I was the cause of this fucked out angels appearance.

I stepped closer so I was stood between his parted legs and cupped his face.

"Still so beautiful even after I fucked you." I said with a kiss to his nose. He blushed and leaned forward to connect our lips. I happily accepted the kiss.

After many kisses we finally started to re-dress. Harry had a limp from getting fucked by me, which made me smirk with pride.

When we were fully dressed I looked over and saw a sad look on Harry's face. I walked over to him and kissed the pout away.

"I'm looking forward to doing this again." I said, reassuring him that I didn't regret anything and that I wanted to see him again.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to continue to be late to your class." He said, smile finding its way back onto his face.

"Then I'll have to keep punishing you." I said with a smirk as I grabbed his ass.

"Hmm our little secret, Mr. tomlinson."
"Yes, our little secret."


woah hey double update hehe
hope u guys like this oneee

what do you rather toplinson or bottomlinson??

love u all so muchhhh xx
- C

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