Phineas and Ferb Short Story...

By yourfavefelixsimp

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Here's some one(and two) shots I make over my lunch break! Mostly Phinabella and Ferbma! These have your clas... More

My Little Crumbcake
Hold On
Ferb's Romantic Gesture
Emma's Halloween Slip-Up
Phineas and the Horrific Reality
Deleted Scenes
The First Frost (Part 1)
The First Frost (Part 2)
Frizz The Season (Part Two)
Bad Luck Charm

Frizz The Season (Part 1)

269 7 113
By yourfavefelixsimp

Good evening, folks! Well, it's actually 12:35pm where I live, so... good morning! Anyways, I wanted a little chance to let my creative juices flow a little bit, so I'm writing another one shot! I'm excited to see what you guys think about this one! First off, I wanted to say thank you to all you lovely people out there reading this right now, because you all make my life better! I've gone from like 20 followers to 50 in the last couple weeks, and I'm honestly just... mindblown. Like, are you actually reading this stuff or is it just a fever dream? ANYWAYS, I'm talking too much, so let's get into the story! To be clear, our characters in this one shot are 16-17, and juniors in high school. Happy reading, and merry Christmas to all of you that celebrate it!

(Isabella's POV):

I stood at my mirror at 6 in the morning, staring myself and my frizzy hair down in hopes that it would change to perfect in the blink of an eye. I groaned and picked up my phone and dialed a number. 

A perky, high-pitched voice answered the phone. "Hello?" 

"Em! Emergency!" I exclaimed, glancing back at the mirror to give my hair a death glare. I was cut off by Emma Hunter's voice. 

"Uh oh! Is it anything like Candace's bad hair day? Or just IGTF bad?" Emma asked, and I could practically hear her wincing. 

"Emma, it looks like I was in a chemistry lab when an experiment failed!" I whined, stomping my foot. "And TODAY of all days, too!"

Emma gasped. "A CHEMISTRY lab? Hmm... not that I would know anything about that since my teacher does nothing but write chicken scratch on the board. I have to get all my help from my friend in Tennessee!"

"Look, chemistry is not the issue here! Come here, and bring some kind of solution if you can!" I sighed. 

"Don't worry, I got you! Just let me run to the boys' house real quick." Emma said. 

"Oooh, say hi to Phineas for me!" I giggled and swooned, falling back on the bed. 

"I would invite you, but I don't think your hair would fit through the doorway." she teased, and my jaw dropped. 

"Woooow, I'm in my time of need and you're joking about my hair?" I replied with a fake sniffle, which was met by one of Emma's classic sweet laughs. 

"I'll be there in a few, okay?" she said. 

"Alright. Bye, Ems!" I smiled. 

"Bye, Iz!" she replied, and the only thing left was the dial tone. I sighed and looked back up at my mirror. 

What am I going to do about you?


(Ferb's POV):

I'd slept on the couch the night before after watching a movie with my brother, and didn't feel like getting up yet. Today was a special day, heck, one of my favorite days of the year, but I was still majorly exhausted. I sighed and looked over at my brother, who was snoring and curled up in a little ball on the floor in front of the TV. Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the front of the house by a noise. 

Now who could be at my house at 6:13am willingly? I wondered, and then, after realizing I was the only one awake, walked up to the door and opened it, yawning. 

"Hiy-a... Fer...b..." the blonde at my front door started, but her voice trailed off as her eyes scanned me up and down. It was at that moment when I realized I did not have a shirt on. I blushed and stood there while she stared at me. 

"Um... sorry, do- do you want me to put a shirt on?" I asked, reaching behind me, where my shirt should have been, but it wasn't there. What the heck? I turned around and it still wasn't there. 

"Uh... I-I mean... you do-don't have to! But, i-if you want to... g-go ahead!" she stuttered, and I could still see her eyes glued on me, and not my face. 

I smirked. "Yeah, sorry, I'm kinda hot this morning." I started, but was cut off by a mumble. 

"...yes...yes you are..." I barely heard her whisper. 

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked, and that caused her to look me in the eyes. Her pupils danced around as she looked for an excuse. 

She froze, and said, "Huh? I was just talking to myself!" her face turned tomato red, and my brain was turning harder than it ever had before. The last few weeks, I had noticed some pretty obvious signs of affection towards me, feelings which I wasn't sure I reciprocated at first, but after a while, she started to grow on me. Today, during the special occasions of the day, I had been planning a way to tell her how I felt.

"Okay... so... what's up?" I asked nervously, leaning awkwardly against the doorframe while Emma stood outside. Oh, Ferb, she's probably freezing! Let her in, you idiot! "Sorry, Emma! Do you wanna come inside?" I asked. 

She looked me in the eyes and smiled while rolling her eyes. "No, I want to stand out here in the freezing cold and snow."

I smirked and decided to tease her. "Okay, then. Talk to you later!" I chuckled and started closing the door. 

"Hey, you weirdo! Don't get smart with me!" she pushed against the door, trying to open it, and she was apparently stronger than I expected, because my grasp slipped and she pushed me into the wall behind the door. I felt the world start spinning, and then it went black. 


(Emma's POV):

Oh. My. Gosh. I just knocked out Ferb! I gasped and opened the door in time for him to slide down the wall and almost hit his head on the floor, but luckily I caught him just in time. Uh... what do I do? I'm a graduated Fireside Girl, I should know this! Come on, Emma, think! Use that blonde brain of yours! I begged myself, while freaking out over the passed out green haired boy. 

Someone must have heard the 'thud', because I heard footsteps run down the stairs. 

"What the heck is- Emma?" Candace asked, looking over to find me knelt down next to her fainted brother. "What are you doing? And why is Ferb on the ground?" 

I stammered for a response. "Uh... I... I accidentally pushed him into the wall with the door..." I blushed with embarrassment. 

Candace raised an eyebrow. "I'm... just not going to question that. Is he okay?" she asked, walking over to us. 

All of a sudden, all of my Fireside Girl knowledge came flooding back. "Candace, I need something to lift his feet up. I gotta check if he's breathing still." She nodded and ran to grab a step stool from the kitchen. 

Okay, let's see... raise feet above head level, lay down on back... I rolled him off of his side so he was on the carpet laying on his back. Now, check if he's breathing. I couldn't help but stare at his bare chest, and I felt myself get lightheaded. Now is not the time! I knocked myself back into shape and put my head on his chest to see if I could hear a heartbeat. Phew... he's still breathing... very normally, I might add.

Candace came rushing back to find me with my head still on his chest, and she smirked. 

"Oh, you just HAD to do that, didn't you?" she teased, and I jumped up. 

"Hey! I'm checking his heartbeat, ya dingbat!" I shot back. Candace laughed and walked out of the room, and then I couldn't keep myself from just... 

I brushed my thumb over his forehead, moving his green hair out of his eyes, and smiled at him while he lay there, completely unaware of what was happening. I closed my eyes and leaned down, because what was it gonna hurt if I just gave him a little kiss?

I got closer and closer, waiting for my lips to meet his...


(Ferb's POV):

After my world had been black for a while, I started to wake up from my daze. I felt something on my lips, and it was soft, and smooth, and... oh no... 

My eyes shot open in time to find Emma kneeling next to me, kissing me. I can't say it wasn't a nice surprise, but it must have surprised me quite a bit because I jumped up and leaned against the wall. She looked at me and turned bright red. 

"I-I'm sorry! I-uh..." she paused, and then looked at me with a very suspicious face, saying, "I was giving you an artificial breath, obviously! Pfft, don't flatter yourself, loverb-" she stopped and facepalmed. 

I smirked at her embarrassment. "I can't believe you did that, Emma." I said, faking a look of disgust. 

I could practically see her fragile heart break inside of her as she gave me the puppy dog face, but not intentionally, and it killed me. " what someone who didn't have feelings for you would say!" I quickly recovered and leaned forward, pulling her in for a bear hug. 


(Emma's POV): 

"I can't believe you did that, Emma." he said, looking at me like I was some kind of vile creature like a beetle or something. I felt my lip quivering and my eyes start to water after that kind of rejection. My heart bursted and I felt the pain more than ever before. 

" what someone who didn't have feelings for you would say!" he looked at me worried and then pulled me in for a hug, and I was so confused, I just sat there in disbelief. 

D-did he just confess his feelings for me?

He pulled away a few minutes later and looked me in the eyes. I just stared at him, speechless. 

"Are you okay, Emma?" he asked softly. 

"Uh... di-did you say you have f-f-feelings... for me?" I asked, and I felt my entire body tingling and shaking. 

"Well, yes, yes I do. But, what's wrong?" he asked, taking my hand. 

"I like you too..." I mumbled, and he just smiled and leaned in and kissed me again, but for real this time. 

Well, this was certainly not what I expected this morning, but I wasn't exactly upset about it! And... my brain had to ruin it. I pulled away and he looked at me. 

"You look worried." he said, taking my chin in his hand and lifting it up to face him. 

"Well, I-uh... Izzy's got the frizzies this morning." I whispered, and he gasped. 

"Oh, no... she need the defrizzing serum again?" he chuckled, and I nodded. He stood up and offered me his hand, and I took it and stood up next to him. "C'mon, Phineas is asleep on the couch, so let's try to be quiet. I looked over to the couch, and yes, Phineas was dead asleep. 

"Huh, he must be a heavy sleeper. Candace and I were screaming." I pointed out, and Ferb just laughed. 

"That's my brother for you. And he snores. Better warn Isabella about that one." he winked, and I laughed and followed him into the garage, where he had a chemistry set set up. 

"This is amazing! I only see stuff like this in the movies!" I said, watching Ferb pour in a liquid that started to bubble. I watched the bubbling liquid in the beakers move through the tubes and drip into little test tubes. When it was finished, there was a vial of pink serum at the bottom. Ferb carefully picked it up with forceps and fanned it with an oven mitt to cool it off, and then handed it to me. I took it out of his hands as he pressed a small cork into the top. 

"Tell her to put this on her hairbrush and brush her hair." he directed with a smile. 

"Got it! Thanks, Ferb!" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before walking out the door and running across the street to the Garcia-Shapiro's house. 


(Isabella's POV):

I was still glaring at myself in the mirror, disappointed that this day literally could not be going worse. I sighed and paced around the room, waiting for a text, a call, an email, anything from Emma. Soon, I heard the door open and footsteps race up the stairs. 

"I'M HERE!" Emma panted as she burst open the door and took a breath. She looked up at me. "WHOA MAMA!" 

"Wow. Those are exactly the words I want to hear when I see my best friend show up. Where's the serum?" I asked frantically, while getting up and rushing to her. 

She squealed and jumped back. "Ya sure you don't have rats living in that thing?" she teased, and I rolled my eyes and snatched the vial out of her hand. 

"You think you're soooo funny! Well, my hair looks a million times better than yours when it's actually right." I smirked, and her jaw dropped. 

"OH YEAH?" she laughed and tackled me to the floor, but I was strong too, and I turned the tables so I was on top. 

"YEAH!" I squealed as we both started tickling each other. The vial fell out of my hand and landed on the carpet, and we both stopped immediately. 

"Please don't shatter, please don't shatter..." I prayed, and picked it up. "We'll continue this later, as for right now, I have to fix my hair for Phi- I mean, for the decorating party today."

"Hey, Izzy! You weren't supposed to tell the readers yet, ya weirdo! It's supposed to be a surprise!" she scolded me, and I blushed. 

"Whoops!" I giggled and stood up. "So, what do I do with this? Drink it like last time?" I asked, opening the cork and was about to down it. 

"NO!" Emma screamed. 

"Huh?" I asked. 

"You're supposed to pour it on your hairbrush and brush your hair with it. This one's different." she said, picking up my pink hairbrush and handing it to me. 

"Oh, right. Cool!" I smiled and poured the liquid onto my brush, and with every stroke through my hair, it transformed from frizzy and disgusting to shiny and fluffy.

"Huh! You think you can use it on my hair too?" Emma asked.

"No! Your hair can't be as good as mine!" I teased. 

"Excuse me, I was the one who ran over there to get it!" she crossed her arms and looked at me sassily. 

"You got to see Ferb!" I pointed out. "Nah, I'm just kidding. Here ya go!" I smiled and handed her the hairbrush while I admired my now-beautiful hair in the mirror. 

She brushed her hair and it all of a sudden became like strands of glittering gold. "What the heck?" I asked, snatching the brush. 

"Hey! Not my fault I have blonde hair!" she huffed and pulled it away and finished brushing her hair. 

We both laughed and then decided to take the festivities to the Flynn-Fletcher house like every year before. 


Yep, just like the last one, I have a lot more than a one shot here... part 2 is gonna come out tomorrow!!! Happy Friday guys!

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