Chinese Donut

By MikushX

1.2K 260 91

When you are stuck with crazy people that are constantly manipulating you, when you're all fed up with your l... More

The Brew Bastards
Chinese Donut
My friends never change
Crazy İdiots
New world
Terrifying Smile
Lonely Man
Chinese Donut Reborn
The Perfect World
Deep Sorrow
Once Upon a Time
After Credits


60 16 2
By MikushX

What is life? Have you ever thought about it?

Why do we live? Why do we suffer so much? Why should there be hunger? Why are there wars? Why isn't everything going well? Why can't we be completely happy?

Have you ever wondered what causes these problems? As if there is an emptiness in our life. What is this thing that can fill the void in our life? Money? Love? Friendship? Family? None of them will make you completely happy. Because they are so complex to understand. The only thing that can please you is enjoying simple things. And what is that simple thing?
It's the Chinese Donut.

Yes, CHINESE DONUT!! It replaces everything. It's simple. If people could enjoy simple things, they would be happy forever. If you take a bite of it, your life will change. This gap will be filled instantly.

Mikush raised his voice and began to talk with rave

Believe it or not, the solution to all problems in this world is the Chinese Donut. Chinese Donut only. Life is like a Chinese Donut- it's simple. Put an end to this meaningless pursuit of happiness and be happy to eat the Chiese Donut. This is the only way to our salvation. "Everything starts with a Chinese Donut and ends with it," like a life.


When Mikush's performance ended, everyone applauded. Everyone has tears in their eyes, smiles on their faces.

Mikush greeted everyone and came up to me.

He has two bodyguards in branded sportswear, just like himself. These two are very similar to Mikush. I feel a dangerous aura from them.

I greeted Mikush.

Mikush: These are my bodyguards and friends Helios and Poseidon.

Helios's height is 5'8 feet, weight 154 lbs, a native of East Asia. He looks like a typical K-pop star. He is handsome, calm, and smiles every time I look into his face.

Poseidon is Afro-American, height 6 feet, weighs 209 lbs. He has a calm posture and looks so strong.

Damn!!! Even though they look so dangerous , they cannot match the Mikush. Mikush surpasses them in everything - with his tall, aesthetic, beautiful, charismatic look.

We came to one of the rooms in the hotel.

Two guards of Mikush stood outside. We went inside.

The room has it all - minibar, Jacuzzi, aquarium, drink bar, and of course, a fucking Chinese Donut on the table.

Mikush showed me a place to sit and then went to the drink bar. He poured himself and me a whiskey. Then he took the Chinese Donut and handed it to me.

I refused both.

Mikush dipped the Chinese Donut in whiskey and took a bite. Then he said.

Mikush: You still don't like Chinese Donut? I thought everyone loves Chinese donuts. You haven't changed in all these years.

I said angrily: fuck!!! The problem is that everyone loves it. Everyone believes in your stupidity. You must stop this!! Everybody has gone crazy. People think nothing but Chinese Donut. I'm losing my mind Mikush, that's enough. Stop this madness!!!

Mikush: Wow so straightforward. I thought you believed in Chinese Donut too. Don't you understand why I am changing the world? I'm giving people hope. By becoming president, I will change the whole world. There will be no wars, no poverty, no violence. There will be a paradise where everyone can live. Can't you see it? In any case, you will understand me soon.

Me: Mikush this is nonsense. Your presidency and the Chinese Donut are all meaningless philosophical bullshit. Can't, you see that you're turning people into zombies. What will you achieve by this?

Mikush: You call it zombification, but I call it evolution. Humanity is evolving to another level. To make the world a better place, people must evolve. I don't blame you. Nonbelievers like you can't understand it, you all perceive it with prejudice.

I said desperately: Mikush, that's enough... You have lost your mind. You are so addicted to this Chinese Donut. I do not understand why? Why the Chinese Donut? Why not American Baklava, why not Italian Sushi, why exactly Chinese Donut?

Mikush took another sip of his whiskey and sat down on the couch.

He looks at me with a sad expression.

Mikush: Do you really want to know the reason? Okay, I'll tell you because you're my friend.

It was a very, very long time ago.....

I was a little child. My mother and father didn't spend much time at home because they were working. That's why my Chinese nanny looked after me. She was 40 years old immigrant from China. So she lived in our house and took care of me. Only the two of us were at home. She always beat me and fed me with a Chinese Donut. Precisely she didn't cook any other dishes for me.

I don't know why? Maybe she was crazy or she loved the Chinese Donut. I don't know. She always said that the American donut is tasteless and the Chinese Donut is the best. My breakfast, lunch, and dinner have always been Chinese Donut.

My every day started with a Chinese Donut and ended with it. I would not eat any other thing. This lasted for 5 years. I was already disgusted with the Chinese Donut. I wanted various dishes. I wanted a difference. I begged her to cook something different for me.

And she was said, "your every day starts with a Chinese Donut and ends with it. There is no need for anything else. One day you will understand what I said".

One day my I heard that my nanny had an accident while driving her Ferrari. You cannot imagine my happiness. I cried with joy. Everyone thought I was crying for her.

I was free...
After that day, my family realized that they had a son, and they began to live with me. Everything was great. The food was delicious, different. I tasted everything I saw in restaurants. However, after a while, I began to feel empty. As if something was missing in my life. There was an emptiness inside me. Whatever I did it wasn't enough for me. Something was missing in my life but what? I couldn't find it. Meanwhile, I lost my parents in a car accident. I would have been 15 back then. As the only child, I was left with all the wealth of my parents. I inherited big companies, estates, bank accounts, and etc. I was rich.

After that day, I was completely absorbed in entertainment and squandered my money. I tasted everything. I was doing things that you can't even imagine.
Nevertheless, the emptiness inside me was growing bigger and bigger. Even on the happiest days, I felt devastated.

But one day while walking down the street, I saw a Chinese man selling Chinese Donuts. I just automatically picked up the Chinese Donut and ate it.

At that moment, I was refreshed. A complete peace, filled inside me. Finally, I realized what I was looking for. The void in my life was Chinese Donut. Yes, my nanny was right when she said, "Everything starts with Chinese Donut and ends with it." For many years, I was looking for happiness in complicated things. But the key to my happiness was very simple.
That is why it is my duty to fill the void in everyone's heart.

Mikush wiped away his tears.

I can't believe it. This fool's childhood trauma made him that idiot. I feel sorry for him. I do not know how to convince him.

I desperately said: Mikush, please stop this, you are taking the world to the abyss....

Mikush: I do not blame you, there are still those who do not believe me. But sooner or later you will all love the CHINESE DONUT. Everyone will find their happiness in the Chinese Donut. Don't worry my friend just taste Chinese Donut and you'll understand what I mean. Anyway, it's too late, you can't stop it.

He stands up.

Mikush: I had a lot of work to do. Let's talk after the elections.

And Mikush left the room.

I feel so dejected. It is impossible to convince Mikush, I understand this very well. I feel empty. How absurd it is to live in a world full of idiots like him. There is no place in this world where I can be comfortable. There is no one in this world who can stand against a Chinese Donut. I do not know what to do. I'm so helpless. What I'm gonna do?
I remembered Ahmed's words - If you don't know what to do, you don't have to think anymore, let's get a drink. Fuck Ahmed!! How stupid you can be.

Wait!! I can talk to Ahmed. The only person in this world who doesn't believe in Chinese Donut will be Ahmed. Only he can help me.

I quickly called Ahmed.

He doesn't answer phone calls. Or Ahmed also a Chinese Donut addict?? There is no other way!! I need to find him quickly.

I hurried to the airport and bought a ticket to New York.

3 hours later I reached New York airport

Ahmed has been living in New York for the past two years. He always posts his photos on Instagram.

I can feel how desperate Ahmed is. Because when Mikush's started to change the world, drug addiction and alcohol consumption stopped. All drug addicts started eating Chinese Donut instead of drugs. If one of them is Ahmed, then I screwed up.

After several hours I went to Ahmed's house.

It's a large penthouse.

I pushed the door.

Fuck!! The door is open. Did something happen to Ahmed?

I slowly entered the house.

Suddenly someone behind me put a gun to my head.

One person asked "what do you hate the most in the world". Without thinking, I said " Chinese Donut ".

"The password is correct," he said

He pulled the gun aside.

I turned around and saw a thin man.

Who the fuck is he?
OMG!! this is Skinny dude.

Me: Skinny... How you can be alive? After all, I saw with my own eyes how you were shot.

Suddenly I heard Ahmed's voice: Of course he is alive. Skinny Dude is a good guy. It didn't matter to him, because he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

OMG, that's so cliche.

I hugged Ahmed.

Me: Ahmed, tell me. What's going on here?

Ahmed: We have created ANTI-CHINESE DONUT forces. Our plan is to end this bullshit. We bring together those who hate Chinese donut. This damn thing will destroy everything. I despise it so much that you cannot imagine my anger. This damn thing ruined my life.

Me: Ahmed, why do you hate Chinese Donut so much? As far as I know, you weren't that opposed.

Ahmed: Hmmm. It all started on that dark day.

(Fuck!! Again how many flashbacks I'm gonna heard today).

Ahmed: One day I went to buy cocaine from my best friend Edward Jr. 7th. He was one of the best drug dealers in the area. His family has been selling cocaine for seven generations. When I met him, I sensed an abrupt change in him. It was no longer the previous Edward Jr. The wrinkles on his eyes disappeared. He was healthier than before. Edward, who used to be very thin, become a well-built handsome man. As if there was another person in front of me. I told him, as usual, to give me cocaine. I bought the same cocaine from him for 2 years.

Do you know what he told me?

Edward Jr. said: there is no more cocaine powder left. We don't sell it anymore. Ahmed, my friend, the world has changed. Nobody wants drugs anymore. Now everyone wants to buy a Chinese Donut. We are all selling Chinese Donut now. It's delicious, legal, and addictive. We no longer need to fear being caught. Once you eat Mikush's Chinese Donut, you become addicted. It's like a drug.

Then the bastard took a Chinese Donut out of his bag, handed it to me, and said: This is a limited edition Chinese Donut. You won't find that kind anywhere.

I cannot express my feelings in words, I felt myself at that moment. A world without drugs. How pointless it is. Life without heroin. Bullshit. After that day, I have hated Chinese Donut and started training.
So we need to end this, and we  must do it now before it's too late.

Me: How do we end this? I talked to Mikush, and it is impossible to convince him.

Ahmed smiles smugly and says: We gonna kill Mikush...

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