The Summer of 77' (Jily Fanfi...

By pygmy_p

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"There was only one obvious option. It would make Marlene happy, and I always want to make her happy. I'm go... More



869 28 7
By pygmy_p

Well, maybe.

For the last few hours, I've been devising a plan.

So I'll ask Mum and Dad if I can go, maybe for a week or so, and they will more than likely say yes. I'll send a return owl to both Potter and Marlene, then start packing to go.

When the other four pick me up and we disapparate to wherever the lake house is, I'll stay for a short time. After this short time is over, I'll head home. That way nobody gets disappointed and I still get to see how Potter's acting.

I sigh and fall into my comfy bed once more. I had been pacing for the last hour or two, barely noticing what I was doing. I'm willing to bet I burned quite a few calories, too.

Was I making a mistake? I sure hope not. Even if I was, a week's worth of annoyance is fine if it makes Marlene happy. Damn you, Marlene, for meaning so much to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my front door slamming and the sound of grocery bags.

"Hey, Lily? Petunia? Help me with these groceries, will you?" I heard my mum yell from the main floor. I peeled myself away from my marshmallow of a bed and walked down the stairs.

"Hey Mum." I said. I could barely see her face from behind the groceries as she walked around the kitchen, putting the foods in all of their proper spots.

"Hello, sweetheart. Where's Tuney at?" She asked without looking up at me.

"Out with mammoth- oops, I mean ogre- oops, I mean Vernon." I said sarcastically.

She shot a falsely-stern face at me. "Lily, your sisters very fond of him. You have to be nice." She spoke this to me as if I was one of her first graders. Mum is a teacher, so she has the summers off.

"Sorry, can't help myself." I went around the kitchen island to the other side and started grabbing the rest of groceries and putting them away.

"Honestly, Lils, I don't blame you." She whispered. I giggled.

"So, Mum, I have to-" I started to say.

"Here, pass me that pasta, I'm headed towards the pantry anyways." She cut me off.

"Oh, yeah. Well anyways, I got a letter today from Marlene-" I began again.

"Ooh, did that owl come again? What was its name, Ludo?"

"Hugo, Mum, but that's besi-"

"Oh, Hugo! He's just the sweetest, isn't he?" She gushed.

"Mum! I've been invited to stay at a lake house with Marlene some friends for a bit and I was wondering if I was allowed to!" I said this all very fast, in case she decided to cut me off again.

"Oh, yeah, I don't mind." She stated simply.

Blasted mother, why couldn't you say no?

"Seriously? You're not going to ask me if I'm out with gangs or anything?"

"Of course not. I trust that you're responsible enough to not go out with gangs. How long will you be staying anyways?" she continued.

"Just a week, I think," I said.

"Lovely. Who else is going? Any cute boys?" She looked at me and raised her eyebrows up and down quickly.

Oh, silly Mum.

"Ew, Mum. Never raise your eyebrows like that again," I laugh. "But yes, three other boys, but minus the cute." I thought for a moment about Remus. Though I wouldn't tell anyone, not even Marlene, I secretly saw him quite attractive.

"Oh, pooey. Well I don't mind as long as your father doesn't." She shrugged, putting the last apple in the refrigerator.

"Ok, thanks. We leave this Friday, and they should be picking me up." I added when I turned to go back upstairs.

"Alrighty, then." She replied.

When I got back to my room, I sat down and pulled a piece of paper and a pen towards me. I didn't need to use a quill when I was out of school.

I figured I'd write to Potter first, get it over with, then write out my response to Marlene. After I finished, I read it over and made sure it sounded right.

Dear James,

Thanks for the invitation. After careful consideration, I have decided to accept your invite and stay with you guys at this lake house of yours.

However, I will only be staying for a week, and am doing so simply because I know I wouldn't be able to last a whole summer in a house with you and Sirius. Marlene seemed quite keen on me staying as well.

See you this Friday,

Yes, that sounded good. Short and sweet. Best to let him know I'm staying for Marlene's sake and not give him the impression I'm going for him. The last thing that boy needs is more confidence to boost his ego.

I picked up a nearby envelope and folded the letter into it, finally sealing it with a sticker.

I picked up another sheet of paper and began writing once more, only this time to Marlene.

Dear Marlene,

You were right, I did have a mind to throw the letter away. I refrained, however, and I've decided to accept the invitation. It'd be an awful shame to make you stay in a house with three marauders, all alone and nobody to talk to. I'll only be staying for a week, though. I think a week of living with Potter is more than plenty for me.

As for his writing, I noticed the same thing. He seemed quite polite, much unlike himself. Maybe an alien wrote the letter? Well, thinking on it now, there wouldn't be much difference between Potter and an alien. Both are big headed and extraterrestrial.

Love you tons and see you on Friday,

After folding the letter and sliding into a second envelope, I walked over to Elles cage and tapped the bars lightly. She woke up and looked at me curiously, then saw the letters in my hand. She quickly jumped up and held out her leg importantly.

"Got enough rest I hope? Look, this ones for James," I said, tying his note to her right leg, "and this one is for Marlene? Think you can handle that?"

She hooted and stepped onto my outstretched arm. I walked her to the window and opened it, where I watched her soar out and into the afternoon sky.

After she was out of sight, I flopped down onto my bed again and let off a heavy sigh. I can't believe what I've just done. I just accepted and invitation from James Potter to stay with him and his gang at a lake house. Am I mad?

After half an hour of flipping my thoughts over in my mind, I heard my door open quietly.

"Hey, Lily, have you scrubbed the sinks already?" My mum's voice asked from the doorway.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

"Brilliant," she clapped her hands together, "Want to help make dinner before your father gets home?"

"Sure, why not." I shrugged and stood up from the bed, trailing my mom on the way down the stairs. Better do something before I drown in my own head.

"What're we having, then?" I asked while washing my hands.

"Chicken tacos. Petunias having her low carb ones, so we have to pull out the 'special' tortillas." I wasn't facing her, but I could see her eyes rolling from behind me.

Petunia was going on a diet for some reason, despite her already skinny figure. Maybe she was trying to be the polar opposite of Vernon. Well, looks wise anyways.

"Alright. What should I do first?" I turned around, getting ready for my first job in the kitchen.

After an hour and a half of chopping everything from onions to lettuce to tomatoes, all of the toppings were set on the table. The chicken would be cooked in a little, since we wanted it to be warm when Dad got home. Which, by looking at the time, should be in about fifteen minutes.

"Lily, go out to the garden and get some parsley for me, will you?" Mum called from over her shoulder while she cut the chicken.

"Yes, your majesty." I faked a bow and Mum giggled.

Grabbing the kitchen scissors, I walked towards the door, headed outside, and to the small planter that held the herbs. I could see the driveway from the porch, and parked neatly was a very fancy sports car that I knew too well.

Vernon was holding the passenger door open while Petunia stepped out. She smiled at Vernon and gave him a small peck on the cheek. I saw Vernon flush a bit, before closing the door and walking back to drivers side. He pulled out of the driveway and around the corner.

I smiled. No matter how much I fought with my sister, it made me happy to see her so happy. This feeling quickly faded when she made it up to the porch and scowled at the sight of me.

"What're you doing, stalker?" She said bitterly.

"Trust me, the last's thing I'd stalk would be your affairs with that great prune." I replied coolly.

"Ok, sure. I don't see you dating anyone." She smirked evilly at me. My blood boiled when she reached for the door with a smug look on her face. Before I knew what I was saying, my mouth voiced the last thing I should have said.

"If you care to know, I am seeing someone!" I blurted. I felt my freckled cheeks grow flaming hot.

Petunia's hand stopped just as it was turning the door handle. Her smirk only grew, as if she was holding in the urge to laugh.

"Oh yeah? Who then?" She turned her head sideways, looking at me with false innocence.

"I- er..." I looked around hopefully, as if the person would be staring at me, waiting for me to say their name.

"Hm, what a pity." She reached for the handle again.

I looked down at my sweaty hands and saw the scissors. Before I knew what I was saying, my mouth said the unthinkable.

"James! James P-Potter." It was if my throat was full of cotton. What is wrong with you, Lily?! Why did you say that? You look at scissors and think of Potter? I wanted to so dearly to smack myself upside the head.

"Is that right?" Petunias smirk shrinks slightly, her eyes narrowing into mine, as if looking for the lie.

"Uh- y-yeah. Yes." Why cant my face stop burning? Cut it out, Lily!

"What does he look like then?"

"He- wait, what?" I stuttered, taken aback.

"Well? What does he look like? Is he cute?" She pressed.

"Um, uh... h-he has glasses... a-and uh, black hair." I stammered.

"Hm. Sure." She seemed halfway convinced, so she finally turned the door handle and stepped into the house.

Bloody hell. What have I gotten myself into? Why do I have to be such a prat? How could I be so stupid! Now Petunia thinks I've got a boyfriend! And she thinks it's James Potter. Merlin, kill me.

I harshly cut the parsley and walked inside. My palms wouldn't stop sweating. I didn't want to see Petunia for the rest of my life. Now she had this against a me, and c'mon, we know how she can get.

I walked in the kitchen to see Mum frying the chicken on a pan over the stove, and Petunia sitting on her usual swivel. I walked around the island and put the parsley down next to Mum soundlessly.

"Thank you, Lils." She smiled at me. I tried my best to give a fake smile, but it probably looked like I had a painful stomach ache. Which I did.

I returned to the swivel next to Petunia, careful not to make eye contact. Her smirk had shrunk considerably, but I could still see the ghost of it wavering over her face.

Just as Mum turned around and started pouring the chicken into a dish on the counter, I heard the door open a close, followed by the sound of my Dad's cheerful voice.

"Hello, Evans women!" He said loudly as he walked into the kitchen. "Smells lovely, honey." She made his way around the island and place a kiss on my mum's forehead.

"How's it going, Tiny Tuney!" He moved to her and placed an identical peck on her head.

"Hm." Petunia grunted in response.

"And of course, my Dilly Lily!" He said cornily.

"Hey, Dad." I muttered, giving a feeble smile.

He placed his work case down on its usual spot next to the couch, which was in the room connected to the kitchen.

"Dinners ready, so dig in." My Mum pulled out four plates and passed them out. After getting my usual two twins tacos, each containing chicken, cheese, lettuce, onions, and tomatoes, we all sat down at our usual spots at the dinner table.

"So, how was everyone's days today?" My dad asked from the head of the table.

"Not bad. Got some shopping done." Mum said cheerfully.

"Lovely. How about you, Tuney?"

"Went out with Vernon." She muttered dully.

"As per usual. And how about you, Lils. Anything exciting?"

"Yes actually. Um, well, I scrubbed the sinks... And then I got a letter from a friend, asking if I'd like to spend some time with him and a few other school friends at his lake house." I said. I knew my dad wouldn't mind if my mum didn't mind.

"Oh, that sounds fun. Who's all going to be there?" He asked, taking a sip of his water glass.

"Probably her boyfriend, James." Petunia said loudly from her plate.

It was if an explosion occurred. My dads water spit and flew from his mouth and all over the table, my mum's taco fell from her hand and splattered open on her plate, and I coughed and gagged harshly on the bite I had just swallowed. At the same time, a dead weight dropped in my stomach.

"L-Lily, w... Who is your sister referring to, may ask?" Dad coughed harshly, looking up to me.

"I-" I stuttered. I looked up at Petunia, who had such a devilish smirk on her face that I so very much wanted to beat the hell out of.

"Her boyfriend, James. He has glasses and dark hair. Isn't that right, Lils?" She gushed innocently.

"Why, d-didn't you tell us you h-had a b-b-boyfriend." My mom looked up at me.

"Yes, Lily, please explain, why didn't you mention him sooner?" My sister continued.

"I-I uh," Think, Lily, think! I thought you were good at this kind of stuff!

"Well?" Dad pushed.

"I was, erm, w-waiting for the right time," I made up quickly. "It's very new, a-as well."

"Oh. Hm. Well, I wish I would have known about this, uh... boy, sooner." My mom started to rewrap her taco.

"Y-yeah..." my dad stuttered in disbelief. His baby girl, having a boyfriend?

"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I muttered. I looked up to Petunia again. I had a right mind to play darts with her. As in, my fork being the dart and her nose as the bullseye, but I refrained.

"Well, will this... James, be a this... Lake house?" My dad looked up, already knowing his answer.

"I, er, believe so." I grumbled.

I looked up to my mom. My eyes widened when I saw the look on her face. It was no longer worried. It was excited.

"Well, I for one, am excited to meet this James fellow." She gossiped like a high schooler from across the table. My mouth started to fall open in shock, but I managed to stop it. Petunia, however, failed to do the same.

"You're not... mad?" She looked at my mom in disbelief.

"Of course not! I had boyfriends at her age too. I don't blame her for being cautious about telling us, I know I would have done the same." She explained, taking a bite from her food.

Dad, however, couldn't have disagreed more, by the look on his face.

He was very nervous about letting Petunia date Vernon, but eventually came around. As if he wasn't nervous already, I was his last kid, and this was probably a bit of a blow for him.

"Oh, come on, Will, it's not that big of a deal. She'll be-" Mum began.

But what I would be we never found out. At that moment, Elle came souring through the window and dropped two letters on my plate. She hooted quietly and landed on the back of my chair.

"Ugh, Mum! I told you, I don't like them flying in the house!" Petunia shrieked.

I ignored her and opened the first letter, from Marlene.

Dear Lily,


Anyways, I'm glad you decided to come, even for a little bit. Now I know there'll be some sort of sanity while I'm there.

I'm super excited to see you again! Tell your parents I said hello, and see ya Friday!

Yours truely,
Marlene <3

"It's from Marlene. She said hello." I said, looking up to my parents.

"Will she be there too?" Dad asked quickly, clearly anxious for a specific response.

"Yes, she will." I said, glancing at him with a reassuring smile.

He seemed to be a bit more relaxed after this statement. Moving on to the next letter, I opened the fancy wax seal. It was considerably short and sweet.

Dear Lily,

Seriously? You want to come? Brilliant!

Sorry, but it's a little shocking. I'm glad you decided to stay for a bit. We will all be by your house to travel by Portkey. Seen you at 5:30 on Friday.


I looked up to see my family watching me, eager to know who the letter was from.

"It's from James. He said he was glad I can make it, and him and the others are picking me up at 5:30 on Friday." I replied to their expressions.

"So it's his house you're staying at, is it?" Dad asked, taking a huge bite from his taco. He seemed to have regained the strength to eat again.

"Yes, it is. Somewhere south, I think." I replied, picking up my own food.

From then on, we conversed normally. Dads shock seemed to be wearing off. Petunia seemed awfully quiet, even a bit sour. She left the table first, and hurried up to her bedroom.

After another half an hour of chatting, I was next to stand up from the table. As I put my dish in the dishwasher, I finally felt the stress from earlier fall back on me. Talking with my parents subdues it momentarily, but now, walking up the stairs and into my bedroom, it came back full force.

Lily Evans, what is wrong with you?


Hi guys! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! It's currently 2 am here, so I'm sorry if there's any typos. My tik tok is Peyton.Potter btw :) if you're from there, hey! I'm going to go get some sleep now, and I love you guys!


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