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TW: vomit

I woke the next morning with a stabbing pain in my gut. I barely had time to register my surroundings or remember how I got into my bed last night. I just knew I needed a toilet, and fast.

I shot up from the mattress, which I immediately regretted. My head started pounding and a slight daze come over my body. Before I could collapse on the ground like I wanted to, I sprinted across the hall and into the nearest bathroom.

"Woah, occupied, Evans." I heard Sirius say. Looking down at the scene, I could see Marlene's head hanging over the toilet while Sirius held her messy blonde hair up. This didn't help my matters, of course. Seeing her vomiting only induced me with the urge.

Mind racing, I sprinted out of the bathroom and to the next nearest one, which I knew was in James' room. At that moment, I didn't have time to care. If I did, I wouldn't have chosen this arrangement. I know I'm going to pop soon, however, and quite frankly, it would be worse if I threw up in the middle of his hallway.

I collided with his doorway and flung it open. The room was a bigger version of mine, in a sorts, but I didn't care. The only thing in my line of vision was the nearest loo.

"Lily? What are you-?" I heard James question from the bed. I was already in the bathroom and didn't have time to answer. Not a moment too soon, for I felt my gut ache with a lurch and vomit rise in my throat as my head found the bowl.

My stomach yelled in discomfort as I threw up the decisions of last night. I used one hand to hold my hair back and another to steady me. I know I shouldn't have drunken that much. I bet it was fun in the moment, but now a days worth of regret was bound to follow.

"Are you ok? Do you-? Oi!" James asked from the doorway. I could feel him come closer until he sat on the edge of the bathtub. Before I could look up to see him, his hands wrapped around my hair and held it out of my face.

"Thank-" I began, but was interrupted by an oncoming pull in my gut.

"Of course. You drank quite a bit, so I can't say I'm surprised." James stifled a chuckle.

"Did you thr-?" I was cut off again, and my head fell into the bowl once more.

"No, are you kidding me? 6 years of quidditch after parties have built me up, love. Last night was a decent amount, but not nearly enough." I could feel his laugh next to me, and I rolled my eyes. Of course he could deal with this, considering the amount of smuggled alcohol he had in the castle.

"Flush for me, will yo-" I started again.

After I released the entirety of my guts into the toilet, I got up from the floor and made my way to the sink. James followed close behind, stuffing his hands in his plaid pajama pockets.

"Don't you just look stunning." He commented with a smirk. I looked up into he large mirror at myself. He was right. I looked like I had been stepped on by a giant, thrown into the Black Lake, then spit on by a dragon. I grumbled in embarrassment as I leaned over the counter.

"Remind me to never drink again." I said into my arms.

"Good luck with that. We're only on day two, darling. Better get use to it." He replied.

I turned the tap and began splashing my face in the water. It felt nice on my aching head. I then took a quick swoosh of water to get the gross taste out of my mouth.

"Towel, please?" I turn and mutter with a dripping face.

"Mhm." James hummed.

I patted my face dry with the towel I had just been handed, and then opened my eyes to see James standing hardly a foot away from me. Did he have to sleep without a shirt on? As if I wasn't flustered enough, for Merlin's sake!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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