By MsDimplz24

2.3K 9 1

Human Trafficking is a harsh reality we all have to deal with. Just remember this is FICTION/FAKE and in no w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 46

18 0 0
By MsDimplz24

Vlad ground his teeth as his stupid cousin took his time contemplating his question. He watched

as he swirled his drink in hand, then took tentative sips, ignoring Vlad's seething rage. This went

on for a few tense moments until Vlad had had enough.

"Out with it already."

"Patience dear cousin," Charles chastised. "A question like that needs careful deliberation."

"Name your price. I'll pay..."

"Money? No. Got enough of that already."

"A man always wants more..."

"You, maybe. Then again your desires were always so...common." Charles finished with a 

delicate shudder.

"Then what is it you do want?" Vlad asked impatiently.

Charles narrowed his eyes at him then grinned evilly. "Irena."

"What?" Vlad asked, stunned.

"The mother may cause problems for you but having..."


"You didn't let me finish..."

"They will never be part of any bargain I make with you!"

"But they already are! You made it that way when you kept her!"

"I am not giving you my heir..."

"She's only the heir because her mother has yet to give you a son. But knowing my Russian 

counterparts' usual taste in winter activities, that will soon be remedied."

"The answer is still no!"

"You need to hear me out." Charles said, his tone grave. And when Vlad still shook his head he

continued anyway. "The mother no good anymore." Vlad narrowed his eyes and he snarled

but Charles ignored him and finished. "I can't use her as any bargaining tool with anyone, but

your daughter is a different matter. She has royal blood. That would appease the other members

and keep your wife in check."

"Exactly what do you plan to do with her?"

"Nothing," Charles admitted. "she would be raised at court according to her station..."

"And then?"

"And then as a young woman. She'll be offered the best of choices."

Vlad scoffed. "To someone who belongs to your sick little club."

"Our...little club!" Charles corrected.

"Never mine!"

"You're not dead yet and you have yet to publicly declare an heir for your crown."

"I won't give you my daughter!"

"It sounds like... you don't trust me, cousin." Charles mused.

"And you trust me?"

"Touché." Charles conceded with a raise of his glass.

"Ask for something else!"

"No." Charles rejected. "If you can accept my generous terms then I can't help you."

"You could help me. You just won't, out of petty spite!"

Charles shrugged slightly. "Boredom, actually."

"My life. My family. My name is at risk... and... you use it for entertainment!"

"It's what your wife was purchased for in the first place." Charles calmly pointed out. It made 

Vlad want to wring his neck.

Instead, he took a deep breath and did something he never did before in any negotiation. He

begged. "Charles, for the sake of my family..."

Charles froze, his drink slowly lowered from his lips. "Hold on, what's this?"

"I am appealing to our familial bond..."

"Are you begging?" Charles sneered in distaste, setting his glass down. He stood and circled Vlad

who said nothing but hung his head low. "MY GOD! You are begging!" Charles chuckled and

slapped his knee. "I'd never thought I'd see the day!" He laughed. "Why don't you drop to your 

knees and have a proper go at it, hmm?"

Vladimir fell to his knees and Charles's laughter was cut short as his mouth fell open. "What the 

fuck?" Charles cursed. "She did this! She brought you so...low!" He sneered at him, disgusted by

what he was seeing. "You should just kill her and be done with it, cousin mine. Never let a 

woman bring you to this!"

"I need you to..."

"Shut up!" Charles ordered. "Do not address me like a peasant! What the hell is wrong with you?

On your feet this instant!" Charles gestured angrily then began to pace. "For years I wanted to

see your arrogant arse put in place! Only to find some half breed little bitch beat me to it! By 

Saint Peter's arse, Vlad! What the hell has she done to you!"

"She has done nothing," Vlad replied quietly, finally picking up his glass and downing the 

contents in one swallow.

Charles shook his head and was confused as to what to make of Vlad's show of weakness. 

People thought him weak for a woman once, but he knew the sort of things men did to keep the 

women they were weak for.

"I won't send the envoy," Charles muttered softly. Vlad moved to thank him, and he lifted his

hand. "Say nothing of it."

Vlad nodded and poured himself and Charles another round. They clinked glasses and sat down 

drinking in silence until Charles cleared his throat.

" love her then?" Charles asked, and Vlad nodded. "She's the fucking product, 


"I know."

"Couldn't you find a nice Russian girl? What happened to the one you made plans to marry? 

What's her name again? The um Duchess...Saliva?"

"Slava." Vlad corrected with a chuckle. "She's married ...and a whore."

"Still easier to deal with." Charles pointed out. Then added thoughtfully. "Could you...just um...

not feel that ...way?"

"I tried ...and I still wanted her."

They took simultaneous deep drinks. "Does she love you?"

"Not as I'd like her to."

"She doesn't even reciprocate your feelings and still love her?" Charles asked, and Vlad

shrugged. Charles shook his head. "Mikhail must be rolling in his grave."

"Mother would have liked her," Vlad murmured.

"Yes," Charles agreed softly. "She would have." They continued to drink in silence until Charles

asked. "Does she know what happened to your mother?" Vlad shook his head. "Too bad, I 

thought that was the reason."

"That wasn't my fault."

"But your brother was."

Vlad swallowed and set his empty glass down. "She doesn't know about my brother...or

anything that has to do with my family. She didn't know about you until a few weeks ago."

"Then that's your problem." Charles declared triumphantly.

"What is?"

"You... keeping your secrets! She can't truly love you if she does know you."

"Are you helping me?" Vlad asked with a smirk.

"Don't test my good mood, boy!" Charles growled.

Vlad chuckled and said. "Don't worry old man, I won't think you're going soft."

"You going soft is the topic of discussion." Charles reminded him. "Remember that!" Vlad

nodded, fighting his grin and Charles continued. "Now what was I saying...oh yes. You have to 

tell her about yourself."

"I'll try your sage advice and see how it goes," Vlad promised.

"Don't be cheeky, boy!"

Vlad's grin grew wider, then he frowned. "What are we going to do about this mess?"

"I guess I'll do what most older family members do for the young ones."

"And that is?"

Looking pointedly at Vlad, he growled. "Clean up their bloody messes!"

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