Scars - BTS (Jungkook werewol...

Galing kay 0Mystery_Writer0

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"You. Are. Just. A Burden. Do. You. Understand?" "Thank you for everything. I am sorry that I am a burden for... Higit pa

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Documents
Chapter 3: Start of the Night
Chapter 4: Dying
Chapter 5: What happened?
Chapter 6: Crimson
Chapter 7: Mate
Chapter 8: Werewolf
Chapter 9: Love at First Sight?
Chapter 10: Useless Nightmare
Chapter 11: Plan
Chapter 12: Who am I?
Chapter 13: Will he love me?
Chapter 14: Hurt
Chapter 15: Red Eyes
Chapter 16: Change
Chapter 17: Needles
Chapter 18: Abducted
Chapter 19: Mindlink
Chapter 20: Lisa
Chapter 21: Mate Bond
Chapter 22: Her pain
Chapter 23: One down
Chapter 24: Pitch Black
Chapter 25: Saved?
Chapter 26: Regret?
Chapter 27: Green
Chapter 28: Worried . . .
Chapter 29: Deal
Chapter 31: What have I done?
Chapter 32: Solution?
Chapter 33: Mark
Chapter 34: Genesis
Chapter 35: What have I done?
Chapter 36: Guilt
Chapter 37: Nice To Meet You
Chapter 38: Time For Revenge
Chapter 39: Full Moon
Chapter 40: New Me
Chapter 41: Letter
Chapter 42: Samara Evelyn
Chapter 43: Leave
Chapter 44: Wrong or Hurt?
Chapter 45: Finally, idiot
Chapter 46: Return
Chapter 47: Let's Play
Chapter 48: Through Their Worst

Chapter 30: Emerald Eyes

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Galing kay 0Mystery_Writer0

"Red is the color of love they say. Red is the color of passion they say. But why do I feel that it's truly ominous to meet you drenched in that very red?"


As if on cue, I felt a deep desire unearth in my heart. It was a criminalistic desire. A desire to see blood. A desire to paint my hands in blood. A desire to kill.

» ⊱ ──── ┈┈┈ ──── ⊰ «

Chapter 30: Emerald Eyes

Sam's POV

The sinister-like whisper bounced off of the walls with an awe striking amount of gradience and became louder with a steady pace. It was still muffled without any expression of words drowned in clarity for me to grasp its meaning. With a synchronized start alongside the whispering, a voice went off in the back of my mind. It wasn't my inner voice. Nor was it that weird familiar yet unfamiliar voice I heard when I met Jungkook. Whatever this was, I wasn't liking it.

It was creepy. It was blood curdling. Its cry allowed a chill to lick down my spine and gifted my skin with the etching of soft bumps. The tiny hair follicles budding from my skin, stood straight on their edges with fear surging through them. The tips of my small fingers and toes lost their temperature and dropped to levels they hadn't touched before.

Life has been really unfair for you, my dear. It never let you live in peace. It didn't give you a loving family. And now, it didn't give you your worthy mate. Your mate never wanted you. He never accepted you. He never did and he never will. He hurt your precious heart, dear. You've been wronged. He doesn't deserve you. All he deserves is death. Death for breaking this priceless heart of your. He is killing you internally. So you have the right to kill him. You have the right to kill him with your own hands.

I strained my back muscles and sat up from my comfortable posture in the bed I was tucked into. The warm comforter partially pooled at my stomach while the rest of it was crushed on either sides of my hips. My own soft bangs brimmed over my forehead and distorted my vision. My eyes? They were widely parted as my brain dared and pulled the strings to control my body like a dangling puppet in the hands of its master.

Cognitively, I screamed at the manipulative voice. No! NO! HE HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG! AND WILL NOT KILL HIM! He just needs time before he accepts me! That's it. My brain put all of its efforts together to settle the argument with the scary voice in my head but didn't let my body lose to fall back into its normal functioning state. I just sat limply on the cushioning surface while putting forth my argument.

For a moment, I thought everything was back to normal when I didn't hear the voice respond to my outburst. The weird whispering in the room accompanied with its companion, the eerie hunch, that swelled through the bedroom was completely seized of its existence. It felt like the world paused without any prior notification if it weren't for Jungkook's light airy snore. Just quiet. Just still.

You know he's done you wrong, dear. You know how hard he has pushed you away from himself and hurt you. He hasn't given you the chance to let you know himself. He hasn't taken the chance to know you. He isn't the man for you. What right does he have to live if he can't even take care of your valuable heart you set in his hands? He doesn't deserve to live after everything he has done to you, my dear. 

The voice in my mind was back, alone this time. No sidekick bouncing off of the walls of the room. But it was robust and much more defiant. It was much more dominant and clear. It was much more commanding and controlling.

Don't you remember the times when he frowned at you and maintained the terrible silence without uttering a mere word? Don't you remember the time when he asked you to keep you bond a secret, because he was ashamed of having a human mate? Don't you remember the time when he was closer to Lisa and ignored your presence? Don't you remember the time when he kissed you and pushed you away, only to wipe his lips clean of the presence of your lips?

The voice was smooth and soft like velvet, yet venomous to plant long-lasting grudges in my heart. It reminded me of each and every time Jungkook hurt me. It was . . . cautiously coaxing me to bend against my own love. But now that I understood it's intentions, I had to fight. I had to fight for my love. I couldn't let it get to me. I couldn't let it take over me.

I tried to answer its question as wisely as possible while urging my body towards the edge of the bed. I-I remember it a-all . . . B-but you know why I didn't hold a grudge against him till now? It's because I know the value of trust . . . I know how hard it is to trust someone. So I know that I can't blame him for not trusting me, a stranger he met just a few weeks ago. Who would, honestly? My head was starting to ache at this point.

Letting my stiffened body loose, I pushed it off of the cliff of the bed and turned back to face my disoriented mattress that reminisced my presence. But I wasn't expecting to find a Jungkook, deeply engulfed and cradled in a heartwarming sleep.

How can you let his life be in peace when he disrupted the peace in your life? You need to pluck him out of your life to ease the pain in your heart. You need to kill him to console your shattered soul. He is just part of the bad in this world, my dear. You're just doing a favor to the world by killing him. All you need to do is strangle him. Two minutes and everything would be back to normal. You can live your life without any objections.

My icy fingers lining my hands that dangled at my sides were twitching.

Every time he sees you, his smile disappears. You are not the reason for his smile. You are the reason for his frown. That's how he wants you to feel. He wants you to feel guilty. He wants you to think that you are a burden to him.

My heart was agreeing to the accusations in front of me.

He is the reason for your misery. He is the reason for your deepening depression. He is breaking your heart, soul, and mind. He is breaking you.

I was losing control over my own body. My feet moved along on their own, undisturbed by the lurking darkness surrounding me, and mapped out their route and destination: next to Jungkook.

All you need to do to relieve your pain is to kill him. You just need to encircle his neck with your pretty little hands and squeeze it until he stops moving. Simple.

"Simple," I muttered following the lead of the voice. With every step I took towards the resting body near the soft edge of the mattress, the voice was empowering my mind more and more.

Yes, my dear. You just need to kill him.

"I just need to kill him", I repeated after the voice, like a little child learning and repeating rhymes, just after the teacher said it out loud. My mind couldn't function anymore. It was just taking and following commands the voice gave me.

Within slow and crucial seconds, my feet had reached their destination. A foot away from Jungkook. His head was an arm length away. I just need to wrap my hands around his neck and choke him. Simple. Just like the voice had ordered me.

The silky black hair strands that clung onto their dear life from Jungkook's head faced me while his complete face was turned to the other side as if shunning me away. But before my hands shuffled and grasped his neck, his body jerked into motion and turned his face towards me.

His initial soft snore was paused leaving the room in utter and terrible silence before resuming his signal of deep slumber. My eyes widened and my body was drawn back a few steps. That was enough to snap me out of it. What on earth was I thinking?! I must have lost my mind to think of killing the one I love!

Why did you stop, my dear? All you needed to do was to kill him! Now go on and finish off your job. Make your life easier.

A single thought summed up my entire chaotic mind at this point. I need to get away from Jungkook. Otherwise, I might end up strangling him. With that I grabbed the green stained, once white, dress on the floor near my feet, and flung it over my body and left the room hastily.

While closing the door of the room without even the faintest noise to disturb my dear mate, I answered the question the voice in my head asked me earlier. I will never hurt my love.

In no time I was in the kitchen, with a cold glass of water filled to the brim, hanging from my hand. The time passed midnight and there wasn't even a single soul roaming around the vast corridors of the pack house. The pack house was big enough for at least twenty people to live, but smaller than what I had imagined when I read those werewolf fanfictions and novels. Either way, who would roam around the house at this time? It was the hour for ghosts to party and have fun. Who would want to interrupt them and end up dangling dead in the air?

As the time skimmed past me without the slightest of concern, I made my way to the kitchen counter and placed the glass on it before grasping onto the edge of the still marble with my hands and pushing my body and onto it, sitting my body down on the cold and hard marble counter surface.

The voice hadn't stopped. It maintained its consistent attempt to take control of my mind, so it brought back memories that I wish to disregard, to weaken my soul. Each memory that scrolled through my mind left my heart drenched in a much more intense aching pain. All the words that my heart couldn't let out, my eyes did in the form of tears.

My consciousness was waddling in and out, almost like I was sucked into the black hole and spit right back out. Every time I was pulled into the darkness, I had to fight my way out again to gain back the control over my body. I had to stalk the white spot I saw, at the other end across me, until I was consumed by the blinding light and peeled my eyes open to find myself in control of my body. My head was hurting and so was my body. What in bloody hell is going on? Am I . . . perhaps . . .possessed?

Author's POV

In the kitchen, on the white and black speckled marble counter, and under the white light emerging from a single source located on the ceiling, sat the pretty little lady. The black thick hair of hers wasn't tied away from her face like how she was usually seen. It was rather left without a restrain as it ran down her back and sat on the counter lightly. Her bangs tumbled down her forehead and covered off most of her sparkling eyes.

Her white weightless dress that covered her fine body was splotched with the green substance that, hours ago, oozed out of her wound and stained her dress. Although it was a stain, it looked like a floral design after being crushed downward with its own weight when it was carelessly dropped to the ground and the color bled to other areas of the dress.

Not minding her surroundings, she crossed over one leg over the other while her feet dangled from the edge of the counter. But that wasn't the daunting aspect of the scene. It was her expression. One minute she'd be sobbing lightly with tears dampening her rosy cheeks and the next minute she'd be giggling heartily.  

It almost looked like two different souls quarreling to take over her body. But it wasn't just almost. It was exactly that: two different souls quarreling to take control of her marvelous mind and body.

Briefly when her body was under the control of the foreign soul, she held out her hand that clutched onto the condensed glass filled with melting ice and cold water. Letting it slide from her hands, she stared at the shattered glass pieces on the floor once the floor had embraced it.

It was a lot louder than her light hearty chuckle, maybe enough to wake up some of the light sleepers sleeping in rooms close to the kitchen. The startled pack members stepped out of their rooms while rubbing off the sleep that still crusted their eyes after hearing the alternating melodious giggle and heartbreaking sob of the said girl.

First and foremost was Hoseok. Slightly crushing his shoulders forward, he walked to the kitchen with eyes barely open, only to be stumped at the doorway to the said room while a loud scream erupted from his parted lips. Scrambling away and out of view of Sam, he hid behind the wall next to him. Following him were the two 95 liners who had fastened their pace after hearing their elder's scream.

They had unknowingly bumped into the man that stood frozen behind the wall next to the entrance of the kitchen during their rushed steps. Shaking him out of his stare, they moved him away from the spot next to the doorframe to peek their heads in. Inside the kitchen, they were faced with a vicious beauty, laughing maliciously. Her bangs covered her emerald green eyes, avoiding the potential clue the boys may have caught.

Abruptly stopping, Sam morphed her expressions as her eyes let out tears that embarked the pain she felt in her heart. Her eyes had returned back to the soft chocolate brown, but the boys were still unaware. Her sobs lasted seconds before she threw her head back and started to giggle again.

"Jimin-a, what the hell is wrong with her? I thought at least she'd be the normal one of our group . . . ", said Taehyung while his sharp eyes were wide open observing the weird nature of the girl. They eyed her movements as she swung her hand to a drawer that hid in the counter beneath her, and pulled out one part that completed the silverware set: a sharp and shining silver knife.

She flicked her hand straight forward as the knife breezed by Hoseok's nose and struck at the wooden wall perpendicular to him. Hoseok was stunned at the cold sensation he had felt, skimming his nose, but broke out of it as soon as his brain followed up on the movement of the knife a few seconds ago.

"Yah . . . That could have chopped off my perfect nose . . . ", said Hoseok while holding his nose and checking it with his palm and a cross-eyed stare directed towards it.

Taehyung and Jimin, on the other hand, were staring back and forth at the male next to them and the knife that was stuck an inch deep in the wall perpendicular to them, while horror was painted across their handsome faces.

"That's so unlike her", muttered Hoseok while quietly trying to slip away from the emerging danger he saw in front of him. But Taehyung was too quick to let him slide and grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back to his earlier position.

"Hyung, you are not going anywhere! We are in this together! Even if she chops off your nose! If she drowns me in that kitchen sink, you drown with me! I don't wanna die alone!", said Taehyung with a serious I'm-not-kidding-right-now look, while crushing Hoseok's shoulders with his two strong arms to emphasize his seriousness.

"Yah, let me go! I don't wanna die in that unhygienic kitchen sink. Take Jimin-ie with you if you wanna die so bad!", snapped Hoseok while trying to free himself of Taehyung's hold.

Jimin on the other hand was bewildered and completely oblivious of the argument between the two other males next to him. His dear little friend was never the one to be rude and threatening. But now, she was throwing knives to chop off noses? That too the one of his band mates? "Yah, Sam! What are you doing?! Why did you throw a knife?" Taking gradual steps towards the said female, he expressed his disappointment.

But he wasn't ready to come face to face with glowing emerald orbs that had replaced her soft brown ones. That's when he stopped. It wasn't her. It wasn't Sam, and her eyes were the evidence for his theory. 

Both the figures locked their eyes for the briefest minute before Sam had jumped off the counter quite gracefully, being cautious not to step on the broken glass shards. She skipped her way to the stove that bared a pink frying pan and let her delicate fingers wrap around its handle and pull it off of the stove, freeing it from its burden.

Turning around, she jumped her way towards Jimin, lightly giggling, and rose the pan in an attacking stance to smack him right in the face. Jimin was used to being a shield for Taehyung to escape from Jin when he was armed with his favorite pink frying pan. But that wasn't the case anymore. This time, he was the victim of the pink frying pan that armed the lady with emerald eyes.

Hey guys!! I had time today, so I updated the story for you guys!! This is, by far, the longest chapter I have typed! How is the chapter? I hope it wasn't too boring. The action is coming up in the next chapter!! Let me know what you guys think in the comments and don't forget to vote for the chapter if you liked it. I hope to see you guys soon!! Bye!!! (-Mystery Writer😊)

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