[BTS Jimin FF] Genetical

By TaizenYoung

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A BTS Jimin fanfiction. Y/N is a young girl who was bred in a laboratory. She has no experience with the out... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 21

437 20 3
By TaizenYoung

Jimin's P.O.V.

Y/N:" I'm never  scared..."

Her eyey glowed in the dark and made me realize for the first time who I really had in front of me here. Her tension was very clear to  see and it almost looked as if she had expected every reaction from me, but not this.

Jimin: "Y/N, you are still the same girl I met and fell in love with. Nothing will change how I feel about you, even if I now Know who you really are."

Y/N tilted her head in the way i loved so much.

Y/N: " You mean what I really am... not who I am... I... I am not human, Jimin." I went to her angain but she backed away.

Jimin: "You are 4.73% human and for me that is quite enough."

Y/N: "I have often  thought of killing you... and I cannot promise that I will not have this desire again even if I don't want to."

This statement hit me harder than I expected. I stopped.

"Y/N: "I was created to kill. The disire to kill is deeply rooted in my genes and will never change. I have never been taught to feel anything like forbearance, compassion or pity. Most emotions were from my gene code deleted and I often have problems understanding or even feeling emotions. My body is not suitable for feeling emotions and it makes it very difficult for me to control myself. If I get out of control for even a second, it can be very dangerous for you."

Jimin: "You did it so well all the time. Even when I treated you badly... Now that I know, I can help you with that."

I went up to her again and managed to take her hand.

Y/N: "But what if I hurt you or even...?"

Jimin: "I told you before that I would be happy to die by your hand."

Y/N's head shot up and she looked me straight in the eyes.

Y/N: "You don't know what you're saying..."

I ran my hand across her cheek, through her hair, and down over her shoulders.

Jimin: "Oh, I know that very well. I love you Y/N and I will never leave your side." She seemed to be thinking about something and closed her eyes briefly.

Y/N: "I think that feeling in me is that I love you too." Her body finally relaxed a little and she let me put my arms around her and pull her towards me.

I took her under the covers that I had wrapped around me to warm her. But I was amazed to find that Y/N felt very warm.

Jimin: "Are you okey, you are so warm. Maybe you have a fever?" Y/N suddenly laughed in my arms.

Y/N: "I'm fine. I'm doing this to keep you warm."

Jimin: "To keep me warm? I don't quite understand."

Y/N: "I can change my body temperature as I like. So it is never too cold or too warm for me." I looked overwhelmed at Y/N. I became aware that I actually didn't know anything about Y/N.

Y/N: "Your mother... and Taehyung."

So my mother really had known it all the time.

Y/N: "Jimin, please don't be angry with your mother. She really found me on the street after I got out of the... lab..." Y/N fingers suddenly clawed at my hip.

Soothing I stroked her back and kissed her forehead.

Jimin: "It's ok I am not angry with my mother. She was probably afraid that I would put you in a cage."

Y/N: "You wouldn't have been able to catch me anyway." Her voice sounded slightly provocative and I eyed her curiously.

Jimin: "How fast are you?" Y/N smiled at me but said nothing.

Jimin: "Well, I guess I'll find out one day."

Y/N: "And what should we do now? I mean now that you know what I am."

Jimin: "First of all, we should wash the sand off our bodies and maybe cuddle up a bit afterwards." She looked at me stunned.

Y/N: "But..."

Jimin: " What? Did you think that something would change or that I would even use you for my purposes? I love you Y/N and I would never do that to you." She eyed me intensely.

Jimin: "What are you doing?"

Y/N: "Check if you're lying..."

Jimin: "How?" Her warm naked body nestled against me.

Y/N: "I can see, hear and smell when someone is lying. I can hear your heartbeat, see if you show typical physical reactions when someone is lying and I smell hormones."

Jimin: "That's amazing..." Lovingly, I stroked a strand of her hair behind her ear. I ran my fingers gently over her skin on her back and carried on when she got goosebumps. When I touched the familiar spot between her shoulder blades, her body trembled in my arms and she closed her eyes relaxed.

Again I could hear that soft chirping sound that she always made when I touched her at this point. Y/N seemed to have noticed and pressed her lips together.

Y/N: "I'm sorry... that's because of my changed genes.I... I have bird genes in my DNA so that my voice sounds nice..."

Jimin: "Come on my nightingale, let's go back to the house now. We have a lot to talk about." She nodded and together we went back to the beach house.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I wrapped a towel around my body as I went to Jimin who was waiting for the bathroom to be available.

Y/N: "I'm done, you can go to the bathroom now." He gave me a kiss and disappeared into the bathroom.

After a while he came out of the bathroom freshly showered and wearing only comfortable trousers. In that time I had put on one of Jimin's silky white shirts. The shirt was barely long enough to cover my bum. I noticed immediately that Jimin's eyes slid over my legs up to my buttocks. I caught myself looking at his well-shaped upper body. Again, a longing feeling spread through my abdomen, but I ignored it. Jimin came to me and wrapped his arms around me, his hand brushed my thigh as I winced slightly. His look was suddenly concerned.

Jimin: "I hope I didn't hurt you too much earlier on the beach." Just thinking about it, the need doubled in me.

Y/N:  "I'm fine." He nodded in relief and looked at me curiously.

Jimin: "So, could you tell me a little something about yourself?"

I felt a lump in my throat. I was afraid that he would be afraid of me or even refuse if I told him everything about myself.

Y/N: "Please don't be afraid of me..."

Jimin: "I trust you Y/N... " I looked closely at him to see if he was telling the truth.

Y/N: "I was nerver really born... "

Jimin: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "My fetus... was never in a mother's womb. i was conceived outside of a human boody. I was in a kind of machine that resembled the womb of a pregnat woman." Jimin looked at me in shock. He took my hand comfortingly, but I felt no sadness.

Y/N: "My body was completely genetically modified as a fetus. They didn't have to make any changes to me anymore when they got me out of this birth machine. Zhat's why they call me... perfect." Jimin took a deep breath.

Jimin: "I knew that Dr. Agma was crazy, but I never expected that he would go that far."

Y/N: "I only saw Dr. Agma very seldom. Because the older I got, the more dangerous I became. Anesthetics or poisons don't work for me as they do for other people and since I'm very fast, they usually strapped me to some medical table and tried to immobilize me with medication. They poisoned me with hundreds of different chemical substances to find out how they could possibly stun me. After a while they noticed that my wounds were healing faster than usual. They broke my bones just to see how fast they were healing. They cut me open to see how fast the wounds were healing. Because I didn't have anesthetic I felt everything with full consciousness." Jimin went pale.

Jimin: "That's why you fled the hospital.It reminded you of all that... I'm... I'm sotty I took you there and didn't listen to you when you wanted to leave." His eyes looked kind of watery.

Y/N: "You couldn't have known that the laboratory I come from and the cells in which I was trapped are very similar to a hospital. I was just afraid that I would have to go through all of this again." Jimin's soft lips brushed my temple.

Jimin: "I will never let it happen to you again. Never again. I promise."

My heart skipped a beat. Again my body had to struggle with emotions that it did not know. The feeling made me restless and tense.

Jimin: "Are you okay?"

I tried to free myself from his embrace as gently as possible.

Y/N: "I have already told you that I have difficulties dealing with emotions. Some emotions have been removed or blocked from my gene code. Therefore, it can happen that I can no longer control myself properly and my animal instincts gain the upper hand."

Jimin: "And what does that mean exactly?" I continued to back away from him but he didn't seem to understand that it was better not to approach me now.

"Y/N: ""It means that it can be damn dangerous for you, if you are around me at that time. My instincts are wild and unpredictable."

With my hands raised I clearly indicated to Jimin that he shouldn't cone any closer.

Y/N: "Jimin, right now is this moment where I don't know if I can control myself. Please let us agree that when I tell you not to approach, you listen to me. I don't want to hurt you." He finally stopped.

Jimin: "But I want to help you with that..."

Y/N: "I don't mean that badly, Jimin. But you help me by staying away from me in such moments."

Jimin was not happy not to be able to help me, but he kept his distance. Apparently he was wondering what to do to distract me.

Jimin: "Did I tell you that this island is called the island of silent ghosts?" I looked at him, surprised and a little skeptical.

Y/N: "Really?"

Jimin: "I thought you knew when I lie?" *teasing* I raised an eyebrow.

Y/N: "Jimin, that just doesn't help me..." For some reason I had to grin and my confused thoughts cleared up again. Okey, I admit it helped a bit..." Calmer, I approached him again and took his hand to interlock my fingers with his. Satisfied, he grinned at me, so that his eyes narrowed into slits.

Jimin: "Why exactly are you called Ghost?"

Y/N:  "It's pretty difficult to explain..."

Jimin: "Oh okey..." A mysterious smile spread across my lips.

Y/N: "But I can show you..."

Jimin's P.O.V.

Y/N took a few steps back and let go of my hand. When I turned to her, she was gone. I looked around in amazement. Where was she?

Jimin: "Y/N?"

Suddenly the light in the room went out and enveloped me in total darkness. I turned around again and jumped back in shock when she suddenly stood right in front of me. Her glowing eyes were fixed on me menacingly. I had neither heard her nor noticed any movement in the room.

Jimin: "Holy fuck... Y/N, you fucking scared me! ... Y... Y/N?" Her eyes were gone and the light came back on. There was nobody in front of me. I winced violently when two arms came around me from behind. I almost screamed. Then I felt her soft lips on my neck. My heart was still beating hard in my chest.

Jimin: "I think, now I understand why you are called Ghost." Her soft laugh sounded like a bird, as she bit my skin gently.

Jimin: "But I don't understand why the man I killed said you were pure horror." Y/N's lips parted from my neck and I felt her breath against my ear.

Y/N: "Thats's because I love to play with my prey..." *whispers* She pished me roughly onto the siófa and in a second she was on top of me. I lost myself in her eyes until she finally tilted her head and her gaze wandered over my free chest.

Y/N: "They say I'm unpredictable..." I got goosebumps when she started kissing my stenum without warning.

Jimin: "Y/N... what are you daing? I..."

A low moan escaped me as Y/N's lips moved over my chest and her tongue slid over my skin close to my nipple.

Y/N: "They say... that I love to kill slowly..." I grabbed her thighs and pilled her up so that she was sitting on top of me and our lips could connect. Her kiss was full of heat and desire. My hands brushed her thighs and hips and pushed up the shirt she was wearing from me.

Only now I noticed that she was not wearing any panties. the desire that was already boiling in me now consumed me completely. I grabbed her buttocks with both hands and squeezed them. Y/N's tongue explored my mouth and I love it. She stroked my tongue with hers and let her hands slide over my chest. I slowly ran out of breath and broke the kiss to catch my breath.

Jimin: "Damn... how long can you hold your breath?"

Y/N: "Almost 39 minutes..." My eyes widened but at that moment Y/N found my sweet spot on my neck and sucked on it.

Silent, I just enjoyed the feeling. Again her lips stroked my chest and this time she went deeper. Her tongue traced the lines of my muscles on my stomach. Just below my navel, Y/N bit my skin and left a dark mark. I bit the back of my hand and moaned softly.

When Y/N stroked the bulge in my pants with one hand, my groans grew louder. Gently and slowly she massaged me through the thin fabric of my pants: Finally she pulled my pants down and bit her lip. I was rock hard for her and I thought I was going to explode any minute. Y/N's hand felt pleasantly cool as she gripped my shaft. I threw my head back and moaned loudly as she licked from the base over my shaft and then circled my tip with her tongue. Precum dripped from the tip of my cock, making it slippery in her hand.

With my eyes full of lust, I watched her as she slowly took the tip of my cock into her mouth. I was throbbing in her mouth because of the pleasure she gave me. She took me all the way in her mouth and started moving her head up and down. I was about to lose it.

Y/N movements were so sensual that I had to hold myself back from coming too fast. Her hair kept falling into her face and getting in her way, so I grabbed her hair in a ponytail to help her a little and to see better. I felt how she increased the pressure of her tongue on my shaft and gave me even more pleasure. I knew that this would push me over the edge very quickly.

Jimin: "Y/N... I'm about to come..."

Y/N let go of me and just licked my tip while her hand pumped me. My cock started twitching in her hand. She looked me straight in the eye as she sensually took my entire length in her mouth and made me deepthroating her.

Jimin: "Oh fuck... Y/N!... Nngghhh... so good... " After a few seconds i came into her mouth and she swallowed every drop from me. She let my tip pop out of her mouth and I moaned loudly from the overstimulation. Breathing hard, I tried to calm myself down. Y/N leaned over and kissed me while I pulled her shirt up and over her head. I wanted to get on top of her, but Y/N put her hands on my chest and pushed me back down.

Again she grabbed my member and positioned herself over it. I quickly put my hands under her thight and held her up so she couldn't go down on me.

Jimin: "Y/N stop. It's just your second time. This position will hurt you too much..." Smiling she kissed my forehead.

Y/N: "It's okay, Jimin. I can take it and I want it that way."

Jimin: "No Y/N. I want to give you pleasure and not pain." Her smile didn't go away, but something flashed in her eyes. She pressed my hands into the pillow next to me and slowly let me slide into her. She was so wet and warm inside but I was more concerned about hurting her. I felt how deep I was inside and how I stretched her. Y/N's fingers clawed my chest, leaving red streaks on my skin. Slowly she pushed herself up and let herself slide down my length again.

Y/N gave me waves of pleasure over my length as she let her hips circle and made us feel every inch of our connection. Her movements were slow and sensual and gave us both a lot of pleasure. Y/N straightened up and ran her hands over her neck and breasts while her moans grew louder. I reached up to her and grabbed one of her breasts with one hand. My thumb rubber her hard nipple. I put my other hand on her hip to hold her down as I slowly thrusted up into her. Y/N's lips parted slightly and her eyes rolled back. She was moaning continuously now.

Jimin: "I will give you so much pleasure, my beauty..." With every thrust form me, I pulled her hip against me to push deep into her. Our movements synchronized and our desire grew. I thrusted faster and Y/N roller her hips and almost drove me insane.

Jimin: "Ahhh... that's it... ride me, babe..." Y/N's beauty had me under a spell. Her perfectly black hair poured down her back as she tossed her head back. We were both just a moaning mess. I could feel her tighten around me. I wanted to feel more of her skin on mine and sat up to pull her to me. Still in her, she was now sitting on my lap. Hungry, I kissed her shoulder and started sucking on her breasts. Y/N bit my shoulder when she suddenly tightened hard around me. Her body reared as she came hard all over my length.

She came painfully hard and I stopped my movements to make it easier for her. When she had calmed down a bit, I started thrusting into her again. It wasn't long before I pulled out of her and came over our bellies and thighs. Panting, we hold each other in arms and looked deeply into each other's eyes.

I leaned my forehead against hers and just enjoyed her touch. When i looked down I noticed that she was bleeding again.

Jimin: "Y/N you're bleeding again. Are you in pain?" She looked down and then back at me.

Y/N: "I'm totally fine. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt." I got up and picked her up in my arms to carry her to the bathroom.

Y/N: "I can walk myself..."

Jimin: "No, you should move as little as possible." I put her next to the sink and dampened a towel with water. Carefully, I helped her clean herself and then cleaned myself.

Y/N: "You don't always have to worry about me. I can take a lot more than you and my wounds heal very quickly."

Jimin: "Is it foolish to worry about someone I love?"

Y/N: "No, but..."

Jimin: "Then let me take care of you." She wanted to reply something but I threw the wet towl into the sink.

I supported myself with my hands on the left and right side of her legs on the sink. This time I wouldn't let her intimidate me. I leaned forward and looked her dominantly in the eye. At first, she withheld my gaze aggressively, but then ger gaze softened and she wanted to avert my gaze, which I did not allow.

Jimin: "You may be much stronger than me, but you shouldn't underestimate me. Like you, I've been trained all my life to be a killer and the leader of the mafia in the country. I have power over this country and other organizations and even the police fear me."

I was jsut about to continue when she raised her hand and silenced me. Her eyes were fixed on the dark sea. Something about her had changed, she looked excited. Y/N eyes pierced the darkness like two glowing sapphires. She tilted her head and seemed to be listening for something.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I could clearly hear the sound of three boat engines speeding toward the island.

Y/N: "Nobody knows about this island?"

Jimin: "Nobody but my closest confidante. Why?" I stepped closer to the open patio door.

Y/N: "This island no longer seems to be a secret. three boats are quickly approaching us..." Jimin seemed surprised and stepped next to me to look out to sea as well. I knew that he could neither see nor hear the boats.

Y/N: "Turn off all the lights and tell Sofie that she should get herself and her husband to safety." Jimin did what I told him and came back to me with two guns in his hand. He handed me a gun but I refused.

Y/N: "That is probably the reason why they say that I am pure horror..."

Jimin: "What are you going to do?" I smiled in amusement and looked at Jimin.

Y/N: "You told me that this island is called the island of silent ghosts..." My eyes became dangerous.

Y/N: "These men should better not go on this island, because there really is a ghost on this island..." Jimin looked at me as he slowly smiled.

Jimin: "You are right. This island lives up to its name."

Y/N: "Do you know who these people can be?"

Jimin: "No, but that doesn't keep me from killing them if I need to."

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