[BTS Jimin FF] Genetical

By TaizenYoung

6.4K 504 48

A BTS Jimin fanfiction. Y/N is a young girl who was bred in a laboratory. She has no experience with the out... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 7

197 21 1
By TaizenYoung

Jimin's P.O.V.

One of my men had probably heard the shot from me and ran to Y/N. When he pointed his
gun at her, I was sure of victory. But Y/N reached out with her foot and threw her shoe right
in his face. My guard collapsed unconscious. As if nothing had happened, she slipped out of
her second shoe while walking and went into the house.

Taehyung: "Holy shit, I think I get a boner."

Jimin: "Move your ass off my property, Taehyung."

Taehyung: "Do not hurt her too much or you'll ruin her. See you tomorrow." Angry, I went to the house and entered it. I screamed for a servant of mine. Never had a woman bothered to resist me. At least those who tried had not survived long.

Jimin: "Prepare everything. And bring a new car battery. I'll have a lot of fun tonight."

Servant: "Yes Sir."

I entered the living room and stopped abruptly. A cold shiver ran down my spine when I noticed that someone was standing behind me. Slowly I turned around.

Y/N: "Why are you so angry?"

She tilted her head and studied me.

Jimin. "Nobody ever dared to oppose me and got away with it."

Y/N: "At some point is always the first time."

She did not say it provocative or know-it-all, but it just made me even more angry. I aimed my gun directly at her face. The tip of my gun almost touched the tip of her nose. She did not even flinch. Again she tilted her head.

Her behavior and her movements somehow seemed strange to me. I could not explain what it was because everything was still pretty much normal. Except that she was not scared and her abnormal blue eyes.

Jimin: "Where did my mother get you?"

She wet her lips with her tongue.

Y/N: "She found me."

Jimin: "WHERE?"

Y/N: "On a street I was hurt and did not know where I was going." *calm voice*

Jimin: "What happened before?"

Y/N: "I do not know."

She did not look like she was lying.

Jimin: "Now listen to me, if you do not want me to hurt my mother, then you should be good and do what I tell you."

As I said that, her eyes looked at my face and body. Of course I would not hurt my mother, but she could not know that.

Slowly she nodded.

Jimin: "Good! You will never contradict me again! Do you understand that?"

She just nodded again.

Jimin: "And I want to hear your beautiful voice more often. So, I'll ask you again, Did you understand that?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I got it..."

Jimin: "You're lucky that you're special, otherwise I would have hurt you a lot, but I do not want to ruin your pretty face and your eyes."

Y/N: "Why do all of you say I have strange eyes?" She asked me in surprise.

Jimin: "Because your eye color is extremely rare, if not unique. Have you ever looked in a mirror?"

It seemed she meant the question really seriously.

Y/N: "I do not want everyone always staring at me."

Jimin: "You'll have to get used to that."

I still had my gun on her face. I could tell that she did not like my answer because she did not look at me anymore. I pushed her chin up with my gun.

Jimin: "You and my mother will stay here until I know what happened in my parents house."

Y/N: "You belong to the Mafia. Certainly you will have many enemies."

Jimin: "Wrong, my beauty. I...am ... the Mafia."

Y/N raised an eyebrow but said nothing. I pressed my gun to her neck.

Jimin: "Why are not you afraid?"

A smile crossed her lips.

Y/N: "Because I'm not afraid of the death. Life is a thousand times more painful than death."

I had not counted on such an answer. Because that's exactly what I thought. Slowly I dropped the weapon.

Y/N eyes almost looked like they were changing. I could recognize pain and despair in it. Her eyes wandered past me and looked at something behind me.

???: "JIMIN !! Leave her alone!"

Y/N: "Katharina, how are you feeling?"

Katharina: "Much better. Y/N why are you completely wet?"

Y/N: "I fell in the pool."

Katharina looked over at Jimin.

Katharina: "You fell into the pool? All by yourself? Jimin do you have something to do with it?"

Jimin: "Stop interrogating us like little kids."

Katharina sighed but kept her mouth shut. I called for a servant and asked him to bring dry clothes for Y/N.

Servant: "Sir, I think she will not fit in Hyuna's clothes. Hyuna is much smaller and thinner."

Jimin: "Then bring her clothes from me." *annoyed*

Servant: "Yes Sir."

Katharina: "Who is Hyuna?"

Jimin: "A toy."

Katharina: "Oh ...."

After a while my servant came back with clothes from me and handed these Y/N. Katharina stood and drummed with one foot on the floor.

Katharina: "Do you want to watch her changing clothes Jimin? Come let us go to the garden, I wanted to talk to you anyway."

I went with my mother in the garden when I looked again to Y/N. She had watched us both closely.

Y/N's P.O.V.

As Katharina and Jimin left the living room, I got rid of my wet clothes and put on the clothes the servant had brought me. His clothes were too big for me but it was better than the wet clothes. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down a staircase. According to the ease of the steps, it had to be a woman.

I listened eagerly, who came down the stairs. A young woman came into the living room and stopped when she saw me.

Woman: "Who are you? Are you my new servant? Wait ... Why are you wearing Chimchim's

clothes?  What the hell, bitch?!"

She came to me and tore at Jimins clothes I was wearing.

Woman. "Take that off right away! You're messing up his clothes, you filthy bitch!"

I grabbed her wrist and turned it. She whimpered in pain.

Woman: "Let me go you hurt me! CHIMCHIM!"

I had to laugh about how weak she was. My animal instincts rejoiced in me. She was easy prey.

Y/N: "Stop yelling, or should I break your wrist?" *dangerous whisper*

With a slight bump, I released her and she fell to the ground. With a pained face, she held her wrist.

Woman: "You freak! Stay away from me! CHIMCHIM!"

Annoyed, I turned my back on her and went to the terrace. Despite darkness I could see Jimin and Katharina sitting on a bench in the garden. I quickly took a few steps back into the light of the house, so that no one could see my reflective eyes.

The girl was still insulting me, but I ignored her. Finally, she recognized Jimin in the garden and ran to him. I was curious what would happen now and grinned. I could see her running ti Jimin and clinging to him. Jimin looked annoyed and pushed her away. Wild gesticulating she pointed in my direction. I could hear everything from this distance, but I did not pay attention. Dreamily I looked in the clear starry sky.

I was still fascinated by the nature that surrounded me. I was torn from my thoughts as the woman started screaming like crazy. Jimin's voice also grew louder as he yelled at her. Jimin went back to the house and dragged the woman behind him.

Woman: "But Jimin I love you and I thought you love me too!?" *cries*

Jimin: "You're really naive, you're just a toy, plus one that bores me. Get your things and leave my house."

When the two of them came past me, the woman broke away from Jimin and ran to me.

Woman: "It's all your fault, bitch!"

She pulled out and slapped my face. One of her artificial nails cut my cheek. When she tried to reach out a second time, I caught her hand. A shot sounded and the woman fell in my direction. Elegant, I took a step to the side and she fell to the terrace floor and did not move. Slowly a pool of blood formed under her. I looked down at the woman's body and then at Jimin, who looked at me bleakly.

Jimin: "This happens to girls who annoy me. Remember this very well."

Unimpressed, I tilted my head. I heard a car driving up the driveway to the house.

Y/N: "You get visitors."

Dazed, Jimin looked at me as the doorbell rang. One of the servants went to the door and opened it. Jimin did not keep his eyes off me all the time, until J-Hope entered the room.

J-Hope: "Good evening Jimin. Oh I see you have a visit! Good evening Mrs. Park and good

evening Y/N."

Katharina: "Good evening J-Hope."

My eyes wandered to J-Hope. He seemed somehow as if he had something important to say.

J-Hope: "Jimin, we found out something else."

Jimin: "That sounds interesting, especially after someone deleted the rest of the files." His eyes focused on his mother who suddenly looked guiltily to the ground. My heart skipped a beat. Confused, I looked to Katharina.

Katharina: "I told him Y/N, I just felt too guilty."

Jimin: "What did you find out, J-Hope?"

J-Hope: "It's really unbelievable what Dr. Agma created, most of the information we have is about the already deceased experiments, but we also found out some about the surviving specimens."

We all sat on a big sofa.

J-Hope: "We have found that Z1/2 and Z2/2 are already born genetically modified. Z1/2 has only 10% human genes, Z2/2 even only 5%. The rest are animal, mutant or engineered genes. We assume that they can not really look like human."

Jimin: "That's interesting, are they able to speak?"

J-Hope: "Yes, and not only that, because of their altered genes, Z1/2, for example, is able to see heat. We suspect that it works like a snake can perceive heat."

Katharina: "That would be really incredible. I mean, imagine what those creatures can do."

Jimin: "Are Z1/2 and Z2/2 different in their changes?"

J-Hope: "Yes, completely different. Z 2/2 is described as inhumanly fast, quiet and acrobatic

in the recordings, with Z1/2 being extremely strong and enduring. "

I was extremely tense and had to be very careful not to let me show.

Katharina: "It sounds like they are very dangerous."

J-Hope. "Not only are they dangerous, they are absolutely deadly, both are immune to any narcotic, which makes it impossible for us to catch them."

Jimin: "We have to find Dr. Agma first, so we can catch the two."

J-Hope: "I think even then it will be damn dangerous."

Jimin: "J-Hope, I want them. Dead or alive.  After all, my father financed most of this project."

J-Hope: "We have much more information about the two, but unfortunately we do not know what they look like, just as we just said, we do not think they can look nearly human."

I sat in silence on the sofa all the time. I briefly considered whether I should put an end to everything here. But I decided against it. On the contrary, I would help them. To find Dr. Agma. Of course not so that they came to more information, but much more because I could kill him with my own hands. It had hit me like an electric shock when I heard that Dr. Agma was still alive.

Katharina: "Y/N, are you all right? Let me take care of your wound."

Katharina: "Jimin, we will go to sleep, then you can discuss with J-Hope."

Jimin: "Alright, you know where to find the guest room."

Together, Katharina and I went upstairs and entered a bedroom.

Y/N: "Katharina, may I ask you something?"

Katharina: "Yes, of course."

Katharina was just cleaning my wound with a cotton swab and sat next to me on the bed.

Y/N: "Why did you tell Jimin you stole the rest of the files?"

Katharina: "Because he'd find out anyway, and he's my son. I've made so many mistakes in the past and did not want to make one again."

Lovingly she took my hand.

Katharina: "I also lost the USB stick. Luckily, he had backup copies of the file, otherwise he would not have taken it so lightly."

Y/N: "What do you think about him wanting to catch these ... creatures."

Katharina: "I do not like the idea, not only that it seems very dangerous to me, I also think ... that maybe these creatures just want to live in freedom."

Y/N: "Do you really think so?"

Katharina: "Yes, I think so."

Y/N: "Katharina, I have something to confess."

Katharina: "What, my darling?"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the USB stick. Katharina looked at me in surprise.

Katharina: "You took it ?! But why?"

Y/N: "I owe you a lot Katharina. So I want to be honest with you and not lie to you, but you have to promise that you will not tell anyone about it! Nobody should notice that you know something when this topic is addressed. And please ... do not be afraid of me."

Katharina: "You scare me a bit, are you a spy?"

Y/N: "No I'm not a spy."

Katharina: "You can trust me Y/N, I will not tell anything, I promise."

Y/N: "I know where one of the experiments that Dr. Agma created is."

She jumped up in horror.

Katharina: "Y/N! Jimin may never know that you know where one of the experiments is, he would torture you to get this information. Oh god, you're in danger here."

Y/N: "You do not understand."

Katharina: "What do not I understand?"

I took a deep breath.

Katharina: "I think you do not understand the danger you are in. We have to get you out of here as fast as possible, anywhere Jimin can not find you."

Y/N: "Katharina stop babbling and listen to me."

Katharina: "I have friends in Europe, you could hide with them for a while."

Y/N: "Katharina..."

Slowly I got angry.

Katharina: "I will guide all the ways so you can safely leave the land. We will just tell Jimin tomorrow that we both want to go shopping and then I'll take you to the airport."

Now it was enough for me.

Y/N: "Shut up and listen to me!" *gets louder*

She fell silent in surprise.

Y/N: "I am Z2/2 ..."

Completely confused, she stared at me.

Katharina: "What did you just say?" * Whispers *

I rolled my eyes annoyed.

Y/N: "I said I'm Z2/2."

Katharina: "But ... but you're human..."

Y/N: "No I'm not, well, at least only 4.73%."

She looked completely surprised and put a hand over her mouth. I stayed where I was and just looked at her. I could see from her expression that she did not believe me. It took a while until she finally dropped her hand and slowly came towards me. Disoriented, I backed away a bit. She jerked herself briefly.

Katharina: "Do... do not be afraid."

I could not help but laugh. For the first time in a long while I laughed with all my heart. Katharina seemed intimidated.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I did not mean to scare you, but I do not think I'm the one who needs to be

scared." * Giggles *

For the first time since I fled the lab, I dropped my mask. I no longer bothered to hide my feelings and emotions. I moved in the way my nature was and not as lumbering as a human being. My footsteps were silently on the floor.

Katharina: "And what are you going to do now, I mean, you do not have to hurt my Jimin right?"

Y/N: "As long as he does not hurt me. No, seriously, I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just want to find my brother and ... Dr. Agma."

Katharina: "Why do you want to find Dr. Agma? I mean what do you want from him?"

Y/N: "Until recently, I thought Dr. Agma had died in the explosion, I'll kill him if I find him. After all, what he did to my brother and me ..."

Katharina: "Where is your brother?"

Y/N: "I do not know, unfortunately we were separated on the run."

I watched her attentively, it seemed strange that she asked so many questions and apparently took the situation too lightly. My eyes pierced hers.

Y/N: "Why are you asking so much?"

Katharina: "To be honest ... all the time I had the feeling that you were hiding something, but I never dreamed you were Z2/2."

Y/N: "Are not you afraid of me now?"

Katharina came slowly to me and hesitantly put a hand to my cheek.

Katharina: "Why should I? You're still the girl I found in the street, and the girl that I love, just because you're not human, as you say, which I do not believe, does not mean that I treat you differently now." My heart made a jump when I heard her words.

Y/N: "Do you really mean that?"

Katharina came up to me and hugged me lovingly.

Katharina: "Yeah sure."

I still was not used to such things like hugs. Carefully, I patted her back and freed myself from her embrace as I heard footsteps on the stairs.

Y/N: "Jimin is coming." *whispers*

Katharina: "You can hear that?" *impressed*

I just nodded and put a finger on my lip to signify her to be quiet. Jimin's footsteps sounded strange. Listening, I tilted my head. It sounded like he was hesitating.

Katharina seemed to want to imitate me and also tilted her head to listen better. I had to grin again.

Y/N: "We did not bring clothes to change." I said and winked at her. I tried to explain with a gesture that Jimin stood at the door and listened as well.

Katharina: "Yes you are right. His clothes are not very good for you." * winks and grins *

By hand, I explained to her that we are frightened together on my sign. I counted with my fingers to three. Just then Jimin pushed open the door without knocking.

Katharina & Y/N: "AHHH!"

Katharina: "JIMIN, you can not just come in here without knocking, what if we had just changed!" *blaming*

Katharina played her role very well.

Jimin: "Come on, mother. I have to talk to you again. Alone." *looks at me waiting *

I looked at Katharina, who nodded reassuringly.

Jimin: "Y/N, go to the living room to J-Hope. I want to talk to you later."

Worried, I looked again to Katharina.

Katharina: "It's alright, J-Hope will not hurt you, go ahead."

Once again, I looked at Jimin and briefly studied his body language. He did not seem upset or aggressive. Without contradiction, I left the room. However, I did not close the door properly which helped me to hear everything from the living room. Not very quiet, I went down the stairs and entered the living room. J-Hope was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the papers ... through my records to be exact.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Actually, I did not feel like messing with another of Jimin's men. But it seemed like J-Hope was too busy with the papers to notice me. However, I was too curious what else about me stood in these papers, as I could keep away. Slowly, as if I were shy, I went to the sofa and sat stiffly opposite him. I still had the bandage around my foot that Katharina had put on me when she had removed the broken glass from my foot.

J-Hope: "What happened?"

I looked at him questioningly. Once again, I played the shy and absolutely harmless girl. J-Hope looked up from his paper.

J-Hope: "I mean your foot, what happened to it?"

I still did not say a word.

J-Hope: "Oh yeah I forgot that Jimin said you're not just a chatterbox. Let me see."

He grabbed my foot and I had to suppress the impulse of my lightning fast reflex so as not to pull black the foot too fast.

J-Hope: "Shhh ... I do not want to hurt you."

I wriggled my foot out of his grip and stood up. When I wanted to go away, he grabbed my foot again and I fell forward. Of course, this was also acted by me. J-Hope removed the bandage from my foot.

J-Hope: "You know Y/N! You should listen to a man if he tells you something."

Amazed, he looked at the wound under my foot. The wound was almost completely healed.

J-Hope: "The wound has already healed well, you should not use the bandage anymore."

He released my foot.

J-Hope: "Come on, join me in. The conversation between the two will take a little longer."

He tapped the empty space next to him. Hesitating, I sat next to him. As I sat next to him, I focused on the conversation in our bedroom. But I could only hear muffled voices. It seemed like someone had closed the door to the bedroom. My attention was thus directed to the documents that were on the table.

An almost complete list of my brother's genetic changes was there. I picked up the paper and read it. For a brief moment I was mystified. Fortunately, the list was incomplete and partly incorrect.

J-Hope: "If you can find this list for Z2/2 please give it to us. We have almost no information on Z2/2."

Y/N: "What exactly is this about?"

J-Hope flinched and looked at me with his mouth open.

J-Hope: "Wow ... how nice your voice sounds."

I rolled my eyes. A cell phone which was on the table began to vibrate. J-Hope answered the call.

J-Hope: <on the phone> "Hi Taehyung, what's up?"

Taehyung: <on the phone> "Hi J-Hope! What are you doing right now? I wanted to ask if you could help me out tonight?"

J-Hope: <On the phone> "Unfortunately no, I'm at Jimin right now."

Taehyung: <On the phone> "Really? Y/N is with you..."

J-Hope: <On the phone> "Yeah, she's sitting next to me, why?"

Taehyung: <on the phone> "Did not Jimin punish her?"

J-Hope: <on the phone> "No, why should he? She's totally well-behaved."

Taehyung: <on the phone> "She hit one of Jimin's guards unconscious with a shoe!"

J-Hope: <on the phone> "With a shoe ?! Hahahahaha ...! That's funny!"

I smiled slightly at the cute conversation of the two and somehow J-Hope's laugh was contagious.

J-Hope: "OMO .....!"

J-Hope drew in a sharp breath and stared at me.

Taehyung: <on the phone> "J-Hope? J-Hope? J-HOPE ?! What happened?"

J-Hope: <on the phone> "Y/N ...."

Taehyung: <on the phone> "What's up with her? Did something happen? Tell me!"

J-Hope: <on the phone> "She ... she ... she smiled. I think my heart just stopped."

Taehyung: <on the phone> "Stay where you are, since I'm already on the way!"

J-Hope laughed as Taehyung hung up quickly.

It was not long before the front door opened and Taehyung came storming in, slightly out of breath.

Taehyung: "Where is my smiling angel?"

I could not explain why but the behavior of the two, made me laugh more. Never before had I laughed so much. These little humans were just too funny.

Taehyung chin fell down when he saw me. He slipped to the ground acting like a dying swan. I needed fresh air to cool off. I went to the patio door as a hand grabbed me by the waist.

Taehyung: "You better not go out there. The dogs are outside. They only belong to Jimin and would tear you to pieces."

Elegant, I escape his grip and looked at him reproachfully. Footsteps came down the stairs.

Jimin: "Get your hands off her, Taehyung! Did not I tell you to leave my property?"

Taehyung: "I'm sorry, Jimin, I just could not resist."

All three men looked at me. I heard three cars driving up the driveway. Unobtrusively, I went to a window and looked out as if I wanted to look at the stars.

Y/N: "Do you expect more visitors, Jimin?"

Jimin: "Why are you asking?"

I pointed out the window.

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