[BTS Jimin FF] Genetical

By TaizenYoung

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A BTS Jimin fanfiction. Y/N is a young girl who was bred in a laboratory. She has no experience with the out... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Episode 6

179 22 2
By TaizenYoung

Y/N's P.O.V.

Jimin: "I never thought Dr. Agma would go that far. It looks like he was trying to create genetically engineered warriors. And he was ... successful. He created... monsters."

The word Monster rang in my ears. I could not stand it when someone called me that! Yes it was true that I was not human but that did not mean that I and my brother were monsters.

To quell my excitement, I drove down my heartbeat, which helped me to rest and not do something rash. My face became pale due to low blood pressure. This Jimin seemed to notice and came to me. Every other person would have fainted, but I did not care.

Jimin: "Do not be scared, babe. We'll find these monsters and kill them if they still exist."

The word pierced my body again like a knife. In order not to attract attention, I slightly nodded my head.

Jimin: "Trust me."

I was so close to losing control. So I should trust him!? He had no idea what he had in front of him! All my animal instincts threatened to control me. I turned away and clenched my fists. When he grabbed my wrist and turned me around, my pulse shot up in anger.

Katharina: "JIMIN!"

Her voice brought me back to my senses.

Katharina: "I won the bet, keep your hands off Y/N."

My body was still tense and ready to attack at any time. With a slight jerk, I released my wrist from his grip. Luckily, the files about my brother and me were mostly destroyed. Trembling with anger, I was still standing there staring at the screens. My body was shaking with anger, but I controlled myself. Katharina took my hand and led me to the exit. Just as we reached the door, another young man came through the door. I pushed Katharina aside so she did not run straight into him. Together we went to the car and got in.

Katharina: "Are you ok, you are changing."

Y/N: "I'm ok, I just do not like what he said ..."

Katharina: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "The word monster ... I do not like it when used for other ... creature."

Katharina: "I understand. I would not like it if someone called me that, too."

My eyes shot in her direction. Did she know about it?

Katharina: "I have a surprise."

She proudly held up a small USB stick while driving and smiled mischievously.

Katharina: "The files were not complete because ... I stole the rest of the files." I stared at her in disbelief.

Y/N: "You did what?"

She was cackling like a little girl who had played a joke on someone.

Katharina: "Let's check at home what's in the other files."

Y/N: "I think that's not a good idea."

Katharina: "Why?"

Y/N: "It's better not to interfere in some things."

It was not long before we reached the house. Together we got out and went to the front door. A car had followed us all the way here. It was definitely someone from Jimin's people. Had they already figured out that Katharina had stolen the files?

Y/N: "Katharina, we were followed by a car all the time."

Katharina: "Which license plate did it have?"

Y/N: "JK AHT99." I said without hesitation.

Katharina: "Oh that's just Jungkook. I could have thought that Jimin is watching us."

As she was about to unlock the front door, I slammed the door shut again with one hand.

Katharina: "What's going on?"

Y/N: *whispers* "It smells like blood in the house."

Katharina: "BLOOD !?" *squeals*

I grabbed her by the shoulder and looked her straight in the eye.

Y/N: "Run to Jungkook right now. He's standing behind the pillar on the driveway."

Katharina: "But my husband wanted to come home today."

I pushed her roughly towards the wall next to the door. When I pushed her I quickly pulled the USB stick out of her jacket pocket without her noticing.

Y/N: "Shhh ... stay in cover, do you have the number of this Jungkook?"

Katharina: *shy whisper* "Yes, I saved his number in my phone! Why?"

I reached into her handbag and pulled out the phone.

Y/N: "Tell him there are some people in the house who do not belong there. There are three men."

Katharina: "How do you know that there are three?"

Y/N: "Because I can hear it. And now be quiet, otherwise they will hear us."

Katharina's cell phone vibrated softly as Jungkook wrote back.

Jungkook Text Message: "Stay where you are! Support is coming soon."

For a brief moment, I thought of going to the house myself. But then probably my camouflage would be revealed. There came a flash of inspiration. I grabbed the phone.

Y/N Text Massage: >Jungkook do you have a weapon?<

Jungkook Text Massage: >Why should I tell you something like that?<

Y/N Text Massage: >I'll lure them outside.<

Jungkook Text Massage: >WHAT?! No! Wait!<

Ignoring his massage, I motioned for Katharina to hide behind a pillar. Then I opened the front door and walked into the house. I knew that someone was standing right next to the door. As hands reached for me, I turned away and crouched down. The brief moment the man stood in the doorway to reach for me was enough for Jungkook to fire. The man fell forward through the door.

Branches cracked as one of the men tried to sneak around the corner of the house, on the side where Katharina crouched. At the same time I heard someone at the other corner of the house. I looked in Jungkook's direction and pointed to the side where Katharina was. Pebbles lay on the ground. I picked up a pebble and waited. Jungkook shot the man who came from the side into which I had interpreted.

The other man came around the other corner of the house at the same time. With all my strength I threw the stone at his head and knocked him out with it.

Unimpressed, I straightened up again and went to Katharina. She lay unconscious on the pillar. Sighing, I knelt beside her. She was apparently not used to such situations.

Jungkook: "Is she alright?"

Y/N: "I think so, she only fainted."

Five cars arrived at full speed.

Jungkook: "Do not worry, these are our people."

Ten armed men stormed into the house, the others came to us.

Y/N: "You mean these bats?"

I rolled my eyes. These guys were real tramps. What would have been if there were other men in the house?

Together we carried Katharina to his car and drove off. Jungkook pulled out his phone while driving and dialed a number.

Jungkook: "Hyung we were attacked, I bring your mother and Y/N with me."

He hung up and looked in the rearview mirror. Katharina lay with her head on my lap. She still was not conscious.

Jungkook: "That was really risky what you did there before."

I gave him no answer but looked out the window.

Jungkook: "And she's silent again." * sighs * "You are really strange ... and rude. As a woman, you should answer a man if he asks you something."

Y/N: "You did not ask a question."

Jungkook: "I'm curious how long Jimin needs to educate you. Definitely only one or two days I think. The girls who have a big mouth in the beginning usually do not last long. "

He parked the car in front of a large estate and got out of the car. When I just wanted to get out, he opened my door and pulled me out of the car on the upper arm. With force he shoved me with my back to the car.

Jungkook: "Give me your hands." he growled at me.

I did not do what he told me. It was a game for me. I was curious what else would happen and I also wanted to stay with Katharina. She needed me. Jungkook grabbed my wrists and handcuffed me. With a nod of his head, he beckons two men to take care of Katharina. He vigorously pulled on the cuffs around my wrists and dragged me into the house. When we got into the house, he asked one of the servants where Jimin was.

Servants: "The young Mr. Park is at the pool, Sir."

He pulled my handcuffs again. I had to pin down my laughter so much. In the distance I could find two men lying by the pool. One of them was Jimin. When Jungkook led me through the garden, he suddenly stopped and turned to me.

Jungkook: "In your place I would behave towards Jimin, otherwise you will not have much ofyour pretty face for much longer."

When we reached Jimin, Jungkook forced me down on my knees. I turned my gaze to the wooden floor below me. Jimin and the other man did not even open their eyes.

Jungkook: "Hello Jimin, your mother is already being cared for, she has lost consciousness but is unharmed. I'm going back to the house of your parents to see what happened there. I thought about this young lady you will certainly like to take care of yourself. I'll get in touch as soon as I've figured something out!"

With these words Jungkook went away. When Jungkook was gone, I simply stayed on my knees.The other man I did not know opened his eyes slowly and looked in my direction.

Taehyung: "Omo ..! Jimin, how do you call this treat?"

Jimin: *with eyes still closed* "Her name is Y/N."

Taehyung: "May I have a look at her?"

Jimin: "Sure, but be careful she's precious! And she's a bit shy."

Taehyung got up and came to me. He circled me a few times.

Taehyung: "I've never seen a girl with such a perfect physique."

I could feel him grabbing a strand of my hair and sliding it through his fingers.

Taehyung: "Like silk and perfectly black..."

Slowly he knelt in front of me. He put his hand gently under my chin.

Taehyung: "Show me your face, cutie."

Jimin: "Oh Taehyung be careful."

Taehyung: "Why ...?"

When he pushed my face up with his hand to look at me, I looked him straight in the eye.

Taehyung: "Daebak! Do you know how expensive it is to get an eye color like this? Do not even mention the risks of such an operation."

Jimin: "Priceless, because the eyes are real." *grins*

Taehyung: "Are you serious?"

Jimin: "And what is your assessment? After all, you are the most successful human trafficker in the world."

Taehyung: "The world record for a girl I once had was $ 100 million. For her, I would set the starting bid at $ 200 million. If you want to sell her I would take her right away."

Jimin: "No way! Dream on."

Taehyung: "I would not have expected otherwise. To be honest, I would have kept her selves too, but maybe I can borrow her? She would make a great showing by my side as a representative of my business."

Jimin: "That's negotiable."

Taehyung: "Get up Y/N." *gentle deep voice*

I looked him straight in the eye again and tilted my head.

Taehyung: "Stop looking me in the eye. You make me dizzy. And I said stand up." *gets louder at the end*

I continued to look him in the eye and did not get up. It was just too much fun to play the victim.

Jimin: "Y/N get up or do I have to get up first ?!"

When I still did not respond, Jimin got up and came to me. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet.

Jimin: "Taehyung, do you want to play a round of beach watch?"

Taehyung: "With pleasure."

Jimin shoved me backwards into the pool. That actually surprised me! The cool water hit over my head. Without a problem I swam in the pool.

Taehyung: "Oh wow ... she can swim so well even with her hands tied up."

Jimin: "Yeah, you're right. Let's see how long she can last."

The two sat back on their chairs. Jimin began to read in a thick folder and Taehyung simply closed his eyes and relaxed. An hour passed. The sun was almost completely gone. Again and again, the two had given me glances to see if I was still swimming.

Taehyung: "She has a hell of a lot of stamina."

Jimin: "Yeah and it's getting boring so you can come out Y/N."

Effortlessly I swam to the stairs and got out of the water. My dress stuck to my body. The eyes of the two were like those of hungry wolves. Taehyung bit his lower lip.

Taehyung: "I'll often dream of that at night, it's really fun to play with her."

Jimin: "I would give you a towel to dry, babe. But unfortunately you can not dry yourself with your hands tied. I'll have to take it over."

He came toward me with a big towel in his hand. I turned away from him for a moment as if ashamed. Like my brother, I also had snake genes but with me it was not the eyes that were altered by these genes but my joints. I was able to dislocate all my joints without effort or pain. So when I turned away from Jimin, I quickly dislocated my thumbs and got rid of the handcuffs. When I turned back I reached out a hand to take the towel from him. In the other hand I had the handcuffs whirled and finally threw them into the pool.

Y/N: "I do not feel like playing anymore."

Both drew their weapons and pointed them at me. I could see how surprised they were.

Y/N: "What? Do you want to shoot your no less than $ 200 million girl?"

Taehyung dropped the gun and leaned back in the deck chair with a smile.

Taehyung: "Fuck! Jimin, I want her so much. I'll give you $ 300 million for her."

Jimin: "Shut up." *extremely angry*

Taehyung: "Say, can you sing? You have an incredibly beautiful voice, honey."

Jimin: "Damn it all, Tae! SHUT UP!"

I turned and was about to leave when a shot shattered the wooden floor right next to my left foot. As if nothing had happened, I went on.

Jimin: "What do you actually think where you go?"

Y/N: "To Katharina, I'm worried about her."

When I was halfway to the house one of the guards came running and stopped about 10 meters away from me. He pointed his gun at me. As I was walking, I reached out with my foot and throw my hight heel right in his face. Unconsciously the man collapsed. I slipped out of the second shoe and went into the house.

Taehyung: "Damn, I'm getting a boner..."

Jimin: "Tae... move your ass off my property."

Jimin's P.O.V.

Taehyung: "Spoilsport, see you tomorrow." Taehyung went to his car.

My eyes darkened. With an almost murderous expression, I walked slowly to the house. When I entered my house I screamed for a servant. When one showed up, I grabbed him by the collar.

Jimin: "You're going to go down to the basement and prepare everything. And get a new car battery. I'll have a lot of fun tonight."

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