To The End And Beyond ***ON H...

By RahilaSv

705 189 178

************************************************ Aqsa gladly shifted her attention back to her friends. Anyth... More

Prologue - Aqsa
Prologue - Zain
How it all begun - Part 1
How it all begun - Part 2
How it all begun - Part 3
How it all begun - Part 4
How it all begun - Part 5
How it all begun - Part 6
~ Chapter #1~
~ Chapter #3 ~
~ Chapter #4 ~
~ Chapter #5 ~
~ Chapter #6 ~

~ Chapter #2 ~

23 7 3
By RahilaSv

Hello everyone, please let the votes and comments keep on raining! 😉

Mr Green-Brown Eyes realises Samara is talking to him and turns around to face her.


Aqsa looked from one to the other. What was going on here? Why did these 2 look like they knew each other? Samara hadn't mentioned anyone she knew was in the University with them.

Aqsa wondered what a boring life would be like? With the way life was continuously throwing surprises at her, she didn't think she would ever know!

"Aqsa meet my cousin, Salman," Samara said, narrowing her eyes.

"Cousin?!! You're looking at him with so much dislike, I was beginning to think he's a long lost enemy!" Aqsa burst out with a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand.

"It's not dislike, it's irritation, frustration, exasperation, annoyance, vexation...."

"Ahem! I'm right here you know," interrupted Salman, pointing at himself and raising an eyebrow.

"That's the problem isn't it? That you're right here?" sighed Samara. "We had agreed we'll stay out of each other's way. And here you are, already appearing everywhere."

"I have no fascination with you, despite what you think. It's a coincidence to have run into you, which is bound to happen, since we're in the same university and share a campus and classes," scornfully replies Salman, rolling his eyes. "But rest assured, it doesn't mean I'm keeping tabs on you." With that parting comment, he lifts his hand in a wave and walks away without looking back again.

"Grrrrrrrrrr" Samara lifts her hands to her head to pull her hair, remembers she's wearing a hijab and pulls that instead.

Aqsa looks at her questioningly.

"I'll explain while we walk to class or we'll be so late, we'll end up missing the entire period," huffs Samara.

They walk briskly within the throng of students and are quickly swallowed up in the crowd rushing in various directions, heading to their respective classes.

"Salman is my mother's sister's son. His family lives half an hour's drive away from mine. We've grown up together. His mom and my mom are quite close. Remember I told you I had to plead with my family to allow me to stay at the university? They agreed on one condition. Salman would have to keep an eye on me at all times. He would report to my parents if I even tried to get out of hand. I resisted at first, but to fulfil my dream of being here, I had no choice but to accept the condition." Samara is totally out of breath by the time they reach their classroom and slip in quickly to find a place at the back.

Aqsa looks at her friend sympathetically. She knew what it felt like. She had the same issues in high school. Even now, Ahaan would keep popping up out of nowhere to see she wasn't getting up to any mischief! She knew he was worried about her, but sometimes it got claustrophobic!

She was about to continue their conversation, but the teacher raised his hand for silence and started writing on the whiteboard, indicating for them to copy. So she squeezed Samara's shoulder and mouthed, "Later."

After a long day of class after class, rushing in-between classes to the dorm room to pray, grabbing quick bites at the canteen, finishing up due work at the library, finishing up the pending talk with Samara and signing up for the Drama club, Aqsa finally had time for a nice hot shower before she collapsed in bed with her phone.

Amir picked up on the third ring. "Assalamualaikum munchkin! Was missing you and Ahaan so much, had decided to call once I was done with dinner. You read my mind!"

Aqsa smiled. "I'm your daughter after all!"

Amir's hearty laughter filled her ears. "But of course! How is it going so far? Are you enjoying it there?"

"Alhamdulillah I am! I love the hustle, bustle and hectic routine. My classes are going well. I'm keeping up with the work so far, and not missing any prayers, before you ask!"

Amir grinned. "I wasn't about to. How's Samara?"

"She's fine. We bumped into her chaperone cousin today, and that was an interesting encounter!" Aqsa bursts out laughing at the memory. She was fortunate that Samara had gone to the next door room to request for something. Aqsa didn't think Samara wanted to be reminded of her eventful morning!

"Ermm how are Aisha Aunty, Maariyah and Maryam doing?" Aqsa suddenly realised she hadn't seen Zain since the so-called initiation. She wondered why.

"They're fine Alhamdulillah. Giving you salaams." Amir replied.

"Walaikumsalaam," replied Aqsa slowly. She still found it extremely difficult to think of them as her family. It would come with time, she hoped. "Anyways I have to pray Isha (night prayer) and get some sleep. Have another long day tomorrow In Shaa Allah," she said with a sigh.

"Take care and keep me posted okay? If not a call, even a text to let me know how each day goes, I'll be waiting,"

Aqsa reluctantly bid her father good-night and after praying, drifted off into oblivion even before Samara came back to the room.
Zain looked at his watch and groaned. He had been waiting for 20 minutes now. This was the limit! He stood up and started pacing to and fro impatiently.

"You're going to wear out the pavement soon!" a voice drawled.

Zain whirled around angrily. "It's about time! I've been waiting for you for ages," he grumbled, his eyes blazing.

Aqsa looked at him in feigned surprise. "Do I care?" She smirked.

Zain took in a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Aqsa was the only person in the world who managed to grate on his nerves without fail each time.

"Look, I don't want to get into an argument right now. I have a club meeting in around 15 minutes, so can we just talk?" He looked at her pleadingly.

Aqsa softened at his tone. She wondered if he wasn't as bad as she thought him to be and to now at least give him a chance since they were step-siblings.

"Before we start though, you look horrible in that outfit, don't you have a sense of fashion at all?"

Aqsa sighed. Nope not going to work! It would take a lot for her to change her opinion about him! She glared at him. "And what would you know about fashion? As it is, I dress to please myself not the world around me! Islamically modest is only what I care about," she huffs.

Zain raises his hands in surrender. "Ok ok ok, let's not get into other stuff here Aqsa. What I want to talk about is pretty serious."

Aqsa gaped in disbelief. The nerve of the guy! He kept changing the topic and then reminded her that he wanted them to be serious! She closed her eyes and prayed

She knew she would need all the patience in the world with Zain.

"Are you trying to memorise my handsome features? I know I'm really good-looking, but you can remember me even with your eyes open!" Zain gave an arrogant grin.

Aqsa's eyes flew open. Sometimes she couldn't believe how egoistic guys were!

Zain glanced at his watch, then beckoned Aqsa towards the shed behind the canteen. Aqsa followed him. He looked around to make sure they were alone.

"Ok I'll get totally serious now. What I'm about to tell you should stay between us. Please don't even mention it to Ahaan. I was told not to say anything, but I think you have a right to know."

Aqsa looked at him questioningly. "What's with the secrecy? What's going on?"

Zain looked into the distance. "My dad, as you know, was an undercover agent. He discovered the terrorist gang at the airlines and died fighting an escaped terrorist, after making sure the rest were imprisoned. Unfortunately, that was not the end of the story. Apparently, the terrorists have left a legacy behind. Two of them had sons who were already into the profession. And those two have been at work getting others involved. And they're out for revenge. The targets would obviously be my mum, sisters and I, since they want to harm the family of the person who brought their downfall." Zain pauses to look at Aqsa right in the eyes. "The important thing that I wanted you to know is that Amir Uncle was not only my father's friend and cousin, he is also an undercover agent working for the country."

Aqsa's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How can that be? Why hasn't he ever mentioned it to me?"

Zain shrugged. "I guess they were just trying to protect you, so you wouldn't freak out, like you're doing now!"

Aqsa pursed her lips. "I'm not freaking out! It's just a huge thing to keep from me! I've just found out my father is an undercover agent, who's life is now probably under threat, because the terrorists are on to him, and all of us will be having a stressful cloud hovering above us, not knowing whom to trust, and thinking about if we will or won't get through each day in one piece. All that is definitely not something to freak about!"

Zain stared at her with his mouth slightly open, his eyes round. He gaped silently, no words coming out. Aqsa had the immediate thought of a goldfish, and had the situation not been so serious, she would have had a giggle fit.

She folded her arms over her chest and looked away from Zain. It scared her so much to think that her whole family was in so much danger. And her family didn't only mean her father and Ahaan, it also included Zain, his mother and sisters. She knew Allah was the best of Planners, and she trusted in Him with her whole heart. But they would also have to be more careful. She now understood why Ahaan was always unfailingly checking up on her. It hurt her a bit that they hadn't confided in her, but she couldn't hold it against them as they had been doing it all to protect her.

"Are you ok?" Zain seemed to have gotten over his 'goldfish' moment, and was eyeing her with concern. "I didn't mean to terrify you. It's just that I feel you should be knowing about what's going on. My sisters are younger than you, and they are totally aware of the goings-on. Now you know, you'll be more wary of people around you, and won't trust anyone easily. Especially any guys."

Aqsa had an inkling that he knew about her run-ins with Mr Green-Brown Eyes errr Salman. But he was Samara's cousin, that would count for something like trust right? She kept quiet and Zain continued staring at her until he flicked a glance at his watch again, realising it was time to go  for his meeting.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "You should go back to the Dorm. The more people you're always surrounded with, the better. They won't pull anything when there are witnesses around."

Aqsa nodded. They walked silently back to the Dorms, Zain parting ways to head to the club room while Aqsa went back to her room to update Samara on what she had just found out. As she walked slowly to her room, a tear ran down her cheek. She missed her mum more than ever.
Weeks passed by in a blur until it was time for the finals of the semester. Students rushed around, trying to get last minute revision done or corner teachers to ask them questions or take over the library for their studying.

Aqsa did none of the above.

She had always been a bright student, whose concept of studying was to listen to the teacher carefully in class, jot down main points and use those for revision before the Finals. It had always worked for her, so she didn't she why it would be any different now. Her focus was not to miss any of her daily prayers, recitation of the Qur'an, and make lots of Dua to Allah to help her succeed.

With her hectic routine and upcoming Finals, the conversation with Zain had been pushed to the back of her mind. She talked to her father every alternate day and texted him when she didn't call. Ahaan met her whenever he wasn't tied up with his own classes. She had kept her promise to Zain and not let Ahaan or her Dad have even a whiff that she knew. It had been really difficult though. She kept dropping hints to Ahaan, but he would always change the subject. She didn't want to push him, but she wished he would blurt it out somehow so she would have someone to talk it out with. She had decided not to confide in Samara yet, and her friends back in Turkey were busy in their own lives. It was times like these which made her wish she had a sister to talk to.

"I don't think I'll manage to get all this stuff into my head before tomorrow," grumbled Samara, throwing her book onto the bed over dramatically. She stood up, stretching her arms over her head and yawned. "I think I'll go grab coffee. Allah knows I need it desperately. Want to come?"

Aqsa closed her books and reached for her hijab. "I was due for a break anyway. We can have something to eat too, I'm starving."

Samara nodded in agreement and they headed out. They were fortunate to get an empty table near the door in the otherwise totally crowded canteen.

Aqsa sat while Samara went to get their order. She went through her phone to catch up on her WhatsApp messages.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard. Everyone was startled and went completely quiet. A few minutes later, a piercing scream ripped the silent air.

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