Saviours (Daryl Dixon)

Por garbagebag360

40.7K 458 43

Her name was thea wenneck. Once the dead start walking she uses this to an advantage and begins running. One... Más

1. Promise
3.Wake up
5.A flame
6.The stash
7.Parting glass
8.They know!?
9.Ankle bitter
10. Death
11. Gone
12. Governor
13: Ghost
14. Car accident
15. New friends
16. Sickness
17. The end thats begun
18. Old friends new stories
19. Gabriel
20. Drugs
21. Dawn
22. Depression
23. Alexandria
24. New job
25. Long needed talk
27.Back to sisters
28. Goodbye old friend
29. New community
30. Insecure
31. Concussions and crossbows
32. Negan
33. Were on easy street
34. Home at last
35. The kingdom
36. The eve of war
37. Memories
38: Oceanside
39. A tease
40. Two new comers
41. The broken promise
42. Dwights loyalty
43. Gagging
44. Emotional muppet
45. New life
46: The motherload
47: Rings
48: Silence
49: The alpha
50: End of the line
Small scenes from Daryls side

26. Protection

409 4 0
Por garbagebag360

I wake up to a pounding headache.
"And this is why I don't drink" I mumble rubbing my head as the door knocks.

"Come in" I say as carl opens up.
"Hey, just making sure your okay. Michonne said you hadn't left yet" he says walking in.
"Yeah just had a drink with Jesse... heads killing" I mumble the last bit.

"Can we talk?" He asks nearly a whisper.
"Sure what's up kiddo?" I ask and as he sits on my bed.
"I Don't remember mom very well and I don't want to ask dad. All I remember is when I put a bullet in her and I don't like it" he says and I sigh sitting up.
"Well your mom was bright. Happy unless you got on her bad side, luckily i kept my distance till we went looking for security in each other... her for you and your sister and me for my past. She was one of my best friends which was a tad awkward considering Rick decided to be my substitute dad somtimes" I joke and he laughs.
"Yeah your like a sister" he says smiling.
"Dam. I'm that annoying?" I joke.

"A few days before mom passed... she gave me this" he whispers fulling out the piece of cloth I used to tie mine and his hands together years ago at the farm.
"Wow this is a relic" I joke taking it in my hands.
"She said: when times are dark, seek your light" he quotes.

"What did she mean?" He continues.
"Oh boy. Well I'm not sure, that's a riddle I havnt had time to ponder but this is the cloth that I used to tie our hands together at the farm. I was awkward, when it came to touch so I used this and you spent the rest of the day dragging me around" I explain and he smiles.
"Everything sounds so much simpler then" he mumbles.
"It was. We barely lost anyone then. Well Otis and whoever was in your group before that but back then it was easier" I say looking down.
"Well I should get to work if I'm already late. Deannas gonna kill me" I say jumping up and grabbing some cloths.
"Cya later Carl" I say walking out to go change.

I make my way down the streets with my bow in hand.
I get some odd glances from the neighbours as them whisper stuff to each other.

"Their talking about you" Liam says walking up.
"Me? Why me? I didn't beat the shit out of jesses man" I ask.
"Someone spread rumours that your dangerous and untameable. Naturally like the sheep they are, they listened" he comments walking by my side.
"And what's the rumour?" I ask and he shrugs before answering.
"From what I heard it's got something to do with you killing people" he says and I laugh.
"They wouldn't be wrong. Their that camouflaged that they don't know what's happened out their... give me a single day with each one of them outside the wall and they will understand why our group is uptight and threatening" I say.
"I know" he chuckles.

"Alright I guess I'll see you later" I laugh opening the gate.
"Stay safe. Oh and rose sent her love" he says closing the gate.
"Thanks, stay safe Liam" I say waving as I start my rounds.

This time I decided to do my rounds so I'm slightly in the forest instead of sticking to the side of the fence.
Not many walkers have a gathered today which is good. Gave me time to think until I notice something new.
I small cabin just to the side.

"Probably already been looted" I mumble as I continue to walk.
But seconds later I stop in my tracks at the sound of a dog barking.
"They wouldn't leave a dog would they?" I ask myself.
"May as well go see" I sigh walking over to the cabin.

Slowly I open the door with my bow ready and loaded.
The dog starts barking madly as I walk in but stays where he is on the ground.
I glance around noticing the skeleton of a body that's been torn to shreds and a couple cans of food.

"Jackpot" I mumble putting the food in my backpack as the dog jumps up.
"It's okay" I whisper putting my hand out.
He gently sniffs me for a minute before returning to his space on the ground.
"Their we go. Maybe I found lucky a friend" I say smiling as I go back to sorting out the food.
I hear a soft whine next to me as the dog licks out a dry bowl.

"Thirsty?" I ask opening my water bottle and starting to fill it up.
I hear a soft growl before the dog bites my arm.
I hold back a scream as I stick my finger in his mouth and unclamp his jaw.

"What the hell!" I shout as the dog takes up a stance to attack.
"Great" I whisper in pain as I draw my hunting  knife with my non dominant hand and bringing my other into my chest.
He launches at me but before he can reach me I stab my knife though his head.

I hiss in pain as I look down at my ripped arm.
Slowly I move around the table and open the draw to find a bottle of Alcohol.
I breath heavily before ripping my top and putting it in my mouth as a gag.
Looking away I pour it onto my arm trying to swallow my screams.

I feel lightheaded as I put the bottle down and slowly take myself down to the floor.
I sigh in relief as the pain slowly disappears.
Grabbing my backpack I decide to cut my work short today to make the risk of infection little to non.

"Open the gate!" The gates keeper yells like normal.
I watch as Aaron opens the gate and instantly looks at my arm.
"Oh my god! Your bit!" He shouts.
"Yeah by a dog" I growl and he shakes my head.
"Stay there! Someone grab he doctor!" He shouts as two other men walk over and the gates keeper sprints off.
"It was a dog and I'm not infected" I growl at the men as the doctor runs over.
"Let me see" she says hesitatly.

I pass her my arm and she examines it for a minute before looking at the males.
"It's definitelys a bite. It could be a dog but the skins too shredded up. I can't tell" she says sadly.
"It's a dog if you would like I can show you the body" I growl lightheaded.
"We can't risk it" one man said.
"He's right. I'm sorry thea but you know how it is" the second says.

"So your kicking me out?" I ask annoyed.
"No. Come back tomorrow, if it's a walker bite the fever would have set it. But if you tell us it's a walker, we can cut your arm off and you can live" the doctor explains.
"It's not a walker and you are definitely not taking my arm" I growl.
"Find somewhere safe and make sure it doesn't get infected" she says nodding.
"Alright. Um tell Daryl if he comes back" I say walking off.

"Wait! I'm not supposed to do this but Deanna trusts you and you seem legit about the dog story. So take this" she says handing me a roll of bandages.
"If you can stop the bleeding and sew it up. You should be okay" she says and I nod.
"Cheers" I mumble before walking back to the cabin.

Pulling out the chair. I sit satisfied with my work.
I manage to move both bodies out despite the bite wound.
I look around the room before noticing a biscuit box on top of the cupboard.
That's where I would hide sewing equipment I think to myself before getting up and climbing the sides.

"And as normal I'm correct" i mumble pulling out a needle and jumping down.
I grab a lighter from my bag and start heating the needle before pulling a single strand of thread of my top.
"This will do" I mumble putting it in the alcohol bottle for a second before threading the needle.

"Okay, okay, okay!" I say getting slightly louder each time.
Slowly I gag myself again before pouring the bottle on my arm.
I hiss before bring the needle back up.
Come on you've done this before. It's no different I urge myself before sticking it though my arm.
Cant stop now I growl to myself as I pull the thread though.

My vision starts to cloud as I keep going until the task is complete.
I pull the bandages over the wound before putting my head back on the chair and falling asleep.

I feel sluggish as I finally reach the gate.
"Open up!" The gatekeeper shouts and they open to see the doctor standing ready with a bag of supplies.
"No fever" I say as she walks up and puts a hand on my head.
"No fever" she repeats to the boys as she lets me in.

"If I have a look, you'll be free to go home" she says softly as I undo the bandages.
"No not here let's go to my-" she starts.
"Listen. Last night I slept in a chair that was highly uncomfortable while trying to keep my ears out for walkers. I want to go home and if I go to your office it will waste time" I say as I finish undoing the bandages.
"Alright" she says annoyed at my random outburst.

She examines it quickly before looking up and smiling.
"All good. You've done a good job. Have you done it before?" She asks grabbing the bandages and helping me put them back on.
"Yeah a few times" I mumble.
"From what I gathered you've had a hard time out their" she says and I nod.
"You all think your safe in here but your not. If your lucky the wall will slow down whatever's out their"
"Trust me. Rick made that pretty clear in the meeting last night" she mumbles.

"How'd it go?"
"Well jesses husband accident killed deannas husband and Daryl and Aaron brought a new man back" she says tying a knot.
"It's too tight" I whisper untying it.
"Sorry I guess I have some tension in me" she says as I knot it loose.
"It's fine" I mumble walking off as rose runs down the street.

"Hey angel" I whisper picking her up.
"Hey mom" she says making my heart swell.
"How was last night?" I ask and she looks down.
"Uncle Rick killed the nice old man because he was dying" she whispers.
"Yeah, I heard. Don't worry it'll get better" I say  gently rocking her as I walk.
"What happened to your arm?" She asks poking it.

"Ow! I got bitten by a dog in a cabin outside" I explain.
"Is that why you didn't come home?" She asks softly.
"Yeah. I wasn't allowed in" I mumble.
"But you were hurt. Shouldn't they help you" she whispers.
"Yeah but they didn't want to risk me turning into one of the flesh eaters" I say and she nods as I put her down.
"Daddy Was worried" she states and I feel my face turn red quickly.
Hold up...

"Daddy?" Ohhh...
"Daryl. He was angry at the doctor for not letting you in and uncle Rick had to stop him from leaving" she explains with a hop in her step.
"Come on let's go home. I'm aching to get in bed" I mumble and she chuckles.
"I'm gonna go find Sam" she says running off as I reach the house.

I walk in to see Daryl sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands with rick towering over him.
"She's fin-" rick starts.
"They said she was bitten" Daryl growls not looking up.
"By a dog" rick finishes.
"Wow ye of so little faith" I say making them both jump.

"Doc says I'm in the all clear" I say as Daryl jumps over the sofa and pulls me into an embrace.
"I was worried" he says softly.
"I Can handle myself" I say smiling.
"We know but it doesn't stop the fear" rick says as he pulls me into a slanted fatherly hug.
"Yeah I know" I say before yawning.
"Go get some rest" rick urges and I nod as the door opens.

I look over to see Morgan walk in.
"Morgan!" I shout and he jumps before noticing me.
"Thea?" He questions before giving me a hug.
"How have you been?" I ask with a smile.
"How am I supposed to answer that?" He asks and I nod.
"I've was meaning to thank you, before this all happened" I say and he nods.
"It's nothing. You were my best student" he says smiling.

"Sorry, how do you two know each other?" Rick jumps in.
"Oh he um he taught me how to fight" I say with an awkward smile.
"She asked me too" Morgan says as I return to Daryl's side.
"It's good seeing you again" he says before nodding to rick.
"Oh he saved me at the start of all this" rick fills me in and I nod.
"Do you mind if I go to bed? I'm knackered" I say and they nod.
"We will see you later" Morgan says as he and rick walk out.
"You look like you havnt slept" I comment seeing the bags under his eyes.
"I didn't. Come on we can both do with some sleep" he says taking my hand and leading me upstairs.

"I'm gonna freshen up before bed" I say and he snorts.
"Ain't that something you do when you get up?" He asks taking off his vest and throwing it on a chair.
"Yeah but I smell and I can't be arsed to clean the bed" I explain throwing water on my face.
"I missed you" he says wrapping an arm around me.
"Your the one that ran off first" I say smiling.
"I know and I regret it" he says softly.

"I talked to Deanna last night. She said when I'm not with Aaron I can come with ya around the wall" he says.
"Daryl I'm not a child. I can care for myself" I say as he eyes trail to my arm.
"I know but you put ya guard down too easily" he says and I shake my head.
"That's fair" I say remembering the dog.
"Come on" Daryl says moving away and jumping on the bed.

"I was thinking about going out the wall more" I say and he looks up.
"Why?" He asks.
"I found a cabin. Figured I'm gonna stay out more"
"Why?" He repeats.
"To remember how to survive. I've been here for a couple of days and one of the first times I step out I get bitten by a dog" I explain.
"That was bad luck" he says and I shake my head.
"I just don't want to be weak" I mumble.
"Ya not, It was an accident" he says opening his arms for me to enter the bed.
"Don't think ya are cause it's not true" he mumbles into my hair.
"Thank you" I whisper.

"If you want to go out then I'll come with ya" he whispers.
"No your busy" I say and he shakes his head.
"I'll be their to protect ya even if ya don't need it" he says and I gently fall asleep as he wraps his other arm around me.

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