Kaido reincarnate into Shield...

By BounphengMixay

6.4K 121 75

Kaido have done it his dream come true, he achieve it he create the greatest war against the world government... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1

Chapter 2 (rewrite)

2.2K 48 40
By BounphengMixay

After the blow and smoke is clear. His version get constantly with EXP messages popping up then the system said something weird

You have broken the rule of the hero weapon.  Since no one have ever done anything like this before any restrictions won't effect you anymore

Kaido annoying: to hell with you shield

He put his weapon to his back and looking at the sky. The thought of getting experience for leveling up and getting stronger just said boring

Kaido's thought:(why should I even need this.... level or this exp anymore since I am already this strong not to mention that I am in my prime, Tch! This is just too boring I feel like I could take the whole world. In the world without Roger. Shanks or Whitebeard nobody will be able to challenge me!)

Myne coming to Kaido: Sir! Hero please be careful with your power I might up harm and you wil-

Kaido look at her making the red hair scared then he said

Kaido: I don't need this experience or this level anymore. I am just too strong to concern about that anymore. This is boring let go back I need something to eat

Myne is confuse about what he said. She about to said something but decided to not say anything because of what he said is true he just too strong even at The level 1

Time skip

The muscular shirtless man with red hair woman walking into An inn

Myne: what should we eat sir hero?

Kaido: meat..... a lot of meat and is there any Sake here

Myne: there is no Sake thing here...

Kaido signed: just order the meat then

Myne: one big steak please...

She look to the window of an Inn and she saw the church of three hero

Myne: I have to go outside could you wait for me here for moment please sir hero?

Kaido just nod he just doesn't care and Myne went outside and talk with the member of the church

????: princess time proceed with the plan to flame the shield hero

Then hand some kind of drug to Myue

Myue: do you think this well work?

????: do not be worry. The pope has promised your position of the queen remember the deal

Myne hands are shaking: no it not the position of the queen that I worry about...


Myne: it that when I become the queen there won't be anything left in this country anymore

The mysterious person shock about that statement

????: what do you mean there won't be anything left if mean that Shield hero is strong. Don't worry we got an army and the support of the king and other nobl-

Myne cut in:No! You don't understand just how strong he is, he... no that monster can wipe out the entire country on a whim!

????: you can't be serious princess! That shield devil must been brainwashing you while you're with him

Myne laugh a bit: I wish it was. But it not his strength is real and making him an enemy is a death wish

????: just thinking this way princess. We don't have to win in the strength. But we can make him lose the support of the people and other hero maybe in the future other hero might be able to kill him then you will be the queen

Myue the thought of that being the queen light her up a bit. But the consequences are too much risk not only her. But her family too would be at risk. Still betraying the three heroes church could end badly for her too. But better to die tomorrow than today

Myne: alright I will do it

She took the drug from the mysterious person hand and proceed with the plan then she went back to shield hero

Myne: I'm back.

Kaido just finished up the steak: whatever

Myne just smile: two glass of wine please

The glass of wine is served. While Kaido is yawning She put the drug into Kaido's glass of wine

Kaido: what this for?

Myne: for anniversary of our first day of adventure it would be rude to refu-

Kaido just drank the wine with drug without saying anything nor care about her word

Myne: you drink it!

Kaido: hmm not bad this will do. Other!

Myne:hmmm sir he-

Kaido: what! Ain't you gonna drink that wine? this is my way of celebrating!

He is impatient and go for the whole bottle of wine then drinking it all one go

Myne: I think you should not be drinking too much

Kaido: Tch! Who cares this is just starting. Hey how much for one barrel of wine!

A moment later the three heroes with their party come back from their farming for Exp and saw Kaido drink the whole barrel of wine along with people in an Inn

As for drug that Myne put in Kaido's wine, let just say it become ineffective because of the amount of wine he drank

Now everyone in an Inn except the three heroes are cheering for Kaido because they never seem a person who drink like him

People cheering: drink! drink! drink! Yeah!

Kaido put down the barrel: woah that was refreshing haha

This is the first thing Kaido like about this world and somewhat make him feel like his old world. But some certain heroes have to ruin his mood

Spear moron: Guys look at him drinking like a drunker on the street haha

Bow hero: He is hero and he should act like one. Be the good example for the people and act noble but like not this!

The sword hero just doesn't saying anything because he remembered what happened last night

Their party is looking at Kaido with disgust

Kaido hear this and he doesn't care. But it make wine less tasty because someone ruined his mood

Kaido can end this annoying brats with just one swing. But he felt sleepy maybe because he is drinking too much or because drug might still have an effect

Kaido signed: you're lucky today brat... "yawning" I will head to bed

After Kaido went to bedroom and Motoyasu try to talk with Myne then asking her to quit being in Kaido party then join him instead. But she rejected because it not the time yet. But she told him to wait for her and Her plan continue

Time skip to the next morning

Kaido still sleeping and suddenly loud noise from somebody knocking the door. But Kaido didn't wake up so the Knight have no choice but to break into the room

The leader Knight: you have been arrested for attemp-

The group of Knight just noticed that Kaido is still sleeping

The leader Knight: Tch doesn't matter if he sleeping or not,  tie him up and take him to the trial, he shall be judge for his crime

After tie him up with chains and dragging him all the way to the throne room. But still Kaido hasn't wake up

Throne room

Many people have gathered in the throne room and the three heroes are also there waiting for the shield hero

The big door open and everyone see the group of Knights struggling with moving Kaido who still sleeping and tie up with some chains

Motoyasu is the first to speak: what! How dare he still sleeping after he have done! I knew he is someone who would do something like this from his look alone

The bow hero seem to agree on this

Itsuki nod: normally I would take some time to think. But the evidence that he has been drinking is enough for me

The sword hero signed and agree that Kaido might do such thing. Because all of Kaido do is seemed to be Savage and barbaric especially his look, at first Ren think he just a cosplaying Viking but that isn't the case at all

The king grow impatient and order the Knight: wake him up Now!

The Knight took the wooden bucket filled with water and throw it to Kaido's face

Cause Kaido to wake up and look at his surrounding

Kaido still have headache from drinking last night: what? Oi Where am I?

Ministers hung in front of the King, and the nobles gathered at the second floor gallery to watch the trial. The three Cardinal Heroes, along with their respective parties, were standing on the side, closer to the King's throne, which was on opposite to the entrance

The King, sitting on his own seat, had a glare upon the Shield Hero, but hiding it well enough for most of the public to not see. Myne, on the other hand, had a smirk on her face as she stood nearby Motoyasu's side, clearly having a hard time hiding her glee.

The king announced: The accused shall not speak, for I, King Aultcray of Melromarc, shall decide your fate shield hero

The King: Myne, you poor adventurer, could you please testify once more for us?

Myne: Th-The shield hero barged into my room drunk and pinned me down..

She tensed her body and continue: and he said, the night still young and tore my clothes off. But I somehow escaped and ran to Sir Montoya, who happened to be staying in the same Inn, for help!

Motoyasu: if she hadn't asked me to wait till dawn and call the Knight, I would've cut you down myself!

The spear hero said with anger

The king: to think the shield hero would commit the greatest sin in this country. In Melromarc, even attempting to sexually assault a woman is punishable by death!

The king expecting some reaction from The shield hero. This is what he is imagining of the Shield hero reaction...

But in reality

The King almost fall from his throne when he saw shield hero reaction

The Knight suddenly cut in: if no one here believe those claims, then here is the proof. When we searched the shield hero's room we found this on his bed

It was an underwear...

Motoyasu speak with anger: you animal!

Then the king took everyone attention: there you have it undeniable proof!

After he said that. The nobles soon look at Kaido with disgust looking face

Kaido knew very well that this is set up. But he started to get somber and decided to have enough of this game

Kaido cranking his neck and said: look like you all didn't believe nor will listen to me about what I will be saying next SO!

He tended his muscles causing the Chains to break

Everyone at the scene are shocked from what the shield hero did then he walking toward the spear hero because of what he said previously

Kaido: so I heard that you brat will cut me down then come cut me down and I will return the favor...

The king decided to intervene: Knight put him down now!

The Knight surrounded him and then pointing their swords and spears at him attempting to stop him from going to spear hero. But Kaido keep walking toward them with no intention of stopping

The Knight leader while pointing his sword at Kaido Said: stop or we will have to kill you! Ha!!!

Their spears and swords are in touch with his front body. But it not just a light touch no not at all, suddenly the group of the Knight feeling like they have been pushing back from Kaido

No single drop of blood from Kaido. Their spears and sword should piercing thorough to his skin. Instead everyone can hear the sound of spears breaking and breaking metal

All the Knights have given up then run to behind the Spear hero for protection

The three heroes scared shitless not so different from the Knights then the king shouted at shield hero

The king: are you trying make an enemy of this country and me!. You should know that your action will not be ignored!

Kaido laughing: do you take me for a fool? This is you who make me your enemy! Not me..

The minister said: you will face army of this country and you won't survive to see the end of this day!

Kaido: really? this country army you say. How pathetic! In my world I have far bigger and stronger army. There is only a few individuals who can challenge me compared to that this is nothing..

He speak with calming sound: let me tell you one thing. I can't feel any of this!

The only person who witnessed his power in person and believe what he said is Myne the one who caused this to happen decide to speak up before this country will turn to ash


This gained all the attention however she wasn't finished

Myne: And I am the first princess of this country Malty S Melromarc. I will only ask for forgiveness and give me a chance please

The three heroes are stunned by what Myne said and look at the king

The table have turned the king and pope are now nervous about what happened to their plan. They have to come up with something quick or else

The spear hero still refused to believe that Kaido didn't attempt to rape the princess

Motayasu: no, I won't believe it! You making her saying this right! You!!

Kaido looking at the spear hero like he is looking at an ant

Kaido: does matter what you believe or not nor did I care about what you or this country opinions about me...

Malty looking at the king and say: please father this was just misunderstanding...

The king anger: no daughter you must have been brainwashed by the shield!

The pope walk to the king and whispered something to him

The king then took a deep breath and said: since my daughter said that shield hero never attempted to sexually assault her then the shield hero is innocent!

The bow hero and spear hero then protesting about the evidence

Motayasu: what about that underwear in this guy room!

Itsuki: yes he must have been bought to justice!

However the Ren the smartest one of the three stay quiet because he knew he won't win a fight with Kaido

The princess bitch then said: no I have lied to you all!

Malty is not doing for undoing her own mistakes no it was just to survive. She thought the shield hero would have the sense of the normal person and would reaction like the normal person. But she was wrong by a long shot..

The king who believe wholeheartedly that his daughter have been rape like any father would do is murder that devil shield. But keep his emotion in check because it won't end pretty for him nor his country judging by what the devil shield capable of

The king finally decided to end this madness: dismiss! However the rumors have been spread all over the country already...

Kaido pointing at the king: Tch! You're lucky today. Try anything again and there won't be any talking next time..... and where is my weapon! If I won't find it I swear I will tear apart this country to pieces!

The young Knight speak: if you mean that long metal with thorns then we still leave it in your room because it was too heavy for us to carry...

Kaido then walking toward the exit to take his weapon. But Malty don't know to follow him or not because he might be the only ticket to queen position at this point.....

The chapter end

Kaido's level 2

The next chapter will be about Kaido meeting Rapthtalia and you will see the reason why Kaido take her in

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