ꜰᴀɪʀʏ ᴛᴀɪʟ x ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪᴍᴀɢ...

By almondmilkbubbles

23.2K 263 36

Y/N = Your name L/N = Last Name H/C = Hair Color E/C = Eye Color ⚠️Contains The Following⚠️ •Sexual Themes... More

Please Read | Description
Natsu | 1
Sting | 2
Jellal | 3
Gray | 5
Loki | 6
Gajeel | 7
Laxus | 8
Cobra | 9
Natsu | 10
Sting | 11
Jellal | 12
Gray | 13
Rogue | 14

Rogue | 4

1.1K 19 0
By almondmilkbubbles

- My Heart is Heavy.

"Man I'm beat..."

Where the hell is the infirmary?

It's not like I need a patch up but I just need some place to sleep for a bit, that fight with those two Dragon Slayers took a chunk out of my energy.

It was a good fight though I will admit, till I had to deal with both of them at once because Natsu just had to be sitting in a mine cart, and if course his motion sickness got the best of him.

So I had to fight both of them, I won thankfully but damn they were strong, especially the dark one, Shadow Dragon Slayer I believe.

Hope he doesn't hold a grudge, would like to be acquainted with him, he seems match to my attitude and aura.

Awe what the hell, I'm attracted to him okay! No point in hiding it, something about him just makes me wanna be infatuated with him I can't explain it.

I highly doubt I have a chance now since after mine and Natsu's match, they were defeated heavily by me, in terms I wouldn't want to be face to face with someone that I lost to.


Speak of the devil himself.

There, stood Rogue.

He was leaning against a door frame with, a frog cat? Cat frog? I have no clue but it's cute, and that's all that matters.

He held the small creature in his arms as I could tell his whole body seemed bandaged up, he looked frustrated and tired.

It honestly kinda hurt seeing him like that, I wonder if it was my own actions.

I was hesitant to approach him thinking he would curse me out or tell me to leave him alone, but simply I fighting an internal battle and if he were to look over at me it would look like I was staring at him like a creep.

I swallowed my pride and walked towards him with no plan in hand.

"Rogue someone's coming!" The little creature said.

Then the dark haired male's neutral face turned to an annoyed one.


I sighed deeply, "uhh... hi?" I said so nonchalantly.

He huffed and turned away no longer looking at me.

"Please don't hurt him! He's been harmed enough!" The small pink- oh it's an exceed.

The small exceed was now on the floor now begging me to not harm Rogue.

I squatted down and smiled softly, "I'm not gonna do any of the sort, I was gonna see if you two were okay-"

"Why the hell do you care?"

I sighed but I saw the pink frog exceed's once tense and scared demeanor drop to a somewhat calm one when I petted their head.

Rogue was watching my every move like as if i would hurt the small kitty, which I would never simply because this one was honestly way too adorable.

"I felt bad alright-"

"Felt bad for what exactly? You humiliated me and my comrade out on the battlefield! And now you're here seeking for some sort of gratitude? Damn and I thought our guild was corrupted and sly enough."

"Rogue!" The small exceed called out, even the cat knew that wasn't true.

"Look... I was genuinely worried, I know how intense your Master can be, what else was I supposed to do? Sit there and take the loss after disappearing for seven years? That wasn't gonna happen, and I never intended on humiliating you or Sting in the arena, I promised my guild I wasn't gonna lose..."

I stopped myself before I was about to go on a ranting spree.

He cold and annoyed facade that I once saw slightly faded as I saw his muscles relax a bit.

"You're right... sorry, I'm still stagnant over my loss."

I felt a breeze of relief hit my body as I now picked up the pink exceed and held him with my arms.

I saw Rogue flinch out of reaction but stopped his swift movement when he saw I was now cradling and petting his exceed.

"His name's Frosch... if you didn't know." The sudden dark wizard said softly in his husky voice.

I nodded, "Frosch right? I think Frosch is quite adorable."

The exceed smiled and looked at me, "Frosch thinks your cute too!" He responded.

I saw Rogue smile slightly as I caught it immediately and he dropped his smile once I faced him.

"I have no ill intentions with talking to you right now, you don't have to see me as a threat."

"I know I know, it's hard to see someone from another guild to be so nice after my heavy loss." He stated looking off to the side.

"Oh... I take it you don't get gratitude from other guilds?" I asked as I set down Frosch back on the floor.

"No, no not really, being Fiore's number one guild allows you to be too egotistical, I was never like that but my brother Sting, I'm sure you already know how he is," Rogur said as he was now facing me.

"So is Sting your actual blood related brother?"

"Huh? Oh pfft, not at all, we just grew up close together, and our magics were counter opposites... so people put us both as the Dragon Twins."

"Ahhh I see, yeah I can relate since I grew up with Natsu, we were our own little team."

Rogue nodded and fully smiled, "so uh, you said you were worried about me?" He asked out of nowhere.

It caught me off guard but I quickly collected myself, "uh yeah, when I found out Yukino was banned because she lost to Kagura, I became worried for you and Sting that loss."

Rogue's smile then turned into a small sad frown that slightly took a jab at my heart but I was okay, "don't worry about me, I'm okay but... Sting... our master, never mind I said too much, but thank you... for caring."

"Yeah no problem, but seriously, are you okay?" I asked once more.

I saw his body flinch when I placed my hand on his bandaged shoulder.

He didn't look in my eyes as he muttered a quick yes.

I wasn't gonna let him go that easy as I simoly turned his face to look at mine a d stared into his red pupil with his hair covering his other eye.

He seemed scared and frightened at my sudden actions but I showed my intentions with my next words.

"Look at me when I ask you Rogue... are you positive you're okay? I'm gonna keep asking until I get a honest answer..." I said to him.

I let go of his face with both my hands now laid on his shoulders as he tried not to look at me but he couldn't help it as I saw his bottom lip whimper a bit.

"Rogue... Frosch thinks it's okay to be sad sometimes," the exceed said with small teary eyes looking straight up at me and tugging at Rogues long cape.

That's when Rogue in front of me was slowly started to break down as I quickly wrapped my arms around him, holding him into a tight embrace trying to hold him together.

"Hey... it's okay..." I whispered as he placed his head on my shoulder as I heard quiet sniffles from him.

He didn't say anything as he hugged around my neck for dear life, his body was shaking earlier but now that he's in my arms, a bit shaken but safe, he's so calm now.

Rogue then pulled from my neck and wiped his eyes with his sleeves, "sorry you had to see that when we just got acquainted..."

"Don't be sorry, it was clear something was up, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to-"

"No it's okay, but... I'd prefer if we talk about this is private than here, if you don't mind."

I nodded as he smiled warmly.


"Jesus... I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, it was our masters fault anyways, Sting's emotions got the best and murdered him, I was only emotional earlier caused I was realizing that our guild wasn't right, a guild shouldn't shame on guildmates just because someone else is weaker than another, so when you acted so kindly towards me after my loss and my master saying that I was too weak and pathetic that I'll never be anything, it got to much since I was never treated so kindly."

"I'm happy you see it that way Rogue, here..."

"What's this?"

"It's a communication lacrima card from my friend Cana, it's a card that allows you to contact me whenever you must or need to, please use it, if you do, I promise I'll do whatever it takes to get to you, no matter how far, okay?"

Rogue looked at the card with my little cartoon face on it as he smiled softly and his eyes were laced with tears once again.

"Thank you Y/N... seriously, this means alot."

I couldn't help but smile, "it's nothing much, just being a decent human being, I'm gonna take my leave cause I'm sure you're sick of me already."

I was about to take my leave but it looked like Rogue wanted to say something.

Rogue took a deep breath and gulped.

"Actually... can you stay a bit longer? I don't know if I wanna head back to my guilds inn yet," he asked very nervously.

"Yeah of course, I'd love to stay a bit longer!" I exclaimed with a bright smile.

Rogue's eyes widened from my response as Frosch started prancing around in excitement.

"Wait really?!"

"Definitely, why? You'd think I'd say no?"

"Well um... yeah I kinda did."

I laughed, "nope... I'm all yours, till... whenever, so anything in particular you wanna do?"

Rogue thought for a moment, "how about just a walk in the city? I'd like to get know you a bit more."


I nodded, as we took our leave from the public library.

Rogue explained how he got into reading and books when Rufus joined, so it was only sensible to go to the library for some peace and quiet for us to talk.

We wandered the streets of the city, of... honestly I already forgot the name but, we passed by many civilians from arena that recognized us and gave us very confused looks.

I would too if I was hanging out with an enemy of Fairy Tail.

"So... your magic, it's beyond something I've ever seen." Rogue stated as he held Frosch in his arms.

"Yeah it's really scary!" Frosch yelled out in excitement.

I smiled, "oh... sorry if it scared you, I never really show my magic in public for that reason, it's definitely a dark magic I know that, but I control it... I use it for the good."

"Have you not gone insane or something?" Rogue joked.

Morbid joke but he's not wrong.

"I've been wielding this magic for almost all my life, I think I'm okay, but I do have my moments where I lust for more power in some battles, but that doesn't really happen unless I'm in a life threatening situation." I said relaxing my arms.

Rogue nodded, "I'm impressed, you don't mind we can spar some time? After the games I mean," he asked relatively calm.

"Wanna rematch? I'm joking, but yeah, it would be fun, better than the flame head constantly asking for me to fight him!"

Rogue chuckled softly, "also, do you happen to kn- oh crap..."

"Uh oh..." Frosch then added.

"What's up?" I asked, wondering why he halted to cautiously.

"Crap, hide!"

"What? Why?" I asked very confused on why he insisted on hiding out of seemingly no where.

He tugged on my sleeve quite harshly, "I smell Minerva from here! If she were to see if I was with a Fairy Tail member she'll serve both mine and Sting's heads on a platter so hurry up and hide!"

"But where-"

"In here!"

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I found myself, in... a supply closet?

Damn I'm cramped up in here, now I know how my old crayons used to feel when I crammed them into the box.

"Whew... that was close!" Rogue then said.

Well this situation just gotten, changed drastically.

I'm chest to chest with Rogue right now, I could even feel his breath hitting my lips! That's how close he was.

And the way he's rubbing against me is causing an insane amount of friction between us, I'm already feeling some sort if tightness in my pants.

Crap this is bad, if he were to feel it, I'd simply die from embarrassment.

"Do you think it's safe?"

"I have no clue."

"Well I don't smell her anymore, so I'm sure she's fine now, alright time to- Oh no."

"What's oh no?"

"The damn door won't budge! Damn! Wait where's Frosch?" He asked in panic.

"I'm out here, don't worry!" I heard the small voice call out from outside the door.

"Thank goodness, Frosch, can you go get Sting? We're kinda stuck here."

"Yep! Hang tight!"

Then like that it was now just Rogue and I, stuck in some supply closet in some alley way of a building.

"So... first time?" I joked.

"I never thought I would be stuck in a closet with someone else," Rogue stated relaxing a bit.

We didn't even have enough space to fully turn around, so we were both stuck in this dusty, stuffy, store closet until Frosch can get us some sort of assistance.

"Don't mean to sound weird or anything but you are, immensely warm," Rogue said with a groan.

"Oh sorry... is it a bother?"

"No, it's just something I realized once we really sat here for a bit."

Then there was a small blush shown on his pale face, he's really adorable when he's flushed like this.

"You're not nervous are you?"

"N-nervous? Why ask something like that?"

"I don't know, you just seem off foot, you a bit shy that you're this close with a guy hmm?" I teased.

"I erm...-"

"I'm joking, I'm not making fun of you, in fact it's quite cute." I complimented.

"It's funny how you're saying this now in this situation... ugh, damn this tight space!"

"I thought it seemed fitting."

I laughed, finally gathering up enough courage, I cupped Rogue's face softly by his chin and looked into his eyes.

"Can I..." I muttered under my breath.

Rogue then clasped my face with both his hands and then without hesitation, clashed his lips on mine.

"Mmhhh..." he hummed into the kiss.

I didn't expect him to take the charge so quickly and forcefully but I surely am liking it so far.

I let go of his face as be wasting no time and getting his tounge in my mouth as we were fighting for the upper hand.

I ultimately won that battle but still let him have his way, Rogue the quickly pulled away with heavy pants.

I didn't let him rest as I reconnected my lips with his.

He got caught off guard but as far as I could tell, he was melting into it like putty, it was pure bliss.

"Damn..." he whispered.

"You doing okay?" I asked as I pressed against his lips again.

He nodded as he kissed me back and locked his fingers in my H/C and tugging on it.

I left his soft lips and kissed along his jawline to his neck, where I simply kissed ever so gentle in such a short amount of time that I'm sure Rogue was confused on why I wasn't so bold anymore.

"You're so beautiful... you know that?"

I kissed his neck again.

"Beautiful? That's the first..."

I laughed coming back up to face him.

"You really are..." I continued as I had my hands through his hair.

Rogue smirked warmly, "I'm so grateful that I didn't push you away earlier, to think this would'v never happened..."

"But you didn't, and that's all that matters."

I pressed my lips on his as I felt him smile.

He kissed me back right after, but our little session had to come to a close when we heard the knob of the closet shake.

We pulled away instantly as the door opened to the White Dragon Slayer, Sting.

"Alright you love birds, you're left for a few moments and this happens?"

"I umm... mention this to anyone and I'll have you beheaded!" Rogue threatened.

I couldn't help but just stare in awe at the two bickering.

"Wait... so, are you too a couple now or? This happened so goddman fast!" Sting exclaimed.

Even I didn't really know.


"Yes Rogue?"

"Come by the Saber Tooth guild after the games, I would like to spend some time with you when the whole games are done..."

"Really? Okay I'll be there! Good luck on the rest of your games!"

Before I knew it, both the Dragon Slayers left as I just stood there, feeling a little blue balled but, taking it slow would be nice.

We kinda just did the opposite of slow though.

Crap! I gotta get back before Erza has my head!


Hi! Another chapter done! Enjoy! ~ A

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