gen:ARC (Discontinued)

By Jss2141

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What if instead of a Union spy, another person was chosen for the gen:LOCK program? One, though rather ordina... More

Ch. 1: The Beginning
Ch. 3: A Second Life
Ch 4: Training Wreck
Ch. 5: Offense or Defense
Ch. 6: Two of a Kind

Ch. 2: The Select Few

222 4 0
By Jss2141

Reminders, warnings, and notices:

1. If you have not seen the series, gen:LOCK, please watch it before reading this.

2. This will may not be following all of the original scenes from the show but it will include some original ones.

3. This chapter will take place in episode 2.

It was a bright and shinning day as Jaune waited for the Polity aircraft to take him to whatever base he would be stationed at for this new unit, the gen:LOCK unit. It honestly made him a little nervous, but when doing something as big as this in life, like going to school for the first time or heading to a college, it's natural to have jitters about something life changing.

'I wonder if there will be anyone my age.' Jaune thought as he continued to wait and adjusted the duffel bag on his shoulder, wearing a short sleeve zip up hoodie, blue jeans, and his black shoes.

Though it was similar to what he wore years ago, Jaune made it a case to stick to a signature look and well, hoodies were his look.

'Probably not, but it's good to have hope.' he thought as he heard the sound of engines rumblings in the air.

Jaune lifted his head up to see a Polity aircraft descending down near his location, kicking up wind and dirt as it landed before him. After waiting for the engines to cool down enough, Jaune approached the aircraft with gusto and waited patiently as it's hanger door descended.

"Here I go, no turning back." Jaune mumbled to himself as the hanger door hit the ground, kicking up a small bit of dirt before he walked inside.

As he fully got on the transport, Jaune was meet with the faces of 3 different people on board. It wasn't hard to assume they were chose for this program like him but it still made him nervous, wondering what kind of experiences and lives they went through before ending up here. With a row of red sets on both sides, Jaune took a seat on the left next to one of the people, a girl who looked about his age wearing a long-sleeved hooded top in shades of green, black and white, accented by pink details and black pants. She had green eyes and long blonde hair that was paler than his own. On her shoulder was a small robotic animal, probably something she built or got from somewhere.

"Uh, hi. Jaune Arc." he said nervously as he sat his bag on the floor in front of him and held out his hand to the girl, who smiled brightly at him and shook it kindly.

"Cammie MacCloud, nice to meet ya!" she said in a cheery Scottish accent, her robotic pet eyeing him with curiosity.

After breaking the ice with Cammie and feeling the Polity aircraft beginning to take off, Jaune turned his attention towards the other two across from them. Not saying anything to them until he got a good look at them. The first one that caught his eyes was a tall female with pale green eyes, black hair that is dyed purple and styled in dreadlocks with a purple facial tattoo in a spiral design on the left side of their face. Her clothes gave off a mysterious feeling in the form of a black trench coat, combat boots, an amethyst crop top, and black gloves, all accented with purple. The last one was a tall man, looked Japanese, with broad-shoulderes and muscles, who has almost shoulder-length black hair tied up with a band. The clothes he wore were a leather kutte and various logos and designs on it, with red detailing on the back, lower chest and obliques. He wears black finger-less gloves, a large black belt, charcoal cargo pants and a black t-shirt. He also had a pair of black earring or something in his ears while holding a guitar case, showing he was a musician.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys." Jaune said as he waved at them, hoping to get along with his future squad.

"I suppose." the woman said in a Russian accent, giving a lazy wave was she crossed her arms.

"どのように子供をやっていますか?" the man said, letting Jaune assume he didn't know English but that's something his translator contacts could fix.

"How you doing kid?" they translated.

"Fine, thanks." Jaune said as he feel quite, not sure what else to say as they made their way towards a Polity base.

"So, tell us about yourself. Where you from, what do you like?" Cammie asked, wanting to get to know Jaune since he appeared to be more talkative than the other two.

This brought a smile to Jaune's features as he was glad that he wouldn't have to sit in awkward silence the whole trip and maybe get ride of some nervousness that still lingered in his mind. The trip took about a few hours and over that time, Jaune and Cammie learned quite a bout about each others. Jaune had learned the Cammie was the same age as him, 17 years, but was a lot smart then him since she told she was a wiz with electronic systems and pretty good engineer since she told him she built the little robot on her shoulder, Nugget was it's name. In turn Jaune told Cammie about his family, dealing with the reaction of having 7 sister was NOT easy, his self defense classes, and his graduation from high school as Valedictorian, though it pales in comparison to Cammie's smarts, it was still impressive. While Cammie and Jaune talked, the man and woman across from then just sat in silence; well the woman did since than man decided to take a nap for the rest of the ride to base. It wasn't until the pilot's voice came over the intercom to tell them they were approaching the Polity base they were flying to, the "Anvil" he called it.

"Looks like we're close, huh?" Jaune asked as Cammie looked out the window, hoping the base was in sight.

"I suppose so." Cammie replied before saying, "Woah. A big fucking Cairn right there."

"Cairn? There's a tomb out here?" Jaune asked as he turned to Camie, ignoring her language and focusing on the tomb.

"It's a pile of rock." she replied as she looked back at him before looking back out the window.

"Still though, those are usual made to be tombs or monuments for people." Jaune said, showcasing his knowledge that earned him his Valedictorian status at graduation.

"Well, it's not like the war is in our favor now, it is?" Camie replied as she turned back to him, Nugget moving on her shoulder to see Jaune as well.

"True but maybe we can change that." Jaune said as he turned from Cammie to the woman in purple and black sitting across from him.

"You think we'll be put on the front line?" she asked Jaune.

"Maybe, maybe not. But every soldier helps." Jaune said to her. "Even the smallest effort can make a big difference, you know?"

"I suppose that's true but I prefer a fight with a clear victory." she said as she crossed her arms, showing that she had experience and logic when it comes to wars.

"Any fight can be won if you put in enough training and effort." Jaune said as he leaned in, showing her his determination to fight and win as many battles as he can be a part of. "Isn't that why we're all here?"

"Just one of life's greatest mysteries, huh?" Cammie said as she turned her head to face the two across from her and Jaune, the man still sleeping.

"Whether on the battlefield or away from it, the Union is coming." she said as she turned her gaze to the floor until the man next to her accidentally bumped into her in his slumber induced state.

This cause the woman to shuffle and the man to wake from his slumber, gazing around at them before asking,

"Huh? Are we there yet?/え? まだありますか?" he asked as he was now awake.

"We're somewhere for sure." Cammie said, causing every to look out the window at the location.

What meet their eyes was a large military base with a tower the looked like the top of an actual anvil, letting them know where it got the name.

'Wow." Jaune thought as aircraft zoomed into the base, passed it's mountain like terrain and landed.

They could feel the aircraft spin around before landing on the military pad, the bay door opening and showing then the outside as Cammie sat down. They all gathered their things and began their descent down the ramp as a man with gray hair and glasses, one Jaune recognized from the news as a well known scientist by the name of Dr. Rufus Weller, a robot that possibly belonged to Dr. Weller, a woman with tan skin and a serious face and a dark skinned man in a blue uniform that was somehow slightly see through. A hologram? Before Jaune could further question the see through man, Dr. Weller began calling up by name as we stepped down the ramp.

"Miss MacCloud, Iida-san, Miss Roma-Romaniz-" Dr. Weller said before stammering on the purple and black haird woman's name, causing her to stop on the ramp and stare at him before he gave up. "Valentina, Mr. Arc, welcome to the anvil. I am so glad to finally be meeting you all in person."

As finished his greeting, everyone got into a single fill line going from left to right. Cammie, who was carrying a green duffel bag and multicolored satchel; Iida-san, who was caring his guitar case and a red duffel bag; Valentina, who carried a purple duffel bag; and Jaune, who carried a little blue duffel bag, the same tone as his jeans.

Before any of them could reply, a Polity soldier walked up to them and flashes some sort of device in their face.

"One hell of a way to say hi!" Cammie said as she had to blink her eyes a few times after the flash.

"Yeah." Jaune added as he rubbed his eyes a bit.

"This is the small stuff. Just wait until later on." the dark skinned soldier said, giving his own little joke to Cammie's joke.

"Um, I was joking?" she replied.

"Well, he wasn't." the serious looking woman said as her arms were crossed. "If you would hand your gear to Caliban, he'll stow them in the hanger."

As the woman next to Dr. Weller said that, the robot behind Dr. Weller began to gather their belongings in a careful manner. As long as they didn't fight back.

"Hey, be careful!/こんにちは、気をつけて!" Iida-san shouted at Caliban, who was taking his guitar rather roughly before he let go and Cammie threw her duffel on the pile but kept her satchel.

"Hanger? Don't you mean the bunks?" Jaune asked as he placed his hands in his black hoodie pockets.

"Not if you choose not to stay." the woman corrected Jaune.

"Alright, anyone who wants to see what the mad scientist has to offer, say aye." Cammie said before raising her hand a bit before crossing her arms.

"Da!" Valentina said as she raised her right hand.

"Ah." Iida said as he raise his right arm as well.

"Yep." Jaune said as he took his right arm out of his hoodie pocket and raised it."

"Oh, my apologies, I'm getting ahead of myself now." Dr. Weller said as Caliban moved to take all their possessions to the hanger, beginning to pace up to the group. "On the Polity and ESU, we thank you for all the time you've given so far. The program you are about to participate in is just the beginning."

"Beginning? But you chose us, doesn't that mean we instantly pass?" Jaune asked, a little confused about this.

"You merely advanced to the next level, Mr. Arc." Dr. Weller said as he stopped in front of Jaune before continuing to pace. "And the only way to reach the other levels is by understanding each other and seeing eye to eye." he said as he stopped in front of Cammie and leaned a little to close in. "If it doesn't work out, you'll be sent home on the next transport."

"Wait, sent home?" Jaune said in shock, not thinking that they would just send him home after being the one to make first contact wit him.

"Home, he says." Cammie said as she got a downed look, home being a sensative subject for some reason.

"I was sent halfway around the world for this./私はこのために世界について送られました。" Iida said as he too was against the notion of going home.

"Plus we just go off the plane. Can we not refresh a bit?" Valentina asked as she didn't feel like sitting back on a long ride home.

"I'm afraid not because for each second lost, is a second your future slips away from you!" Dr. Weller said before turning around and walking away. "Don't let it! Grab it and claim it . Suit up, team! I'll be by shortly so we can begin."

"Suit up? Already?" Cammie asked as what just happened was a bit fast to process.

"Right? And why was he acting so giddy? Like he just got his birthday presents?" Jaune asked as he too was processing.

"So what? Are we his new pets?" Valentina asked.

"More like lab right." the tan serious woman said to them before walking away. "Follow me."

While they are starring at the woman leave, the dark skinned man from before suddenly appeared behind them, confirming that he was a hologram of a real person from somewhere else.

"If fine, she may seem like that, but you just need to get to know her." the man/hologram told them with an uneasy face.

"And?" Jaune asked.

"You'll find out she's just the same." he told them before they all decided to follow his friend.

As the group walked into the base, they could see Polity tanks with legs and guns and soldiers making repairs and adjustments to them all around them. Showing it was a fully functional military base that was ready for action. All of it was so awe inspiring to Jaune, seeing all of these people working hard to protect the innocent from the Union, just like his father did and his ancestors before him.

'Looks like it's my turn now.' Jaune said before catching Cammie looking around in awe as well.

"Wow! Wait, what's that?" she said as she caught something interesting in her eyes.

"What's what?" Jaune said before turning as well, seeing what looked like several giant robotic bodies, like from anime. "Wow."

"I'll...see you guys later." the hologram man said as he suddenly pixelated away.

Cammie and Jaune moved by some cargo and gazed up at them, interested by their human like appearance and what purpose they served. They would've stay there for as along as they could before Jaune caught Valentina moving towards them, possibly to tell them to keep moving with the group.

"Hey, Cammie, we better get moving. We don't wanna fall behind." Jaune said, making Valentina stop and nodded at him.

This let her know that he could see the importance of whatever this was like her.

"Huh? Oh, right!" she said before they both quickened their pace, catching up with the group.

As they caught up with the other three, the missed the opportunity to see an orange rectangular box with glowing lights being put into the chest of one of the giant metal bodies.

-Location, locker room-

After they arrived to the location their were lead to by the woman, who gave them her name of Yasamin or Yaz for short, they were each told to put on a special body suit unlike any other. They were form-fitting and and had a unique color for each of them, gray and black as accents, and glowing lights with the ESU symbol glowing on the chest of them. All in all, it looked to be high tech and unlike anything any kind of clothing before.

"I can say I've never worn something like this before." Valentina said as she had her left hand on her hip and gazed down at the purple suit.

"I think it's a little tight./少しきついと思います。" Iida said as he was adjusting his left boot portion of his red suit.

"Cool! What kind of material is this?" Cammie commented as she was looking over her own green colored suit. "Are this optical fiber circuits stitched right in? What do they do exact-"

"Please just suit up. Everything will be explained when the doctor come back to meet us." Yaz said after she walked out a a changing room, wearing a yellow suit with a gun holster on the left side.

"I think they're pretty cool." Jaune said as he was adjusting his blue suit. "Though, I'd kinda prefer a lighter blue."

As Jaune finished adjusting his wrist portion of his suit, he looked up to see Valentina, Iida, and Cammie starring at him for complaining about the simple coloring of his suit. Yasamin had left the room moments earlier, so she didn't hear his comment.

"What? A guy's gotta have his opinions but whatever, the suit's still cool." Jaune said as he held his hands up and walked out of the room, wanting to catch up Yasamin only to see her waiting outside of the locker room for them.

After everyone had changed into their suits, they all head to a sort of cafeteria/lounge, with a number of tables and chair around and an area with cushioned couches, chairs, and a coffee table. We had been waiting a few minutes for Dr. Weller to return and Cammie decided to be the first one to talk and try to start up a conversation.

"So, if we do get sent home, do we at least get to keep the suits as souvenirs?" Cammie asked as she was squatting in a cushioned chair with her feet on it.

"It would be cool if we did." Jaune said as he on a couch next to her with Iida and Valentina sitting on it was well.

"Wouldn't be much use if you didn't know what it did./あなたはそれが何をしたのか分からないでしょうか。" Iida said as he sat in between Jaune and Valentina, who had her feet up on the couch.

"It's prototype body armor that the ESU's been working on for the Vanguard, the soldiers in this base." Yasamin said as she looked back at them, leaning against a guard rail near some steps. "Everything else will be explained when the doctor arrives."

Right on que, Dr. Weller, his robot, and the hologram man walked into the room.

"AH! Good to see you all suited up and ready. Now I know you all have questions about the suits and what you need them for." Dr. Weller said as the group got up from their seats and walked towards him. "Well, you can put all of your questions to rest because once we get to the lab, all of them will be answered. Except for one question, one that I need to asked all of you."

"All of us?" Jaune asked in confusion.

"He means you guys, not Yaz and me." the hologrammed man said.

"Yes, thank you, Chase. Now, onto my question." Dr. Weller said before his smiled widened a bit and he adjusted his glasses. "Are all of you ready to make history?"

The question was mysterious and seemed out of place but they couldn't help but get this certain feeling. Something told them that whatever this doctor had planned, it really was going to go down in history and all of them were going to make.

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