gen:ARC (Discontinued)

By Jss2141

1.2K 21 1

What if instead of a Union spy, another person was chosen for the gen:LOCK program? One, though rather ordina... More

Ch. 2: The Select Few
Ch. 3: A Second Life
Ch 4: Training Wreck
Ch. 5: Offense or Defense
Ch. 6: Two of a Kind

Ch. 1: The Beginning

427 6 0
By Jss2141

(Here we go! Hope you enjoy.)

(Jaune's POV)

War has been going on for as long as I can remember, it was something I thought I'd always fight in and help win. That was part of my dream, to help others and be like a hero I heard about in old fairy tales or the stories my father told me about our Arc ancestors. I know it would be heard and my life would be in constant danger, but I didn't care as long as I could at least give a helping hand. That was my dream and I wanted it more than anything, so I worked hard for it. I did all I could to get the best grades, I exercised as best as I could manage, and no matter how tired I was from studying or working out, I kept my dream in mind as my goal. My family did their to support me, my father helped me train since he was a retired war veteran, my mom always patched me up when I got serious injuries from my training, and my 7 older sisters; yes I said 7 older sisters; gave me moral support and cheered me on as they either still live at home, lived nearby or lived in another state. Life was pretty good and I had everything I could've asked for...until a certain event changed everything and made my dream almost nonexistent.

-Flashback: 2068, New York-

(Jaune's POV)

It was a shinning day on the streets of New York and everything was as it should be. People were enjoying their days, cars were zooming all around, and the sunset was giving off it's golden shine as always. It wasn't out of the usual as I, at the age of 13 years old, was walking down the street from my usual self defense class, caring a white duffel bag on my back. My blond hair was a bit shaggy as the wind blew through it, but it didn't bother me. I liked it. I was wearing a white t-shirt, a black zip up hoodie, blue jeans, and black shoes, a pretty normal attire for someone my age. I remembered walking home with a smile on my face, feeling rather good after my lesson and the shower that followed. I felt nothing could ruin this feeling, not a single thing as I walked up to his home and took out the house key.

"I'm home!" I yelled as I stepped into the door, meeting the delicious smell of dinner.

"Welcome home, Jaune!" mom said from the kitchen, preparing dinner. "How was your class?"

"It was good, got a few bruises but the first aid kit there was able to patch me up!" I answered as I walked into the living room, seeing his dad watching TV and two of my sisters sitting at his sides.

"Hey, sport! Glad to see you made it home!" dad said as he turned his head to me, giving me a smile.

"Hey, dad!" I said as he walked to the couch and placed my bag down by it. "Nice to see your home from work early."

"You kidding? It's meatloaf night! I'd be a fool to miss this!" Dad said, smiling widely to express how much he loved mom's meatloaf.

I could relate but I didn't show it as I chuckled a bit at this before mom let out a whistle, signalling on thing to the entire house.

"Dinner's ready! Come and get it!" she said as 3 pairs of foot steps, 2 sisters were visiting and one lived here, could be heard rushing down the steps.

I had to rush as well if I wanted to get a good seat and get a good piece of mom's meatloaf. Once everyone was at the table and dinner began, it was chaotic as usual. Everyone was nearly talking over each other, telling everyone about their days or the business they had done at the same time. It was nearly incomprehensible, but that what I came to expect and came to love. Everything was going fine until a siren was heard, silencing everyone in the house. Confused by this, I got up from my chair and went to the living room bay window, gazing outside to see strange clouds of moving smoke and people coming out of their homes to run.

"Guys, something's going on!" I shouted as I turned my head, seeing my family jump from their seat to join me by the window.

The one with the biggest reaction from the gasps and looks of fear was dad as his face hardened, scaring me a bit because he was never this serious before.

"We need to leave." he said, confusing me.

"Leave? But why, dad?" I asked, not knowing what was happening.

"We need to leave, now! New York is under attack, we need to go!" Dad said in a shout, something that scared me since he never liked to shout at us.

It was then we all began to move fast out of our home and through the city, dad leading us at the front. I didn't know how long we ran but as we did I could see why, soldiers in strange body armor with giant mechanical spider were moving through the city and shooting nearly anyone in sight. I was old enough to know what this was, it was an invasion by the Union, they were trying to take New York and it was something they was trying to be stopped by both the military and the NYPD. I was so scared and I wanted it to end, but it wasn't that easy as just wanting it. We continued to move until we found a crowd of people surrounding an escape transport, hoping to get in and get away but failing. Dad lead us through the crowd, pushing my sisters and I to the front so we could board before them or at least that's what I thought. Because when my sisters and I got on the transport, I turned back wanting to see my mom and dad enter behind us but they didn't as the transport was about to take off.

"No." I said as I shook my head, turning around to head to the entrance but was stopped by the solider standing by the door. "NO! MOM, DAD!"

I tried to reach for them, wanting them to take my hand but they didn't reach for me like I did for them. They just stood there and gave somber smiles to me as the door closed, the transport finally taking off.

-End of flashback-

That was the last time I ever saw my parents, the last time I could enjoy mom's cooking and dad's smiling face. The next four years after that, I was taken in by my sister, Saphron, and lived with her and her wife, Terra. It was fine, I continued to study and live my life but the only thing different was that my sister refused to let me pursue my dream. I knew she was trying to keep me safe but it was almost smothering, always worrying and hovering over me as I grew up as if I'd break like glass if I just fell down. Even if she did smother and hover, I still manage to sneak past her and continue my self defense classes, getting as strong as I could to become a soldier and help stop the Union. To help with this, I even manage t apply for early entrance to the Polity military after high school and it was set in stone, all I had to do was wait. Though when I did this, I didn't expect it a week after I graduated. It was a letter saying I had been picked for a special unit, one that was unlike any I had researched before hand called gen:LOCK. I didn't know what it was or if it was just a new form of rejection letter but I wouldn't get answers just by questioning it, so I packed my things, dealt with the MASSIVE reaction from my sisters when they found out, and went to the given location for pick up. I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I just had a feeling that it would lead to greatness.

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